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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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IS HERE OR ESE HOT DAYS. feet that has 145 Offers wanted, vanted, cash or uth, WIL sell h on Charles St, erms, mer, only 350; htkent wa could land, and will thence f Allah is to open Icago and play only jempson, bas. arrived is to be starred by 1 new musical come ason, contemplates a re- successes and also a Shylock. who dramatized The, ritten another play, h of Glory, to make an Ameri- ragette sketch of her Iping the Cause, hag been engaged e in The Dove of. opera by Walter to start on a high- next season, it is two days in any be produced next The Merry Widow an adaptation.of a in the cast will be and Thornton Ur- the tenor with Em eason. The prodilc by Klaw and Er Pht bibiebbieribisbhbebiiebiebieleit bile Present Dally Average 1606 Copies, Advertisers in Daily get the benefit of the Weekly country sirculation, No extta charge. Books open to ad: Yertisers. Dominio p, Table of Rank Shows the City s Permits Making Won-. derful Strides Ahead--Western Cities Top East. The Financial Post in current issu, JaFge. amount of residential buildin, haa the following on bull ada: mits as one- that is building up Building operations in Canada, as down-town section with office bu: the following building permit tables Ing gt;and stores, will show, are Increasing rapidly, This Anereaso does- not apply to one partice ular section of the country, bub is widespread, from Coast . to Coast, There are of course, weveral cities Which have not kent up the approxi- mate value as compared With the cor responding period of the previous year Dut this is generally because some large buildings have tempor: DOORTEN Tis Permits. ATTARE NOE to lost sight of in using Dillane permits bern ity, should show the amount to bor. of cities separate the permits Lop in Ti 22 ulding Building Permits for June Shows Big Increase for City-- ding in Cati lt; gong 6H Will Rot have such large per- The building up of the business section of a city must follow the habitation of its residential is For. this reason, building to serve tho best advantaxe fis'an index of the development of the expended. on residences, Quite a num cording to the class of building they are. for, such as offices, residences, garages, ete., and thus are much more usefal than merely a total. A general q Otthwa,.Suly 10. It has been sided to take of Yevente the Fum requested for n vaid veterans, authorized by p jament by ig Is meet the demand. A case in point is that of Regina. So far this year a de- crease of 387,000, as compared with last year, has been shown, Last Year's permits, however, included a large amount for down town buildings Whereas this year there have been Practically none started as yet. Most of the permits granted have been for Mikadols the t1d- Secre' FOR SERVING FLAG consolidating Payment of the 100 grant to Feu- resolution last ses- sion Must Go Through One or Half-Dozen Legal Forms, Is Ar The check for all veterans . who Nesbitt in Canada s Marriage Case Before Privy Council. have qualified are being. sent out to-. . 7 day. The t6tal payments will ag- jeregate allot half a million dol- (CG. A gt; P, Cable.) lars i Improved of the Imperial a8 an index of the moyement in this direction would be de the jar- London, July 22. The privy coun- cil chamber at White-ball today was tH8 sce of opening argu ments in an appeal which will un- doubtedly go into History in the an- nals of Canada, when the famous marriage law case referred by the Supreme Court of Canada to the Judical Committes of the Privy Coucil, come before Lord Chaneel- lor Loreburn, Lords Salisbury, Mac- tory, they wero married in the eyes of the law. They were no more marry again or ie Lord Halsbpry mmitiage might take vate house, but menization in some Nesbitt submitted Per limit of dividion t Jurisdiction of the Domi the Province was thatualll ques relating to the conti to must go through one or half a (dozen legal forms to obtain the sanction of the state, * Ie Halsbury intimated that he thought the word marriage do- Pended upon the contest in which it was used. A ? and B might . agree to get marritd and G0 /Tiage itself sucn as the Fesidences. But when the fact that Household Says Tapan s Nauehton, Atkinemn ad Shaw a0d'lthrougi a form of marriage and the Parties, the ci be the decrease is but 18 per cent. is Ruleris Better. Canide, Lord Paling eee NSE aiter ll notabe mam and wife: fon Wik vatidie depended and taken into consideration, and that NTS; be Nesbitt thought what; Lord Hals- forth were within the exclusive juni eae of the DuliaIngs- Included in last W. AP. Cable.) An array of Canadian counsel bury said was unquestictably true diction of the Dominion Paria Year's total cost as hish as ton or Tokio, July 2.