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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDIGHE Har DAVY NEWS iad ITY GRANTS aa S00 10 Tit REGINA FUNDY At a meeting of the City Council held last night telegram was re- celyed from the Mayor of Regina as follows: 7 Your message Zecelved, andi sym- athy deeply appfeciated. It is be- coming apparentftimt financiat as- stance Will be Surgently reauired SOOIAL AND F PERSONAL MMre J. McDonald of Winnifred staping in the city. Mr, J. S. Seribner of the firm Thompson and Baker of Moose Jaw) is pending a few days in the city. He leaves Medicine Hat on Saturday for the Red Deer fork where he has taken up land. ;Last evening a garden party was given in ald of the organ ind for the new St. Barnabas church, at Mr. fand Mrs. A.,E. Whiffin s, 628 Main St... The-pretty lawn Is an ideal one for sm occasion like this, and the large attendance expresed themsel- jxes aa delighted with the. arrange- ts, The band of the ist Hus inva Was To wuahoance-and--the-ss: Beaver Lumber (0. of ITED : SUCCESSOR TO srectiy ice hotbird chm eiicent in the near fusge, Sad any Belo Y * would m Both financially and from a social alia. these thes soa on moed gratefully accepted, It was decided to make a a grant of. 500 for Regina s?elief, and also to send subscription lists to each of the newspaper. offices) so that any citizen who 80 desired sould contribute. Alderman Brown signified his in- tention of giving 25 and Alderman Evans 10. i point of view the undertaking was a great success. The various talls which were decorated, were in charge of the following ladies: Ice cresm Mra, Brooker; Gakes, Mrs, Miller; soft drinks, Miss Bradley; candy stall, Miss Niblock apd Miss Taylor. Miss Wood and Miss Terry assisted by the younger members of the J,,W. A, sold much gratified at the excellent patron- flowers and buttonhdles Yuring the evening. 3 . i ae tgih tnd See. 0. wae FIREPROOF ING (0. age given us by the lumber buying tof Fiv Cette is Tae een monte menting of the) Atk mecting ot hie. city Comell public of Medicine Hat and district. It 2 Atrestast ents ext, 30 P. m., a ee i : eS parlorg. at Iba Tdetiodias Grarsh: sodas SERN communicates Wang feed -is our aim to make our yard the best: of - To H Miss -M ba and Florence Lyle have at ali you need pay lett, Beaty Prva llite tor: Bhote Noli lees cecoeine suast ca tae propaned all our agencies; Wace as over a tee day: new industrial bite south of the city. ik Regina, Sash Miss Rosa Parvel of this city was junited in marriage to Mr. George of Edm nton by Rev. B. B: Heneh on. Soe se evening. It was very important to them, the letter stated, that the question-of the nena proposed spur track to this site, and matte 4 for. the best ,and the question of laying of water maing, We aac satisfaction 4 oe should be acted upon at the earliest 5 Possible date, as they were in contract with other parties to have thelr fac 3 tory rected and In operation not 1a- ter than Feb. 1st, 1913. Of course the purest soap in the world ane More importan there ts. 11 auestion: of rates and switch charges prices, quality and service. Burgesses are me Woung 6 on Lo- to and trom this new industrial site : a cal Improvement By- *tould be considered when the coun- . gt; 368 k nwa Today, gt; Tell tock up the matter with the O.P.R. a 3 - Figorous ever soaps cannot make up for the purity i y: Ry. Oo, The, scompeny underttoos s once and you'll always buy Here - eyes of t Soap. It costs US more to Street Gradiiig, 15,000, fromthe sousem that no ewitehing lt;8 Winns be lt; a5 peg . dei Cement Waiks,.34,190. Fates: would: ave to be pall: kK like Bea Shields, a hom make pure soap; but it YOU less Board Walks, 8,630. Se eae ans. Vers