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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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valti at 200 per yd. Special for o5 So. 7 yards for' 1.00. EADIBS COAT SWEA'TERS High - thes Friday special 3.00 each. BON 414 inches you have been pay- special 10c per yard all thes: every Sc. ire them like common soaps do. 5,000. Guarantee of Purity with Cake. BARTENDER: PAYS Caught. ks; aday ney General ing, der Do not serve Western C i a. LARGE ' Oais SOLE AGENTS FOR, Paroid Roofing, FOR CIVING LIQUOR TO-DRUNKEN MN His License Was . Taken Away By Chief Inspector wWarning Has Been Is- Are snyone to the asylum e he a. Edmonton, July 25 On Monday the Lianor License Branch of the Attor- Department suspended bartenders license No. 135, held by a bartender in one of the Strathcona, hotels, for an infraction of Section,72 ot the Liquor Licens Ordinance, sell- dng liquor to an Intoxicated person. This bartender was warned about his action by an employee of the depart- ment, but would not heed the warn- Chief License Inspector Forster says, in connection with this matter, that the suspension or cancellation of a few bartenders licenses in different parts of the province will have the effect of making bartenders recognize the responsibilities of their work un- biquor License Ordinance. In the issuing of these licenses. for the year 1912-13 to bartenders, there was-printed-across-the face-of-the-li- postulated -with -thim for eo-doing, cense, In red ink, the following cau- liquor to drunken men. Under Section 72 of the Liquor License Ordinance it is a crime to serve liquor to drunken men, or to al- low a drunken man to consume liquor N ponsei Water- proof Paper, NeporisetRoofing, Felt, mber Co.Ltd. By and 8. Wall Bgard requires no further finish. : SEE US BEFORE BUYING. YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. PHONE 467 Meat Sostestectectacts DEOL E Le dodletedetetrended GOOD BUYS CENTRAL PARK Block 27 600 pair, terms. z SK 21 840 pair, terms, . 22 850 pair, terms. Block 16 900 pair, termi Block 24, 900 pair terms, corner. Block '25 - 800 pair, term: ; 2,100, termis, 50 ft Block 6 (snap). Block 9, 750 pair, terms. Block 6 600 pair, terms, Block 7 600 pair, terms, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 22 1100 pair, terms, Block 31 850 pair, terms, Block 21, 525 each, terms, upon licensed premises, it is not right, penalty of cancellation of license. On Friday the Attorney General Day Act, the Attorney Generat s Tweedie McGellivray, ers, and fines inflicted. 384 Main St. ROSEDALE (Special) RIVERSIDE TOWNSITE Man to man Bartenders are cau- tioned to exercise care and judgment under this section of the Act, under Department secured three convictions in Calgary for infractions of the Lord s against merehants selling Boods on Sundays. On the prosecutions Department Was represented by Thos. Tweedie of The cases were heard before Magistrate Saund- Nearly a quarter of a century ago Jeese Burkett was one of :the leading batters: of the National League, ard yy the same Jesse is the leadii ) tie 22. Hollinger Agency A meeting of the Mrdicine branch of the Catholic Crow Train for the Coust, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Hat Association of Alberta will be held Sunday evening in St. Patrick's Chureb, All Catholte tone. Favorable harvest returns in laymen, members and non-members/Roumania has similar effect. Cool Of the Soclety are urged w attend. weather in Minnesota and the Dakotas Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robinson and afforded some satisfaction to dears, Miss SIteK Toft Tast sight on the but was offset by the fact that the TODAY S MARKETS. Lhicago, I, July 25. Expected Nghtneas of wheat shipments have left tho price of wheat today in a firm ture in Canada was unseason- Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Last, Found, etc., ads under these headings, 2 words, one day .. .. 