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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Be Cliigow House -Only.3 Days More AND QUR MID.SUMMER All Summer Goods Positively Must Go It will certainly pay you to take advantage of some of the-many bargains offered. 2.2 The Glasgow jHouse. Let us show you a Sith . Shirt Special at - 2s 0e Perrercedeceteteeeeeee ROYAL CANADA. Fourth Avenue : Mci ough, See eerie oeeet: SOPeoos : ImperialBank of Canada ; Capital and Rest . . 11,993,800 Total Assets .... 7 '72/000,000 . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. stablished 18646. 180 Branches in Canada. Assets (Ne doa 1901) 81,000,000. Total Oe 1911) orer general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention Savings Actounts. : 2 2 + Medicine Hat Branch W. 0. JOY, Manager : NOTIGE TO BUILDERS We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J. 11. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Sp cial Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. PROCES ees Rolled Oats for Horses Is recognized by the large and experienged Stock- men to be the best possible feed for horses: Manufactured by The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited o 4 Poo eeateate toate eteas 2 Piano Moving apid LIGHT and HEAVY easonable DRAYING A Speciaity liable 24 Toronto Street. Taxi Promptly Attended to. New Cars, Carefal Drivers. Phone 666-Day. 211 Night. Taxi Taxi? milligram. Cc. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Rffective June 2nd, 1912, Arrive, Leave. 20.20 20.45 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver 8.05 836 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. 11.15 11.36 Vancouver Exp. Toronta to Van. 20,00 2.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor. 2150 22.15 St. Paul-Seattle Express, 4.00 4.20 Seattlo-St. Paul Express. 2125 21.50 Prairie Exp, Winnipeg to Calgary. 625 6.50 Calgary to Winnipeg. 6.05 Express from Kootenay Landing. 19.00 Local from Cranbrook 23.00 Local from Calgary. Local fo. Cranbrock, Express for Kootenay Landing. Local for Calgary, 2.30 240 Soo, L., St Paul-Port. 9.40 9.60, Soo, Ld., Port-St. Paul, Nos, 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Het. me at Dunmore shown. i 10.30 23.00 6.30 lt; Passing Medicine Mat De Published b; ws the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawful evening at Its oifice, Main Steer. Wedicine Hat, Alta. A. J..N, TERRILL, ator, News, Dept Job Depts. 13 RING Le RING 2 1Q DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-us, delivered....84.90 months, Gulivered.. 2.00 6 months, by: mail 3 months, deliverod.. 1:00 8 months, by mal. 1 month, delivered....25e- . Addresse roNE: R ttortat, Reportorhd, and HONE: Advertising Circulation and Toe old ad resser WEEKLY NEWS, Publishec every Thursday In sixteen or mote pages, and coutains a eummazy of the news of the weak, local and dis-rict. months, in advance 75e 3 months, in advance. ide year tn advance, JUST A THOUGHT. business and industrial affairs, the quality of the work done by the work- men is, in large, influenced by the a titude of the employer: If the latter takes an interest in the work of his establishment and shows it, his employees, taking their cue from him, will, as a general rule, do good work. If a municipal cow shows a real interest in its work, shows that it cares how work is done. Shows solicitude for all the interests of its constituency, its employees will, in the main, take their cue from their council and do their work a cording : iliar attitude towards its responsibilities, similiar results will ensue. But if a govern- ment doesn t care; doesn t show proper de- (a its employees, its officers, its servan the bodies created by it, will, as a rule, nat- urally assume a like position and yield per- Sette a V servic INDUSTRIAL SITES. EP seems a pity that the city cannot settle program. The policy of locating does not commend itself to those who have made a study of civic economies. If we ave to be hedged about with industrial sites, in which direction is the residential section to grow? It is opportune that this question should soon be settled definitely for all time, or for at least such period as we can today conceive as covering the development for many years to come. The News is aware that there is some magnitude to such a proposition, but it mist-be faced and solved before real estate values become further enhanced. ig STAY IN ONTARIO T any rate the campaign for old On- tario is in full swing, particularly in lt; the western peninsula. Instead of telling how many bushels of wheat Bill Jones, an: old Ontario man, raised out in Saskatchewan, the papers will now devote their items to the information that Sam Brown, right on the old Brown farm, made much out of hogs. It means that old Ont- ario is going to prosper as never before. It means that forsaken farms will be once more tilled, It means that old Ontario will become the garden of the world. And for us inthe cities it may mean a-partial so- lution of this greatest problem, the high cost of living Ottawa Free Press. the new radium institute in London, opened quite recently, must of the in-+ ate nature as will be seen from the fact that the value of a quantity held on a dise under Pee eg ES A struments are of an extremely delic- closed in a glass case, the inner air, of which freed of moisture, can