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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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build, consider Don t be per- s cheap use the have it, and ey- uilder requires. k of LUMBER, FIR FINISH, MAPLE, BIRCH ORINGS., agency for the gan Doors, BEAUTIFUL D FIBRE, LATHE) R POSTS, WIL POSTS Y CO. BER PEOPLE . PHONE 57 ALINE SMUT ON k LEADER IGURH WITH YOU PLACING YOUR . FOR A BUILDING, MATES FREE. ext to City Hail. sLEY BROS. SSS and Contractors. Ave., Phone 434) 9. Box 304. mates Free. ns Prepared. NE 42 STABLE PHO . S. FOLLIS racting Co. TORONTO ST. ing. Sand, Coal rating a Specialty. jeary Horses for sale All Times, . LYO TRACTS FOR VY TEAMING AND EXCAVATING and Sand for Sale. Phone No. 0, Box 31. Simmond ER axp CON ) promptly attended to, Phone No. 335. i A few of our Best Buys CENTRAL PARK, 29, 22-28, 800, 1-8, 6 and 12. 28, 1-2-3, 1600, 1-2, 6 and 12. 6, 1-2, 1275, 1-2, 6 and 12, COUSINS SISSONS. Bik. Lots. Price and terms. 26, 16-24, 250 each, 1-8, 6 12. 2, 8-9, 825 pair, 1-3, 6 and 12. 20, 86-40, 400 each, 1-8, 6 12. ALTAWANA, Block 3, all, 600 each Block 12, all, 600 each. Block 14, all, 450. each. ROSEDALE TRACKAGE, Bik, Lots, Price and terms. 5, 6, 2600, 900 cash, 6 and 12. 8, 18-19, 4000, 1-3, 6 and 12. -G, 188 ft, 4200, 1-3,-6-and-42. List with us, we have buyers for your property. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. WEEKLY ACTION SAL TRE MARKET SQUARE Friday, June 1 O'CLOCK SHARP .. 5 O The fuctioneers announce large quantity of single, double driving aid daily work horses, Cows, Poultry, etc., etc. A large quantity of ingle and double harness, 3 buggies, 3 democrats, 2 wagons, gangs, sulkies, and breaking ploughs, mower and rake, A large quantity of po- tatoes and-other- effects too. numerous to mention, Entries will be excepted up to 12 o'clock on the day of sale. For further particulars apply to H, B. BROWNE CO, 1 Live Stock and General Auctioneers. Market Offices 814 Fourth Ave. General Offices 519 Toronto St. Phone Nos, 519 and 295. Residence and Office, 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626. Box 831. Job Work Attended to, It you want a; modern home, close in, I can supply you, as 1 have several good lots on which Iam prepared to build for you according to your own idea and style. a See me, and J will gladly show you the lots and some of the houses I have put up. Close in mean 5 minutes from post office. HOUSES FOR SALE. R. Taylior s Transfer Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Piano Moving with Piano Yan a Speelality. Parcels Dellrerea. .) PHONE NO...349. efolmininfaininlnlninininiainininini : E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Contplete stock of Toilet Articles Sundries, Proprietary Medi- ying of Physicians Pre- scriptions a specialty. 204 South Ry.St.. Phone 75. Modern and sanitary in every respect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8, Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will call for and return the goods. fs the time to enroll in the SOUTHERN ALBEBTA WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. peace ete oS Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt Attention. See Us for Sereen Doors and Windows. BOX 353. 183-1m0. PHONE 712 Hardwood ee Flooring in your house will give you floor that will last a life- time. We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Birch flooring at very-Httle more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the ele- MEDICINE HAT DAIRY NEWS. Eggs : Winnipeg- Manitoba fresh gathered .. Minneapolis Fresh candled Dee The prices covering this period for the than in Winnipeg, and in the winter months Butter: Winnipeg Dairy in tubs, jobbers buying price ..... 3) es Minneapolis D: Winninpeg. Minneapolis . Cattle Winnipeg Steers, choice export, off cars, per 100 Ibs. Hogs Chicago Choice to prime, heavy - : Winnipeg Select, off cars .. - ae Chiecago Steers, good: to prime, 1,250 1,450 Ibs. . Sian rote Sete tree Calves Winnipeg Veal calves, off cars... ) to Sheep Winnipeg Off Cars..... - Chieago Good to choice ... Flour F -Winnipeg Best- spring patent;- 98-Ib. sack Minneapolis Patent .. : These are wholesale prices in favor of Winnipeg mills, though mills for the whole period. Th price of No. 1 Northern Wheat. per bushel in Winnipeg on the first market day of each month for the four months of tember,-October, November and D September .