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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Pe T Teh, 9tE. wn Leghorn rooster, utreal Stray. Phone 236-a9t aap eee LE Barred Rocks, Brown Leghorns, Begs. Jas. Fleming. 226-1ma, ery store and com- food living apart 200 will handle this, ey payments. Apply ttice. 22edis Mt 60 ft. building lot awa St., 1350, 730 68. et SEED WHEAT FOR 8 10 days earlier heat, clean and free impl en request. rera Bros., Bowell P. K-Ap. 18 0 lots and three mod tereon, Lots 18 and wnsite. new frame e will be sold ;.en One third down and rranged to suit the ly to Wm. Ansley, or 643 Highland st, 21Tatt, RATED grey. mare, branded shoulder. A reward Will be paid to any- im . T, Wood, Walsh 236-2t IONEERS f CO., Live Stock Auctioneers, 519 Tor- Sales every Friday at 1 o'clock. Ranch males conducted any- furniture sales: con- - Consult us, our ex- disposal free. H. B. 19 Toronto St. 82at LLANEOUS Spirella Corsets made Guaranteed against ting. Phone 694 or 72, Mrs. Jean Mat- ck, Main St. 202d1mo SIES' AND GENTS hing, shoes, watches, evolvers, valises, suit nusical instruments, erat waggons, bug- dicyeles, carpenter hides and furs, horse f-ithers, bought and he Harvard Tailoring h avenue, opposite tre. . 0. box 701, Best-Prices Paid-tor 23Dtt. EB HAT HIDE, FUR O. The above have t selection of Second th city. We carry Ss and Bedding, new d Clothing, Clocks, ry, Rifles, Guns, Re- 8, Buggies, Harness, line of winter goods. ing mentioned above it prices. Call at 504 St. or Phone 587. tf IREBY GIVEN hip heretofore exist- e undersigned und id style of the J. H- Mills has been this mutual consent. All said partnership will undersigned, J. H. m all debts owing to ship should be pald, ine Hat, the 15th day (912, H. PRESTON, Wednesday, April 7th, 1912. that * ; Eagteeeeeereed PEER EE EE champlonship pennant tomorrow with Western Canada thasty te te Hee NATIONAL games in Baltimore, Providence, E , sti i S iene ol RH. Bark and Jersey City, The champion 3 S eF a a : Brighbochood of 1000 par game. At Boston Rochester team is programmed as the league, and time is better than no- The idiotic Clause inserted at a Cal- Boston : hE :. ss . glopponent of Fred Lake's players at thing at all. Edmonton, Calgary, gary meocting calling for 3 cent*tall of New York . Sop ls ga1g BAP Rovidence, while. Baltimore will Bassano and Ret Deer; nota very) has-been-rescinded; and the same old) 4 Batterles Tyler, Dickson and Kiing/lave the Montreal team as its attractive cireuit, but still, as stated/ flat rate of two bits will bold good Our new Straw Hats The English Christy Rough Straw, the Baltimore Sailor, are here, and Panamas at all pri- ces from 5.00 up. SEE THEM. Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth . Model Shoes are Gaining in Favor Season after season the last- ing, wearing qualities never fail and they ombine the highest note of shuc-making art, and cost no- more.than inferior lines. H.S-ARELAND PREEE EEE EEE EEE + + + WITH THE BOXERS Shoboeob eek bok eee eee BEAD TO OPEN SEASON. oH * ae View of the MW: C. Ll. + BIG*LEAGUE + lt; (Special to News) - BOORES eer ieee irmcriy the Hastcra FH MePiarsom, Of the 1imduton which is what the fans desire. The Fl roas i Journal, exploits bia views of the new Popalation of this city is now several and Raidon; Marquard, Meyers Wilson, Pittsburg . Cincinnati and McLean. will begin its race for the - hefore, better than nothing. One thing this season. If Bill Hurley puts a The to be said im dts fayor is that the good team in Red Decr, and it is al - traveling expanses will bo light, whilelcinch that he will, as Bill has a Ul of the salary limit yeill be the sam es splendid baseball connection on the thelr tagt year, 1800, per month. Bassano coast, and gan get the players, thea and Red Deer will be treated to very a well-balabeed four team Alberta few home games, giving Calgary ond league will sotisfy. the fans for this dmonton almosb continuous ball year. and guests. Buffalo in i ark and Toronto in Jersey C Sclubs appear to be more evenly R. H. H.lched this year than last, with 10 1 the managers optimistic about 2 5 chances for the pennant, The lc Batterloa Oteli aud Gibson; Smith Will play a Season of 154 games. as a ing Sept. 22. Providence, Montreal and Jersey City have changed man- R.. H.. B, agers since Inst season. Fred Lake St. Louis . 