-afore. tavoranle rath Dibeents SEG Noh tia ae of divorces, but, there was w differ- while the Provincial power twenty dwellings, it le evident that/news conceiiing the fliness of Mut- fre Dea poe a i See aaoee br between the contracting ef and ed only to: the regulation 6 Regina has had, despite the decrease, shuito, the Emperor of Japan, caine ShetlchedEe fie Dontate gee iesolbtion of marriage tie, A man solmenization or ca an ree of desirable building op- trom the palace this morning. The ent. oe Mpc 3 Oe was either mlsrried or not; there-was ties by which the contract and he. not-always m an the most beteficial Rind of building for thepermanent. velopment of a city, WA lty where a de- for. pr builder who wishes to know the supply of residences is able from the standpoint oftontrac- permits granted in June amount it to (Continued on page 4.) Secretary of the Imperial household no half way state, In divoree par- be authenticated vr nal 23,548,188,. Six of these, however, did LF, Hellmuth, K.C., to argue oth- ef questions, while S..R. C. Smith, and A. Geoffrey represented the jAttorney-general of Quebec, The Justical Committee sit un- Fobed but counsel are robed, the council chamber is . merely a large room like a council chamber and /aimounced-that the outlook upon thet condition of His Majesty was consld- erably improved and that the attend- ing court physicians were more hope- ful. The Emperor fell asleep, ADD MIKADO 4 bulletin issued by the court phy- sicians at 5 O'clock this eyening said: to ties might merely eparate, or Says Capt. S be At-th: mith, * Hous Toridon, Shy 22 Wwimston Spencer Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, tn introducing the supplementary nav: al appropriation of 5,000,000 in the (C. A. P, Cable) Mr, Churchill then announced the British shipbullding programme for the next five years, saying that tive battleships were, to be constructed hext year and four In each of the fol- While not a definite Borden tohight, the occasion meani Naval Budget Presented To-day Lora Charles Beresford Will Make Statement on Canada s Position in the British ew uch Sterest in Borden s Speech at Chamber of Commerce Tonight. ; oJ fement oF th naval policy of the Canadian gov- ernment-may be expeoted trom Mr. Temperature oo, 88; respiratifn 26; digestion good. Im. Proved conditions sustained. this mgrning says: : Temperature 98.69; pulse 72; respir- ation 24; other symptoms improving. neni t , 4 fabrenheit; /pnise A bulletin issued at halt past eight their lordships sit round a table, Counsel take turns them from 2 sort of lectern and Practically no provision is made for the general public and repprters ex- cept the official stenographers. To- day Nesbitt opened the formpl re- cital of the grounds ofthe appeal.- The first question-for the court to decide, he said, was the Parliament. of Canada s tuthority to enact in whole or-part bill three of the first of Titanic, Is Aliv: Wealthy Retired Mariner and Former Shipmate of Supposedly Dead Seaman Says He Talked With. Captain Thursday in Baltimore Doctors Say Hel Sane, : a8 House of Commons this afternoon, said the dir ct cause of the Increase in ex- penditure in th British navy: was to be found in the new German Navy law, Ue main Teature of which was the in- crease in the striking force of ships of all classes. The ffect. of the new German navy law would, he sald, be , that nearly four-fifths of the entire German navy would be maintained in full permanent commission and in- stantly ready,for war. The First Lord continued, Such preparation is re- markable and as far as I am aware, finds no example in the-previ tice of modern naval pows lowing Years. London, July 22. eame'to town this morning fro: ber of Commerce when he te th toast of Our. guest: by Lord Desborough. Mr. Pelletie: has been assigned the proposal of th toast The Imperial Forces of th Empire, which Lord Charles Beres- ford will rep Mrs. McGee Found Charlottetown Woman Who Murdered Her Six Children Will Likely Be Sent to An Asylum Recommendation of Mercy Brought In. CW. A. P. Dispatch.) 