ascertain the exac weight of the one-thousandth part of a The operator has of course to use a microscope in order to weigh this small quantity and to perceive, the infinite- simally small weights. en nl CCORDING to official returns at Ot tawa, the Indian population of Can- ada is placed at 104,000, an. increase If a government assumes a sim- ference to the demands of public interests, , and, sites all around the outskirts is one. whieh varnish and used to throw its rays upon the shout a considerable reduction in freight spot to be cured is about 4000. A seale en- of 500. The Esquimatx number 5,000. , T ancient universtiv. city of-Oxtort celebrated its millenary on July Tth. Oxford's history, of course, goes back beyend-a thousand years, but there is a solid i Anglo-Saxon Obronicle A. D. 912) witeh, litefally translated, states t Edward-the King tool pessession. of idon atid Oxford and all lands that gave obedience thereto, It was fitting, there- fore, that the Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs of London should take part in the ceremon- ie ri luncheon in the town hall and a great historical pageant portraying Oxford's history in the early days. This was given in the beautiful garden of Worcester Col- iS kpieel oeeD N view of the rapid disappearance of the herds of elephants which formerly roamed in Africa, and the limited number of these animals remaining in Asia, jattention has been called to the enormous supply of ivory which exists in the frozen tundras of Siberia, and which, it is thought, will probably suffice for the .vorld s. con- sumption for many years to.come. This ivory Gousists of the tusks of the extinct species of elephant called mammoth. The wks of these auimals were of great size, aid are wonderfully abundant at- some places in Siberia, where the frost has pre- served them, and in many cases has pre- ved the flesh of the animals also. eer cee THE French Government has duthorized the city of Paris to borrow 40,000,- 000 to build a municipal tenement house in whieh the rentals: will be the lowest possible consistent with the upkeep of the property. H Sep SES St PUBLIC OPINION. Toronto News. A national housing as- sociation should prove a convenient med- ium whereby centres like Toronto and Hamilton may communicate the results of their experiments free of charge to the younger cities. Tt should prove a, general clearing house for information. on the sub- ject and an agency through which Western towns and cities may be induced to adopt proper town-planning and. transportation are inextricably involved. Vancouver Province. There is no im- mediate probability of the Hon. Robert Rogers recommending the premier of Sask- atehewan as a fit and proper person. ceive the honor of knighthood, Kingston Standard We hear a great deal of talk about the return-of the simple 7 well if we returned to the simple life in travel also, rather than plunge thousands to destruction? What does it profit, all this death-dealing haste? ee pa tine THIS DATE IN HISTORY ps) Joly 4 1704 Gibralter taken after a three eize. 1803 Alexander Dumas, famous French novelist, born. Died Dec. 10; 1870. 1862 Martin Yan Buren, eighth President of the U. S., died in Hinderhook, N. Y. . Born there Dee. 5, 1782. 1899 France and the United States con- cluded a reciprocity treaty. 1911 First iron melted in Medicine Hat at the new Foundry. 1 English foree , THIS IS MY 48th BIRTHDAY Sir Thomas Tait, . Sir Thomas Tait, one of the Foremost au- thorities on railroads in the British Em- pire, was born at Melbourne, Quebec, July 24, 1864, and is the son of Sir Melbourne M. Tait, who recently resigned as chief jus- tice of the superior court of Quebec. The son was educated-im the Montreal schools and at McGill University. In 1880 he com menced his career with the Grand Trunk Railway, but in 1882 entered the service jof the Canadian Pacific, as private secre- tary to Sir William Van Horne. His pro- motion was rapid and in 1893 he was assist- ant general manager of the Company, be- coming in 1901 manager of transportation of the Canadian Pacifie lines. In 1902 the Australian-eolony of Victoria was in'need of an able.and experienced railway man to act as chairman of its railway commission, and. the choice: fell on Mr. Tait. During the Several years he was in Victoria, Mr. Tait sueeeeded in wiping out old-iabilities on) the railways there amounting . to several million dollars and at the same time brought cognition of his splendid ser- eee portions of the ood was be- rates. ices in Australia and other empire the stowed upon him last year. o - CONGRATULATIONS TO : Norman E. Mack, Buffalo newspaper publisher and late chairman of the National Democratic Committee, 57 years old today. Alphonse A. (, Lariviere, member-of the which ineluded-a service ir the -cathed- - ViGE The Greai Fj Builds up a Run- Pisa Down Sys- tem Men-and women of Strong Mr. Pi Guaran VIGOROL, Medicine Hat may now be and Healthy ing. has it and ntees Every Bottle. is the latest tayention. Av new lease of tifeis-guaranteed to every man VIGOROL, clear; every the blood m: strong, and moved; new be yours, the system; and woman who takes The compl xion -is made blemish will be removed, ade pure, the nerves nade every organ will be plac- ed inja healthy condition. Rhouma, tism will be entirely driven out of that tired feeling re- ambition and energy