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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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To Prevent Canada s Standard toilet ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, Chapped Skin use warm water and Baby s Own Soap. The warm water opens the pores of the skin and the minute particles of pure refined vegetable oils which form the creamy, fragrant lather of Baby's Own Soap are absorbed into the skin, keeping it soft, healthy, and preventing cracks and chaps. A perfect rinsing, then smart rubbing when drying guarantees a fine smooth skin in any weather. Best for Baby Best for You ursery soap for over 30 years. MONTREAL. - BUSINESS BUILDING BY DUNDAS Advertising Manager of the C. E. Zimmerman Co., Chicago. eee HENDERSON dy THE EVOLUTION OF RETAIL ADVERTISING Recently before the Rochester (N. of fact, a comic cut does more harm .) Advertising Club, Julius Schnei- to the advertisement than good, for der, for some time advertising mana- t makes the whole: advertisement ger of The Fair, of Chicago, and laughable and when people) laugh at one of the best known retail adver- tising men in the country, gave a lec- ture on The Next Evolution in Ad- vertising. He stated that, in his op- inion, this yas the awakening of lo- cal advertisers to the absolute neces- sity for high grade advertising ser- vice Such as had made fortunes for the large stores in the big cities. He advised. the merchants in each local- ity to join forces and engage the best advertising talent on a co-operative basis, and pointed out that this real- ly must happen in a very short per- fod as a natural advance of the Mr. Schneider and others, evident: ly do not know that this evolution towards high grade special, service kee been taking place for some time. It began with what are called Cut Services. That fs, an engraving house in one of the bigger cities would get out a number of more or less comic advertising cuts, wretch- edly drawn by a tenth-rate artist, which it-sold to a retailer, sometimes with a little advertising matter, in a series of 26 or 52, one cut for each week in the year. While this was all educative, and as such deserve some credit, it has probably done more harm amongst retailers, to the value of real public- ity, than anything else. There are a great many of miy readers who now hive box s of such cuts lying around their stores with no clear idea of what to do with thgm, and even yet those small lt;eut services are being sold to deluded. merchants by glib travelling sales- men. Another herald of the new special Tetail advertising was the local writ- er. He s also evoluting. He . has been getting better every day till now in some ways, he is quite accomplish- ed. In tie majority of cases, how- ver, the local ad writer has been somewhat. like Our: Johnnie, who has won a prize for drawing b gosh a thing they seldom buy it. It is un- fortunate that many me rchants- do not realize this even now. A good joke in picture form still appears to many of them to be the acme of suc- cessful publicity. But they are learn- ing. There are now one or two concerns who, with strong financial backing. supply retail merchants with adver- tisements, illustrated by the best ar- tists and written by advertising ex- perts who have specially dedicated themselves to the work and who are paid large salaries for their services. firms are of the same grade as those used by the large department stores and national advertisers; they are scientifically correct and are guar- anteed to bring the retailer the max- imum of returns. They are supplied to the local merchant with the sole right of use in his own locality. Owing to the enormous number sold of each. advertisement, they can be purchased-at a nominal cost, even as low as one dollar per week. If the merchant wanted to have the Same ads written for his own indi- vidualuse, they would cost him about 3300 each. The sale of this new style of up-to-date advertising is growing enormously. It is being used in thou- sands of towns throughout the coun try and there are about 150 high grade salesmen selling it daily. The nature of this new up-to-date advertising service will be seen by the reduced facsimiles of advertise fments shown at the top of this col- umn. This n w style of advertising Is called Syndicated Advertising Ser- vice, and ts development is the lat- est evolution of retajl publicity. The local retailer has seldom the ability to write salesmanship for bis newspaper space. It requires special training to write advertisements that sell goods, just as it necessitates training to practice Iaw or medicine. The advertisements-supplied-by-those aSt worl in size speed powe sea luxury; and it would take a pow- 4 y, exful imagination to-commive MeaaET Te LIKE TOWER OF BABEL New (Work, April 20. The Titanic left Southampton last Wedmsday on her maiden voymge for New York. She hat then one thonsand three hundred Passengers, three hundied and fifty it the firse cabin. She had trouble at the start be- cause of her great suction. As she was-teaving-her-pier-there-wes xt sound as if of a mountain battery being discharged and a. rush of passengers to the port. rail followed. As the tig forty-five thousand ton steamship passed out into the stream she had sucked the water between her- sel and the quay to such an extent/ av inge hawsers with