2 Charlottown, P. E. I July 22- taken from matehes, was found guilty Mrs, Patrick Metiee, St. Mary's Road, after an hour s deliberation, with .o trled In the Superior Court at George- strong recommendation ior mercy. town, on charge of murdering her five She will probably be declared insane ehildren by administering phosphorus) and sent to an asylum COLONEL HUGHES . TO VISIT THE WEST West in Connection With Military Affairs, (W. A. P. Digpateh.). Premier Borden Hay- fleid House, where he spent, the week- end with the Marquis of Saligbury, and gain discussed the naval nego- tations with the Admiralty. He makes his third public utterance this even- ing at the dinner of the London Cham- 1 respond ronosed Guilty of Murder Minister of Militia Will Visit Many Places Throughout interest by reason of the comprehen- sive statement on the navab situation anticipated from the First Lord of the Admiralty today, in introducing the naval budget, 1 Other Important functions in which the Canadian will take part this week are the Imperial government dinner at Downing Street Wednesday, and Lord Strathcona s dinner on Thurs- day. Mr. Borden wi a leagues, Messrs, Pelletier and Doher- ty, to Paris on Saturday and while there will be entertained by Premier Fallieres, the Franco-American So- elety and the Paris British Chamber of Commerc ON DARDANELLE (W. A. P. Dispatch.) F e e wireless report on the raid of Dardanelles by Italian warships,says: pedo boats Pica, Peturasore and Per- seo crept unseen through the open- ing to the Dardanellzs but they were discovered before they had progress- ed far inside. Dozens of search- lights flashed on the torpedo boats and the Torkish forts. opened a hot fire. The flotilla, however, contin- wed to steam on at the rate of 21 knots an hour in close formation, bugging the open shore. When they reached Kilitchber, the Pica, which was leading, ran into a steam cable. She soon disentangled hersolf, but ran on another mass of cable. -The searchlights then became 60 dazzling that-It was impossible to steer the course and Commandant Mille decid- ed to retire. This was effected in per- fect order, The torpedo boats su ter- ed only slightly. c SASK. WANTS 25,000 ) LABORERS FOR CROPS 3 Wheat spot steady, No. 2 Red, western Will Follow Last Year 8 winter, -8s-7 , No, 2 Manitoba not Plans and Bring Them -auoted. No. 3 Manitoba..7s 114 - Fu- From Fas' tures steady, July nominal. Oct. 7s. . 284. Dec. 7s 7-84. (W.A. P, Dispatch) Winnipeg, July 22. July wheat 107, Regina, Sasi July 22. Govern- 106 3-4; Oct. 94, 93 1-4. ment labor Jeaders here estimate here MARKETS (QW. A. P. Dispateh) Chicago, Ill, July 22. Wheat prices today took a bearish turn as a result of weak cables, There was informa- tion that the dardanelles would be al lowed to remain open unless the Ital- fans attacked again, In addition re- cepit were increasing and eash demand. low, News of dlack-rust near Milbank, S. D., led to:a rally, but the market once more sagged as the information Was said to be not widespread. Open- ing figures were 1-4 to 7-8 down. Sept. Btarted at 92 5-8 to 93 cents, touched 921-2, recovered to 93 1-8 and then fell back to 92 5-8 and 1-2 cent. Har-j; vest delays tended to steady oats un- til speculators began selling owing to depression in other grain, Sept. started 1-8 cent off to an alike amount up at 33 1-4 to 83 1-2, but fell to 33 1-8 and 1-4 cent, July oats 38 1-2, 38 1-2; Oct. 35, 34 OF THEIR ATTACK: Were Inside and Traveling at High Rate of Speed When They Struck Cable. Rome, July 21 Admiral Vialeina s the On the night of July 18th the tor- status-of such person; session of the Twelfth Parliament of oa + GW. AP, Dispaten.) SF ee, , That was am Baltimore, Ma, July 22Peter Pry. jswered: Very. well Bryal, but ple prsiee et te epee the assrontreal. Awe: don't: del; t bus Wesbitt:. Yes, andthe bill pro 0f thls clty, declared sane by-his phy- . P al followed Sinith, the chase I . i rail the he vides the following amendments, sicfan, and an active church member, 9 Tallroud station where: Goihg on. to