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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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yee Our Specials in Shirts qrttbessesgery : AMONG THE bt CHURCHES fort. While.1 conr se to some disap- polatmtyts in the work, on the whole Seansseeeeasd 1 can truly say it has been great foy'to me. What is our reason, for pride to ose Enipife? de it-vastnodsiot torri- 8eton of mine will not. de-subject to tory? On Britain's domsing the sun never sets, But our cause i ay es Sa. not here . Ie it mm the, of people, dhe ee Se lation ate subjects MBE our cause for prit either, . fs tt in Britain Is it in her almost irre Is It in. the, brillian her statesmen, or even pravery, of h y some? on 6 possessed. all ft HLS.IRELAND C.P.R. MENS STORE. Lob 4, bik. 88; 1080. Terms. Lot 36, Bik. 80, 1050. Cash, int2, ae oe Terma Tot 24 bie pik 22, 210 11, bik. 4; Money Makers OLD-TOWNSITE 1050 Lot 36, Block 0, 1200 Lot 10, Block 82.7 1850 Lot 14, Block 80. 3600-for 200 tt, 5-6, Block 93, yg Pe ft, cornr, 16-17, Blic. gt; 1250 Lot 23, Bldck 80. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. 750 ir, 8-4 and 9-10, Bik--81. Choice building Iots close ee close in lots in the 900 pair, 1-9, Bick 29. 1050 pair, 5-6, Block 20, near , High School, 600 pair, 31-32, Block . ise Dair, 23-24, Block 2, 1250 pair, 9-10, Block: 26, Br first Sout ada, when rlotism moves us, Mr, Holman sald, +e shall never fail to nolnge tn our thought that greater Empire of which-we form part, and which is all joined together in the strong bonds of loyal allegiance to. oue common king. We love out sotin- , Canada first, but not Canada on- We rejoiced to form. part of: that ot Beypt and there ypu will tipd. fast peeping above the sands the ruins of vilization as proud and as power- ful fn its day as our own. Or 0 through any of those Bastern. coun- tries and you will find the relics of the same: sad experience. Nations. have held the: sceptre fora tine, but ot Greece, Cartes nd ao eee of War, with alt thelr aolse,and jolly and sin is here and ruined turret, a crumbling wall, a broken olomnade. Britain's asfarance of continuance must be in Bometbing other than rate force. God myst be taken into 80 tom, stil Thos ot our tathe God of the- far fling .oattleline, By: whose Almighty power Wwe hold Dominion over. palm and pine, Lord God of Hosts, be with us. yet, Lest we forget Lest we for et Our country s ideal must be one of service to mankind. Let us be pf riotic about the constructive things, the destructive will then die out, En- during greatness for our nation dex petids upon the-extent to which she aia world power for peace, for hu- men the wide world over more pros- perous, more free, more just,,. more brotherly. Were half the power that fills the world with terror, camps and courts, to redeem the human mind from error, There wereno need for arsenals or forts. RESIGNED FROM Pastor a His Resig- * nation to Congregation on Sunda: ns Here in Decem Rey.C. 'T. Holsnany pastor of the First Baptist church, tendered his resignation to the congregation of the. eliurch at the services Sunday. Mi. Holman has not as yet decided just what he will do, He came here from Red Deer last ember and took charge of the church, which has progressed well under his pastorage. All branches of the work showed an improvement, es- pature wil be greatfy . , Fesretted by. jal. lawn of A.B. Whiftin,-628 Maln St, tn mianity, for everything that makes /rent; Les p clally the Sunday. School, His de- , tion, regujar attendance, aitentive hegring, and generous gupply of - alM hyoge geedful for my personal om- Tn conelisign i t me say. that this reconsideration, and I wquld ask that) You.act upon it as soonns posible. I would urge : lt; , Mrs. We g. - Thompsow * and Miss Thompson of Mifinedoss, Mag