25 25 words, three days .. 50 26 words, six days + 1.00 Additional words at sams rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents, SSTRAYED Two bay geldings, white faces branded on lett, thigh. Reward of 25.00 for return to Redelif Clay Products Co. 299att. STRAYED 1 bay mare 5 years old, 1 blue grey gelding 3 years old, branded right shoulder. Re- ward for Information to H, B, Browne Co,, Auctioneers, Medicine ) Mr. and Mawr JO 1. depressed. Opening figures Gai treat pesciinany the vac Hat, Phones 295 and 703. 1346 jthis morting for Bufulo, N. . ranged trom 1-8 , off to 1-4e, up. a They will later go te New York september started at 98 to 98 1-4: ROOM WANTED City where they will in future re- changed to 1-tc. higher, touched 92 HELE SANTED, ANTED Furnished room with aide. 4 vand:then:roee 0.98 8; JANTED IMMEDIATELY Capabi nC convent , anit, AY ral . Appl; W. A. Jolson left for, Winnipeg Oats showed tess strength than has Woe servant, one who can oak box any ee uae this morning. ..-- ght for PO He Fale oF Inte. The demand awo tn family. Highest wages paid, M. A. Brown left last might f0F seemed to have dwindled away. 4noty 1017 Erg hi ss 4 7 Esplanade in evening 1048 Wanted oy young man, 1 Winnipeg. September started a shade to 1-8 , PPY a . aoe Dr. H. A. Doon visiting his brother Hubert, in thi cite. Dr. Patterson in the city. Mr. W. Desilets his way to La Grande, Oregon, this city. fone ofthe Hat men, is now Firemen s meet Pringle. i HUSBAND -WANTS WIFE Corroborates Statement. was necessary to have the ev.dence of more than one doctor, agreeing that a. person was dangerous at large, before an order committing of Kenora, is of Bow Island, ix ot Kenora, on visit his parents, has stopped over here, to visit his brother Embre, of Jack Rockefeller Williamson, Jr., popular-young on his way to the coast. He attended tho Provincial at Pincher Qreek and then decided that 3s was now away from the laddies he would ex- bs 3 Nor, 99; 4 Nor. 83-1-2; 5 Nor. 69 tend the time of reunion for 811-4; Nor. 58 1-2; feed 5 1-4, longer period: Barley, No. 3, 60; rejected 44; feed He is. accompanied ty Henry 44. SENT T0.AN ASYLUM Says She s Insane and Has Suicidal Intent Doctor At the Police Court this morning before Magstrate Kealy William down to 33 7-8 to 88 7-8 a 3-4; sold at is 4 1-8 and Inter sagged to 38 7-8. Liverpool, July 25. Closing wheat, spot steady, No. 2 Red Western win- ter, no stock; No. 3 Manitoba 7s 11 1-2 + futures steady; July 7s., 5d.; Oct. 7s. 84.; Dec. 78, 1 3-4 . Winnipeg, July 25 July wheat 108 1-4. July oats 40, 39 8-8; Oct, 86 1-8, 36; extra 1 feed July 44 1-2, 4 1 CASH PRICES Wheat No, 1 Nor. 107, 2/Nor. 104, AMERICAN MARKETS 108 3-4, 103 1 Dec, 95 3-8, 94 1- Chicago, July 1-4, 97 1 95 7-8, 95, LOCAL MARKETS. The markets today were very well attended, and the supply was much Better than for some time previous. Vegetables were more plentiful, and the prices have gone con- siderably. Sept. 94 1-2, 98 5-8; July wheat 99 Sept. 96 1-2, 92 5-8; Dec. Hollick, a Bohemian, applied. to DAIRY PRODUCE. have his w fe pe Baws. : . asylam on the. grounds that,she Butter 250. 1-2, 108 1-8; Oct. 94 5-8, 94; Dec. 91 W Minneapolis, July 25 July wheat W: City Teams 650 S Drivers 8 175 to 250 mad COWARDLY ASSAULT ON. YOUNG: WOMAN jC. H. Nelson Sentenced to Two Months Imprison- ant shortly after midnight, was drunk. He went into the kitchen and when the young woman ex- he canght her by the throat-and afterwards struck her on the arm. Harold F. Green, night codk in the restuarant, stated definitely that he saw accused hitting Miss Hinds, and. catching her by the throat. Jack Lingblade was the only wit- ness. called by stated that accused hit the girl. Magistrate hard labor. OFF 10 CALGARY Want Cheap Rates for Lab- or Day Visitors. Bill. Graves two of. the and Jim Thompson members of th Labor on Labor Day, September 2. It is mainly through the inde-. fatigable efforts of these two local boys that we