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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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C. P. R. MEN S STORE EAST WINDOW Shows a splendid range of Men s Oxford Shoes at Black;tan; patent cellent fitters. This is the clearance of our and is a splendid opportunity. H. S. HRELAND C. P. R. MEN S STORE, Oxfords Washington, D.C. July 20. Nation- at politics, Both Republican and Dem- ocratic, sive indication of easing off during the week, pending the notifica- tion meetings soon to be held, at which the presidential candidates will deliver their first important speeches of the campaign... In the-interim-the third-party ovement promises to keep in the glare of the spot-light. During the week the Roosevelt follow- verjand back to New York. Monday and continuing through and persons are to take part in ; all 1912 lasts, and ex- COMING WEEKS NEWS FORECAST shift to Salt Lake-City, then to Den- The city of Detroit is to celebrate its 911th anniversary with a monster land ani water carnival, beginning on greater part of the week. Ten thous- carnival, Which is to be called Cadil- WATERWORKS BYLAW WAS for Galg: holidays, land, i on missi and j Mr and 300,000 Vill Be Raised . People to Vote on Matter August 18th Certificate Not to Hand. At the city council last evening a by-law was Introduced to be voted on August 18th for the raising of deben- tures for the water works system, The total will be 300,000, The council did not pass on the by- law, however, ag a certificate from the Provincial Board of Health at Ed- monton was not recelved and the council could not Ko on. A meeting was held this morning in the hopes that the certificate would arrive, but as it did not, the meeting wag again adjourned till Monday. POLL TAX COLLECTOR WAKING HIS ROUNDS Inspector Mais Is Meeting With More or Less Suc- c ss in His Work. brother city. train to mering evening Banff, AH ta Land night. and Misi Ezra Current the the. pan: Rey. LL. lately terday mentioned Canadiana who have ualified to shoot at Bisley for the King s prize, is a avery pleasant holiday at Banff. Mr, W, J. Challis, secretary of the Southern Alberta Land Co., arrived from London, will spend some works, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Lily Sellers Jett this morning ary where she will spend her M, D'Ar jergyman, hureh of Eng- several years ago lon Work in tho of Aternethey, a Tee digs 0 Mrs. L. Mats trly around Forster, whow the papers yes- mong the four Sask, 1s ice on bis return * world of HoT. Ww Forster of this d Mr. George Martin left on the noon Join his family who are sum- at Bonft. all returned last from spending the week at Ayers, of, the Southern Alber- Company, was in town last Mrs, P. Robertson, Mrs. E. Pearson s Slack have returned after Pearson ret fair yesterday ed from Swift Eng., yesterday, and time on the com- i press Hille, Residential Property 50 ft, on Bsplanade, 2500, Townsite 100 ft eDR 3: win Fae tae jouse aite-) Mer,; Btock-64,- 1600, corner, block 59, 4200. High School Annex 50 ft. corner, Block 23, 1200. 25 *. with shack, Block 2: 900. 50 ft. Block 28, 900, Central Park 50 ft., Block 4, 1300, 100 ft, Block 16, 1,000 pair. Riverside 300 each, South Yuill 50 ft. lot, Block 8, 1050. 60 ft, lot, Factory St., 500, Also 1 Cousins an Sissons, dale, Altawana, Herald, etc, HC. PEITET C0 868 Toronto St, Phone 481 New C For Soo. Real Estate SNAPS Lots in Block 7, 18 and 14 at ge ist of property in Bending, Riverdale, Fuller-Harlow, Rose- 4, anal Federal Minister of Public Works Announces Plans to have your requirements fig- ured on and you-never know. Just call up Phone 499. Beaver Lumber Co. Limited J. W. STACEY, Mgr. Factory St. and South Railway. Phone 499, The BEST BUYS -ARE OFTEN MADE WHEN THE HOT SUMMER IS HERE OR ed-to entrons in Iowa,.Alabama and a number of other states for the election of dele- Bates to the National ehtion at Chicago. explorer who 1701, founded. the city will be the itual convention of National Association A general Democratic primary will be held in Texas Saturday for the se- lection of candidates for governor and other State officers, members of the legislature, judiciary, United States senator and congressmen at large. The contest for the seat of Joseph W. Bailey in the United States Senate has desn a long and bitter one. The lead- ing