quote what: these dre. swore today that he eaw and talked Lord Shaw: What the reference with Captain Smith of the Titanic on asks us, to say is whether the pro- /Thureday-morniig. Pryal was, ship: lvisions of the act are all within the authority of the Parliament of Canada, and if not which one lt;8 not. Nesbitt agreed, and proceeded to read question two. Doss the law of the Province of Quebec render .null and void unless contrasted before a Romag Catho- lic Priest a marriage .ptherwise legally binding between, A per- sons both Roman Catholics, B Persons one of whom is a, Roman Catholic. ond The third question was: 1 A ? jor B is answered affiratively, or both, has the Canadian. Parliament jthe anthority to enact that existing, or hereafter marriages are legalt Counsel said that the supremo court of Canada was of the opinion jthat the proposdd legisiation was legal he passed to board a car he turned to Pyral and sald: Be good, Shipmate, until we meet again. if Pyrg is g total abstamer and swears: telling the truth. He says morning the mariner sweats He saw was probably. saved through pt ap- dence and was then afraid to face thi Proaching him, Walking up to him he world. Capt. Smith's nephew lives fald: Capt. Smith, how are you? Then ,according to Pryal, the man an- for several days, New Rules Will Kill Speculati All Standing Outside of Land Office Must in Futt Book Every Morning . to get first to make certain of : ing, their land they would for ettain line for the day was made up Would again step in the first place the next day. ; ; Under the new regulations every Man waiting outside the office must before he can Go so go upstairs ahd sign a book pointing out the land he 4 waiting for. This must be done eve morning that he is in line. This' rule will be strictly enforced the police. Leaving Portugal The local Land Office, with the co- Lord Shaw gaid that. it, occurred PePAtion of the city police, have put to him that there was overlapping to force new regulations for eontrol- in theya questions. Tie retrospec- ting the line of those waiting for to tive part of the bit-mightbe-good Hls on homesteads; Tho object as part of the scheme to remedy conflicting legislation hy the Domin- ion Parkiambut . and Provincial Legislature. by vonlirming past mar- riages. The: prospective part, as far as it was possible to make it ef - fective, was a prohibition of the re- igi Very question- able as leaving in doubt the civil in view is to prevent speculators from controlling the line, to protect settler and prevent substitution. It 8 stated that in the past thee has been more or less apeculation din the first the the tine. Men would hola place and then when any. Nesbitt: The all-important point is that legislation touching the ac- tural marriage contract as such is within the exclusive power of the Ottawa, Ont, July 21 Sam Hughes Minister of Militia, left tonight on a four weeks trip to the Pacific coast, Col, Hughes will inspect the various military properties in the west and will ascertain the needs of the west- em provinces in. the matter of the erection of drill halls, ete. A num- ber of western towns and- cities have asked for rifle ranges and-other nec- egsities of organization and the Col- A VICTORY FOR ONTARIO Important Decision re. Niagara Power Given by Judge and Court of Appeal Reversed by Privy Council. (W. AP. Dispatch) Toronto, July 22. The Province of Ontarlo has won an important lawsuit . in which hundreds of thousands of dolars were involved from: the Niag- ara Power Companies. The decision in the suit was given by the Privy Councit today. Phe case was one of the attorney- eneral against te Canadian Niagara Power Co., and arose over the Inter- Pre tation of the lease of rights. to: i iM i: onel will find out at first hand just what local conditions warrant in the Way of expenditure by his depatt- ment. On the way west Col, Hughes will stop at Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie, Moose Jaw, Victoria, Vancouver; -and Grenfell, On the return trip he will get off at Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Port Arthur, Willfam, and Fort Power development. in the Niagara river. The province contended. that the least required the company t pay tax on the peak or highest load of electricity carried on the wires, The company contended