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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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OVER eer a FEEEEE EEE E eg, dc. ei The international ViewyOt the prob- Balkan wary. that show an extreme Boatigas it p agai normal the AWG trusteew tor year. Mr. A. Me is psa the bal ; evening... The school howse: ed with many friends ant of tho children. The treesfas very tastefully decorated, and Tggen with presents. The entertainment put up: by the children was of a first class order and nearip every: number. was encored.'Mr. Hx Cavan occupied the : lt; Afler Yhe arrival of Santa Clawa:and fstribution ofthe many Presents, aid a eG chair, the gathi . agmained, howe: Rowas bythe peo- RL i ak coatihek for 18 well. the alge of Lethbridge, Ci Coftjpany ee untkading a car of nice hayvhigee today, z iystdent s a iother O the high cost y the Lynn Medi- MADE ON SO0ODS. Des. 31, ee Marks bill which -was ri sbtroduced i the House And whigh seeks to a: i to tade mark de Hous, je now published. The m Ure provides that jal goods bearing end ip chaser believe they have been mante fuotwred within the British empire, The text of Mer- ot PRE eee bh bebe be bier be hhe Peet CANADIAN HORSE LEADS THE CES shall be marked with the words Bri- / fre Mado, if manufactured fn of the British empire out- ofthe. British Isles or with. th aes Not Bri 1 nidnufadtur. red dutside of the fle cireult the Billings c ttiree-fourths of a BOY VALLEY HOCHRY SCHEDULE Brooks at Bassano. 1 Bassano af Brook 1 Gleichen af, Strathmore. 3 Strathmore at Brooks. Bassano-at Gleichen. 6 Gleichon at Bassano, Brooks at Strathmore, . 10 Strathmore at Bassano. . 10 Brooks at Gleichen. . 18-Glleichen at Brooks. . 13 Bassano at Strathmore. Jan. 17 Brooks at Bassano. Jan. 17 Strathmore at Gleichen. san: 20 Bassano at Brooks, Jan. 20-Glvicten at Strathmore. Jan. 24 Strathmore at Brooks Jan 24 Bassano at Gleichen. 27 Gleicher at Bassano. Brooks at Strathmore, a the best. previous mark, alsa by himself, Re (addition to this petformancs en on the following day, Oct. 9, d-with Lewis, Forrest an, O16 mate, lowered the world s tea record of 2.07 9-4, made ay by the: Monk and Equity, toy Uhlan was trained and di e both orcasions by Charles -'(Do2) Tanner, The achievement of gt; Uhlan now stampa him as the champion harness ) Literary. Nan Beet Used I ips Mius' Roy Portia, ind and Viola james which h ve 7 new fighting of the admiralty in choosing literary pames for esitoald a literary mips. shy. mhant-of- hames were used forl Mysdaming of the rests With the salty, altougs in i ; and there, has tent the whole Oe upon. it, Finally HE to the con- been; times pronounce fection has ved by jor hag hase fave a long record of past re haye been -elght for inBtance, since us one of the dompound Eu- of Queen Victoria, bu destined to bear the Jactually laid down ang Regarding the-most. for warships, it is thete have been ten Cj Mmilar number of, Dri e which has b en wifts since 1655 also been 11 Bagles, 14 Faleous, 12 Foxes andl? Hawks. names dg. not appear A list, but. at) east one hancelior of the Exchequ- er in moder times hag been honored in this directions. THig' was the late Rt. Hon, Hugh Childeps, who had a warship named after im, Mr. Child- ers, who died. in 1895, went to Aus- ia in 1869, and was a prominent member ofthe Victoria government nee ee cami ,to Bheland be held fices of first ard of the admir- , secretary for war, chancellor of equer and hdipe secretal PLAYS ANDAPLAYERS Douglas Batybanks has a hit The Lady of the Slipper praduced in Londo exnor ym. may be Lady isto gq) 4g,s00n to pry Ester-W., 2.06 horse, Uhlan as a yearling had. a a two-year-old wai and As matured trot- world s: record: The jes of the mile in jorse took the new e: Firet -quarter, 9; three-quarters, 153, oney winning trotters ade pacers ov r the Grand Circuit few figures were also established. m Annexed th high honors am- ong the trotters ahd Rod. J. Macken- Joe Patchen Il proved himself the greatest money-winning pacer in the history of the sport. The for- Mer started 16-times and ts credited with eleven victories, finishing. sec ond, third aiid fourth once, and: un- placed twice. Joe Patchen II. started 13 times and won 12 races, finishing: second on the other occasion. Baden 2.05.44, during the cam- paign, was credited with money avin ning to the amount/ of 36,500, janid Joe Patchen 1. 2.03/1-4, won 26,550. N. Hy Reads, ers: T. F, Murphy of Poughkeepsie, ranks second with 44,888, and: Edward F. Geers third with 41,730, Fifteen drivers and owners managed, to. win amounts above 10,000 during the season. Following are the highest money-winning horses-and the am Manrica, 2.07 1281. - Cheeney, 2.07 1-6 . Ruth McGregor, 2.08 1-4 Darsh Medium, 2.08 1-4 . The Wanderer, 2.09 1-4 q Dave Halley, 2.06 3-4 Bal y McGregar, 2.06 3-4. i Pacers. Joe Patcticngth. 