20 16 0 Will pilot the Providence team. Billy Chicago . 5 10 8 Lush, the old Cleveland player and Arrangements Comp leted Batteries Steel, Wills, Bliss and Yale coach, has charge of Montreal, for le Corner Stone Wing; CotPearce and Archer Cotter.jand Larry Schlafly, former Washing- Grand Lodge Will M st amd March to School Holiday pay itallatonce. In this ease a small cash payment is all that is required. 15 per Lot Down will buy nice level lots, close in. Lots that will double in value within six months. We have sold over 100 of these in the last few days. Don t Delay. All guaranteed good level lots, high and dry, and right in the direction the city is building. At St, Loule At Philadelphta ton player, is the mew manager of R. H. B. the Jersey City team, Philadelphia tts PEE EE 5 Petters Seecaaan, fakes ania, Se El for Children Banquet in the Evening. 125 PER LOT, 15 DOWN Knetzer, Chardt and Phelps. * BASEBALL NOTES + es EEE Cpe Bes oh ode oe oe Ie At a meeting of the School Board) ing piled up in school basements so We are s E FARM Land Company AMERICAN. AL Bonane: held last night, the final arrangements 8 to serve the same purpose next Pitcher The Breitensteim, the for- for the laying of the corner stone of 7 ALGINTHER LAND COMPANY RB 7 mer St. Cincinnati *10,000 The following is an account of th Boston a. 996 11 oes as eee moplning in the Son S TO POMS school were made. I service of substitute teachers for the Philadelphia . 212 1 ua The ceremony will be in charge of month: Batteries Wood and Numanker; eee the Grand Lodge of Alberta of the Miss Fordham for Miss Murray of ws TORONTO STREET.* + + PHONE 171. aa Kraus, Danforth and Leppegan. The National league teams played Masonic order, with Rev. Canon Hog- Cottage school, Marci 4th to-8th-in- aS At Washington rings around the American league pin, Past Grand Master of the prov- clusive, 5 days. R. H. B. teams during the Spring inter-league ince as the presiding officer. The Miss Cora Trimble, Grade 1 B Mon- : 1 school children will be given a half trea street school, March 4th to sth ALABAMA ALL FOR UNDERWOOD /given the delegates, as Alabama is bestowing ber strength om her. favor- (Special to the News) ite son, Oscar W. Underwood, the- Montgomery, Ala., April 17. The leader of the Democratic party in the Democratic State) convention of Al- Atlonal house. of representatives. Washington ... 10 11 1 series. New York . 3 9 8) Manager Charlie Dooin, of the Phil- boliday so that they can be present at/ and 1ith to 18th, 11 days. Batterles Groom and Henry; Ford, lies, believes that Pitcher Masters, a the ceremony. Miss Fordham for Miss, Jackson, Warhope, McConnell and Willims. ouug recruit, will develop into on- The members of the Grand Lodge Montreal street schgol, March ist, one At Chicago a es jill meet at the Masonic Hall at two day R. H. E o'clock, the lodge will be opened and Miss M. Walker fc The Gel ites will be Ne 5 si 5 Miss M. Walker for Miss McKenkie, ie Gelegat charged to re- Chicago -.. 70 4 4 The New York Giants will be the i Tin iukely be 280 before they leave ontreal street school, March Sist, one * une Sssembled tp Montgomery t0 Jmain with Mr. Underwood on every Detroit ..