which that the American Hiner New York was moored had snapped and the New York was drifting helpl Stern first, toward the Titamic: The biggest vessel afloat reversed her. engines and in a few moments her heaiway was stopped and tugs that had rushat to, the New Ajork prevented SHIP MARKED EXALTATION OF MAN'S AMBITION OVER NATURE 10,000,000 Spent to Make Mammoth Vessel the Acme of Omened When Suction Unmoored Liner New York and Nearly Caused Collision. by the collis: MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS... , LOST Size and Luxury Her Start From Southampton Ti inches im diame- fone and thee: ter, and the wos of them was 270 tons. The plate: 1 the Bottom weigh: ed four and 02s were thirty-six fot long: The stern suis weighed seventy tons, hundred tons antl the boss arm, seventy-three end a half tons att ari lofty-five tons for- ward. The liye ninety-two fee than four tons 0 ree million steel Fivets were usa on buikling ber mas- sive plates, unl ie total weight of them was one two hundred tons. The Titan. The hull was ertight compar Which could) by. throwing bridge: wusand sd nine steel decks. led into thirty: wall nts, the doors of simultaneously closed wee lever on the 1 the damalg(s done nmay be judged from ths arrange huge vessel was the fact that mont of bulkhets th considered. a eS yetween the timers The Titanic was the largest ship alloat. She was nearly one thousand tons greater than her sister ship, the Olympic,,and, like hef, was one hun ' dred feet longer than their next ri- vals. She-was 883 feet tong, 92 feet in the beum aml M feet deep. She was of forty-s x tons register and haq) a displacement of sixty-six thousand tous. At the same time she was a, foating marvel of luxury and carried literally q townful, of people. The Titanic was fifteen stories high The floors were named the hottom, double hottom, bed plates, lower or- lop, orlop, lower, middie, main, sa-/ loon, upper, promenade, upper prome- sade, boat and sun decks and extra compass platform 7 With officers and crew numbering eight hundesi and sxty, the Titanic was capable of carrying three to three and half thousand passengess cabin and steerage: She was built to be the and nificence and detail for comfort and luxury end pastime on the great ship, Its interior more closely resembled a huge hotel, with elevators running up and down for nine storits; its great salooms and restaurants, its minia- ture theatr , its tennis courts, its swimming pools and turkish Lath rooms; its great smoking room, card rooms am) beaut iul music rooms, and even, on top of its twelve decks, al ieture golf links. fs Captain Smith, her commander, the admira of the White Star fleet, was in command of her sister sh'p, the Olympic, when she -made her maiden voyage to New York and also when she collided with the British cruiser) Hawke in the Solent last September. The Titanic was launched at Bel- fast May 31, last Year. J. Pierpont Morgan, who was the guest. .of Lord Pierrie, chairman and managing. direc- tor of the White Star Tine, and J, Bruce Ismay, chairman of the Intarna living the banks of the river Lafian, cheered sheartily as the big veasel took the water. Among the attractions on the * Ti- tanic wore Turkish and electric baths, swimming pools, tennis courts, ball- , Two suites oc 350 each for SPRING BLOOD tional Mercanti,e- Marine, witnessed Ue launching. - Enthusiastic crowds; 4 entilated roome in the-home,the office, the shop and the schools, were 4- These apartments, wii were called the re- gal suites, wee just abaft the grand companion wa) ii the B. deck, They consisted of rooms, sleeping chambers, baths and wardrobes, with al front gamer, a wide private pro- menarle extenisix the whole length of (he suite and uving its own sea-rail. The occupant o one of Ubese suites could smoke, rea, loll, exercise or do as the chose on his own deck with all he Titani ingle trip. the privacy he Gould enjoy on his own pinzea at is home. The construction uf the Titanic was carried .out under the supervision of Alexander M. Carlisle, general man- ger of Hartivn Wolff, the Belfast shipbuilding crit is, such that he A deen made a prity counsellor to the British monarh Carlisle is q mod- est man About 6 vears old, and has traxt-mrore- thar tt-years*-expe mestus tors When he wus in this city on brief Visit in Juls, 1V19, he was enthusias- tic for big ships. There was, he said, pradificalit; on limit to the size g ship cottld be fuilt, but he could not do all that he wisied in that direction be cause he hal to Consider channels and Wocks. In desigming size he was lim: ited only iw harbor conditions and in the matter of the willingness of the public to pay the cost of it 7 IS WATERY BLOOD ND HOW TO GET NEW HEALTH 3 NEW STRENGTH AT THIS SEASON, Spring ailments are hot imagin- ary. Even the most robust find the winter months most trying to their health. Confinement indoors, often in-overheated-and nearly always. bad- the finest coal. 374 Toronto St., Medicine Hat. The Ladies Society of Knox church will hold their monthly work meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Webb, Bal- moral street, on Thursday afternoon, April 26th at 3 o'clock. A WOMA SUFFRAGA CATECHISM The woman who: says, I have all the rights I want fs either selfish or ignorant, or both ; for sister women suffer under burdens it is our duty to lift. Q May not married womien help make the laws