to please you: aad ancestor to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in - os sg oe pee ty S oRted at ome ot thelr meetings, to Si ee - z section 228. of +Clay jucts, (new agreement the effect that ft was in it in- f ts the clothes, as it does not wear and rub , te adove dre the five tylaws terest of the company accept) the W. Ss ACEY. 3 : * aati hen : which are being voted on by the bur- proposed. building site offered by the s z s ae i * the fabrics like common soaps do. gesses today. Four of them are for Kokome Investment Company, upon . 2 : tinue dt oe local improvements and the fifth s the terms and contents referred to in re ae Sc..a bar at all Grocers. 93 - to ratify the agreement with the Clay the proposed contract now pending s ae Buase Bi S - products Co., a mistake hating been between said Comphny and the Med- ve peared ae made in the first agreement. .* olne Hat. Electri -Ry. Co. and them- E Pah hen reraied Selves Sprovided satisfactory, arrange- serait CITY COUNCIL A meeting of the city council was held last night when Mayor Spencer pr sided, and the others pPesent were: Aldermen Doty, . Ansley, . Robertson, , Brown, McCMelland, Pratt, Bvans and Johnston. . An applicationfrom Alex. McCarter PINGLE, WALES BELL REAL ESTATE AND COM. AGENTS loraer of 4th Ave. and Esplan- adjoining rear of Postoffice Se Phone 791 cs Alderman Brown was appointed Acting Mayor daring the pendirig ab- sof the Mayor. femainder of the basiness con- of th ing of several by- Taws for the first time. TBIk, 9, corner, 2 lots, 350 each. Merman 2 Bik. 19, lots, 800 each. Terms, i CENTRAL PARK Bik, 21, 2 lots, 410 ach. Terms Busy Month Over 115,000 Aci Acres of Land i Taken Up in June. 115,840 acres of land were taker up in the Medicine Hat district dur- Pre-emptions 283. Purchased Momestends, 20. 8, A. Seript, 3 Homesteads, 41 POLICE COURT ments coula be made with the C.P-R. for the construction of a spur track te Said site, ang satisfactory arrange- iments made With the Rallway Co. for rates to and from sald sites, and also satisfactory arrangements 1aade with the vitysfor the leasing within sixty days of water mains to the building site, atid for the necessary supply of water for the fse of the company. ag'to costs, ete., later on ELAS PASS. THROUGH CITY On Way to National Conven- The Mayor intimated that they wer Watch our windows for some of th NEWEST you oo and best wear, e values are exceptional. and for the laying of a water main to Blk. se monty : : Offer Today 5 Specials lat on montrent Stroct, where be ie eb ae tee iene cttide They e ee ee . A refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, Beal Peaches - I ts repogt of the land office. arid the Engineer was engaged-on th , : tres-and b 48 h thi ea tends building several houses, was 7 work of the spur, and would Feport ptige Goode will appeal to ours in the same foot cham- RIVERSIDE PARK - referred to the Water Committee. x 2 : ber without Taint or odor is one-of the best THE BARNETT REFRIGERAT. is the only ome which will do this, and thereto: buy. See. it at our Store. Screen Doors and Windy There are many*kinds, some good, some other Betegee perme teee. Soars mane tion of, Bortiand Favor. 