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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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* z ay,,July 20th, A012 you build, consider ; tirst. Don't be per- gt; buy CHEAP LUM- Uugy it's cheap use the . We have it, and ev- the Builder requi st stock or LUMBER, SASH, FIR FINISH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH : FLOORINGS. the agency for the Morgan Doors, DOOR HRAUTIFUL , WOOD FIBRE, LATH CEDAR POSTS, WIL SUE AT WL ONO AR ONY TER tht OF PROSPER reat Boost for Medicine Hat in a Lengthy and Well Ill- ustrated Review of the City and Its Outlook ig Pub lished in Manitoba Paper. Under a seven column head of H'Medicino Hat, Makes Great Strides ag dustrial City. Many Important In- justries Locate Because of Natural Gas, Her unprecedented Pregress PManitested by Large Total of Bulld- Sing Permits. Her Era of Prosperity Ms Just Beginning. the Winnipeg Free Press says, Medicine Hat the city which did Mot get the car shops of the , P. R. That's right but it s not halt the story, Medicine Hat expected those ear shops, Medicine Hat had been be-used. It has been under constant consumption ever since, The capacity for the-city'n-ten-wells ta about thirty million feet of gas every twentyfour hours. Yet after-ten years constant cohsumption the force of the gas is as great as ever it was, When the gauge tn applied to the mouth of the well it quickly swings round to five hun- dred an eighty-five pounds to the square inch the highest polnt ever reached. Gus and to Spare. Such a force and so much of it will og Free Press The out 4 ora tober, and then all the ordinary Mn of stoneware used in western Gam Will be mae in Medicine Hat. This etc wil include Jugs, Jars, churns, and ke utility ware, flower pots, vessels for pickle and preserving factories, etc. Later the factory will go into the Manufacture of better lines, euch as table dishes and toilet utensils. The OUtpUt oF the Medicine Hattactory- n these Mnes will be between 400 and 500 car loads per year and will be distributed over the entire Domiaton, as there 18 not other plant of the eama kind in the whole of Canada. The clays employed in the manufacture of these articles will be brought from gro Spokane. n orang KFiass tactory Wat without ne to Medi ine Hat negatiauior sil side aud bury. gla The Linseed O-Company s mill Is another of the of this manufacturing city. Put of this mill Ig about Of linseed oll per day, and ground flax. 30 men, and as ning Ite career country this business will wr. Furthermore, cleared up, They have already been tested, and have proven istagtory * something one expect Im Mediein thera jever al gas 1 its for already practically closed, brought In fro the very best grades of w88, BUCH as bottles, jars, made for ana its glass works? A are the western ma Lots 1-20, Block 14, Cousins and Sissons, 280 per lot Terms 1-3 cash ; 6 and 12 months. Also 125 feet, Block 27, Central Park for 1500. Terms, ae cash; 6 and 12 months. Lots 28-26, Block G, Herald (corner) 125x150 (snap) 2400. Terms, 1-3 cash; 4 and 8 months. Productive Industries The out- 1,200 gallons besides oil cake The miit emptoys West is only b gin- aga flax producing certainly the sround ts-betag. excavations made, and (Continued on page 4.) oer aoetoctoegoerete ato rocteguiecteteateaeteete Gretenfeeteceeteete deatenteteateagen SoegeateateSoegoate eoeteteas LOW Posts surely keep the city and Its industries supplied with cheap power for a long tlme to come, There must be some place where Nature replenishes her upply of natural gas in the bowels fof the earth somewhere she must have a laboratory of her own where she tings together the hydrogen, the, oxy- gen and the methane and combines them in proper proportions, which she knows so well. Now, if one could only know the place he could get a Jot of natural, Medicine Hat has struck. t the spot is just under the Hat. The place is well named here is: Nature's own medicine for all the difficulties of labor and prob lems ot power, and she has them all ringht under the Hat. THdustries of Medicine Hat. Talk about industries you'll find them at the Hat. It fs the natural gravitation point In Western Cann la, for the Industrial forces of our civite, izaion. What's the use talking manu- factories in a place, however popti lous, which has neither raw material, economical, power, shipping facilities or market? Where you find:any one of these to an unusual degree you may. expect something; but where you find two or three or all combined there destiny has clearly marked the path she will pursue. Industries it must tending to her own affairs. She had hc industries, else the people will go resources which demanded her atten- naked anq starve. This the people tion, She would leave them to others positively refuse to do. Nay, they uot no longer, but woul develop thent only-want-bread-and a blanket, but a herself. whole lot. more. Luxuries that only Busy Medicine Hat. money esin purchase Iuxurles for the And so she got busy and has b en table, luxuries for the person, luxuries hustling ever stice. She is. after In- for the home, luxuries for every phase dustries and