that decide what share wife duritg marriage shall to the wife. A They shall not. Q How much of the property ac- quired during their married life be- belong The above ett shows coal outeropping it to a depth of 465 feet and the drill is still in coal. Last mess perty dated April 7th, gives us by actual measurements 24 million tons of R. A. Airheart, District Manager BY ONE OF THEM WARNING SATURDAY, April 20 Positively Last Day of Sale. American-Canadian Coal Co., Ltd. * Only: limited amount of stock of the present issue is available. Make your reservations at once. On Monday, April 22, the price goes to 50c. DISTRICT OFFICES: 9 A.M. to 10 P. M. 35c Shares of . on our ground. We have proved ige from pro- Suite 2, Morris Block, Lethbridge. Saturday, Apt one POLM a All: Star OPERA Friday, UNDER THI Sons of Plan at Pingt lumber for ye a single comp our custome price, quality delivery. We just as well a rons. An ini the whole st Ce as a GOOD WANT AD. eine favored the women, as they now do the men, 2 Q Have women suffered much from the Injustice of these laws ? A In some cases a great deal ; in other cases the men have been 50 much better than the laws that the jacomen fiave not felt it. Q. Who can give the women the right to vote ? A. The men, Q Will they do it ? We believe they will when they can be shown the injustice of de- priving women of the ballot, and the great value in working out moral re- lot the property acanired by husband forms 'that-would follow the enfran- chisement of woman. s taxes. the vitality of even the strong- est. The blood becomes thin and wa- tery and is clogged with impurities. Some people have headaches and a felling of langour. Others are low- spirited and nervous. Still others and who forthwith blossoms out into famous artist locally. This class of publicity has likewise done its share in giving the retail merchant cold feet. The local advertisement writer has been mostly a shining example of the trite saying a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The next phase in the evolution Was-onethat-bit fair to-solve. all dif- ficulties. About a year or two ago famous artist, who had mad a rep- utation for a comic series of news: his comics into advertisements. These were syndicated in electrotype form all through the United States and Canada to all classes of retail- ers, the large quantity sold of each electrotype making quote extremely low pric s to the lo- eal merchants. That was the next rise in grade from the old comic cuts of the local engravers, because these drawings were well done by a first- Class artist of acknowleitged--stand ing. We have nowadvanced one step further. The dea that t is necessary to have a comic drawing to attract attention 1s exploded. As a matter it possible to When your body is sick you do not try to cuse yourself, you take medi- cal adyic and apply the treatment that is given you by the trained phy- sician, If you-are wise, you apply the same principle to your sick busi- ness, you use the medicine success ful salesmanship in. your local news- paper prescribed for you by the ad- vertising-expert- - The highest grade of expert public- ity service in this country today Is onal reputation in the re- tall advertising field are construct- ing these advertisements, . and the merchant who uses them persistently sind constantly in his local newspap- er, isa tong way on the road to fin- ancial independence Full particulars of this new syn- dicated advertising will be supplied bythe editor of this paper. Get them today. Their application will mater- Hay Increase your business and give ur newspaper spice 100 per cent eas a business puller. val For all kinds of job printing, try the News Joh evartment. PHONE 66 Tra Tasker Piane Moving een LIGHT and HEAVY le iG A Specialty Hiable Gi ee soe nsfer Co. not play. nbodied in this new syndicated ai FUSIng service. High priced, men Toot, sun pations, winter gardens, Palm courts, gymnasium and a sports deck: The squash and racket court any that -coukt be. found ashore. It was thirty by twen- ty feet in size and xtended up and sthnow wiain of E deck A coach was wboard to teach those who could Fach stateroom bad ity own tub with all kinds of water. There was a. servants hall for the valets, maids When the pot actually engaged with their employers, setvantd were expected to remain in this hall, though they were travebing first-class. By this arrengement the difficulties that have sometimes arisen aboard ship when q valet was mistaken for his master were (to be avoided. Another feature was an olf Eng lish chophonse with high backed Fish chophomse with high Mackod alls of block oak. The arbors in the palm garden were another ty. They Were artificially con:rivei with vines and bans of reat flowers. The sitting toms of the suites were as large as fiiten by fit- teen fect. The restaurant ,was larger than that in the Olympic and had a novelty in the shape of a private pro: wen nov in some he middle decks G and F a8lis needed. Many people take purga- troubled with aiatiguring pimples and skin eruptions, while some get up in the morning feeling just as tired as when they went to bed. These are all spring symptoms that the blood fs out of order and that a medicine tive medicines in the spring. This is a serious mistake, You cannot cure yourself. with a. medicine that gal- you weaker still, This s all that a purgative does, What