7, 2 lots, 400 ea 3 : : t Good. te ee . P. BI Trespassers Fined bly Impressed by Wes' * red tor the. ing me ora Bend- - Chicago, IL; July 5: A further set- - Man Was Charged With ern Country. - j -SsIRELAND : er ante ' be one third-af wan ity. Already. th hundred applicati amined and passe , Warrants were iss oliars in. each of *.. WANTED TO D RENT 2 small houses 4:40 5 rooms, for-cllents who will make first clase, nants. back to prices resulted from reports that the winter wheat crop promised to equal or exceed last year s total. The close was weak with September ficat 2 1-4 pnd 2 3-8 conts lower, at 01 New York, suly 5. -The Bata f the New York-produce exciiange on gt; eyy FOR SALE Dairy business in Medicine Hat, horses, rigs, a Tuesday will take up the question of a milk cans, refrigerator, ster l- ie of vagrancy and a fineof 5-and costs rae at Bridgeport, Portemonth;-- N; H- July-G Th trons fomthelr generous during the past seven a * ture trading in Canadi: heat Sithe party who Tesides at Bridgeport, 5 5 ly 5.- e iueF, the. Whole outtit First feture trading in Canadian wheat in was imposed, or In defauit one month s conn, stated they were enjoying their SuSboat Wheeling, whlch has been at Ie rien Sree ae begs to. class Ghance for-a dairy com- pany. No opposition. Very easy terms. Plenty4of milk to be got showing jf handsome profit. Reasons-foF selling out. ian bonded wheat held ii store at But- falo, except in-the Winnipeg market, jand..then only at great expense. Winnipeg. Men. July 5 Alberta Clay Products as a teanister, lt; era. wheat opened 107 3-4, closed 10 - was charged by Constable G have also viewed the ruins In Regina 35-0-tf : 98 1-4, 97 1-8; With: slocnide; co ionerot ths canean and were astounded at the havoc the ms a af Ml there. He also ex- ; Money:.Makers Gate, July 41-43, 41 3-4; Oct. 371-2, /in the park. Graham told. the mag- eeplons aaa nye ieee bina OLD TOWNSHTE ) Sts istrate before arresting Fenton he bebrcueebayy: iRatalisioe i ehien coat: Ex, No. 1 Feed Closed 41. * Ejax Iuly 192, 191 1-2; Oct, closed 167. Cash Prices. No; I Nor, closed 107; No. 2 Nor. closed 108; No. 3 nor. Closed 89 1-4; No, 6 Nor, closed 60 1-2. Feed closed 63 1-2. 1050 Lot 36, Block, 80, fico tet 1s 14, ee 8600 for 2001. 93. eee ft, 16-17, Bik 1380 tte 23, Block 80.- HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 760 pair, 8-4 and 9-10, Bik. 31. for some time, claims being made that exporters are unable to hedge Canad- Sleeping on Park Bench. At the poilce court today before Magistrate Kealy, J. Muller, a Galic- ian ;was summoned py C.P-R. Con- stable Washburn for trespassing on le/C.PR. property. After hearing evi- dence, the charge was changed to one imprisonment. Two'men named McDonald and Courtney were charged by same com- Piaintant with sleeping in a box car, and both were fined 3 and costs. J. Fenton, who is. employed at the had wakened him up and warned him to. go home, but on returning some time later he found the man sleeping again, Hd had great difficulty in get- ting Fenton to the station as he was very drunk, The case was adjourned so that.the defendant could get a wit- ness who he wished to be examined. Over 500 members of the different lodges of Elks from the various parts of New England passed through the city yesterday on their way to the coast, where they are to attend the national convention of Elks to be held ih Portland, Oregon. Dr,-B.-B, Pluinley, who.-was one of run through Canada immensely, and were very agreeably impressed with the country. Every one of them had been impressed by the magnificent buildings in Winnipeg, and the rapidity with which that ity had grown. They pared with the number of buildings that had been wrecked, When asked if he had ever heard of Medicine Hat, Dr, Plumly replied that almost everyone on board the train were greatly disappointed at not be- ing able-to make a short stay. in the. city, for it-was a Dince that was being e.P.R, MENS GUNBOAT WHEELING TO KEY the P rtsmouth navy yard for -sonie ent, the vessel will be order- S Ss eile .B. McKINNON Lot nena Bik. 82, 1150, Terms. STORE WEST. (Specal to the News) Joint Seek Company; Limited,-and would a vatnnetin of their esteemed patronage, con Is today for