are the i66-c am Hocial will be given on aes duly 4th, by the Junior W. St/Barnavas , Chureb, on the aid of. the fund. A B arty wel (Continuyd trop Page 1) - of these Aunt Jemima was weat while house vas alfting gown and the: 4t was polsible to enjoy. adopting the-new methods of wash Hewitt-Black s, lt; gt; : This firm; who are agents for the James Stewart Monursetoring Co, of the, Gifither Land Go. globe al Fepreenting Byening News In a pretty eoine ds exter tO all, Come and joo make the girls social a sutocss. fn marriage to Mr, Alfred Revi), E.Heneh perform Mr. Buell Wil dct as. gulde''to the party, and while Messrs, Godfrey and Fahiner are inexperienced fishermen, yet no doubt they will land many . good catch under the superintend: of thelr guifle,and will have many good fish yarns to spin upon their return. RS Married, at St. Barnabas church, June 29th, by the rector, Rev..E. A. Davis, Mr. David. Careill and Miss Hthel May Woods. Married, at St..Barnabas ehurch, Ju-y Ist, by the rector, the Rev. B.-A. Davis, Mr. HEnry Alfred. Pagter and Miss Rose Margaret Tucker. aeons others we notits ig were. Feeistered in the focal 18 gt; W. J. Geen, Gull Lake; John aca irvine;. Thomas Monahan, Corlstad; Mr. and irs. JP. Triplett, Mr, and Mrs. A.C. Lindauist, Bow. Yeland; Fred Rushford, Gull Lake; H.)M, Oliver, Suffield; Sullivan, Sattield; C.F. Fredant. Andrew Robert Anderson, Car - stad; R Londerean, Winnifred; C. Blsman, -Redcliff; Joseph. Delmiks, Sere Miss-R. Kelman, James Georg Rochon; G, Emmes and, E McMillan, Swift Cur- eHorson, and A. W. Con- 7, Carll Agnew. 3 John Eagle, Ed. Chlder, James Di e dson, Carlstadt; - Charles C. John Lee, Lewis Auckland, - Pea Were half the money spent ons Mygard, Alex Ondland, H. Hamilton, Morgan Thomas, J. P. Krouse, B. N. Christopherson, B. R. Helm Rochon, Bert. Bmmes, jf. W. Nelley, W. Ross, Jack Lynch, MeNeilly, Jack) Downing, Jack Costell Wel- berg, Joe Milinn, Swift: Ci 6. W. Flossing; Winifred; Mr. and Mrs. ffery, Mr. and Mrs.-d, A. Boyd M.-Laird, R. E. Lay, Carls B, Thorson, Swift Current; G. Shares, Suffield; Manford Graniand, Victor N jgon, Guy Hamilton, Olaf Oadland, H. 3f-Oi8on, S. Swanson, A Barkveal, HL Ste ff BAPTIST. CHURCH: M. Ryland, Andy Swanby, - Gull Lake; F, Paskes, H: McKay, Swift Current; R. Pollock, Bow Island; J, F. Lee, R. Tihies, Suffield; Charles England, Carlstad; A.B. Lewin, Swift Current, Larry Dunnill, Gull tae John Burgess, Switt Current; Av Smith, Bowell; Csristad ; Barl Whiting, B,.W. Welss, 1. Kaizer, and Dr. and Mr. Granshaw, Bow Island; Fy Bar- ker Swift Current; Mr. and Mrs, C: ebod model-of a gung aboard, 1 Alberta Foundry. L. Running, Brooks, A. J. Diamond, , AL A We Were well repressnteds aida con b procession, but they of the youngsters. Epworth League, The Epworth 14 seated a dozen of ed in, the white of chair girls. attracted much attention. International Supply. Coy. lt; This Company had a. gas engine working aboard, and a placard Snnown- 0 of ese Ms es B into Alberat asi Witchenl, the hatdware, d heating compasy, hadia of the stoves they handle : ine HatPottery Co Although thic Company have not yet, opened up in Medicine Hat, they were represented, and announced the date of their opening as October ist. Alberta Bolling Mills. Showing a fine line-of the goods made in Medicine Hat, keen interest was taken in the Alberta, Rolling Mills float. AS rola Music o, amusing bwflesque, so faras the fostumes and conducting of the orch lestra-sas concerned, was exhibited in the Assiniboia Musie Company's float.) put the music ftself was far from being a burlesque, and the members of the orchestra rendered some fine selec- tions en route, 014 Timer Clear. The Old Timer Cigar was well ad- yertised by. a prettily decorated float, pat which marched a human cig- Brotherhood of B. 1- - and B.A: Ten of the-members of the Brother ) hood marched behind one of the most interesting floats in the procession, on which waa a Temarkable model of a locomotiv . Dominion Motor Gafaze, Gn this float it was shown that- lt; lerything was-working for the future of Garistad; Mr. and Mrs. G; W. Parker, Jake; F. E.