- October. November . December. Beiascscis' 2 16 96 These figures show a gain in the price of wheat in ten years of only 17 2-3 per cent. The actual prices which the farmers receiv- ed, however, were very much less than the above prices. These prices were for wheat jn store Fort William. On the other hand according to the price: (wholesale) in Can- ada the increase in the price of flour, bran and shorts is very much greater, as shown from the following table : Gain, Chicago Good to choice veals .-.. ..+ ++ poth places and shows for the period 28 to 43 cents in they secured their wheat for less than Minneapolis 1906, 1907., 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911 21 23 21 2520 20 19 20 20 24 25 20 sunimer months are higher in Minneapolis higher in Winnipeg than in Minneapolis. 1906. 1907.. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911 19 19 git) 22, 21 21 17 22 17 25 18 12 17 13 14 114 408 445 496 em RS 8 5.88 5.68 7.53 7.16 9.03 9.17 AD 655 683 7.31 3.8 4.27 7.01 3.50 7.09 4.12 6.78 3.96 8.06. 4.45 8.83. 5.86 5.70 5.75 5.68 5.25 5.00 5.67 5.39 5.58 5.52 VON 2 ae 22.38 2.04 2.63. 2.35 3.10 2.66 3.17 2.83 3.01 -2.78 2.75 dicate that spring wheat patent flour sells in London and Liverpool at the present at 2.60 ex-store; in the West Indies, 75 per 100 Ibs.- The same class of flour is sold in Winnipeg at 3.00 per sack of 98 Y The Minneapolis millers pay at the pres- ent time from 10 to 15 cents per. bushel more for their wheat than the Manitoba millers and sell their flour in Minneapolis for 50 cents a sack less than the Manitoba millers sell in Winnipeg. The farmers in western Manitoba and in Saskatchewan sell No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach trong all over. No man can be uffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other discese of the stomach and its associated organs, which i digestion and nutrition. For when the stom weak or diseased teeco la loes'gt the ceettine eontained in food, which is the source of all physical Strength. When a man doesn t feel just right, when he doesn't sleep well; has an uncomfortable ost, i losing the nutrition needed to meks strengt : a man should use Dr. Plerce Heal Discovery. Ie cures diseases of the stomach and other Ongaas of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood, tavigorates the Hyer, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes Gre nerves, and 80 GIVES Hf. REN THE WHOLE BODY. Re AER SARE Cte You can t afford to accept secret nort s0n- sloobalie medicine ov anown couroarrion, not even though the fe eaphen may thereby make a little bigger profit.. Ingredients aioe a rapper. Real Sna ACT QUICK IF YOU WANT THEM Old Townsite Block 52, 100 ft. facing Toronto Street. Only 3750 the pair. Usual terms. Herald Block 14, 4 lots at 950 a pair, on the usual terms, lt;Central Park Block 27, 7 lots at 600 a pair, Level and a fine view, Usual Terms. - High School Annex Block 21, 2 lots, fine view, level, high, no slope. Only 1050.00 a pair. Terms. Bine modern, 8 roomed house New and up-to-date, block 16, Cen- tral.Park, Will trade Yor lots. t G.G. MacBean Co. PHONE 287. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING. their milling wheat of the present crop average of around 75 cents per bushel, or 1 1-4 cents per pound, and buy it back as flour at 3 1-4 to 3 1-2 cents per pound. They sell their hogs live weight at 6 and 7 cents per pound antl buy them back in bacon at from 20 to 25 cents per pound, Farmers sell oats at country points at less than 1 soe yt Western Canada Lumber Co.Ltd. + LARGE STOCK OF 3 Dry. Common Lumber, and Cedar brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish. Ask for samples. (The Gas Gity Lumber Co'y Office and Yard oyp.Flour Mill QUITE SHOCKING. We have many shocking devices in- vented for the comforts of the mod; ern home. Our large stock of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES covers every requisite for the in- stallation of heat, light or power, of whatever magnitude. Our prices, too, are shockingly low. Medicine Hat Electric COMPANY 1900 1909 per ct. .. 3.38 5.22 5414 Shorts, per ton ..- 15.04 23.97 5914 Bran; per ton.... ... 