- 10 16 1 phtraction at Cincimati when Garry +,. hall, They will then march in al day, day to select the delegates to attend pattot taken by the Baltimore conven- Batterles Peiers and Block: Wil-Plleitmahin's new baseball pack 8 (0F i045, accompanied by the school Mise M. Walker in Montfeal street the Democratic nati nal convention in tion, The plans of the ardent Un- lett and Stranage. mally. dedicated on May 18. poard to the new sclippl and the cere- schoo) annex, Mar h Jat to 4th and 8th Baltimore, Therp s no contest. on derwood admirers provide for no sec- a; At Cleveland +- Avthir T. Sheahan is the youngest mony of laying the Stone will follow, to 11th, seven days. the presidential instructions to be ond choice. R. H. E.bpusiness manager in the big league. accompanied by the customary) Notices of fees due-for spring term . 9 12 1) At the age of 23 Arthur is looking speeches. In the evening the school of 1912, were issued at the end of the Paytueftts havelas yet not Cleveland . St. Ee 8 18 Laster all the te and Oneill; Frill, Brown and Stephens, s AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At Minneapolis R. H. EB. Minneapolis . 2.8 2 2 5 2 Indianapolis Ni Batteries Patterson and Owens; Webb and Clark. At Milwaukee RH. E dpi 4a 5 a 2 and Chalk; Milwaukee Columbus . 5 Batteries Anderson Leibhart and Smith. At St. Paul St. Paul . Louisville . Scheider and Schley. At Kansas City Kansas City -.. Toledo... .-+ Batterles Brandon and, O'Connor; Higginbotham and Carrish. NORTH WESTERN LEAGUE. At Vancouyer atbdrles-Baskett, James, Bland- p.troie Tigers. Bob Fisher, Joe McGinnity s star se cond sacker. Chencesyants Fisher in order to Plog up ieinfickd in caseren increase in salary of 25. per shifted Hans Wagner from right field R. Fi. E-jial noodle when he switched Herr 5 5 0 It is gaid the Cubs are angling for Evers fails to come back, * i The circuit of the new Upper Penin- sule-Wisconsin Idagu will be com- Gladstone, Michy(ann Marinette, Wis- posed of Menominee, Escanaba and The season will open May.18 and close Sept. 18. Jobn Franklin Baker, of the Ath- letics, should be a great drawing card this season. His home-run stunt dur- fing the world's series lest Fall will be worth more than four dollars to Connie Mack. It was in 1901 thet Fred Clarke to short, and Fred certainly showed that he was there with the muuuger- Honus, gt; The. Brooklyn fans hate Jake Dau- bere like John Dee hates money. The Superba followers claim that Jake has it om all the first besemen, not excepting the great Hai Chase of the The Detroit crew seems to be welll fixed in all positions except left field, From all.accounts Jenmmings is up. M, RUTHERFORD. Pal. Moore and Jack Britton have H. , , Highlanders. signed for a bout to take place in 33 Mam A. Begg. San Francisco the latter part of this/Tacoma.... - Lees ae rams Batteries Hlgle and Lewis; Sch- Carl Morris, the Oklahoma hope,'* mutx and Ludwig. ESS CARDS, 5 f denies that he -has gone back to rail- At Spokane NG MACHINES an roading. He says he intends to stick H. H. El season. fanning Pianos and to the boxing game. v e pester? fo ; ria... ; oe . Be Tiening Batterles Willis and Ryan; Me- Gikeekas ces Creary and Meek. WEEKLY ees 3 H. H. ie 4 9 1 ins Batterles James and Shea; Easter- sing Co. Voliy ana Harris, ae Fourth Avenue. ON THE or Pressed and Repaired ul to Now. MA ET SQUARE NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING dband Goods Bought nd Sold for and Delivered, ae Reese lett, B.A.Sc. pal Engineer, berta Land Surveyor Spur Railways, , Sewage, Irrigation, ans, Etc, pdicine Hat, Phone 484 ) TUNING nd REGULATING repair undertaken at sge consistent with ID. ork Guaranteed. . A. ADSIT 505 Main St d Paperhanging. s Stewart. opposite Binnings) er Estimates choer- FRIDAY, APR. 19, 12 AT ONE O CLOCK PROMPT he auctioneers announce a very large entry of singte-and double Drivers and Work Horses from 1000 to 1500 Ibs each. Also a large quantity of Farm Implements ete. Included are 2 ploughs, disc, 2 cream separators, 2 wa- gons, buggy, new Democrat, Several sets of harness, and a large quantity of effects too fumerous to mention. Further, A Quantity of: Household Furniture 1 cycle, 1 phonograph, etc. Entries for this sale will be accepted up to 12 o'clock on day of sale, For entries and further par- ticulars, apply Sa W. oi PC. Cincinnati. 