2.08 1-4 Knight Onw lo, 2.05 1+ Badon Dirg t, 2,02 3-1 Anna-Ax-Me. 2. 8 26,550 10,405 10,000 6,729 8,505 5,680 5,086 Evelyn W., 2:00 1-2 Grand Opera, 212 14 . Bessie B., 2.06.14 + * Eeneeeeeeee: Paral For, his segond season's work in the big show; Pitcher Eppa Rixey, ot the Philadelphia Nationals, demen: dalary of five thousand dollars. BASEBALL NOTES: Barry .McCormick, the former big feaguer, and manager of the Newark (Ohio) team last season, has been appointed manager of the Peoria team, of the Three-f League Pr sident Comiskey plans to en- large his Chicago White Sox park fo seat 46,000. The Old. Homan fas purchased a large block of land adjoining the park, where 15,000 new Seats will be erected. Mit is said that Frank Chance will viay first base for the Highlanders and that Hal Chase will be placed at third... As Chase is considered. the greatest first basenian in. the game, hie dope doesn look right, it-the Pittsburgh P capitis landif a are suc- TeBrosnahin inf jches sore reach than Luther 82050 1 Joo. Jobneon, 1 wounds, Jack White ys, Battling Nelson ys. wartz, 10 rounds, at Oolt Rudolph Unholte vay pon, 10 rouhds.. Harry Brewer va, 10 rounds jt Kanaas Steve Ketchell vs. 10 rounds at Grand Annual Bench. siiow ton Terrier Club of Candida, at Tor onto. National junior: indoor tack ch4m+ ploninions stg Ragtime ASteeegy w York City. SOpsitne of annual show of the au- tomobile club of Canada, at Montreal. Firat of the seadon s mecis of the National Ski Association, at Stough tom, Wis? i Sam Robideau vs. Knockout Brown, 6 rounds at Philadelphia, Annnal bench show of the Bulldog Club of New Jersey, at Newark. Eeeeeee eee nee E + WITHTHE BOXERS hate + FEEEEER EEE EE EE Joo Rivera; the Mexican, has signed box Teach Cross in, New York, Jan. 8, for te, : a F to the recent measures Palzer, he has 5 1-2 in Mo- iy Acco: ments of Carty. New York jand Boston boxers will clash at) the next' amateur boxing, gt; tournament to b staged by the Bos ton A.-A gt; Jan. 7 sya? Bee on os be ae the ring in iy tis oe ieee and showed a bit of his Ea Jack Harrison, the middleweight chamion' of England, abd Eadie Mor- gan, the Englieh feat erwelght, ee y makinz apne Amer'.a sooner now that he has We carthy. Homvardier We parations to than Anticipated, rd about sarasota 19 pounds ang division... He Winner Of the coms as 10.L.A. you make ott 0 the CAA: ae reinstate 5 ment, It'8 a idke. SHILC noite In th estate of ANDREW WEND- Wand late of the) City, Medicine Hat, deceased, 4.) NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN that dif persons having claims against the estate of-the late Andrew Wend- land, who died on the 35th Why of June, 1912, are Required bpepd ito the undersigned on or ithe S18p day of January, 1913, tement of their claims and any securities after that date. the administration will proceed to distribute th assets) of the deceased to any person clutma of a has. been led witht tors of tidiad deceased... saDai orfted by re WORLD of SPOR RTI CANADIAN PACIFIC . EXCURSION TO Los Angeles, California, Special Train From SPOKANE, WASH. Puesday, January 7th, 1918, Yickets on sale by Can, Pac. Djc- ket Agents in Alberta Eastern B. . on January 4, 6 and 6, Tg Final return limit, spril 30, 191 FARE FROM MEDICINE HAT To Los Angeles and Return 123.30 131.65 Going and Going ia - Returning Via Spokane, Special train trip from Spokane to Los Angeles covers seven, days, stops being made at Portland, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Clara, erside and Redlands, erg ite So at acs oc included. enger Agent, Calgary, Alta. Santa Cruz, Monterey, Del Monte, Paso Robles, Santa Barbara, Rly- Fare on going trip from includes berth and meals seeing trips. Return js by lar service, meals and b For descriptive pamphlet apply R. G, McNEILLIE, District Pasi L.A. DOBBIN, Ticket A; feline Hat. ie the Round Trip Between all stat mr to Vs a ees 4 es Going dates, (Bent, 1918, iy CO OOnS co, 2 the Patamest 2 Dextyseasion for an .the ae Wherein hi constry jines of Salwar an je Btatutes of for. 1908, ' Ghapter 92, sootioacs pene (a), (b), 60. and (h), erited asifollows: a)-) Humboldt to ( gt;). Marvtield te Lethbridge, Ce). North Battleford to, Ath ca ding ith t worn. ee + Neepawa, nocthwosterl South Sasiiatchewandiiede., Also the line of railway. wi Saskatchewan Midland pany. (amalgamated with the ny) was authorized to in ter 41 Of the Statates of chawan for the held by them duly verified and that pagearn pa aph (v)., immely 1a to Meltort.. to authorize the .consdl jp following. lines of rallw: From point at or 7 or near the juneti Company's authoring Macleod and Leth From point at ging, nofthwesterly sk near Elbow, (b).
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Image 1275 (1912-12-31), from microfilm reel 1275, (CU1773628). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.