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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Friday, December 20th 1912. 1S HEADQUARTERS Xmas Holly. Xmas Decorations. Fresh Nuts Fresh Candies Oranges Fruits of all kinds. MOIR S CHOCOLATES and Bon-bons in ranging in price from 40c to 8.00. The best and the freshest in fancy boxes Scanething. for them to pee: while they're opening up the ae Centres of fruits, nuts, spices and cream. Coatings of a rare, rich chocolate blend. Made -in our Montreal factory where: is spic and span. em were eee JowNeys CHOCOLATE BON BONS everything is on January 4, 5 and 6, 1913 mn Tate Ape 30, 1913 train trip from Spokane ers seven days, Bans sade at Portland, San jose, Santa Clara, Cea. i Monterey, Del Monte, Paso Robles, Santa Barbara, Riv- erside and Redlands. fF on going trip from Spokane includes Berth and meals on train and a number of sight- : Return is by regu- P iar Seryiee weal and berth not POWDER EXPLOSION HURLED MAN 60 FT. Stove Rendered Into Atoms and House Reduced to Kindling Wood. + TRAGEDY NEAR KELOWNA Result of Thawing Out Ex- plosive is Death for Woods Lake Farmer. Kelowna, Dec. 19 The residents of Woods lake district were startled last week by hearing an unusually loud explosion and a cloud of flame, dust and smoke arising from the lot formerly owned by J. Piercy, and jnow. owned by Tom Waters. On the adjoining lot the north H: Hors- nell and-hbis son were working. and hearing the explosion looked up to seo whencs it came, Losing no time they ran over the intervening ground to find that the frame building. and lean-to which Thad formerly been the Tesldence of J. Plercy ws reduced to matchwood and scattered far and wide, and the body of A. Chatterson lying at the water's edge of the creek that flowed some sixty feet from the site of the building, Clothing on Fire. The poor fellow was breathing his last when they found him, His clothing was for the most part torn from his body and what remained mutilated and badly scorced in sev- eral places. Nearly every bone in the body was broken and one leg almost severed. at the thigh. As-to how the deceased came to such an awful end can only be sur- mised, but from the remains of the .Jexplosion it gives the appearance of another vittim of the thawing out of lpowder. Tom Waters, brother-in-law of the deceased, and the deceased wero working together clearing the tim- ber and stumps off the former s lot, and this work entailed the use of stumping powder, which, at this time of the year, is frozen hard and has to be thawed out before it can be used for blasting. It would seem as though the deceased had taken the powder some two boxes ovar to the house and had put on a fire in the cook stove and placed the pow- der in the oven to thaw it out. Stove in Atoms. The unfortunate victims must have included. For descriptive pamphlet apply BR ee 2S hae EXAMINATION OF ee Pass: KOREANS COMPLETED. ica with . 19 The con- Korea, Nearly all the other prisoners had clusion of the examination of the 106 denied they had ever even heard of Korean prisoners under trial for con- the society and asserted that spiracy against the life of Governor police had foreed them to admit be- General Confit Teratichi of Korea, ing members. They now assert that ijasing places in. the tops of the they were ignorant of ny consvir- nearny trees. Not all the powder exploded, as frozen portions of sticks were found The Dally News delivered im the iying close by. The remains of the/ deceased were conveyed over to his house and a doctor telephoned for. Dr. Arbuckle came down from Ver- non. and announced an inquest un- probably will be released tomorrow. of alleged leaders who are now undergoing examination shows they had a general knowledge of the Sin Min Hea, the secret s0- The testimony NOW IS THE TIME to have the inside of your + home decorated. G. Ww. Donner u first-class and eatin. Phone 786, city, 35 month. OPERA HOUSE TO-N IGHT ana cotton a the Woods Tae as P. 0, Box 361. SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF MISS VERNA FELTON The ALLENPLAYERS TO-NIGHT THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND GANDLES Special Added Feature: The ROYAL HUNGARIAN STRING QUARTETTE Phone 569. Box 304. CROSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. Houses for Sale. Crystal Ice Co. NUMAN SANDERSON Snecessors to Mr. Peter Robinson PRICES:. 