4-1 800 St, Louis a, 800 Boston .;-. - ss Philadelphia: 3 2-* .600. Brooklyn. . 2 3 400 New York . 2 3 400 Chicago 1 4 200 Pittsburg . 1 4 200 AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDING WOOLCHESTER BASABALL TEAM, H. B, BROWNE CO. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS 519 Toronto St. Medicine Hat. ie Phone No. 708. The annugi meeting of the Wool- chester Baseball club) will be eld 08 paie Corps. Saturday evening April 97th at the residence of Mr. , J. Smith, Gros 600 licatessen outfit-Stel , Bedient, Bas- Ww. L. PC, Boston eee 4 ot 800 Philadelphia lt;.. 3 1 +15 Cleveland 4.2 866 Chieaso- 3 2 600) Washington 22 500 Detroit .. 2.3 400) (St. Louts . 2 4 333 New York . O- 5 000 against the same riddie that nearly drove him to the Funny works last Pitcher George Pierce has joined the Cubs, the Chicago team being the fourth major league team he bas been years he has been eried out by the Gi- ants and both Boston teams. Thirty Indianapolis boys will per- form in the major and minor eagues this season. Owen Bush nd Paddy Bauman with Detroit and Datch Miller with Brooklym, represene the Hoosier capital in the big show, With twelve Germans on the team the Boston Red Sox are the real Preteela this season Here's the de helman, Pape; Hageman, Leonardi, Nunamaker, Yerkes, Wagner, Gardner, Engle and Krug. Great show at the Monarch Thea- tre tonight. Six pictures om he pro- gratmme, Cote and enjoy NEW HAMPSHIRE G. A. R. concord, N. H., April 17. The an- annual meetings of the Woman's Re- Tier -Corps-and-the-Sons-and Daugh- ters of Veterans opened here today and will continue through Tharsday. The gathering s honored this year by the presence of National Comman- der-in-Chief H. of, Prindie- of Hlinote, and Mrs, Cora M. Davis of Oregon, national president of the Woman's ep a oats ee SHHOLS GUT attend and also those desirous of pig. connected with. During the past two nual encampment of the New Hamp- shire department, G. A. R., and the gathered in-by - re Doard has made arrangements to hold month. : a banquet in the Alberta Hotel. this ai been made, will be attended by the Masonic of- ficers, the school board, city council, and one or two other promineat Mas- month. The monthly Spork To the Chairman and Members of the Public School Board, Medicine Hat. : Gentiemen, I beg to submit the fol- lowing report for Match: The tstal number of pupils in at- tendance during the month was 981, 12 less than during February. The decrease is due to the removal of fam- ilies to homesteads an ranches. At the present time the total number of newcomers awaiting admission is 11, but the great majority of these are for Grades in which no vacancies haye so far been made by those leavz Classes in the Montreal Street fe discontinued Tues- day, March 12th. On account of vac- ancles occurring as above mentioned, it was possible to find accommodation in the rooms of Montreal street school for eight out of the fourteen of these pupils. The remaining six were giv- en extra seats which were placed in Misg Patriquin s room to serve tem- porarily until other children leave; woh intend to go this mont. In the meantime Miss Patriquin has a class of. 49, The average percentages of attend- ance reported from the departments unusually high. Montreal Street School stood first with 9112, Alexan- der second with 9135, Toronto. Street, schoo third with 90.89, The average of all departments including Cottage jschool was 90.4 F The room having the highest for the city was Principal Peasley s, To- jronto Street school, with a percentage jof 96.48, which is an excellent atten- dance, Miss Logan, appointed to succeed Miss Linden as regular teacher of Grade-i-B-of- Montreal Street seh took over the work of this department lon Mona: 18th, Miss L. Murray r simed