Key West. Later, to advices from the Navy) ati ited with oes store. F. B, MeKinnon desires to thapk his cecinroas friends: and an ai of that servies and-qaality which hes aifare been oa -Dominicn Day Money Contix ready Go: Regina, Sask., J market 5 overstoc labor which contin: -Choige biillding: tots close in. as ; Cheapest close in lots in the 2 OW, closed 41. Har- discussed by the Easterners very much : 4 See Dee 2 city. ley No. 4 closed 56, 5 EMPORIUM SLD at the present time, and they were 10 4 bil. 82 1050. Terms. MOND AY J ULY Ist Meany sea gave pair, 1-9, Block 29, American Markets, e anxious to see the manufacturing es- Lot 36, Bl. 80, 1050. Cash. taal elleen itn eerie aia committes of civic er en 20, near Minneapolis, Inly 5 Jul ywheat ida: rehebed ther Mason aan Co. tabiishihents and see how th natural Lot 27, bik 82, 1100, Terms, - eee 2 : men. They hav : ase e Emporium rom di a - 5114 7. ra 5 600 pair, 31-82, Block 2. opened, 191 closed 190; Sept. 102 1-2, gas Was fitilized in them. He suggest- rot 24, pik:'84, 1875. Cash. fi 2 3 er to a ope pair, ve 24; Block 2: 101 1-2; Dec. 103, 102. 1-8. c: me and wiH fu future conduct oq that the Medicine Hat's citizens act ie TK 65 nite hi Store Will be Closed All Day 0 ea cn. aoa 0 Block 26. Chicago, July. 5 July wheat. open-/ he Pusiness. should approath the C.P.R. and get viet yess A wast of the clfy. ed 106 1-2, closed 105,1-2; Sept, 102 PAOKAGES CARBIED FEA them to make arrangements when.any Lots 16-17, bik. 64, 2800. Terms 7 ior K. A. Reea 1-2, 107; Dec. 104, 102. pe at eee ee ae HERALD SURVEY Do not overlook ordering your holiday i ae jose Leat System The News Job 1 The local agent of the Dominlofil were, to make short stay in the city Lots 5-6, bik. D, 4000. Terms. supplies early. 5 ne ETTTs- Loose cane Srnen The News Job Hevartment has every facility for sup- ied ee. est. grenie ae dy they had been doing at points east Tote 28-29, bik 5, 1475. Cash. si til 10 * COUPON Src te eee chile Fo eap- plying the most satistactory. a amu m General: MARAESEI cf the Hat Z Ta 16 WEE Glo ee tore open o'clock Saturday ; Ay ve es thet the expris company would-carry y gery eer ee, Lots 1-2, bik.-21, 1100, Terms. evening. ish Saturday, gt; all: pare lg-free of charge fi arte : : This coupon y z point along. the live of the CPR. to Pre eae en ee coe HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX GROCERIES, SHOES AND : * Spamientivajeon PR. t0/try, understand why the United States: Di FOR-EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE a se salen ame were were go eager to obtain reciprocity. Tote 36-40, Bik. a1, 410807 Terms -MEN S WEAR i: Hoc Komen ALways Regina. Committee at He added there were also attending F *f gramme reprod 5 the convention at Portland 300 school : * famous painting NEW TRANSFER CO, tages from New England, a G AS I T Y lt;i *f gale. Coupons - J. B, Lussler of the firm ot the vettea Soaches tappinieh ine: pasty re *f should be prese Luss were prettily decorated, and Her Construction Co, has organ- pr. Piumiy explained they h sh News office any ized a Transfer and Draying Co. Mr. 7 7 bad wiads b Monday, June 2 Th mbs A, Clark who Bas besa in tremeg ci ter cee a or the, cele : . . This p in brating of the 4ttr /An exceller is pletare TASSIE BROS, Lisster s eimploy for about two yearn gram of sonce nad elieallent pro- - PHONE 696. 410 MATK ST. Main; set. Phone 54. Simi Tins taken he office as general man- be given, and he Wasgure they rutg Agents for Accident aud Bick. - ager. have an enjoyable, ness Insurance, bee eb be
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Image 23 (1912-07-05), from microfilm reel 23, (CU1739283). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.