is getting them. The of life. They Agmand them. Their 2 -mill is one big plum, to demand makes work makes indus- which sh? as -faflen heir s bub (tries. But those industries must, be there ars others. Today you will established where Nature has find the buge rolling mills at work, cheap power. And this is where the employing a big Staff of men, They Hat will play her part she has: the take:the scraps of fron and steel power. There fs coal in the near whith ate Coll cted-in vast quantities neighborhood, but she needs it not for from the railway shops and the foun- this purpose. She hag Inexhaustible dries and mills and repair shops and as Wells Which supry fael without , machine shops and blacksmith shops stoker, without smoke, without ashes and farm yards all over Western Can- with simple furnace and gas jet ada and they reduce them down by and the supply goes on day and night, hot blast and rolling process to mar- year in, year out. Xetable round fron and flat iron. This The factories also are prosperir is one of the remarkable industries of because of the greatly . reduced ex- which Medicitie Hat has great reason pense of running. And big as several of her plants are today, as the market all but promised those car shops. Ev- ery circumstance justly led her to Delieve they were hers, Then sudden- 1y they Went holus bohis to Calgary. Medicine Hat was surprised disap- pointed, Calgary was jubilant, When suddenly everybody began to realize that Medicine Hat having incurred no obligations, and being scott free from ail obligations which she was prepar ed to asstime, had-no cause to lament, was indeed well off without the car shops. She had countless natural re- sources which wore bound to develop. One Ilttle disappointment in her glor- fous career of onward and upward progress was anything but fatal, Stc- cess in: that Uttle. matter could only be obtained at a great price, She not succeed and consequently did not have to pay the price. Instantly there was a general awak- ning throughout the city. The good citizens of Medicine Hat saw that their dream had faded, but real gen- ulne realities were left. They now realized that their future was theirs to make. They had looked to the big corporations too long. They had courted them and-found them faithless rather, faithful to their own inter- ests, for which no one could blame them. But Medicine Hat would court them no longer she was too busy at- baa Seeeetent Youware just as safe in buying from-us by mail'as if you buying in person. All orders are promptly attended to. Our SS Mail Order department is thoroughly equipped and our facilities WE INVITE PATRONAGE THROUGH THIS DEPARTMENT. for executing out of town orders cannot be surpassed. LUMBER PEOPLE X29. PHONE 57 of 98 pieces laid down i Medicine Hat for 18.00 ENGLISH Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, of 98 pieces, full coni- position for twelve persoris. All the handled pieces are of solid gold the border decoration is elaborately treated with coin gold, Special value, 18.00 (Laid down in Medicine Hat.) Sample plate sent on request. Squares at Mill Prices An assortment. of 50 special Brussels Squares made from worst- ed yarns, in this season s designs: Colors Greens, Tans, Browns, and Blues. down in Medicine Hat.) Size 6 ft. 9 in. by 9 ft. 0 in., 9.75 instead of 13.50. Size 9 ft. Oin by 9 ft. 0 in., 12.75 instead of 17.50. Size 9 ft. 0 in. by 10 ft.6'in., 14.75 instead of 20.00. ize 9 ft. 0 in by 12 ft. 0 in., 16.75 instead of 22.50. Remember These-specials are genuine bedy Brussels Carpets,4- not Tapestry. Our prices, (Laid ee ey Fudor Colonial B. CURTIS ; BEING A MODIFICATION OF THE TUBOR LINES to be proud. It is a real manufactur- ing plant typical of the ndustrial/grows they wili have to tear down wind life and resources of th Hat, Medi- those plants and build greater. Take SON cine Hat does not need to beg the for example, ,the Rolling Mill Com- LEADER question when talking industries. pany, Today it gets scrape iron and b She does not call a barber shop a junk from th main line of the C.P.R. Decorating. 2 manufaeturing establishment. Her in- Think of the quantity which will be TRACTORS D dustries are the kind where large dumped off at the blast furnace doors when the C.N.R.-and the G.T.P.. get their lines into. the Hat. Here Is the one place in the west where this raw material can be used, Yet every rall- road, every farm yard, every foundry, ytinker's shop. in the west will mill. From Y corner it will-come in small quantities and large and will aggre- gate hundreds of thousands of tons. Many Blg Mills, Then this work is only in its in- fancy,. Another big mill will be built immediately alongside of the rolling mill, It is the steel plant the open hearth furnace. The steel products, such as bolts, nuts, nails, screws, wire. and a hundred et ceteras, will be manufactured, There is no limit to the possibilities in this direction. And . this is a baste industry the fact that such things can be made in Medicine Hat will cause other industries to start up which need these various ar- ticles, Already a wire fence com- pany hag entered into negotiations for a'site for large factory. And