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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. 71 Uy rouse ONE OF THE INTERESTING FEATURES OF /- THE GREAT MIDSTMMER SALE NOW GOING ON I8 AN A CORSET SPECIAL Royal Worcester Corsets Regular price 3.75, selling at 2.22 COME WITH THE CROWD The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers m ROYAL BANK SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. 2 MEDICINE HAT BRANCH 2 ES Fourth Avenue : : C.H. McDunncugh, Manager DPeSrecte rears Sotto te DOA, Hr rerrrrteteeteey : prmporsalBi Bank eee . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. R. G, WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. by our designee-on his last trip, the the fashionable women. This corset is made of Freach rete ogres slightly fuller and stronger forme of Canadian women. (This ls why.20. . many imported corsets pinch and hurt It is ideal for the short aod medium fidure, This model, when com- bined with the straight loose fit of the tailored garment, gives the wear: ellewt-whivl is co much soughtaitor b The Dominion Corset Company .. .. Makers of the Celebrated D A Corset La Diva Corset No. 718 shows herewith, is a Paris desiga, brought over only change being to adapt it to the by stylishly-dressed coutil, daintily trimmed with lace, ribbon and bow, and has six suspenders, hook and draw string. It is boned entirely with duplex steel and stopped with silk. Ear Diva No- 718 ts sold by the best retailers at 4.00 and it will be umd fully equal to any imported corset at 4.50. La Diva, this model is fully guarestced. Other models are sold at Like every other Quebec G12 but when the girl's mother per O4P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Reprise Tun 2nd, 1912, Fe Leave. 1.20. 20.45 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver 8.05 8.3011 Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. 12.45 511.85 er Exp. Toronto to Van. 20.00 20.25 to Bxp.. Vancouver to Tor, 21.50 28.15 St. Paui-S attle Express. 4+ 4.00 420 Seattle-+ ul Express. 61 21.25 21.50 Prairie Bxp., Winnipeg-to Calgary. 62 B25 5.50 p., Calgary to Winnipeg. 514-517 6.05 Jexpress from: Kootenay Landing. Local from Calgary. 10.30 Local t r. Cranbrook. 28,00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 6.80 Local foF Calgary. 280 240 Sog, Ltt, st. Paul-Port. .. Medicine Hat. Passing time at Dunmore ra a3 RING the Council, on severat ogcasions, the nec- essity of illuminating the business section in a manner-befitting the Gas City. It is up to the City Fathers to do something: Samples of lamp-posts, we are sure, will be readily cubinitted by the Alberta Iron Orn- amental Works of Redeliff. UE Ans is having its share of- eyclones, tornados, cloudbursts, vol- canic eruptions, ete., etc., this year, ing from the-hs Sabhal din yester- day s paper, and remembering the many that have oecurred since July 1st- not in- cluded in the list. Yet none of our eminent scientists have come forean with an up- to-date 20th cerifury explanation of these atmospheric disturbances. 7 F 0. T have the editors of practically every daily paper in Canada west of North Bay, and the editors of many of the weeklies, spend three days in a city is an honor few W* to boast of. It will be a feather in our Hat THIS IS MY 33rd BIRTHDAY West Virginia Youngster Mother Thought the Lad stern cities will ever-be-able sd demure little damsel. WERS SKIT TO COURT GIRL Proves That-Love Will Find a Way AWAY LOTHARIC Too Young to Think of Marriage Cupid. is a shrewd little strategist was demonstrated here by the sub-) terfuge adoption by George Jarrett, a iz-year-old boy, who is desperate- ly in love with Leila Orne, win- some lass of his: own age, (but whosq mother does not look kindly on the suit-of-the young folks be cause of what sho pleases to term? their extreme youth.'? The question of age never entured into Jarrett s consideration at. all, Visits he never wimpered. They can't keep us apart, said George. I'll a way, and he Going home he potnowed hii ee ter's clothing and with her belp and the rouge box he was soon trans- formed into a vat athe awe aneet the same i heart. daughter, adbiitted: the pesndo sil, Leila, the boy s sweetheart, im- mediately hurried to renew her old friendship with the pretty blonde and the two, became. fast . They were almost insepar- able, going to. the parks and taking fe auto rides togetiter in the even- ings. iate family and sweetheart thought that Leila Orne s friend whd visited her. so/often, was other than what she appeared, a very pretty ling, W. Va., July 17 That No one outside the boy's immed - f When you bulla, eohsider QUALITY firat. Don't-be- per suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER-because it's cheap Use Ue very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires; A welect stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, LE FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND. FIR FLOORINGS.. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL Low Posts BEAVER BOARD emptorially ordered him to cease his - et NLAY CO, Jarcet thin walled on the ; : and her mother, thinking the at ee ee eater tore Oo eak ak iste aux fashionably-dressed young caller The truth came out when Jarrett could no longer stand to wear. his sister's-shoes- f He chanced the wearing of his own, for jone night. Leila s mother, sharp-eyed and alert, noted the dis- srepency: then there was.a scene. PG Roeoate Coetoetesteatesteetoetney THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1864. 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Pala Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts. W. 0. JO , Manager : : 2 Medicine Hat Branch Fioriee T TO BUILDERS We have opened an office i in Suite IL, in hea 2, perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices Bs y J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. Sestentetterioeioconioste sLeeteete steele ste eteatoetetie st rage Quality is the Magnet That Attracts Trade. Prairie Pride Patent Flour Has achieved success alone. his line and is creating an ever increasing demand, The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited POEROCORODe the faci PHONE Tasker Transfer Co. sapid- LIGHT and HEAVY easonable DRAYING liable 364 Toronto Street. Piano Moving a A Speciaity Yam, delivered....84.00 Py months, d slivered, 21 month, delivered....85e Addressee changed as often ns 2 year in advance.... 1.50)) -- Thursday, July 1 A CITY BARGAIN DAY TH live wires w hich are in control.of the Agricultural present they are figufing on a proposition whie ing the farmers into the city at Fair time fades all other enticements into insignifi- cance. -The idea is to-get every marehant,, on the day after the Fair closes, to adver- Ss 2 G3 va i tip- on sale at. such a discount as will eut off all profit and even infringe-on the cost pi The requisite publicity will be even the proposition with a of the merchants andthe amount at which they are willing to sacrifice one specified article of their stock. The day should be a busy one in the cit; a ea ceeanea PLEASURES OF BOATING ee HE citizens are just beginning to real- ize the possibilities of the river as a means of affording pleasure and by this time next year we may expect to see a large number of launches afloat. There is no more delightful or healthy recreation than boa equal to those right here in Medicine Hat. The current in the river is not at all swift, as a rule, and there are no dangerous spots in the vicinity. An auto- mobile has its uses in business but the mot- or boat has it faded a block as a pleasure proposition. If any of the present owners of launches wish to have the trip of their lives, let them ship their boats to Calgary by rail and return by the river to Medicine Taxi Taxi . Taxi AM Orders Promptly Attended to, New Cars, Careful Drivers, Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. RTA TAX COMPANY Hat. a LET THERE BE LIGHT. g-and nowhere in.the West. are . Rose Pastor Stokes, Rose Pastor Stokes, the famous sett ment worker of New York, was born the age of four she accompanied her her pai ents to London, whence they fled to eseape ' Russian oppression, and it was-in-the-Few- ish Free School in the great English metro- polis that she received her education. In 1890 the young woman came to the United States and for three years after her arrival she worked as-a cigar maker in Cleveland. While thus employed she studied hard to improve her edgeation. In 1901 she be- game a contributor toa Jewish daily news- er in New Yory City and a fe few years at er She was employed as an assistant edi- tor. In this position she first attracted public attention by her able discussion of sociological problems. The young writer embraced Socialis ly rose t6 a position of leadership. In 1905 she, Was yung: settlement worker and also a believ- in Socialism eee ae siege Na THIS DATE HISTORY July 18. 1790 Adam Smith, the famous political economist, died. . Born in 1723. 1853 The Atlantic and St. Lawrence rail- road, connecting Portland and Mont- real, opened to traffic. 