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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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The sterling Shoe values offeredvat-the - for two weeks only: LOOK AT OUR WINDOWS ee Soot are there Shoes, sod suse, re- liable mak s. Are offered at a reduction of 25 per-cent.until the 20th of July. 25 per cent. eats up all profits but I must have some ready money. . Invictus, Model; di ohn MePherson- Williams are my brands and are re- cobenised as STANDARDS of eee in Canada in thes different class s, My reasonable sprides have not been chang ei one iota for this sale: You Ue your peiicil and figure off the prices. 2.50 McPherson ventilat 5.00 McPherson Trainmen Congress, . . . 6.00Tnvietus, Velvet edlftinest bench make, 4.50 5.50 Tnvictus; extra quality calf, hand sewn, 4.15 5.50 model patent colt, elegant goods, .... gt; 5.50 model tan ealf button, single sole, - 5.00 model Arahian horsenide, .. .... . 4.15 4.45 - 3.75 ed viei kid .. 2... 4.15 . 3.75 4.25 Willia.ns kip heavy sewn soles, tan, :. 3.20 3.50. Williams kangaroo kip nailed .. - 2.65, These prices ae at COR of mpstenaly not even Boots, size 4 and 41.2 too small. for men,. will be Eas as boys SE BANNABAS. ANGLICAN . that repentance and remission ote the evening service the Hector, sins Shbuld be preached in His name, the Rev. B.A. Davis, 1). A,-spoke. : unto all the mations. Christian, forgiveness, basing his re- In hig refusal to. show mercy to a marks on the parable of the Unm rci- fellow-servant who owed him a pal- sum of money, the unmerciful ser vant represents the man who earnest- ly seeks God s forgiveness, but re- fuses to forgive any wrong that has been dine to him by a fellow-man. Although it is: insignificant in cot The King represents ud, the un- ; Merciful servant the sinner hose, sin in the sight of God is great. The important: question is: What are we in the sight of -Ged? Without God's merey We cannot reach Heayen. parison with the sin against God, Christ died that the penitent sinner Forgiveness Is one of the distinct- might secure remission of sins. After ive principles of Christian ethics. If There are rsany kinds, some good, gt;goime otherwise. A refrigerator that will keep Onions, fish, milk mat- ches and: butter for 48 houts in the same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one.of the best. : THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR. is the only one which will do this, and therefore the be buy. See it atvour Store. Segeen Doors. and Windows, eto, Thi MARSHALL-MITCHELL AARDWARE O., LTD. , Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat McKINNON S .. . B, McKinnon desire s to thantk, his numerous friend and trons for their generous pal during the past seven years Fa wshien he has conducted hie bates business, and begs to state that om and after April 15th the business will be carried on as a Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company a continuance of their estepmed patronage, with assurance of a continuation of that service and quality which always been associated with this store, - ; F..B. McKINNON Watch for further Announcements r 235-d-tf a STRENGTH FOR YOUTH OR. AGE MOTHER'S BREAD RASSIE BROS. LOOK FOR THE LABEL. PHONE NO. 256. 6 CS00n vane EVENING. H 'S. TRELAND : oeecteceteate is Se cee Christian forgiveness were practice? Tan struck; many a harsh word Would not be spoken; many a quarrel would not be prolonged. Mercy would prevail where revenge seeks to gratify an unholy passion, and many lives now full of discord and hatred would be tuned to the angels song of peace and good-will. pee ee POLICE COURT . 4 At the police court this morning a man named Edmunson was charged before Magistrate Kealy with disor- derly conduct. Sergt: Johnston stated that the ac- cused was fighting near the Alberta Barn,and asii Edmunson, who pleaded guilty, was fined 5 and costs, * J, Arthur was charged -with a like offence aud fined in a similar sum. For being drunk while in charge of a team, T. Warren was fined 5 and ; costs. A vag named Otterwell was s n- fenced-on the evidence of the GPR. constable to one month's imprisgn- ment. at Lethbridge, for sleeping on the C. P. R. depot. 4 Ola Timer 10c Cigar. SOUND INVESTMENTS ROW NSETE Lot 36, Blk. 82, 1250. Terms, Lot 4, blic. 2, 1050. Terms, Lot 36, Bik. 80; 1050. Cash. Lot 27, bik, 82, 1100. - Terms. Lot 24, bik. 84, 1875. Cash, Lot 10, blk. 92, 2100. -Terms, Lots.16-17, bik. 54, 2800, Terms HERALD SURVEY Lots 6-6; bik. D, 4000. Terma., * Lots 28-29, bik 5, 1475. Cash. Lots 1-2, bik, 3, 1100. Terms, Lots 1-2, bik, 21, 1100. Terms + HIGH SCHOOL -ANNEX bik. 21, 1050, Terms Which were recently disposed of to Ryan Fares, passed through the ty and over the Finlay bridge at daybrexk this morning and quite a mumber of horsemen took of the occasion to look over wi generally conceded to be the Bunch ever sold out of the Medicine Hat district, There were about. 