-McDatrmid, Carlstad? Frank Wayet, Ernest Jamison, Ly Smith, Suffield, and A. B. Mclve, Brooks, The following ts copy of hi nation as tender: To the Members of a duty at this tome ig ateont my 5 Festguation Jet, the city this morning to hold a court at Wallate, when B of selling Hauor without Medicine Hat. Even His Satanic Maj festy was deplcfed shoveling coxt to (produde the natural gas to supply the ofty with... This was entitled In the Basement. Above were models of Seated padatnvenns a iad tro i, the: centre vero several Young indies, who Bequed Very much at hgme tn Mr. Moore's comfortabie: chal : e mentioned. the) Wagon), by. ir Rae's goods, formed ae Was that th Wilere they liv caused amusement. 71h . sh Saad out in Targe numbers, ahd all decorations were extremely pretty: tasteful. . The judges hac no Uttie Fi in miareests the prize wlnuer in Slax, ut the awards were pop- Big in een: the city band, he police. court this niorning b Magistrate Kealy, twenty-one enness cases were disposed: of je ugual fines were Imposed, f Hugh Gannon pleaded. guilty to als harge of trespassing on-C. P.:R. pto- perty, and. admitted stealing a ride from Calgary yesterday. Prisoner Ordered to pay 3 costs, or in del fin Jail. ES Drunk in Charge of . Const. Brown at the polled this morning told the magistral was drunk. while in f a team yesterday, and when dziving over the railway crossing yan ito, w-buggy sind smashed one of the wheels. Magistrate Kealy adjourned the ease until. tomorrow to see what An- derpon Would do to recompence Mr. Littlefold, who owned the bugey. The raiiiied ala Saint 3: Oiae croft for tobtaining. money. by false pretences: was brought before Magis- trate Mr.*Davidson appeared for prison- crand-Mr. Mahitfy for the police. Prisoner, who elected tobe tried by on the for the. receptigp. of cereus of 2 i frydock, which is to largest areaeia ee world. The dock a ie be built either on the-St. Chayes 'Rtv- er Beauport flats, on fie Que- bee at St. Joseph fe Levis. Phe dock) will be 1150 fget long, 137 feet wide and 37 feet. The Gov- ernment itatif will nt build the dock but the company or firm. whose bid. EP 1-2 per cent for thirty-five zaps 3,000,000. Y 20 PURCHASE MONTICELLO (Special to the News) P The Lic brary Coramittee of Congress gave a public heaping today on the measure providing for the purchase by the Government: af Mozticello, the home and burial place of Th Jefferson. Representatives of sevetal- patriotic organizations were on band to urge the passage of the (o cello is now owned Jefferson Levy, who a willingness to . 9HI0 REPUBLICANS TO * i NOMINATE bus O.; July 2 The ast ea te convention of -O adjourhed oa June 4 deldgates-at-large to the vention, reconvened togsy to nomi- nate a State ticket. two most ae tive candidaies for she;gubernatorial nomingtion are D. F, Anderson of. trains Tepresenting the C. P.-R. and.G. T, P. coming Into the. elty. cS Robt... Mitchell, butclier had an. chere-engased In their occupation, and. throwing tit-bits to the-people stand- Youngstown, and Lawrente K. Lang Tagpectoy Shosbotham, NWP. cellent float on which were'thres'but- accepted will be ini line for a subsidy), serv Ne Sanne fy Bhetebereserereh aa continuation of that se1 aevecatee ae this st glike position The mayor, Al members of the the mater. The city coune session last, even jmensd volume of fant business,
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Image 3 (1912-07-02), from microfilm reel 3, (CU1739286). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.