candidates are Congressman Mau- rice Sheppard, Congressman C. B. Randeil and J, F. Wolters - Governor: Colquitt is a candidate for r nomina- fon and is-opnosed -by-W: , associate justice of the supreme Spokane; the national convention in Atlanta; andthe lodge meeting of assemble in-St. Paul. A FIXED LAW. (Louisville Courler-Journal.) credit the witness. : 7 Youwre positive this happen Wednesday? he demanded. jaguiiy in-honor of Cadillac ,the French. of Insurance Commissioners, which will be held in Gideons, or Christian travelling men, national grand the International Order of Good Templars ,which will The lawyer was determined to dis- in 1000 IN GITY SHOULD DONATE THEIR 3 DOLLARS Few Object to Paying the Required Amount Most All Cough Up. Have you met the Poll Tax Col- lector ? No. Well, you will. Collector Mais is making his rounds, rounding up all those to whose happy lot it falls-to donate the dental pi of stn, ton was drunk. tthe support of the city. guiltyto There are about 1,000 persons in The house destroved by Suffield yesterday, was owned by Mr. Dr, and Mrs. Slack are leaving for Banff tomorrow eveuing. At the police court this morning before Magistrate Kealy, Walter Ea- J. Meaney 5 and costs for Jota toam W.PHodin was fined 1 Sass dien-dollars +9 as/ 5 abd George -Moir,who pleaded duct was ordered to pay a similar fire in Dr. Slack s arlor will be closed till Aug. POLICE COURT. fined 3 and costs and D. being, in charg For being drunk -charge: of disorderly eon- QW. A. P. Dispatch) Sault ste? Mari partment of Railways pare plans for the canal and lock to to proceed with. preparations ommencing the work. Mam-Named Commis Badly When Team Ran Away. Tt ig report scant T am. Sure it was Wednesday? Yes. Can't be mistaken? Democrats of Iowa will feet in State convention in Cedar Rapids on Thursday to adopt a platform and to mame-two-candidates for udge of the State Supreme, Court: day or Tuesday. Hearings in the .Government's suit eeanity to dissolve tle American Su- Refining Company are to be re- sumed In San Francisco on Tuesday. From San Francisco the hearings will with day. board. : SHEA NOZZLES: WATERING CANS, ICE CRE. FREEZERS, HAMMOCKS AND LAWN SEATS. : At specially REDUCED PRICES For the next TEN DAYS. PHONE 26., TORONTO ST.. MEDICINE HAT. hy couldn t it have been Thurs- How is it that you Siicken day is Wednesday where This city are who thusly honored, and Mr. Maisis extending every effort possifile to further honor these eligibles with a personal call. Already the Inspector has discov- ered the fact that he is a most wel- come visitor, that the warm- hand of good fellowship is extended to him the second that he broaches the wi the result that his commissions are piling up nicely as is also the neat little pile that is being added: to the eity- coffers. However, there are a few who de- mur about meeting the request of the Collector, and- who-try-to-fight shy the fulfilling of their obliga- tions. Some go as far as to refuse to give the Collector their ames. However, with these stringent measumes willbe employed. Mr. Mais can from their em- Charity follow in ef no pitals, no down in-the-Gity charter. However. as yet he has found these measures unnecessary. Want Lethbridge Labor Men in the struction, Delegation of Local Trades Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL. - Tailor lias removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. Ladies -and-Gents - Clothing Repaired, Cleaned aud Pressed-by-expet hands, Work ealled for and delivered. PHONE 486, tt. -- McKINNON S F. B. McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and patrons, for thelr generous patronage during the past seven years which he has condueted his bakery business, and begs to state that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on as a Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company continuance of their esteemed patronage, with an assurance of 2 continuation of that service and quality which has always been associated with this store. 