800 head in the Jot and as Hooper and Muckvale have been using imported Clyde sires for many years, the qual- ity shown In the Progeny is such as lta have always secured the highest vega from the buyers; WANT ROAD FIXED: Undertakers Ask That Road to Hillside Cemetary Be Put in Shape.- A meeting 0f the city Council was held last night when the Mayor pre- sided, and the others present. were Al- dermen Doty, Anse , Robertson; Brown, McClelland, Pratt and Jobn- TORONTO STREET SUBWAY A FEW OF OUR. BEST INVESTMENTS Block 68, opposite freight abet 8200-per lot. Block 7, Rosedate;- 1260-cash, BUSINESS . 76 feet adjoining . N. R. depot site, 9500. 75 feet on Main .8t,, foot. RESIDENTIAL 50 fect on Wsplanade, 1300, 50 fet, Block 82, Townsite, 1100 100 ft, corner, Block 64; 2500, 50 ft, corner, Block 23, H. 8A. 1200, 50 feet, Block 4, Central Park, 1800. Block 8, South Yulll, 1060. bo. feet Block 14, Herald, 950, oOoOoOoOoOO H.C. PETTET CO. 868 Toronto St. Phone 481. 500 per (Continued from page one) Ald, Pratt thought full data should Limited SE US FoR THE Lowest Prices in LUMBER and Best Quality jn Te own TRY us AMD BE CoN VENGED. - PHONE 499. ston. Hilisfde Cemetery. A petition was read from/L. W. Yo- Kem, Jessop Nott, and C. Johnston, be got, and both reporis presented. Provided there was no property dam- +50 and the subway was going to work alright he would support it. McClellan agreed. The mat- front; thaoatetak ter had not had enough publielty. Tt cemetery, which they was 12) nad been the policy of the a, very bad condition. keep it a secret. The matter was refer e Ald. Pratt: Tt Tims been the nolicy Parks Committee with power to act. o te council to prepare a feasible Making a Precedent. scheme before. presenting it to the An application was received from people. I Wapld second Ald, Mc- J. K, Drennan asking permission to Cielian s motion. . make necessary alterations: to have Ald. Brown asked what- was the old Blectric Theatre converted in- use of. appointing another committee. to a resteutant. The Mayor explain- The council had faith in the last one. ed that although the suggested alter- Ald. McClell You did. 1 didn t. ation deviated somewhat from the re- '(Laughter.) ; strictions passed by the council re- The motion. Was passed and the Mative to the improvement of one- Mayor appointed Aldermen Pratt, By- storey Dulldings, yet he understood ans, and McCleHan as a committee there Were not enough eating houses to report on the matter. in the city. The population had con- siderably. increased, and he thought the building. would ag a Testaurant than a theatre. Mr- Doty-thought they-might have trouble in the future if they passed this. ees a Alderman Brdwn was not in a po- sition to vote on the matter, they were. making a precedent, and he thought a committee should be re- sponsible, After further discussion me request was. granted on the motion of Alder- man Pratt. Financial. A telegram was read from the coun- cil s financial, agents stating that they Would: comply With the request Sf the Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. and corner, of the Esplanade. Specialists: in Farm Lands sind Subsections, Brokers and Com, Agents. eo Have some special informs- tion shout some' city develop- * F shortly to take plac . They are w ll posted for, the benefit of their clients. They are represented by the oldest and ablest reat estate. agent in the city, Who knows every piece of land 20- miles around; knows their value and possibilities, and who will place this knowledge for the benefit of prospective purchasers. gt; . Just Opened THE ONLY WAY TNLORING Tadies and Gents : Tailoring : : 2 a Remember Medicine Hat will some day soon grow into a large and powerful city, perhaps the largest in the West. The lucky people whg live in it now by judicious investments in 2 or 8 years reap. a rich harvest: Most of the fortunes made in the West have been made by buyers in real estate who bought early and held on to thelr in- vestments. 