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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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M ICL HAT DAILY. NEWS. Saturday, April 20th, 1912. Ze Glasgow House A, J.N, TERRILL, E ttor. PHONE: Editorial, Reportorhdl, and W Nowe Dept 13 BING 8. RI DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y.m, delivered 1 year by mail. 4 months, d slivered. -months, delivered. 1 month, delivered. ARRIVALS +350 old ad resser nat be given. WEEKLY NEWS. Parasols and Umbrellas, Children s Hats, Lisle Hosiery, Silk Hosiery, Colored Hosiery Cotton Underwear, Lisle Underwear, Silkk Uunderwear. Another lot of Fancy Voiles and Dress Muslins opened this week. local and district. 6 months, in advance 75 1 year in advance.... 1.50 Saturday, April 20th, 1912. A LONG FELT WANT. EN THOUSAND a mine of tion rega uable and interesting ng the city. The follo a brief deser dustrial Centre of the Northwest. ome of Our Good ) Buys and Snaps CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, block 21 840. 14 Cash. Se HERALD 250 feet, block 10, per pair 700.00. Regular. Lots 9 and 10, block 23, pair, 900.00, Regular. Lots 9 and 10, block 4, 1000.00. Regular. Snap. Lot 10, block 'E., 1450.00. Regular. gee 50 foot corner, block 13, 1050.00. Regular. CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, blocR 9, 850.00 Hasy tel Snap. 2 lots, block 29, 650.00, Regul 2-lots, block-17,- 840.00. 1 100 feet near Highland St., 2500.00. Regular. TOWNSITE Lot 8, block 82, 900.00. 400.00 cash. Snap. Lot 13 to 14, block M., Main Street, 1400.00, 800.00 cash. Lot 14, block 62, 1450.00. Regular. COUSINS SISSONS 10 lots, block 22, 600.00 pair. Regular. 5 lots, -block 27, 600.00 Pair. Regular. 2 lots, block 11, 750.00. 320.00 cash Northwest, where every month the foundation of some new your spe: abl 1: trul the f makes us feel glad to be alive, and Medicine Hat. 2 situation of our As to its IDEAL well as est fuel in the world toda. mestic or manufacturing p Bee reaeaibe NORTH. TUILL 3. Its situation as centre of the Tot block 9 '9800.00., Regular. ireat Northwest,.which is now building up vl ( 50 ft, block 10, 500.00. Regular, with Such rapidity that the world may well ter was appointed Vicar Lot 13, block 6, 900.00. 350,00-cash- 50 ft, block 4, 850.00. Regular. 50 feet, block 11, 800.00. Regular. 50 feet, block 14, 700.00. Regular. Snap. WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. T. F. DAWSON CO. Real Estate and Financial Brokers. Loans and Insurance. i t : 4 New Countries. interest you, and trust if there is ther information you may desire ence to this City kindly advise cheerfully v ji 1 Soete dete Meee teted, Rrate tem Casta testeste Roteotioiottentestonteateateaioseds lt;ioets tre, the exhibition, financial ins: oH tional, religious and .Government e OF CANADA, ALAND RESERVES. .... . 16,000,000 Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right bank behind him. 5 This Bank offers its Clients the services of a Tully equipped Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue: : C. H. McDunnough, Manager trial sites, with free gas, water at tories in cour Sreteeeeeeteey at any other point in Canada, new railways, climate, es ees gas price: Medicine Hat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every lawful evening at its office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alta, 6 months, by mail, 3 months, by maf We feel confident that this booklet of Medicine Hat, us, as we will promptly and eal estate conditions, natural gas, ed. tions, residential advantages, free electricity t, established industries, fac- of construction, percentage of building permits increase greater than HONE: Advertising Clreulation an Job Depts. ING 2. 1Q 3.00 1.50 Addresses changed as often as desired, but boti now and Pubhshe every Thursday In sixteen or more pages, and contains eummavy of the news of the week. 3 months, in advance. .50e copies- of -a-sixteen page booklet for the Industriat Bureau are just off the News presses. It is neat- ly printed ona hard finished paper in such form that it will be a credit to Medicine Hat) no matter into whose presence it finds its way. The two covers of the booklet enclose informa- The introduction reads as follows: ig pages are concerned with iption of the advantages and) opportunities in a Commercial and General sense of the City of Medicine Hat, the In- 19); ; 4 the settlement-of the Canadian Great witnesses community, jal attention is drawn to the favor- 'LIMATE vwe can . PERPETUAL SUNSHINE, with New York prelate who was recently elevat- gentle chinook in the colder season, ed to the gardinalate, was born in County living i Its advantage of being the Centre. of. the Largest Field of NATURAL GAS, de- nated from St. John s College, veloped in either the Old or New World, as/and a year or so later Cardinal McCloskey having the advantage of immense sent him to the American College in Rome fields of coal, thus ensuring the very cheap- t) complete his either for do- w poses. look on with astonishment, as our tapid/archdiocese of New Yor' growth is now breaking all records of the/consecrated an auxiliary bishop, and in past growth of other parts of the Old and/ i : i will any fur- in refer- you