will You Will be able to com- pete with the world. Get a bottle of, the wonderful tonie today. VIGQROL, and give Price 1.00 DROWNE Peculiar New York, he went to clogged: Hi drawn in uj will remove that pain in the back: fou a healthy appetite: a bottle. D 12 STORIES ABOVE THE STREET Death of New York Man on the Roof of a Sky Scraper Arm Held Fast By Water. , July 24. Robert Kinsel- ja was drowned onthe top of a 12- storey. building in which he lived, in East Sixteenth street, late today, when the roof to release a foot and half of water which had collect ed there after the drain pipe became j fe ran his right ana down into the drain pipe and as he releas- ed the rubbish the suction of the rush- ing. water caught him. His arm was p to his shoulder and be- came wedged in the pipe. but vainty, man, The Too. inches of wi mutely ap Hours: 9 a. IT 45-4 So many ture. Anrd the; than many as besides gives away ened organi: germs o si But there with out di the mercy ture is not HOURS. are, as a m: MAINTAIN GREATEST ed from all and your f keep posted is made. And I do Approved sick all and most. CONTAIN, t Tuptore, care for thi these and t All adviee HYG mate of Canada from Manitoba, 70 years MR. A. ADYIC? which their infirmity their digestion is bs Three companions strove frantically to release the imprisoned suction held him in the pipe and his head was drawn into the water, which still remained on the Looking up through the few rater that covered his face, pealing to fis. helpless: Kinsella was. drowned. For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. RUPTURE AVESOA THE 24TH HST Go to the ASSINIBOIA HOTEL and sev the Specialist of CLAVIERE: so well knownin Cana. . -m. to Sp. m. and 5 to - Pe me TEN FREB, RARE OPPORTUNITY, DO NOT MISS IT. people suffer from rup- Yare more to be pitied whom fever keeps abed, the daily inconveniences: causes, them, , their Strength. little by little, often with- out their knowledge, and their weak- ism is ready to receive the ickness partioularly of that terrible disease, CONSUMPTION. is worse still. They are loubt at every instant at of DEATH. If the rup- maintained or not WELL maintained, it can at any moment rangle, thus stopping completely the. course of digestion and. bringing about SUDDEN DEATH WITHIN 24 And it is not by being satisfied with any kind of bandage that one protects himself. Most bandages atter of fact, incapable to a rupture PERFECTLY in place BOTH DAY AND NIGHT. And the danger of strangulation is when the rupture creeps out from under the bandage. If you would be perfectly protect- the perils which surrount: you, and see your pains, your troubl s irs disappear, you must as to the progress which not know of anything bet- ter to recommend of anything perior to the method of Mr. A. Clav- erie, the great Specialist from Paris, who has obtained marvellous results. su- by the Society of Surgery of Paris, adopted by nearly 1,000,000 wer the world, the Claverie Method and Apparatus are the best SCIENTIFIC known to (0 RELIEVE and to CURE None who are ruptured and who ir health and their life will delay a -moment-to- go and see ry them, Doctor Namy. given free, and In abso- Tate confidence, ABDOMINAL BELTS FOR LADIES AND MEN. DEFORMITIES APPLIANCES. ENIC CORSETS. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Shilohs Gure Si When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't: be per- funded (0 Ly CERAP LUM- BER beraus - ap use the very dest. Wo have It, and ev- erycbing the Bullder .equires, A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SiSH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We hare the ageney for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD Frere, LATH SPLIT CEDAR Posts, wi- Low Posts BEAVER: BOARD YD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE PB. 0. BOX 29,. PHONE 57 FORMALINE FOR SMUT 50c....Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store 2 : 2 LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING HOTSON LEADER ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. ERR EE EEE EE EE EEE CONTRACTORS. AND BUILDERS CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. 0. Box 304. Esti ii Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE RO, 868, 402 728 THE J. S.-FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming: Sand, Coal Grave) Excavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses fer sale aj Al Times. EF. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yall Street. Phone No. 415. P. O. Box 81. F Sseeemnneemenenmeneennneeneaeel W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER amp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to, Phone No. 335. apron an over her T wisd had First apple pai bee Rut ths of the hou corner at his Unele he was er Bat if be was Jookiz tears come be told by hare to go day insten His Une + at Jobnny was. perfer opportiiniti education. last report a tention of column the But then, sidered. tha importance one of the fanzled sct girls from Johnny w it was a u keep on set he didn t the use? So his un Johnny. ha never in hi hia real feel couldn't te other thing and that the worksh ner of inter wonderf man who worth know chines, and Jatricate wo
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Image 137 (1912-07-24), from microfilm reel 137, (CU1739276). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.