3 DEAL WITH A SOUND AND UP- TO-DATE FIRM Cleaning, Pressing and Repair- ing neatly and quickly done. 30 Dozen Give us a trial. HOW THEY RAISED THE DouGH COonte ake) Ate Tecent meoting meet with favor ambng-the mud pedlars and one of them became so over pe Ste ONG PDA cae Wrought and unstrung that-his usually fluent flow of prose Tailed him 4 his efforts to expr ss bis feelings and he broke into verse. His brainstorm. Wats inflicted upon the News as follow: * : They sat around the Council b ard, th the wise itieni of the tows; And tried to figure out a way to: keep expenses down, . The tax rate for the city had been:struck sdme.weeks before 2 When they knew how much was needed, but they found er wanted more- There had come an pplication from the* magistrate, you see, To have his salary Boosted to 2 more substantial fee, And a motor car was wanted by another of their men, iz Trips abroad; and little extras... Something-every now and thei. . So thiey got right down And figured how to-work the little game, They must have some extra money)/dnd no matter how iteame . They would got it. So they pondered o'er the question long and well, Till at last twas finally. settled how thelr coffers they would swell. Ha said one, tis very simple , and he smiled witin iendish glee, We'll just get out the license list and raise eattijcense fee, The suggestion met with favor. Twas no. sooner tha* done They knew the things was rotten, but hey. had to mare the mon . We'll wou it: te-them good they sald forvevery cent they'll stand, From the Dago selling peanv s to the Agent selling land; 4 But the man that s selling coal'and tce of course that wouldn t do, And the rafiroud man and grocer wotia be exempted too So they taxed ae, poor sign painter, and the man that brings you cream, The man thai They raised them to the limit, tor'it'uow wae getting late, Tust one more: We'll fix the apent that is selling 1 real estate. on-wl put the ting salit to them, Yor you EAGT coger That whep their help-1s needed, xhey're right there on: the ground, They always use their autos to cart us up and down, eats They entertain our visitors, and ow them round the town. : We've always found thein easy marks, and though we knbw its wrong, (Because we think they'll stand for it) we'll soak them. good and ee We'll raise them up to fifty; No, we'll double it again, A hundred bucks; and twenty-five for every extra man. We'll tell thein wethaye noticed how they're heiping build the town, How thelr purse is always opened when subscription lists go round. We'll say how we apprecigyg and how we all agree * That fhey should be protected , so we'H raise the lcense fee, And now our work is-over; we Have earned another ten. When next our funds are running low, we'll hit them up again; But wouldn't st be gwful if they couldn't pay the price, , And quit their selling real estate and went to peddling. ice? Toronto Railway opened at 146 1-4. and gained two points on heavy trad STOCKS JUMPING 20, a0 Block 3, Block 12 3, 18-19, : 6, 133 ft. Modern: and Tespect and 4 the best that All white hel PHON fF Your patron -And our driv and retur taken upon, himself the responsibility / THE ONLY WAY TAILORING CO. TORONTO ST, Opposite Assiniboia Hotel Mayor in regard to payment of inter- est on bonds, half yearly instead of Yearly as previously arranged. The Mayor stated that in view of the state of the fond market, he had of wiring, ordering the change. The Mayor's action was confirmed on motion of Alderman Pratt. Public Works Committee, The report of the Public Works Committee was adopted. They tecom- mended that before appealing in the Touhey case the council should con- sult Mr. Muir, barrister, of Calgary. On thefr recomnfendation the city engineer Was ordered to have streets and lanes cleared of weeds. They also. recommended that the spur for Marshall Mitchell be al- lowed, if-so built that it would not interfere with traffic on Short St. Industrial Site, With regard to this property it was Feported that Culley Bros, were pre pared to-take- 25,000 within: the next few days and that they would wait a. year for the balance, payable with 8 per cent interest. Yt Will be remembered that this 18 the plot the council were desirous of, Obtaining fof an industrial site, Department nithaiery cit y. plying th most be ac or mp / HLS.IRELAND SNAPS New Fall Hats Nie Aftived We have .an excell- ent assortment of Fall Felts in the mest seas- - onable of shapes and shades. Excellent values: at. from 1.00 to 4.00 C.P.R. MENS STORE CENTRAL PARK 50. ft. corner, 1 and 2, Block-31,. with shack, 800. SOUTH YUILL Lot 10, Block 12,, 1000, regular. terms. 50 ft., Mill St., with shack. Water and gas. For 900, 5 Phm, B. pawd sore, TORONTO ST. + OW. A P, Dispatch) Montreal, Que, July 9 Toronto Rallway and S00. were boiling this morning. Soo opened at 149 and ad- vanced-a point and a half in the first hour, about 2,900 shares changing . hands. * ing, Meyger rumors were at the bot tom of the movement, the but coming mostly from Toronto. Cemi waskirm at 28, otherwist the market was- idle. Kaiser's Old: Timer 10c- Cigar. * FRESH STOCK OF HEINZ. PICKLES. IN BULK DILL PICKLES, SWEET GHERKINS, : SWEET MIXED Ireland Co. Phone 64, ATKHSO SFI Z DRAY Orders Promptly I ce bm Night, Address :
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Image 41 (1912-07-09), from microfilm reel 41, (CU1739259). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.