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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Start the New, Year Right By Resolving to Wear Semi-Ready Clothes The only clothes with a money back ? guararitee. WARRANTED TO BE THOROUGHLY SHRUNK and tailored so carefully that they will-retain their shape. Come and see SEMI-READY H. S. Ireland fire discovered the charred bodies: of Mr. and Mrs, Frank S. Heath, Mr. Heath was 70 gears of age and an invalid. Appearances indicated that his wife attempted to carry bim from thetr burning home when both were overcome. by the smo The fire statted from unknown causes in a threp-storey brick build- ing on Spring Street and spread rap- idly to nearby bulidings. Flaming : brands were carried long, distances Jost and thirteen buildings were py. 2 streng west witid and in hefe early today in a fire short time several structures were ch caused a Ices of 200,000, atire. Birenien: and. policemen, searching dwellings after the RL, Dec. 27. Two lives Subscribe now for Must have at eget two years experience. Good salary. Apply between 1.00 p. m. and 4,00 p. m. Mon- day at ; 16 IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING Whati isa Molten Roll? A Voitem Roll is the latest invention in Player Piano Music hand played rolls (actual records), no controlling, no levers, no buttons you just set the tempo.and play, and you get an exact reproduction of the artist s work just as he played it. Whey will fit any 8 note player and a child can operate them. .. oir store and Bay vourEn ( will know at once what you mean TAG ICING IAT MUSIC C6. UNDER THE BIG FIDDLE. y Is-SELF- CONFESSED said he liked ee taken. The prisoneh 14H his own contession of stealing at: horse. His) preliminary hearing was Vheld Saturday and the videhse of the chief taken. HORSE THEE THE wooD WT, OUTLAWn i CITY AT PRESENT Despatch From, Moose Jaw poared bo was remanded till tomor- No More Power Will be Man Held Here is ajtow- Are you going to remand me Contracted for Till New - for the: of wy Life? asked the i pinoer ak by sa Plant is in Operation. SHORTAGE FAG ee Medicine Hat's. new electric plant BRAGGING OF GREAT DEEDS. axes mim Srares. sc icon Se Nt ox Elvin Le Ewen, second son iy applicat for 415 h.p. of LED TO WS DOWWEALL , 2b. ut or ah at SoA at, Qledl /Maturdag at Bounde'n owe Plank Se Spied fore We ts to. be- Are You Going to. Re-lrerey, Tdaho, cet 22 years, The ry leuivered on May. Jat, he Pottery mand me For Rest Qo mats arrived bere rsterday aod fe plant has been connected up-and they Life? He: As Asked Court. jterment was Hillside Set 75 Mp, This is an overload on poserenlh the present plant and the-200h-p- which the water pumpiig station used has been cut out. No more Bae Woe Sena ears is complete, but - yetone as ided power for lighting purposes Daring December 89 meties wore MAY ESTRUS STR sacs) ACTORESI wes He in his favor.) Main Establighment to be rambler. Hy Statted at. Medicine Hat in Near Future. The Calgary Herald says: f News of the establishment of facto- Ties. for the manufacture of straw pa- - per products was brought here yester day, by Arthur Patton, secretary Charge and civilian lt;lothes, while he stood on the street, and boasted of hid deeds, not knowing of course that) the man, the was talking to was just looking for such snaps. Saturday the :prisomer was HILE; DIVISION 60,ft, Block 18, with four-room Cottage, 1100; Termis. 50 ft, block 10, 700. Terms. BO ft, corner, Block 18, 1025. Terms: 2 75 ft, block 17, 1300. Terms. HERALD SURVEY 50 ft, block 17, 1575. Terms. 75 ft, block 9, 2000. Terms. lock 1, 1500. Perms. 100 ft., block 14, 3500. Terms. 50 ft, block 17, 1400, Terms. 7 ft, block 4, 2025. Terms. BENDING South halt block 27, 360 each. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS 50 ft, block 29, 1000. Terms. Cornero 100 ft, block 9, 3100. Terms. CENTRAL PARK 50xi87 ft, Block 33, Terms. 50 ft, block 11, 1650. Terms * 50 ft, block 29, 950. Terms. RIVERSIDE PARK BO ft, Block 18, 1250. Terms. 100 ft, block E, 5150, 2000 gash, balance land 2 years. 60 tt, block 12, 1250. Terms. 80 ft, block 18, 1000. Terms. TOWNSITE 50 ft., Block ..68,, 20,000. Terms. 150 ., Block 35, 20,000. Terms. 50 ft, Block 49, with six-room- ed house, fully modern, 19, 000. 3000 down; 4 1-2 years for balance. NORTH YUILL 40 ft, Block J, facing 8rd Ave., and East Allowance with four roomed new cottage, only 4700... Terms. BO ft, Block 10, 1260. Terme 50 ft. Block 11, with two new Cottages. 1200 handles them: 50 ft, Btock T with two new cottages, 4000. Terms. HARRISVILLE 50 Tt, Block 15, 600. Terms. 150 ft, Block 1, 275 each. Terms. : 10 Lot in Block 2, 200 each. Terms, 5 KENSINGTON 50 ft, Block 12, 350. Cash. 50 oft. corner; Block 21, 550. Terms. 5 : CITY VIEW 80 ft, Block 17, 500. Terms. COUSINS SUBDIVISION 120 ft., trackage, near the Clay Products, only 6800. Terms. 