3 is cba F. B. McKINNON latch for further Announcements 235-0-tf WHEN YOU ARE EATING MOTHER S BREAD YOU ARE EATING THE BEST Council Off to - Interview Lethbridge Workers, * lt;4, delegation from the Labor Day. Sports Committee left -town yesterday Jon a visit to Lethbridge to Interview the members of the Lethbridge Trades and Labor Council for the purpose of getting together an aggregation of Sportamen to visit. the Hat on Labor Day. Great things are expected from the visit, and tt behooves the local sports-to-look to thelr laurels if they wish to retain the beautiful prizes that are to be given on that day, En- try hlanks for. the .events -may- be looked for after thelr return, when it is heped*that a full vompliment-orjtrot of competitions will make their entries. Don t forget they are giving a 50 cup for the 5 mile bicycle race, so you cyclists had better get-into train- ing now, GOOD BAND CONCERT Popular Music Made Hit Tomorrow Night s Pro- gramme, : principles six years Gladstone coal and way? all. cent of pre left to be Despite the threatening weather last night's band concert was well terview to attended and the classic muste pro- that I am Yided by the band shown enax chey Melly in- Wave Hot been neglectful in their ef- The Catholic ord today, July 20, 1634, by St. Vincent de Paul and-the-ministrations-of the-an- gels of mercy have continued to- bless beginning in Pai led the globe with bonds of sympathy gnd compassion that now no bounds, the members ministering to all distress but especially to the afflictions that the towns and the rooms of the hos- perfect modesty. The first railway line in Canada Wae-opered seventyshx- vears agoto morrow Sry 22606 e fom Laprairie to St. Johns, Quebec. The Dominion now has the greatest mileage per the world and no other land is at Present the scene of so much con- way are now: in operation in Canada and the lines now being built will pro- Hat-for-Holiday: bring the total to 30,000 miles, The first dinner of the Cobden Club, the Tainous London orzanization In- stituted to spread apostle of free trade, was held forty- pest CONSIDERATION. Magnate Have all the and duly trustified? Secretary They have, sir- Every one-of them: Magnate And have we gobbled up all the valuable railroad rights of Secretary We have complete con- lines reach everywhere. lines would be absurd, and impos- sible to finance Magnate Are sights left? Secretary Not one. Magnate And are sites and harbor facilities securely in our clutches? Secretary All Magnate Is there any public land Secretary Practically none, air. Magnate Very good. FIRST THINGS of Sisters of 8 years ago was founded , the order has gi the wake of war, pestilence, lood and fire... They have no but the homes: of the cloister put the streets of veil but'the holiest and most extended pita of any country of About 26,000 miles of rail- and develop the of Richard Cobden, the ago tomorror In the chair. with W,-E. important iron mines been grabbed that situation, sir Our Competing any, water power) We have them the terminal that there is- a ofit in, sir. distributed? Give an in- the press at once. saying unalterable and ungual favor of the conserva- fully cut, severe cuts. the hospital, robabl gaved his lite. Naturally ing the story of Red wity-animals that lived there. Suddenly, she said, Red Rid Hood heard a Joud noise. around, and what do you suppose saw standing there, looking at teeth? Teddy Roosevelt cried all boys in chorus. Boston Post. Ifyou are looking for Real Good Buys Read This List Lets -4, Block 10, 1050 Cash. Lots 1-2, Block 5, 1150, terms. Riverside Park. Lots 31-38, Block 7 600 pair. Terms. or Lots 3-20, Block 13, 600 pair. Terms. Lots 13-14, Block 1, 750 pair, Terms. Lots 26-30,.Block 15, 600 pair. Terms. Herald Survey Lots 8-9, Block G, 1500 pair. Terms f Lots 28-29, Block 5, 1475. pair. Cash. z Set -Townsite Lot 36, Block 82, 1150. Terms. Lots 16-17, Block 52, 2000 each, Terms, GAS CITY REALTY Co. Life, Fire, Accideut, Hall and Plate. lasy. Insurance. 410 Main St, P, 0, Box 816. Phone 695, Houses COT BY MOWER. She turned and showing all his sharp, strong, July 19. Hon. Works, stated today that the De- and Canals had instructed its engineers tio pre- new Canadian the Sault and Injured that a man named Conn, residing between Littl Plume -and Weelehester, was brought: tone city by a Mr. Galloway suffering from He was driving his mowing mach- ine when the team ran away and he was thrown on the knives-and pain- Mr. Galloway was called. jand he hastened the injured man to d his: prompt action A teacher here in Boston was tell- Riding Hood She had described the woods and the ing she her the shot Scotland. stock company. at Mount Clemens. entitled The Test Case. summer operatic carnival. )-Heten Ware is-to-appear in The Trial Masriage, by Elmer Harris. ng season bears the title C. Q. D, Joan of Are production next season. return to the stage in Kerry Gow, Fiske's playlet, Agnes, phia in a sketch called cident. Catherine:Countiss:will have'a star- ring engagement in Portland this sum- mer E. H. Sothern ahd Julia Marlowe feet frontage onthe Porcelain Plant Bite. Offers wanted, BLgeK . terms. Water, stwer, Toronto Gas, water, sewers Terms, 7. i * BLOCK 4 Old Cousina survey, Plan 796 My -'75 feet that has 145 Will consider all offers. 