shall be simply flood- ed with visitors on that day and if everybody does not enjoy themselves it will be through no fault of this committee. A list of the sporting events and entry blanks may now be had at this office, and the prizes will shortly be on view in the window of one of our leading stores. , D., N. AND P. REORBANIZING (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Denver, Colo., July 25. It pected that the r port York last night made by is gx from New Newgan ATTLE. Milch Cows. ..:. Yearling Heifers This Year's Calfs Beef (dressed)... Beef for Killing Pork (dressed) Hogs 65c. 10 to 15 . Be. 1b oft cine Hat Milling Co s elevator to- + FIRST THINGS, * un The first macadam road ever con- structed was officially tested and ap- proved in Scotland 102 years ago to- day, The inventor of this system of Toad-bullding was John Loudoh Ma- cadam ,a native of Ayr, Scotland, where he was born in 1756, He went to-New York in 1770, entered his un- ITUATION WANTED Young desires position of trust, office -or-clerical work, Have fair knowledge 793 1 B Browne- Co, 519 To of stenography and bookkeeping) Ap- 25o. ply to 1327 News office. wit BR bh oe ee oe ob ob ob box 1529, News office. WANSTED Good general servant. Apply in forenoon at Hotson Leader's offic 13d WANTED A housekeeper, A good position, 3 of a family, Apply to box 1330 News office, 13d6t YANTED By Mrs, G, M. Johnston, 301 Main, a good capable maid, 12dtt JVANTED Pantry boy, G. Milne, * lott JANTED A maid. Apply . . Milne, 908 Barclay St, toate ANTED Driver for grocery wag- on, Apply H. Morrow, N. Ry-St. . tate Vv yan Mio By the Canadian Stew- art Co. a.responsible party to Tun boarding camp on Ogilvie Mill's site. Applications made at the above or phone 787.- Tatt WANTED Small team outfits for ditch work, Have 2000 miles to Teh Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8 foot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta. ; 2e7att WANTED Men and women to learn keeper or to help. in domestic work. Apply P. 0: box 854. sats (POSITION Tequired as help or house . Country, preferred. Apply to box 1326 News keeper. Experienced. fice. * 9a6i FOR SALE ; Sy have a motor cycle near Medicine ment, Paz Bb 2 ctolot west ae. I Hat which I will sell to the first a Ni man who offers me a cash price. H. Miss Hinds; a waitress im the No 3 Nor bag Femne, 58 Gertle St, Winnipes, 1848 Acme restuarant. told a: story of No) B Nor; 0a ee cowardly assault mfde om her last 3 6 4. 30 , FOR SALE One horse, harness and night by C. H. Nelson, a mombpr of 52; , Nor 37e. Dugey in first class condition. a theatre orchestra, at the polic yy 'S. : So s.4g Apply. J. Taaae, or H. Morrow's store court this morning. : N. Ry, St s2a6 From her story it appears that of ele ot beh fe oh oh hoe ob oe ob Nelson who went into the restaur- *f+ +f POR SALE Lot, house and barn, lot being 50x150, on Ross St. House furnished,.Cheap for cash. Apply AUTOMOBILE FoR-SALE CHEAP 5 passenger, touring; in first-class condition, 30 horse power, fully equipped. Apply P. 0, box 597, TO kEN WANTED A maid. Apply to Mrs. C Dream last lady YO mee Plans, Etc. d6 Room 14, Imperial Bank, Building. prisoner and be Kealy described the assault as a very cawardly one and sentented Nelson to two months Day sports committee, left gn the noon train for Calgary where they je s counting house, and became a Stctessful merchant, In. 1783 he re- turned ty Scotland and purchased a Handsopie estate. In 1810 he began his experiments in highway construc- tion/which have made his name im- mortal. He Investigated road-build- ing methods in a score of countries jJand travelled 20,000 miles. His. pre- liminary triais of macadamizing Were so successful that in 1816 he was appointed surveyor to the Bristol Turnpike Trust, and remade the roads tere cheaply and well, The House of Commons investigated his system, and he was' voted 50,000 and appoint- ed surveyor-general of metropolitan. Toads. He declined