25, 50 and 75 cents Seats: on sale at Pingle 's Drug Store. ERNEST E. CARVER Special Matinee on Saturday Afternoon lic. BL B.A, red Architect A. E. Browne, Mgr. Head Office: Suite 25, Becker Blk. MEDICINE HAT CARTAGE CO. ALL KINDS OF TEAM WO Household Moving PHONE 820. J. M. Cooper Specialty. oo GER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Gale and Rent. Restorer for Men Srl prone fear es pete. eared sige been standing close by, as pieces of ciety organiz d by Koreans in Amer- the stove were found imbedded tn branches in Russia ana bis face. The stove is scattered In thousands of small pieces all over the adjoining ground. the necessary. Native of London perty. About four years ago he mar- ried Miss Waters; also from London. There are no children from the mar- riage. (Mr. Tom Waters, Mrs. Chatterton s brother, has lived with them for the past four years. Three brothers sur- ive the deceased, all living in-Eng- Yand, though one of them came out for-awhile and had a place at.Okan- agan Landing, but subsequently re- turned again. WHITE SLAVERS HAVE MANY TRAPS IN USE London, Dec. 19. white slave bill this session. The Rev. H. T. Taylor sald a well- shopping in the west end, ac- companied by her two daughters. When she had made all her purchas- es, she asked her daughters to wait for her while she paid the bill. iF A FE V E W iar ty rem crmen fin uniform, who said: I am sorry to NOW ON THE MARKET Prices from 1 8O to 250 TERMS One- Quarter Cash; Balance 6, 12 and 18 4 months. Reduced prices by the block. G6. MacBean C6. OPEN EVENINGS ROOM 7, IMPERIAL. BANK BLDG., 4th-aVie fnform you that your mother has m taken ill. If you follow me, I will take you to her. They follow- ed her into the street and were shown into a taxicab. Twelve months have passed know where they; are. being trained at carry out the prov immediate arrest. Phe Dally ws delivered in DON'T CRY The Bartlett Studio haa the best solution for the Gift problem. A doz- en photos in one of our distinctive styles will make twelve Xmas gifts, each one of which is sure to be ap- preciated. Ha There's PHOTOGRAPHER in your town. THE BARTLETT STUDIO Feurth Ave. ORDINANCE. APPLICATION was on fire. The body was terribly RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE Application has been made by Rich- ard N. Broderick for a retail liquor lic nse th respect to a hotel he pro- Doses building according to plans and specifications submitted to the At- torney-General s Department, to be. situate on Lots No. 1 and 2 in Block Plan No. 2443 A. A. Bow Island, Alberta. This application will be considered by the Board of License Commission- ers at a meeting to be held in the city hall, Medicine Hat, Alberta, on Saturday, February ist; 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. gt; Dated at Edmonton this 16th day of December, 1912. L. F. CLARRY, Deputy Attorney-General 4 LIQUOR LICERSE ORDINANCE APPLICATIONS The building, which was a double- boarded, one-storey frame one, was reduced to kindling wood and hurled in every direction, some pieces finding RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSES A meeting of the Board of License ers will be held in the . Hall, Lethbridge, Alberta, on Friday, the 31st day of January, 1913, at 1 o'clock a. m, to consider the following applications: Byron B. McCarty for a -retail li- quor license in respect to the King s Hotel, which he proposes building, according to plans submitted to the Department, to be situate on Lots No. 110,121 and 112, Plan Lethbridge 625 . , City of Lethbridge; Alberta. Robert L. Wrightson for a Hquor license -in' respect to a hotet Ihe proposes building, according to plans and specifications submitted to the, Department, to be situate on-Lots 15, 16 and 17, in Block Lethbridge 406 B. , City of Leth- bridge, Alberta. Also, if necessary, the applica- tion of Hugh Langhain Stephens for consent to the transf r to himself of the license granted Frederick W. Downer in respect to the Coaldale on Lots 1 and 2. in Block 32, City of Lethbridge, Ajberta, will be considered at th same meet- Commi: L 0. 0. Mr. A. Chatterton came from Lon- and settled in the Woods Lake dis- trict, where he has been engaged in farming ever since on his own: pro- situate Dated at Edmonton this 16th day of December, 1912. 