will Amongst the points touched upon in the ubject matter of the pamphlet are Medi- Hat's advantages asa distributing cen- years old toda; stitutions, a- institu- indus- and. irrigated proposed ipal improvements, present municipal ices for domestic use at 1314 lcents per 1,000 feet, as compared with oth- . e tions from offenders amountiig to 11,780 than the preceding y fore. As a rule the cities compared unfay- orably with the towns and villages in briety, but there were several exceptions, JOttawa St., Thomas and Kingston showing tewer committments. Ottawa had 101 less of drunkenness than in the previous and Hamilton 100 e were 364 prosecutions in local op- tion districts, 173 resulting in convictions. The provineial treasury benefitted greatly iby the imposing of fines, the total eollec- compared with 8,213. The total number of prosecutions against liconses and non-licenses amounted to 1,816, the latter class contributing 1,209 with 1,062 j-onvietions, s ig eee THIS DATE IN HISTORY April 20. 1534 Jaeques Cartier sailed from France on his first voyage to the New World. Sn aes 1657 Spanish fleet vanquished and de- stroyed in the harbor of Santa Cruz by the English admirai Blake. 1sh8 Napolect iil. born.. Died Jan. 9, 1873. o THIS DATE IN HISTORY April 21. one of the founders of Vermont, born in Cornwall, Ct. Died in Philadel- phia, Jan. 7, 1814, House of Representatives passed the THIS IS MY 70th BIRTHDAY Cardinal Farley, John Cardinal Farley, the distinguished Armagh, Ireland, April 20, 1842, He eame to the United States before the civil war, land located in New York. In 1866 he grad- Fordham, theological studies. He ordained in Rome, and a year after his rn s made a Monsignor, and seven years la- General of the In 1892 he was 1902 he succeed the archdiocese of New York; CONGRATULATIONS TO: old today. John A. Mead, governor of Vermont, 71 years-old. today.- . -- ences Daniel C. French, the noted sculptor, 62, SOMONE poh ese - THIS IS MY 63rd BIRTHDAY Rev. William Barry. Rey. William Barry, one of the most. no- ted theologians of the Roman Catholic Chureh in England, was born in London, April 21, 1849. He received his education at Oscott College, near Birmingham, and at the English College in Rome. He was pres- ent at the celebrated Vatican Council and the taking of Rome in 1870. After his re- turn to England-his-el urn to New York he was appointed sec- last retary to Cardinal McCloskey. In 1884 he King Charles I. of Roumania, 73 years ; uence-as-a-preacher length PICTURE TAKING, A Photographer s Advice on Ef- feotive Dressing and Posing. THE ROCKING CHAIR HABIT. Famous Deotor Says Women Literally Rock. Themselves Inte Premature Gravee This Motion Brings Wrong Muscles Inte Play. Deak Bisa Last week I was obliged have my picture taken yes, obliged to, under protest, for you know that it bas been my pet aversion to subject my lovely visage to the merciless scru- gave me some very. good points which 1 am passing on to you. Here is the Photographer. A better effect can be gained from subject wearing evening dress than day costume, because the former the general appearance. Bony necks do not trouble the camera artist. He will see that his subject s neck is small face cannot carry off coif- fore piled heavily with puffs or curls, for in a photograph the face will be still more dwarfed. in almost every, case the pompadour style is to be avoided. It gives a hard, dark line er cities, ete. z Leste Pe tete totes ee lt; PI eee Imperial Bank of Canada : Capital and Rest .. 11,993,800 Total Assets - 72,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, EB. G, WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. has grow its swaddling clothes in sue jit finds its. guardians all unpre) Eo THE Wi points. CHANTS BANK Established 1864 at the present Capital and Reserre Fu Renee erie 11.458,878 * We give special attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay in withdrawals. Two or more persons may open a joint account and either pary ean withdraw-mones: Our deposits lave Increased from 19,426,001 In 1901 to 869A DS 5 0. JOY, Manager: oo: 3 ? next December. 0- WHAT'S THE REMEDY Mediel Hat Bs h eee HAT drunkenness is steadily of ading area triets, 8 the ; The record of committments du twelve months of highest total in the SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. - Prairie Pride Patent Flour Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can ing the year of 757, WANTED A THOUSAND MEN. HE sturdy young city of Medicine Hat so rapidly and thrown aside vide it with new habiliments, All of which, boiled down and analyzed, means that a la- bor famine is upon us and that it is possible that some prospeetive-building will be greatly delayed this season unless we ,can import all kinds of labor from ontside Mayor Spencer made the state- ment yesterday that employment could be found for a thousand additional workmen moment and that would be continuous work for them until ? on ring The totals show that between the years 189 and 1899 the number of committments Be Had. - ev for drunkenness decreased, but that sinc eat. That s no cruelty; it s mercy. It is the e i i gt; are the latter there has aniniterriptcd same treatment that asylum authorities are The Medicine Hat Milling