knighthood. Ma- eadam di d in Scotland in 1836, The Washington and Betroit teams have furnished the big surprise in the American League rake. (A year ago Detroit -was leading and Washington, was in seventh place. This season Washington is fighting for the pennant while Detroit is' trying to break into the dungeon. TENDERS ice o'clock p, m. of Saturday, August 10, 1912, for the erection of a ten room brick and stone, public school bulld- ing in the elty of Medicine Hat, Alta. Plans and specifications may be seen at.the office of W. T. Williams, Architect, Medicine Hat, Seated tenders will be received ad- 'T dressed to the undersigned up to 6 Bach tender must be accompanied 'T 0 RENT Fully modern 8 roomed brick house, 611 Toronto. Apply at Mrs. Scott, 630 Toronto, lt;12a3t '0 LET 4 roomed cottage. Apply 311 Toronto St. Next Door. 10dtt ENANT WANTED for vacant store op the corner of Montreal Street and.rd-Ave, Fine location for any biisiness. Reasonable rent Living roomis overhead. Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and-overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co, Imperial Bank building. 1oatt RENT Large warehouse at 418 Main St. Apply at 422 Main St. lodtt OFFICES TO RENT. FFICE TO RENT on ground floor Imperial Bank building. Apply P. 0. box 10, City, tt ROOMS TO RENT. JfURNISHED ROOM To RENT i0 a-month. . Apply 206- Batmroal Street, 1143 '0 RENT One large front bedroom. Apply to 713 Oftawa St. -11d3t JeURNISHED ROWAE to rent, all mod- ern conveniences, Apply 814 3rd Ave. 11ast BOARD AND BOOM. '0 RENT One room, and board, Ap- k-20 pair, terms; Block 13 1,000 pair, terms. HERALD Block 13 1050 pair, terms. ck G, 1,200 pair, terms, Btock-82 1050,-terms, Block 86 100 ft. corner, 3800, terms, Block 85 100 ft. corner, 3,100, terms. Block 87 50 ft., 1,500 ,terms, SEE US ANCE, ABOUT YOUR INSUR. wanization of the Denver, North ern and Pacific yould be accepted late today when a meeting of the prgtect- lve committee representing tae) note holders will be held. Details f the offer will be probably be made fnown Erb and his associates for the rfor by a certified check for an amount st- equivalent to 2 per cent of tender as guarantee of good faith. The lowest or any tender aot neces- - sarily accepted. OST A pear sunburst, (Signed) R. M. NAPIER, Aug 10 Sec,-Treas. hall. after the meeting. FT Medicine Hat School Dist. Ni pitt Mast 13. , LOST AND FOUND lost be- tween Mr. W. T. Finlay s and city Reward. will be given when de- . 16. Liveted. Apply to.W. T. Finlay, 12t modern hguse. State full particulars, : e : 3 Assiniboia pitty fas 185, 1845, Oct. closed .1 Hela i2a2 8014. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring -2, Co. 2 Fourth E enue, opposite land theatre. P./0, box 358. The Best Prices Paid for 28Dit. It MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR 4ND JUNK CO. The above have on baxid the best selection of Second Han Tools in the city. We carrr Furaiture; Stoves and Bedding, new ana d hand Clothing, Watohes, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nide new line of winter gooda. We buy pverything mertioned aboro and pay the best prices, Call at 504 South R llway St. or Phone 587. tt 1 CHART Sea ACCOUNTANTS )W: 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditor , (estab- lished. 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- was insane, and had suicidal ten- barber trade, Summer rate now bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A, resident dencies. New hay 15 per tonjon, Situations guaranteed, Special partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. Dr. Wolland stated the woman Old hay 12 per ton rates to Indies. Particulars and cata- a7batt was insane, but he was not prepar- VEGETABLES. Jogue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- ed to say that it was necessary fon Now Potatoes . 1 bushel jtre st, Calgary. 