1, F, CLARRY, * Deowty, patton General FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND LIVERY STAB- LE IN SEVEN PERSONS. TO ENSNARE INNOCENT A crowded meet- ing at Holborn ball, organized by the London Primitive Methodists coun- cil, has unanimously passed a resolu- tlon demanding the passing of the Both places are well stocked and equipped and doing good business. Owner has other Interests. Terms: Half cash; balance arranged. For particulars see. 5 S. CARLSON. Seven Persons oman came to London to do 134-12t FOR SALE IN SEVEN Canadian Pacific Railway Home Visitors Excursions BLACKSMITH Ing they were approached by a nurse PERSONS. Tools, forge and complete eateipment, for carrying on business. sold to close up estate, Full information a8 to preg, termi . Upon application: te ; GUS BOWMAN, Must be away. sald Mr. Taylor, since that Incident, and tonight the parents of these two bighly-educated young women are sitting in Kent, mourning for their lost girls and wanting to ome PHONE TBS Ss FOLLIS STA Lady Bunting said, in anticipation of the bill passing, policemen were otland Yard to jons of Clause 1, which gives a constable the power of Excavating a Speeinlty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale CHRISTMAS. CARDS OUR NEW STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS has arrived and for design and artistic beauty their like has never been shown in Medicine Hat. They are now on display in our business office and parties desirous of procuring same will do well to leave their orders early a the quantity of each asortment is limited: s MEDICINE HAT NEWS, LTD. Corner Main St. and Fourth Ave. 50 feet, on Toronto St. North, Block 24, 26,000.00. Good terms. 50. feet, corner Montreal St., one block from depot, 25,000.00. Geot terms. 300.00 per foot, Toronto St. South, Block 51. 950.00 per foot, Toronto St, Block 15, 500.00 per foot, Main St., Block 4, First class Investment on Main St. two storey block for 43,500 00. Good Terms. 58 foot corner on North Railway St.. 28,500.00. Good terms. See us for a Good Acreage Proposition. Our Ust of inside buys cannot be beaten. brent: PACIFIC/z Nay: pa 7a i Sk iy ss 2 a within 3 months. Wi i ce A with privileges of extension. Finest equipment, Standard and Tourist Sleep- ing Cars, Dining Cars on all through trains. Com- ent-Library. . Observation ears on Tmper- ial Limited and Toronto Express. SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CAR SERV- ICE in connection with these excursions. For dates of departure and reservations apply to local agent. Tickets via all Trans-Atlantic Steamship Lines. For full information, rail and steamship tickets, apply to L. A. Dobbin, Ticket Agent, Phone 201, Medicine Hat, or write to : R. G. McNEILLIE, District Passenger Agent, Calgary, jta. 5O0 UNITED STATES Chicago 57.25. Kansas City 62.70. Corresponding fares to many other points Pickets on sale December 1 to 31, 1912. For further particulars call on L. A, Dobbin, Ticket Agent. Med- fcine Hat, or write to R, , MeNEILLIE, District Passenger Agent. * Calgary. MW. BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS eee Hollinger Agency PHONE 433 Medicine Hat ir to Toronto Return e Medicine Hat f to Montreal fil. ' Return Correspondins low rates to points in Ontario, Quebec and. Maritime Provinces. Tickets. on sale December Ist to 31st inelusive. Good to return + Liberal Extension Privileges- Lickets issued in connection with Trans-Atlan- tie Trips on sale Noy. 7th to Dec. 31st inclusive, and limited to five months from date 6f issue, RETURN FARE FROM MEDICINE HAT Minneapolis or St. Paul 41.25. Duluth 38.95- Vriday, December 2 In Wa health, sooner or lat, very far or very f siffers from the he: the unpleasant brea result from constip yourself what a di Tested through thre this perfect vegetabl ally accepted as the organsof digestion, to natural activity making qualities fron that in your looks Pay The directions with SIR WIL -IN-OE A Comparison. Sketch of House of Co Atlases If Ottawa, Deo. 19. C in his 60th year, wh gout of the Liberals i election of 1674, he wi ville, After 42 years public life, I think mys retire on the first oppo wh n he wrote that though he soon discove take. Sir Henry W. 1 MT ), bas given ad seription of the manne Feetified it. Through the opening Disraslian Parliament absented himself, say but as the session ler old passion awakened With increasing force drawn back into the v Hamentaty life: Ths would n ever do. Had h announeed his retiremer his seat opposite the b by another? the tempta : B ut Now, we can for less money qrowld not lat you owe deen E. em inform: into conver
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Image 1182 (1912-12-20), from microfilm reel 1182, (CU1773608). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.