no one who knows anything of rural western Canada will say there is no market for the products of a wire fence com- pany, Alberta Clay Products. One of the most interesting of all the industries of Medicine Hat is the vation Aerts Clay Products Company. bts each work out its own salvailonlr ti. brick, sewer pipes and y quiet, steady progress and - bard ja other clay articles in all their thous- ae iat s bor under exceptional conditions, - d varieties are manufactured, The -Inevery cuney Snt Ye hich Insure success: In eve clay, such of It as-is -not-found right, fhere there is reasonably sane man- In the Hat itself, is brought in by aera ag a the C.P.R, in the ordinary dump cars. in Industria It 18 then Wrought up into propef con- The future of Medicine Hat must be sistency and put through dies of ndustrial. It has everything to make various types and then dried by arti- great manufacturing centre. Its 45) ficial process, after which ft Is ready the secret of Its power and the gas for shipment. A slight idea of the ellg below Medicine Hat seem as magnitude of the company s opera- pexhaustible as the water springs Of tions can be gathered frdm the fact he Rocky Mountains. In other. parts that it has turned out as many as 1,600 the world cities have been sustained car loads of fireproof material in ful- nd industries continued for years bY)tiiment of one order, and as many jeans of mere pockets of gas. Med-tas 500 car loads of common brick on ne Hat's supply of Bas Is no poc- one order. There is brick making by Shig-seems-to have-direet-con he wholesale lon with Dame Nature's principal The Porcelain Works fs Just about a has tapped the very completed. Three furnaces are be- Works of nature. Ten years ago ing erected and an excellent plant its this gas first began-towhich will be in full operation by Oc- capital is involved, and big contracts are undertaken where a fraction of a cent per unit makes thousands of dollars difference on the output. A long list of. such industries now in operation or under construction in Medicine Hat coufd be given: shall be sald of the huge mill and plant of the Alberta Clay Products Company employing over 200 men, of the Alberta Foundry and Machine Co. employing upwards of a ncvdred? Then there is the Alberta linrzed oil mills and the Medicine Hat Flour Mills Company, The Preston Planing Mills Company is also a large con- cern, Which has been established for some years in Medicine Hat, whe under construction, or about to be started, are the plants of the Medicine Hat Porcelain Manufacturing Co., and the International Supply Company the Alberta Glass Company and the Medicine Hat Steel Company, as well Mas the great mill of the Ogilvie.Flour ; Mills Company. All of these are great industries any One of-which would make the fortune of many a city in Iwestern Canada, But Medicine Hat takes her successes calmly. One. big industry I6cated she goes -after an- other and instead of talking about ev- ybig mill she gets until people veary of hearing about it and the ompany goes broke, Medicine Hat BUILDERS FIGURE WITH You PLACING - YOUR oT FOR A BUILDING IMATES FREE. Next to Cit inininininininininininiait The Suite Where this Inspiration: : Evolved THE cabinet makers of this peried received thelr inspir- ations from the models of the 17th century designers. raceful Fiber San Domingo Mahogany Combining Art, Beauty, Quality and Desirability A Preface in the Form of an Addenda, PHE originadt rs vt the- Tudor Colonial design were among the early settlers of the New England States, and derived the ideas from the Jacobean and Tudor styles, simplified and mod- ified the embellishmeits, thus giving each piece a more chaste appearance of dignity. and enoblement which resolved itself into what is now known as the TUDOR COLONIAL LIKE a diamond,or rare old wine,it-has-and always-will-held and uphold a premier position among th smost dignified of furniture with its beautiful lines that characterizes so much, PERIOD FURNITURE. SO TODAY this store has its reproduction we might say of the Old Masters reproduced, and to offer at a priee you can afford to pay, so WE-INVITE YOU TO COME A THE NEILSON. FURNITURE Co. 118 EIGHTH AVENUE EAST CALGARY rOPPLLO LY FOEOOI SOLOS O OOOO TOO OOOO Bee Nieto le deatoetotons SLEY BROS. SSS SFG s and Contractors. Ave., Phone 434 0. Box 304, imates Free. ins Prepared. i oe Complete --As an Intimation e Soto THIS is a suggestionfrom our Furniture Department. A. complete bedroom suite that re- presents to a vast degree the furniture in vogue that was used in the-homes of the early settlers of the New England fe 5 un ONE a 402 728 J. S. FOLLIS racting Co. PORONTO ST. ing. Sand, Coal Gravel rating a /Speelalty. leavy. Horses for sale at cool p ee oS Seeds a Wo Parse ete soctoegs a roceaede es ia 2 PRACTS FOR VY TEAMING ots aS of 2 e 2 Me So-efeego reoeteets eS 1) AND EXCAVATING and Sand for Sale, 0. ox Shem No 1k D SEE IT, rpeoeeigigrgrtedes foe Simmonds (R AND CONTRACTOR 2 2 feed ae 2 s gt; ogee e me
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Image 114 (1912-07-20), from microfilm reel 114, (CU1739293). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.