Co Limited increase. Hamilton and Toronto had the eompelled to give other lumatics who will orerer 5. seresecmen s Worst record. Toronto had-271 more cases not-take food. there the increase in Ontario despite the rapidly 3 no license ? dis- is the disturbing evidence given in annual report of the license department. the last vear reached the record of the depart- ment, amounting to-5,802, an increase dur- and his scholastic abilities speedily attract ed attention. For some years he was pro- fessor of philosophy at Birmingham Theo- logical College and later was professor of divinity at Oscott College. He has served as Canon of Birmingham, and since 1908 has been rector of St..Peter s in Leaming- i. Pather Barry-is-equaliy welt-known as a writer and public speaker. He has lec- +ured at the Royal Institution and in 1893 he made an extensive lecture tour of Am- See CONGRATULATIONS TO: Dr. Adolf Lorenz, the world-famous sur- geon, 58 years old today. a turalist, 74 years old today, Princess August William, wife of the fourth son.of the German Emperor, 25 years old today. pole tt Big tae JUST A LITTLE FUN A youth whose dog was out of the run- ning at a dog show because the arimal s legs were too short was quite within his rights when he indignantly pointed out that a dog s legs were not needed to be any long- er than would comfortably, reach the ground. The imprisoned suffragettes of London protest against the cruelty of forcing food down their throats when they refuse to When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- LOW POSTS Sh ; BEAVER BOARD wy FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0. BOX 29, PHONE 57 FORMALIN FOR SMUT 50c.... Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : :: P. O. Box 525 H.B. Curtis BUILDER and CONTRACTOR tans Pre Estimate Free. -(285 Braemar St.) HOTSON LEADER Decorating. . CONTRACTORS AND . , BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU JRE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Saturday, Hea: Cl Terrible W Giant I Staring Their New York, / dred and forty women, sick in into the annals today the loss gest ship ever survivors of th tanic, which 9 1,559 souls abo bridge, her colc playing Neare 2,090 fathoms of Newfoundla skies at 2.20 4 voice they told ism of those find a watery live. Capt; Smith lant saifor she placed all the aboard the I many who st their husband From the n bold relief the That the Tit Knots an how No one at f eink, She remaine two hours, The iceberg low the water voided by Ca small number tried to rush were. held bac er passengers The Titanic low when the than a bund her stern high for a moment depths. Ther when the int her boilers. When she A moment plications of men rose in c the spot wher Doats over a cold, until th up. In the afte the principal testimony of ing director before the s mittee and th ing members cw. New York, Smith of the party on th restaurant 0 fact that he wireless of direct charg Arthur Peuc Peucken is Own Rifles lt; of a big chen ly charges criminal car full iipeed t crew. He i oefEe doctor think loxury vibrating backward forward tn a chair as one reads sews. One day recently Dr. R.cametn to+ patch up my shattered nerves and -foumd-me-seated in a rocking chatr, which was in rather violent motion. About bow long do you do that day? be inquired. Oh, I'don't know, was-my reply. whenever 1 get time. It is the only thing that rests me. Great heavens. be exclaimed. do gE are literally rocking themselves into Premature graves? 1 have w great many patients who are not seriously Ml, but Just Ungering along in a state of semlinvalidism. and those ttat complain most about being tired und worn out tre-the ones who do the moat rocking. The average woman expends more energy in keeping a rocking chair on the go than would be re quired to do a small washing. The trouble witb rocking ts that ft brings the wrong muscles into TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa- ture Ja on each box. 25c. In Cases of rheumatism rellet . from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all druggists. No order too large or too small for trial. Yuill Street. HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Phone No. 415. P. 0. Box 31. Loose Leaf System The News Job the News Job Department. Give us a Department has every facility for sup- plying the most. satisfactory: Office Next to City Hall. ee - 2 de - xe At E CROSSLEY BROS. sion of EE SS * March L heduls Builders and Contractors. * eesilate 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 x ae P. O. Box 304. oh: received 2 Medicis ee Be Tea 2 Thi 1 aie tBay bit E + forceme af the ior OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE e the stre NO. 268... ss eeallOR A TRB ct pag es + from M THE JS. FOLLIS Econ 7 acter W Contracting Co. indeed, 108 TORONTO ST. ae Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel dents 0 Excavating a Specialty. auet of Light and Heavy- Horses for sale at: + The ALL Times, : March SS Amerie + F. S.. LYON eae e eo CONTRACTS FOR Soot 2 gt; 8 Ee i requ larg layil ting Sateetets Soataatest oo Pe gt; So Poatess
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Image 648 (1912-04-20), from microfilm reel 648, (CU1738789). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.