52. Lots 16-17, Old Townsite. Offers wanted, cash of faces south. Will sell . cheap. All offerte considered: BLOCK 8. Lots 9-10. C ittral Parke Faves north on Charles St. A snap at 1,00 BLOCK 5. Cousins and sign .. A B6-Foot corner, only 350; terms. eee i We have over a thousand lo guarantee to make you money. y of.fhen wa gould have gone to Ireland, and will thence PEPE EEE EEE * The Fin has. the fc ada: Bullding the follov will stow, inereaso 4 ular secti * widesprea There are which hay mate vaiue responding but this 1 large bu Jost sight 8 an inde not always Mind of bul velopment pottdon, ot Churehill, F in-introduch al appropris House of Cor the dir ct ca the large cities, May de Sousa Is in vaudeville in Willams. Thompson has. arrived wien tom Abroad with a sketch enti aad 3 s a etch entitled fan Francisco is to have a musical an Object. Lesson, Nee Louis Dresser is to be starred by H. H. Frazee,in a new musical come- dy the coming season. Marshall P, Wilder is recuperating Aldred Holland has a new sketeh navia wartiela contemplates a re vival of his old successes and also a perfarmance of Shylock. Byron Ongley, who dramatized The, Typhoon, has written another play, entitled The Path of Glory. Ada Meade is to sing in Paris at the Lily Langtry is to make an Ameri- can tour in a suffragette sketch of her own, entitled Helping the Cause. A new farce to be produced the com Gertrude Hottman Is to have. dis proete Giouty- nas beer for a leading role in The Peace, the new opera by Damrosch, Eva Tanguay is to start ona high- priced road tour next season, it is sald, playing but two days in any one city, engaged Dove. of. Walter Joseph Murphy, the Irish actor,-may. Bertha Kalisch is still using Mrs; The Light of St. Irene Myers is playi in Philadel- Street In- lt;A new play to be produced next Season is called The- Merry Widow Remarried. It is an adaptation of a foreign work, and in the cast. will be Adelaide Norwood and Thornton Ur quhart, who was the tenor with Et my Trentin last season. The prodic tion will be made by Klaw and Er- langer: Gold Standard Baking Powder Unequalied for Purity and Strength. We also stock, Dr. Price s and other popular lines of Baking Powder. forts to provide good music, To-morrow night's programme : March The Moose. erenade Garden of Dreants. election Bohemian Girl Medley Dream of the South. Intermezzo Apple Blossoms. Baritone Obligato Marengo. sSaecred Overture Throw Out The lise of the DID: Visitor: you ksiow tion of natural resources benefit of the pubhic at large. trude is- so very clever at repartec, Mrs.-Nooriche. Oh, indeed Well, I'm thinking ot aving- the taught, too. I'm a great believer in these athletic. gamis for ladies and the public domain for NYT CATCH ON. Oh, I think Lady Ger- sirts If you ate looking fer a Home, see W. H. ROSEWARNE Builder. Phone 800. + g0 to Paris, penditure in + PLAYS AND PLAYERS. a 7 be found in ti The Garden of Allah is to open ediapetsiy bbe fee tp elite season in Chicago and play only Crease. tn th all classes. German nay that nearly German nays full permane stantly ready continued, markable ari finds no exan tice of mode Mrs Charlottet Will Li of Me Charlottown -Airs, Patrick tried in the Si town, on char; children by ad COLO Ottawa, Ont, Minister of Mi four weeks tri Col, Hughes w military prope will ascertain ern provinces erection of dri ber of western asked for rifle essities of orm A VI Tmportant and Cot Toronto, July Ontarto has wor cin which bund: dollars were in ara Power Com in the suit was Council today. The case was Beneral against Power Co., and Pretation of the
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Image 119 (1912-07-20), from microfilm reel 119, (CU1739297). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.