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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Setehe, 1912. by ey ale Copyright, 3 : yards. Those 8 that have the Wild Ones bring them in. Our representative will be at the stock yards at MAPLE CREEK,..................... ... August 2nd LETHBRIDGE, ALTA, ......... 0... 02... MEDICINE HAT . August 3rd MACLEOD. ALTA., . ; CARDSTON, ALTA, . see ee ce. August 5th HIGH RIVER, ALTA, ......... 2... RAYMOND, ALTA. 0... .. cecceeee. vee 2. August 6th CALGARY, ALTA, ... 00. ... LEICHEN, ALTA,, . - os... August 11th will be the biggest celebration of its kind ever attempted hereto waite for all information to HEADOQU ARTERS, at GUY WEADIcCK. 706A CENTRE STREET, CALGARY LEPC SSESE TESST SS SELESSIS CMG OOSESSSESLEOEHOOIIESS0000 00 bOSESSSETOTEE EEEEEESS Se ++. .. August 8th . . . August 9th +... .. August 10th THE STAMPEDE PY some of the Prairie Provines.un- yet he stuck doggedly at. hia post, twelve months, while the momber- While lis was checking his train 8 E./J.. BEafs, general secretary ot suite this Jear, the one in wa in-regard. to wae fairly sworhers mountains of unby- ecame dry and brittle fall out. There was 0. sme known that the worn Tt was ne laregard the matter required instant ai who for years has wear false hair. rm iresser wearing only ange is apparent gt; ices It and sees It takes.the hu: mn she wore he anhion as It is 4 friends to tell her biance betwee tact that was hidden while she disfigured leas masses of false -E DESIGNS e. erepe meteor and p are among the fa- or te blonses Blouses made en iain in design are desirable. Both inves ure-used for , but the Lrish cro- 80 tasiiicuable an ee 4 have become leon nes of the same are vere sen to worn rey A Sree reaine (with the n viwaTe teat Ince and Roma everyoay Petteeees ee eat oe LABOR WORLD. Ph b eh hte ee ee It is very probable, acconding to present indications, that Mr, J. C. Watters, of Vancouver, President of the Dominion Trades and Labor Congress; will be re-eclected to the executive position. when the Con- gress holds its yearly session at, Guelph in September. At the pre- is practically no ew who could stand a chance against the - big lumbering Westerner in a race for the office. Mr. Watters has been a good President, declared a well-known labor leader of Toronto. He has been doing exceptionally good work in the Maritime Provinces during the past month or two, while... he was always on the job when any jabor matter was being di sd. be- fore Parliament at Ottaw: President Watters was ofiticized cent, coal sgiztke io the British Isles, position, SPENCER PHONE 40. 1A Reduction of 20 per cent. off the Following Lines in our Men s Wear Department. A chance to buy medium prices. The Hartt PATENT OXFORDS Regular 5.25 for .. PATENT BLUCHERS . Regular 5.75 for TAN BLUCHERS .. Regular 5.75 for Regular 5.75 for These are all the very latest styles. ions early in the year, for sot is- suing regular official bulletins cover- ing the work in hand, bat in this Mr.. Watters was hardly to blamo, as the unions had nob given him time to, become accustomed. to hie-stected a member of tho Burslem conduater, met surroundings before they were ask - ing questions. Mr. Frod Bancroft, dent of the Congress, wo when asked by The News Eai- tor, whetiier he would be candi- date for the chief position next Sep- tember, but it . is understood that Mr. Bancroft will be onteat with a e if he ig the choice of the conven- tion. Organized Iabor' in general, and the miners -in partieular, have just-+ lost a tried and trusted ieader in the: death of Mr. Enoch Edwards, M.P., president of the Miners Fed - eration of Great Britain. in delidite health alld TODD high-grade Shoes at Spencer The Peopl Ss Store C O SS . a Todd Free Circus Street ) bands, 250 horses, fopienie' camels veople of all climes in native costum: Two shows daily afternoon at 2; night at ,.doors open at 1 47pm. Waterproof tents. jthe diet of servants, artificers. and Parad ill be shown in parade. i luntil his death, Me. Edwards was from the Statute Book till 185 - j The late Mr. Edwards did not con- fine his artivities to trade unionism although he worked mightily for the eguse of the latter whenever oppor - tunity availed itself. In 1885 he was School Board and later of the town Council, where he continued to sit shp of the women's shown a decrease per cent. Cleveland voted that each: ber uy a share of Labor stock. 3 unions has /large cake of ice fell out of a re the Journeymen Tailors Union ot of about four frigerator car, striking Alexander on America, has bean nominated for his head and inflicting a gash over Congress from the S venteenth Tl- six inches in length. linois district on the Sociatist. Robert Alexander, Grand Trunk ticket. of St. Thomas, Ont.,/ San Francisco's labor temple will peculiar accident. cost. 100,000. pr Tiistead It is said that each year 3,000 jforelzn waiters find employment i of wearing Labor Day England. with a also returned-ds-member-for- Hankey. in 1906, which s at he held. until he died. His first experience occurred in 1861, when he was nine years- of age. His father was a working epl- Hierand he himself went down into the mine at that tender age. Ho pieked up what education he could at acnight school and was soon ad- vanced in position. In 1886 he