you need to Pgive you-heaith and-strensth in they spring is tonie medicine that will enrich the blood and soothe the jan- led nerves. And the one alwayz re- liable tonic and blood builder is Dr. Williams ?ink....Pills. These piti Hot only -banish-spring weakness but guard you against the more serious ailments that follow, such as anaemi: nervous debility, indigestion, rheu- matism, and other diseases due to bad blood. .i proot-of this-Mrs. m ma Duck, Carleton Place, Ont., says: I was greatly troubled with weak spells, dizziness and extreme nerv- ousness, and did not find anything to help me until acting on the ad- vice of an, aunt I began the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. After us- ing five boxes I found my health ful- ly restored, and cheerfwily recom- mend the pills to others. menade deck on the starfboand side. It ted to a reception room, where and hostesses could meet tbeir gueats Jhefore going into the restaurant Some idea of the immmgnsity of the great vessel can be gained from a In her dovble- bottom were hall million rivets hosts: few figures. there alone If you are alling this spring you cannot afiord in your own interests to overlook so valuable a medicine as Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Sold by All medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.5 Tops through your system and: Teaves longs to the wife ? A None oftit, unle: given to her. Q What are our divorce laws ? A We have no divorce court. in Canada. An application has to be made to parliament and English law Q For what cause may a man se- sure a divorcee ? A Adultery, - Q May a woman secure a divorce for the same reason ? A No ; she must prove in-addit- jon cruelty and desertion. Q. Who made the divorce laws ? AxThe men. Q Would the laws have been any better if women had made them ? it Is specially READ THESE. HERALD - 600 Pair, block 17. 500 Pair, block 8. 725 Pair, block 10. 700 Pair, block 3. ESPLANADE (Herald) 3500 100 feet, block D. With small house. 1400 50 feet, block B. ALTAWANA lots, block 11. lots, block 14. lots, block 14. 1400 3 31000 2 1200 2 SEE US FOR LOANS AND from The Dr. Williams : Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. INSURANCE A No ; they would likely all have ALL GOOD INVESTMENTS: A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF DALY Wy D DAD ) AD Mrs. Wm. Sullivan, Main River, RB, says: : Up to the time my baby was: three months oid it cried al- most continually day and night. 1 tried many things but got-nothing to ailp ItCuntit -a-neighbor advised Baby's Own Tablets. I got a box of these and there-was-a chanze alshost. after the first dose and in a short time the child was in the best of health, and is how a big, fat, good- natured-baby T-ein-now-never sith. out the Tablets in the house and re+ commend them to other mothers. The.. Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25-cents-a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. Hi listings. give us your We have buy ers waiting. Also have 1000 money to invest. What have you - to offe: trust We have some good modern house proposi- tions: Let wants. us... know - your 6 FIRST COME; FIRST-SERVED. Is, of course, one which will bring the greatest number of replies or answers. It 18, a law that increased demand makes certain the quicker sale, i The Want Ad. is the brief- est kind of an Ad. that is ever written, and hence in ity brev- ity there must be wit-wisdom. The Want Ad. can only inter- est the reader on the basis of his: Interest. Each .eader is interested in each and all of the five essentials to every Want Ad. These essentials, in the order of thelr import- ance, are, first, the names of the article or thing advertis- ed; second the quality of the article or the kind of thing advertised; third the price of the article or- thing advertis- fourth, the address, (phone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the name of the advertiser. f goofs obs e'ofe feof ols of ole of ofe of fe ole of ole ole ofe oft ofe obs ole ole ofp ole ode are fully and truthfully stat- .. the Want Ad, the best results are obtained; but io proportion to the pumber of these essentials ommitted from the Ad., does the advert- Teer curtall the results (o his Ad. Each Want Ad s-an opportunity; look for them in The-News, Phone 13, LLEEEEE ELE EES TEEPE EEE PEPE ET EF PETE TE Pb bob eb be Shiloks Gure S HEALS THE LUNGS STOPS COLGHS Purce. 25 cents For all kinds or job printing, try the News Job Department. TOWNSITE. 2600 Terms, 100 fect, cun- er, block 75. 3000 Terms, 100 feet, corner, block 86, 3650 Cash, 50 feet, block 99. 1000 Terms, 50 feet, block 80. SOUTH YUILL 1000 Facing East Ajlowance. 900 Lot 19, block 7. NORTH YUILL 600 Lot 2, block 9. 680 eacn Lots 10-12, block H. 750 Lot 14, block G. Gas, water, sewer. 7i25 Lot 13, block F. See us for snaps in all sub- Also A RM.S.. Royal dayligt And fortn Insist on ; via Royal 1 For furthe trated bookl Railway. or direct to A. Agent, 272 1 WAISTS, DE TORO CONS OF ML EDWARD Application: than May Ist. ONSERYA young Indy si enlarged and ing Septembe Year Book, plication. , LOOK Yesterday Tomorrow worry. Today is h Let us tell wown, spring vould certain of you. New desiat THE B n epee ONO
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Image 652 (1912-04-20), from microfilm reel 652, (CU1738770). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.