26 tt Block 1, with four-room- ed house, 1800. Terms. 140 fte corner, block 5, Bridge St,,, 3100. Terms. ftp Block 7, 1300. Perms. art the Park Ave: S HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX BOft., Block 22, 1600, Potuie bo ft, Block 20, with Bight omed fully modern houte, . 7700. Terms. bs HUGHES Four acres for 6,000. GAS CITY REALTY Co. Phone 695 410 Main St. 1000. on, Terms. YOUR LISTINGS. wb held their organ- Gaynor; secretary. Dr. M. Jan. 3rd, 1913- inning hens at ist, together gyith members of ays in Portfand on their California, through the Pinter, ans will be here on January 8. NOTICE. -- Owing tothe reflooring lobby, the Post Office ceil te day. 7. TYLER, Caretaker, Houses for, sale on easy or will exchange for real estate. THINK IT OVER A QUARTER SECTION adjoin- ' 4ng the townsite of Dunmore. Thia Townsite is going to be boomed and industries will no doubt, be agcured. This quar ter is well located and has been tested and f6und extra good quality, brick Say, Price. on 40,00 per acto with 3100.00 cash and balance in four equal einual payments. -A good time to Duy,this property. FIVE LOTS in Block Igjgrtar- risville, only 275.00 enol, in- cluding ygorner., TWO 20, Central Park, BEST CORNER BUSIN o- eation im Redcliff for quick ale. Only 2,000 tor two lots. APPLY BOX 1470, NEWS OFEICE 144-6 eping for Wjnnl- i go on to To- Sar. Burns wilt fic slope on the border and Ganuary Sth for Los night last. Over ers were present, * Lethbridge Ireland; vies pres he new Cecil Hotel on i Oregonian s8 8: OR Deonson, 17 years of age, has week's poulteg, show will Can- might Saturday night all, of Medicine Hat, is or her way to her Mr. Marshall, who s a hardware twerchant and capital- his family and a party of 12 other r si- dents of Medicine Hat, passed a tow way to they wilt remain They visited John M. Scott, general passenger ag- ent for the Sothern Pacific, who has been busy for the last few years in interesting Canadian tourigt travel in Oregon and California points. The yisitors report that hundreds of p r- sons from their portion of the Domin- 4 jon will.pass their vacations in Port- land and California points ils sea- son. A special: trainload of Canad- to everybody, (including box holders) after 1 0 Yelock * pom. on Meee aay partani ee treasurer of the Alberta and Saskat- lt;fehewan Straw Paper Products Co. This concern intend to utilize the straw from the wheat fields and expect to-have a large market Hor their wares, s According to the statement of Mr Patton the company will start their factory at Medicine Hat early in the spring. Shortly after this branch tories will be established at Calgai Red Deer, Lethbridge. Moose. Jaw may also-be the location of branch, Ag the directors eare now considering 4 tite at that point. The tocation of this industry will 'mcen much to the farmer. gaid Mr. Patton, for straw which 2 has bee burned. by the turned out of--ollrfactortes in pe of egg and frult-boxes and oth products. the factories going for several of the year. LOOKING FOR aii Herald Con- to the Miss tains Enquiry: Whereabouts of Drouson. The Lethbridge Herald under the heading Has Anyone Seen Hert says Leaving her home in Medicine Hat on December 22.) Miss Erna not been seen since. The police authori, ties there have written the local po- live asking for aid in locating the gicl, but there is no evidenee that she came this way. No-reason is given for. her mysterious disappear ance, oe aca LADIES OF ST, PATRICK'S CHURCH The ladies of St. Patrick furnishings at the residence of Mi Robt, Irwin, Montreal St. on Friday afternoon, Jan, rd. The shower is to-go towards: furnishing the apart- ae of the sisters who wili rge of the new St. Louis schdol. the eveng a card party will be held. commencing at elght o'clock. 145-4 For Sale A fully. inodern house in Central Park, 8 rooms and, bath. Im- mediate possession. Gpod terms. Ap- o Dly Rex Realty Co; Phone 68 esac SNAPS. * So BENDING Block 1, 400'ea h, Terms.5 gt; Block 23, Lots 19-20, Terms, - - : COUSINS AND. Block 49, Lota. 135 Tel Blockg22, i Tergis. PED on HIGH stHoor (fain street North.) ARGAINS IN HOU ALL PARTS OF 1 B.F.SOUCH, Phm: Be pare STORE, TORONTO ST. a 377 Main St . 143-6 -in the eity, 51,000. Long terms, As a moneys amaker this ean t be beat. We: have ia ie of the best trackage gots in the commer facing on ig for 2,500, for only ) for quick sale. pt A pair of High School Annex lots, Block 23, 4,600, ) pair, A fine level lot in South Yuill' Col Seer o00. near ub Ave., O'HO FOR SOME LISTINGS. 80 0, apd-sure delivery, 6 pith are holding tea and show of house MITCHELL'S, HOME: REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST. orPR OF BREAD' MADE. ONE WiLL CONVINCE YOU. RECEIVED ERS AT toi N co
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Image 1264 (1912-12-30), from microfilm reel 1264, (CU1773621). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.