suc- veeded informing the Midland Min - ers Federation. When the Miners Federation of Great formed in 1888 at Newport, Edwards became the treasurer, finally passed into Britain was Mr. and the executive The esers, of Winnipes, Have) se we ment, whereby they are to receive 65 per hour. An eight-hour day was also granted by. the employers; with Saturday half holidays during the simmer months. The House at Washington last Leek passed the Dill -to create a Department of Labor, the secretary of which shall have a the cabinet. The measure long? has been ; Pressed by organized: Iabor and now goes ,to the Senate. Henceforth the railway commis- sion will allow no one to be. em- ways in engineer train service with- out they have first passed a watistac- tory indoor eye and ear test. Judg- ment has also been handed Hown providing that any employee in ling for promotion shall be given an in- door test or in case he fails to Pass this satisfactorily he will be given an indoor test for sight and hearing, the latter to be the govern ing. In these tests he will be al- lower to wear glasses. con Action was taken by the board as a result of a sitting at which the matter was fully discussed on October 30 last, and on a report made by the chief operating officials jof the board. The majority of the companies favored the indoor test at the sit ting but. in this regard the judg- ment says that although the indoor test is more convenient han the outdoor and sometimes a little more of a definite standard can be es tablished by it while the outdoor is dificult to submit on account of changeable weather the latter test is more Satisfactory. by far for the man who has had experience on trains, In regard to railway train men wearing glasses, Commissioner Scott remarks as follows: I think that any employe who re- quires glasses should be. encouraged to do so, but he should be required to carry a duplicate pair with him lest. an accident happen to those he Britain s Parliament used at one time to say not only what a labor- er should earn, but also what- he should eat. and drink, The statute of appeal, passed in 1363, regulated tradesmen. They and their wives were further compelled to wear clothes of a certain low price, with no gold, silver or embroidery. If/ they did not possess goods or chat -; tles to the value of 40- shillings, they were to wear only blanket or russet, and gindles of linen. Other laws of similar-eharacter were pass- ed down to the Reformation. Most: of khem were repealed under Janies 1, but the last was not expunged The returns gathered by the New York State bureaw of labor, statis- ties for the first three months of the current year show that there are at present 2,150 labor orgamiza- tions in the State, with a member. ship of 497,000. The membership of m 25 cehts to see it all. the men s unions has. decreased about one per cent, wring: the past ALBERTA'S HOUSE FURNISHING CENTRE THE NEILSON-FURNITURE CO., LIMITED ORDER BY MAIL 12090: ton nemsows. You may ORDER BY MAIL We guarantee to please you. your own way what you want and our sales managers will understand and your order will be filled as promptly as though you personally were buying in our store. THE ROOM OF HOSPITALITY Dining Room Suite Complete--in Solid Quarter-cut Oa Laid Down in Medicine Hat for... SS SET OF DINERS 2 0.00 No, 5061. Solid 7 x quarter cut oak, , box seats, shaped panel uine leather, ing 5 Set .. WRITE FOR SAMPLES OF OUR NEW HALL AND STAIR CARPETS Hall and Stair Carpets all new goods for our Fall trade. Small Persian and Mosaic designs; colors greens, tans, browns and old blue, BRUSSELS 1.25 to 2.75 a yard. WILTONS 2.00 to 3.00.a yard Body border and Stair match. Samples on request. to backs; holstered in hand buffed compris- side and one arm chair. Laid down in Med- icine Hat for, a 2 20.06 up- gen- Select chairs drawer, double doors, tisn Bevelled. plate Mirror. Laid dewn in Medicine Hat for EXTENSION TABLE No. BUFFET. No. 3469, built of Quarter cut oak in the golden finish. The base has two di- Vided top drawers, full length linen full. size cupboard with filled with leaded and coppered glass panels, The back is filled with full size Bri- 36.50 4413. Set of Six 6) Chairs 20.00 : PACKED ORATED AND FREIGHT - Solid quarter-cut oak construction in the golden satin finish. Extends to 8 feet, WRITE US FOR SAMPLES OF THESE CURTAIN MATERIALS VELOURS In green, crimson,, blue, brown and old rose, single faced, 50 inches wide. Price, a yard, ARTSERGE In crimson, green, brown. 50 inches wide. Price 60c a yard CURTAIN BURLAPS In wide... Price, a yard, .. green, brown and natu 1.25 PAID. DEPARTMENT OF DINNERWARE Sample plate free on request A set of Imperial poree- lain, a composition of . 98 pieces. Price .. 16.00 This set is made by Wed- gewood Co. (England). A pretty canary border design. The cups are in the Kermis shape, Or with china cups and Laid down in Medicine Hat. AUSTRIAN CHINA DINNER SET IN OPEN STOCK Decoration Small rose- bud border design, two gold lines between. Composi- tion 98. pieces. 22 50 Price .. .. Laid down in Medicine Hat. THE NEILSON FURNITURE CO., LIMITED 118 EIGHTH AVENUE EAST, CALGARY, ALTA.
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Image 170 (1912-07-29), from microfilm reel 170, (CU1739304). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.