1864 President Lincoln ealled for 500,000 volunteers. 1872 Benito Juarez, the famous Mexican patriot, died. Born March 21, 1806. 1895 Henry Irving, the famous actor, Bret iatay Queen Victoria ae 1909 Don Carlos, the pretender to. the Spanish throne, died in Lombardy. Born at Laibach, March 30, 1848. 1911 England celebrated the centenary of the birth of Thackeray. SONGRATULATIOQNS TO: Miss Ethel Roosevelt, daugiter of. Colon- el and Mrs, Theodore Roosevelt, 21 years old today. Prins Victor Napoleon, the Bonapartist Pretender, 50 years old today. : Bishop-Joseph-S-Key, of the Methodist Episeopal Church South, 85 years old to- s day. W. G. Grace, England 's famous y crie of the ity-Council s earnest consideration. The present lighting, while to a certain ex- tent adequate, gives out the impression to callers in our city that there is a fear of gas shortage, This, in the face-o: that we are expending large sums of ' faoney on Publicity men to advertise our gas and its practically inexhaustible supply, seems inconsistent. The News has urged upon cot player;-6+-years-old today Alfred H. Brooks, chief geologist of the old toda; John . Farf, representative in Congress f the Tenth Pennsylvania district, 55 years old today. James Young, representative in Con- eg ce Third Texas District, 46 years at jila s home as her Augustava, Suvolk, Russia, July 18, 1897. : VAEt United States Geological Survey, 41 years, SKATE ME AROUND . AGAIN WILLIE, IN NEW SKATE WALTZ It s the Latest Freak Evolv- ed by the Dancing Mast- ers, Now in Convention. Indianapolis, Ind. July 18 May I kate? may jbe heard) in. ballrooms next winter. The Uj Professional Teachers of Dancing now in session here, have approved- the Skaters Waltz, originated by J. R. Schuckne of Toledo. 5 adopted were The, y. Anthony J. he Espanola Walt of Chicago. These new dances were demonstrated last night at the State ball given by the dancing teachers. The Skaters Waltz is so called because the dancers take the sain Position as in skating.. The descrip- tion of the dance, as authorized by its aitthor, follows: Facing line of direction, lady stand- ing to the right of the gentleman, with left and right hand resting lightly-in- gentleman's left and right hand. Part iSiide, left foot forward, count one, draw*rignt foat to left foot, count two, three. Slide left toot for- ward, count four, draw right foot to left foot without weight, count five, six, Slide right foot forward, count one... Drax loft foot to right, count two, three, Slide right foot forward, count four, draw left foot to-right without weight, count five, six. Part 2 Skating steps forward, Starting with left foot. Slide left foot forward, bringing right foot behind, count one, two, three. Slide right foot forward, bringing left foot be- hind, count four, five, six. Repeat both steps, count one, two, three, four, five, six. Part. 3 Waltz four bars of music straight forward. Part 4 Same as Part 2. The dance last night was called a Purity-ball, the first one held in the: Middle West. -It was of interest to the city officials, who are curbing the evils of th edance halls, Dr. Martells FemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for women s ailments, a sclentifleally prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick permanent, For sale at all drug stores, 0.0.4.-10m0. George, however, pleaded his case Giaconts orSpringttetd, Mtuss, andy gt; H. B. CURTIS HOTSON 1 LEADER Decorating. - E CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET Us-FIGURE WITH You BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A: BUILDING ESTIMATES: FREE. Uiice Next to. City Hall. CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors, 708 4th Ave,, Phone 434 ee 0.-Box304 Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE NO, 388, THE J..S. FOLLIS STABLE PHONE Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses for sale at All Times. F.S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yaill Street. Phone Ni P. 0. Box 81. ae W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER awn CONTRACTOR Subscribe now for the Dally News. Repairs promptly attended to. *Phome No. 335. ht es ACT Qu Old Townsite B Merald Block J. Central Park B view. High School An slope. Riverdale 20 lo Fine modeta, 8 x tral Parl SPEN A Reduct + Follow Y A chi medium p The PATENT ci Regul PATENT Regul TAN OX Regul TAN BLU Regul, GUN ME Regul. Spen The
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Image 97 (1912-07-18), from microfilm reel 97, (CU1739253). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.