204ate AUCTIONEERS the safety of the public, that she Old Potatoes 160. bushel e eae siete should be sent to the institution. Carrots 5e. bunch SIFUATIONS WANTED, HH. 8. BROWNE CO, Live Stock He, however, thought she was sui- Parsnips 5c. bunch and Genetal Auctlonoers, 519 Tor- eidal. . Onions Se. bunch SITUATION WANTED house- onto St, Stock Sales every Friday The magistrate considered that it Turnips te. th. on Market Square at 1 o dlock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where House furniture sales con- ancted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- Perlence at your disposal free. Phone Tonto St. 1s2dtt t BUSINESS CARDS, ( W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executer of papers for shipments going into the United States, Commissioner in B. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. MEDICINE HAT. E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Medicine (oat Phone 420 Painting and Paperhanging. tt Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- Sally ufraished on cost of Papering Your rooms. - Phone 156. i TENDERS Tendorg tox the exclusive privilege to sell alate d refreshments at Ex- hibition ) grouhds, during Fair time, will be feceived by the undersigned use of the kitchen will be understood to be included in the tender, and must be in use to provide hot meals for a week before and during the fair, Further particulars on applica- tion to the secretary, H, HASSARD, 3a12t Secretary. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the'erection of about twenty miles of five stand wo- yen wire fencing, near Chin, one strand barb wire on top, seven foot posts ,two ft, six inches in ground, twenty ft. apart, properly braced at corners and midway between corners, Tenders should give price per mile for labor only, all material will be furn- ished except necessary apparatus for stretching wire and digging post holes. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Write C, F. Lunan Co., 218 Beveridge Building, Calgary. toate Father really ought to have his pic- ture taken--he hasn t had a photo- graph since that funny too one in the cut-away coat that was married in. ( Twas a noonffwedding, you know.) Yes, mother says 'twas a good one of him as he looked them, .but reaily, for the sake of the family, there should be one of him as he looks now. There s a Photographer In your town. The BARTLETT STUDIO, FOURTH AVENUE. Clocks, up to noon Saturday, 27th inst. The First Shi Fall Su Open The patte traspecial is all that t tury people them, whieh best that C duces. Also Slate over Shoes Ze marked off ready for b Turpin The Man's Sto Get the Big'I COLERIDG Held at the Church and Success, The annual soc with the Colerid ehureh, held on unqualified success. crowded to excess, rounding district h tives. The-chairu deservedly popular John Turner. Wit dished of, the balan disused cakes were The bachelors prese Jearned the quality pastry cooking, for siderable competitic of :their effors. 1.2 rather expensive ladies are to be e tthe great sticcess the programme. A contingent fr freight sheds rende musical items, bc glee singers. The their entertainment Where is the Ma with a pleasing old-time plantation lowing are the Glee party: Mess: land, Poole, Rassil Turner. A number of the. been. very loyal to ing their stay at wished God speed ure rom the valley. The members of to express thanks the village; the Lake, Woolchester, make the social so BANK OF E London, July 2 jstatement af the. Bi shows: the following Teserve, increase, ition decreased. 13 jcreased 21,385; Ot creased 939,000; o lereased 342,000; pi jereased 791,000; no jereased 249,000; jeurities unchanged. Proportion of the Hiability this week s last week it was 50.3 Two aeroplanes we ding in Minefiola, I he purpose of shot onfetti on the newl Ouse SAND FOE EXCAVA HEAVY TI CONCRETE Phone -J. L 6 MONTREAI
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Image 147 (1912-07-25), from microfilm reel 147, (CU1739246). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.