her duties at Cottage School on Monday, March llth, after an absence of one week. Shipments of Library books recent- ly ordered are arriving from time. to. time and are being distributed to the several schools as they are received. The Third Annual Convention of the Alberta Educational Association meets in Paget Hall, Calgary oh April 9th, 10th and 13th. The following teach- expressed Misses Kennedy, Case and rose of Alexander School Misses Tompkins, Steight, Griffin, New- march and Reid of Toronto Street school; Miss McBean and Mr. Weir Jers of the City Staff have their intention to atten Fraser, Rorke, McCracken, Tealdw vepotts for the month of Mr. H. Grose tis teactier ot evening classes, and (2) ons, The board granted Mr. Dewery as Instructor In Physical Culture for of each of the three large schools is Attached hereto ou will find the Mais, of. the City Schools; also that of) Mr. Health and Truatt Officer board. You will notice) gradual increase of attendance at Night Classes. Upon my visits to the Classes I have been much impressed with the progress that is being made by members of both the junior and senior divisions. The good results of the Truant Of- ficer s work is evident from that por- tion of this report dealing with the high percentage of. attendance cred- ted to the various schools and de- partments. thergof. With your permission I shall with- pol the: report on the progress of the class-WOrk ti-the-various grades until next month, when complete re- sults of Easter exams will have been received. I have the honor to be, gentlenren, Yours respectfully, WILLIAM B. HAY, Superintendent-of Schools - THE BOARD. Chairman Iaa, Wilson. Trustees H. Morrow, Dr. Smyth, W. Turpin and J, le Jamieson: The Teachers on the staff of the Medicine Hat Schools, April, 1912: The Atexander School. High Seheol-Section. Mr, M. E. Lazerte, B. A., vice-prin- cipal. Miss J. A. Fraser, B. A, Specialist in History and. Modeyas. Miss M. L. Rorke, M.A, Specialist in English. Milas E, M. McCracken, B. A., Assis- tant In Selence and athematics. Publis School Section. Mr. J. T. Cayler,.teacher in Grade Mr. J, Benson Case, teacher in Grade vi Miss R, B, Kennedy, teacher in Grade VI. The Toronto Street School. Bir. easley, Principal. Miss I. 2 ae les M. Ref, Miss A. 8. Newmarcn,-aeststant Misg B. M. Wood, assistant: Miss-Grace Griffin. assistant. Mrs, Mande Walton, assistant. Miss M,-O, Stecight, assistant. Miss M: gt;-E- Best, assistant. Miss: Marion Tompkins, assistant. The Montreal Street School. Mr. Chas, H. Weir, Principal. Miss Alma Cosens, assistant. Misi. LL, Miller assistant. Miss Smith assistant. Miss AM. McKenzie, assistant. Miss B, Patriquin, assistant. of Montreal Street School and Miss Murray of Cottage school. Medicine Hat schools wiil thus be most cred- tably Tepresented. The rinks that were constructed for Winter sports at Montreal Street and Alexander Schools have beet taken STOPS CO-GHS PERSE SS down, the boards, braces and te,, be- BMiss Edith Wink. assistant. Murray. Special Teachers: Miss Margarct Caldwell, Handwork and Art. Mr. H. Grose, Physical Culture and Eyening Clasves WILLIAM B. HAY, Superintendent of Schools. Miss Annfe Jackson, assistant. Miss T. Logan, assistant. Miss A. M. fcBean, assistant. The Cottage Sehool Urn 3 f i Lb fi) bboiy i , eS if We carry a-large assortment of he newest designs. and see. our cut glass room... Jeweler - Optician. C..P..R. Watch Inspector. Come Mr. Business Man are you aware that THE NEWS JOB PRINTING DEP- ARTMENT is now equipped with a the most modern d latest type faces with which to turn out Commercial Printing.-------- Your next order for Job Printing be it large or small would be appreciat- ed by us and will receive our careful anid prompt. at- tention.
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Image 627 (1912-04-17), from microfilm reel 627, (CU1738793). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.