it was on- ly required to pay on the metered ti- ty. of power and their contention was Bpheld by the trial judge and court of appeal, Tae committee of the: Privy 78; extra No. 1 feed closed 38, July flax 175; Oct. 167. CASH PRICHS Wheat, No, 1 Nor. 106 1-2, 2 Nor. 108 1-4, 8 Nor. 98 1-4;'4 Nor. 83, feed 55. * 'Phey are laying plans to get today that 25,000 men will be r quir- ed to handle this years bumper rop. this number of men from Eastern Can. ada. Last year this, plan was follow- ed with immense success and for 1912 it Is intended to duplicate. Tom AMERICAN MARKETS Minneapolis, July 22 July wheat 104 8-4; Sept, 95 1-8, 94; Dec. 9 Chicago, July 22 July whe: 3-4, 96; Sept. 93 1-4, 92 558, 95 96 , 94- Agriculture, have charge. Dec. /are cooperating. ATHABASCA RIVER Malloy, head of the Labor branch, and Frank Mentle, Deputy Minister of the matter The G. T. P, and other roads in Dominion Parliament. We contend the validity of a contract of mar - tiage cannot be affected by any pro- vincial Legislature which can only deal with the actual form of solempization of marriage. That tie is the very basis of society. On the third question, Nesbitt continued, the: majority of Canadian Supieme Court judges were of the opinion Lisbon, July 22 Calm jthat the Canadian Parliament iad throughout the country, no -power to enact ..such remedial publican troops legislation. His point was that onca two persons agreed) to live as man Want Monarchy Many Officers and Journalists Leaving the Land of Their Birth in Protest Against Republic. OW. A: P. Cable) Telgns (enness, was sentenced to.a monthit but the Re-/imprisonment at a special court held continue to control on: Saturday afternoon before Inspec- those districts in which Royalist out- breaks have occurred. The teniper of ENGLISH CATTLE and wife there waa a marriage. the people Is shown by the fact tHat ' CLAIMS PIONEER jCould any one say that such a mar- the peasants fraternize openly with + (W. A. P, Cable.) . AND LUMBER RAFT riage would be: recognized only ifjthe soldiers everywhere. + verpool, July 22, John Rogers al certain tormslttag were compliedi Madrid, Spain, July 2: ene - Co., Liverpool, cable today that there yp ita,, July 19. J. W. with. Formalities might vary and of refugees from Portugal are arriv- wad ed eEgage th the Dirkeohead muar- Peeseagye rrr tes Pies to did vary. What they were had noth- ing-in-Madrid. Among them are sev- with five other ket and Saturday's quotations, Cans-/the mounted police that a-man nain-/ine to do with the contract. In eral atficers and journallste wns have consecutive coupons from the dian steers, 14 3-4 to 15 1-4 cents, and/ oy Larson, who left Edmonton on the case of parties in England frem- issued a statement in which they say: Dally News, and ten cents, en- ++ fed ranchers 13 1-2 to 14 1-2 cents PeT/ Jung 6 for Holmes Crossing; 120 Saxon days onward, some eeremon- We will go to America, Germany, or titles the holder toa photo Pound remained unaltered miles from Edmonton on the Atha- ial had. always heen attached to Japan if necessary, but we will never gramme reproduction of the baska river, was drowned. martiago and marriage was still return to Portugal so long as the mon- famous Painting, The Ci- + PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH He went down the McLeod river solemmnized in England, although it archy is not retsired. gale. Coupons ; and money + COLERIDGE to Athabaska by canoe and with a Meaht nothing more than that a . should be presented at the. + The annual ice cream social will Be) rate of lumber. The canoe and.xatt contract had been entered into by VAG GETS A MONTH. News office any time after + held next Tuesday eveninis, July 3rd Oo Mr 4 Bars of Fela Naptha Soap for 25 on sale In Our Bargain Basement. The, on Sale ta our Bargain Basement. The Imperial Dry Gootis 'Co., Council today reversed their decision. Imperial Dry Goods Co. Fn A and to live together This ceremony, Monday, Jane 24th, the only additiom l . Pady Conaidine, who was caught A Bars of Fels Naptha Soap for 25 evidence required, was that ltealing a tid from Lethbridge had agreed to live togeth husband afd wie whi
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Image 120 (1912-07-22), from microfilm reel 120, (CU1739252). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.