13.20 22.02 6714 The percentage of gain in the price of flour is over three times as much as the gain in wheat and the gain in bran nearly four times as much as the gain in wheat. The reports.of the Department of Commerce in- Flour, per barrel, cent a pound, and pay from 3 to 4 cents a pound for oatmeal. Manitoba farmers fifty miles from Winnipeg would be glad to get 50 cents per bushel for their potatoes. At the same time the laborers of Winnipeg pay around 1.50 per bushel. Is it not time the common people were asserting them- selves and agitate for freedom of trade, and have all taxes removed from foodstuffs ? Se sete: Sossotse oeteeieespeieay ees 5 Fin ded 0 Maple, and Oak Flooring, SOLE AGENTS FOR, Paroid Roofing, Neponset Water- proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, B. and S. Wall Board requires no further finish. SEE US. BEFORE BUYING. YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. PHONE 467 Members of the permanent commit- tee of the International Congress of Chambers of Commerce will- gather today in Brussels, the Belgian capital, and on the morrow will pass on the rtport of the program committee ijwhich has been arranging the details for the fifth world s commerce con- gress, to be held in Boston the lat- ter part of next September. This will be the first time the congress has ev- er met on this side ie Atlantic, and leading business bodies of both the Untted States and-Canata-are tives: preparing to make the event a mem- orable one. The high cost of living, which Is now a source of worry to the governments of both Europe and Am- erica, will be prominent among the topics of discussion. Other problems to he taken up by the delegates from the chambers of cothmerce of the leading cities of the world will in- clude the following: gard to checks a subject recently under consideration at an interna- tional gathering of bankers at the Unification of legistation with re- Plan Program for the Fifth World s: Commerce-Congress will suggest that this subject is of the greatest importance and a conference such as is proposed might point the way to future harmonious action. Desirability of an international conference on the. validation of throug-order-notify bills of lading and of legistation for making the sy8* tem thoroughly effective, A sad re- sult of fraudulent practices, it 1s stated, prolonged conferences have bei held between American bankers and cotton shippers. and representa pla for validation of this class of bills has been elaborated. Desirability of international unl- formity of action in the . matter of consular invoices. It is likely that-several other sub- ects will be adde to the program of the coming congress in Boston. WISCONSIN CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS (Specal to the News) Oshkosh, Wis, June 27 Oshkosh opened wide her gates today In wel- THIS DATE IN HISTORY Jun 27. 1696 William Popperrell, who led the expedition egainst-Louisburg in 1745 and was the first American to born in Kittery, Me. Died there, July 6, 1759. 1794 Prince Kaunitz, the famous chancellor of Marie Theresa of Aus- tria, died. Born in 1711. 1848 Great celebration in Clarles- town, Mass., to marke the completion of-the Bunker Hill monument. 1863 Kingston, 23 miles from Har- risburg, entered by the advance of the Confederate forces under Gen, Ewell. 1876 Harriet Martineau, noted his- torian, died. Born June 12, 1802. 1911 Joseph Caifllaux became the prime minister of France. THIS IS MY 40th BIRTHDAY Heber D, Curtis. Heber D. Curtis, an astronomer of wide repute was born in Muskegon, Mich., June 27, 1872: At the age of twenty he was graduated from the University of Michigan and two years later he joined the faculty of Napa College. From 1897 to 1900 he was professor of mathemetics and astron- omy at the University of the Pacific. be created abaronet of Great Britain, - Drreote tego seie ee sostestesy Pree doeagrtedeeaed A BEARER, a The News In Nearly Every Home Every Night Sane Bae What Do You JG Want Most? ? Would you be glad of the chance to rent-a room-or- two-to-congenta ple? Would you ifke to secure a more profitable position wheFe the chances for advancement are more certain? Would you like to dispose of touse- hold property or realty at a fair price? Would you like to locate a business partner, These are a few of the score or more questions that may. be asked and answered through the Want Col- umns-each day. Those who wish to rent rooms aro put in touch with those who have rooms to rent. Business partners aro Tocated, realty s bought and sold. MAIN STREET PHONT 420 5 ATKINSON FISHER TRANSFER AND DRAYING. Orders Promptly Attended to, Day Adaress: Royal. Bowling Alley. Phone 189. Night Address: 14 Montreal Street. Phone 509. House Mover SAND FOR SALE) EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORE. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT i16 MONTREAL STREET Hague. International postal reforms, in- cluding an extension of the parcels post. Establishment of a permanent in- ternational court of arbitral justice composed of judges representing the different judicial systems of the wor capante fa continuity of jurisprudence and At bitration Organization of an nternational office to comptle and distribute com- mercial statistics. Compilation of a program for an in- ternational: maritime, ginion. Regulations; for ifternational positions, feans for the suppression of meas- ures taken against foreign merchants on account of their religion, with es- peclal relation to alleged prosecu- tions of the Jews in some countries. Tnternational co-operation for the unification of agricultural statistics an fof the dissemination of informa- tion regarding them. Desirability of an international agreement to determine whether the status of movable property at sea in time of war shall rest on the domicile ex- come to the, host of enthusiastic young people who poured into the city to at- tend the State convention of Chris- tian Endeavor societies. It is the sixth biennial meeting of the Wiston- sin organization and from present in- dications it will establish a new record he ses- sions-wilt-eontinue several days. Rev. Edgar T. Farrell of Kenosha will pre; side and a number of speakers of wide Feputation will be heard. WESTERN CANADA 4 THE CANAL (Special to the News) Calgary, Alta,, June 27 Represen- tatives of the principle cittes of west- ern Canadaate to begin a two days conference here tomorrow for the con- sideration of trade, rates, immigration and other problems that are expected to arise with the completion and op- ening of the Panama canal, Hon. Geo. E. Foster, minister of trade and com- merce, and Hon. Robert Rogers, min- ister of the interior, are slated to ad- dress the conference. SWEDISH-FINNISH CONVENTION Th 1901 he accompanied the United States Naval Observatory expedition to Samatra to observe the eclipse of that year and upon his arn he was given charge of the obS rvatory of the University of Virginia. In 1904 he became an assistant at Lick Ob- eerratery and-sinee bonne haa bon, in charge of the famous observatory. Dr, Curtis headed the eclipse expedi- tion to Labrador in 1905 and the next year he was in charge of the D. Og- den Mills expedition to the Southern Hemisphere. CONGRATULATIONS TO Helen A. Keller, the famous blind ahd deaf mute, 32 years old today. Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, British commissioner for Cypress, 54 years old today. x A. B. Stickney, offanizer and for many years president, of the Chicago Great Western Rail 72 years old todpy. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETING Centralia, Tl, June 27 With Bis City Sale Stables Light and Heavy Draying Hay for Sale Fred McCtai Phone 85. PIANO TUNING VOIGING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken at the lowest charge consistent with best workmanship. Expert Work Guaranteed. . CHAS, A, ADSIT Telephone 68. 505 Main St OF nationality of (ie Owner. sent, merchants are subject to, the conflicts of differing jurisdictions, and an international conference held in London four years ago failed to reach an agreement. Desirability of an International conference on prices and the. cost of iiving. The committee on program (Special to the News) Hibbing, Minn., Jume 27.The an- nual national convention of the Swe- dish-Finnish Benevolence Aseociation began here today and will continue in session until next Monday. Delegates are in attendance from many parts of the Uniteq States and Canada. . uled as the chief speaker, the mem- bers of the Epworth League of Illi- nois rallied here in force,today and began their blennial State convention. The sessions will continue over Sun- day. The programme is one of the most attractive ever prepared for a convention d the State organization. Hop QuayTe or-Omtatroma Ctry reted employes and employers are brought together, buyers and sellers mect each day as a result of the little Want Ads that have to play such an im- portant part in modern business. Are you taking full advantage of ihe Wants? Phoneyour Wants - No. 13, Ring 2 NOTICE TO BUILDERS We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- : perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. - UN 1 r FAIN Y v + Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork ee Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. Poste Soaks Se tactetete ortortestedoagesfecfertefoctectoete ortocfectoatectoatertesteatefedteats A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results,
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Image 1110 (1912-06-27), from microfilm reel 1110, (CU1739070). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.