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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SSSSSPHSSSTSSSSSSSSSSSSSOTSS HOES ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF Busy a were called. ass B's we are. We are busy looking after the wants of ie customers. 3 ow large the order, no matter how urgent the request, the Busy B's can satisty you, 3 ; and will deliver your-order-to any part of the city. ; Z 4 2 ACTNESS THAT HAS AT TIMES CAUSED SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS TO one WE CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOU. WILL YOU LET US? a : ; : Wholesale and Retail Hardware recede woadeatpteetecentonteeteeteeseato air eteforgoatontretreetodtretreteatententeetegente that the two houses are-divided into sons, the fact that. the people of have been without the prestige of reporters had with General Halleck, a gen ration Whitelaw Reid was the a large number of parties and: fac- France have no voice in the Tmatter wealth and n wspaper influence tt 4s and became clerk of the Military Com- sole . proprietor of, one of the very tone, it would be impossible to pre- and the fact-that the President of tiie impossibl 'to say; but it 1s certain mittee of the House, lategsbn being finest newspapers iit the English diet who will be the successful cam French Republic occupies a position that he was'one of the most brilliant appointed, tibrarlan. He kept up his language. Up to the age of forty-two idate, even if all the possible can- which, though distinguished and dig- 2 wspaper men in the United States correspondence with the Cincinnati he had remained a bachelor, but now Loupilion in sputhern-France, where. he produces in his vineyards about 600 casks of wine yearly. To those who are accustomed to eights years, is perhaps the foremost. Hels 55 years of age and his famfly mulgates the laws voted by both has great wealth. A notable candi- Chambers, and insures their execu- date from the Senate is Alexandre tion. He has a limited veto power, Ribot, three times premler and a man but it requires only a mere majority the feverish activity, aggressive cau- paigning and intense public excite- didates were known. The legislative nified, carries with it but little actual long before he was one of the richest. paper, however, and when Lee for the as: a power ingate newspaper world Pa ane ciably preseding a presi. body invariably selects a man who:has power. A familiar: French witticism Whethor he is to, beyrainked among second and last time efossed the Pot- and a man ofGomfortable means be FRANCE NEAR aartal alention Ja tho United States long been'm member, and kins perbaps says: The king of Great Britain the most brililan American ambas-jomec, he was urged to take the fleld was able to fuiduige In some. of the the universal apathy and complete served as president of one or the oth- reigns, but does not govern; the Pre- sadors he is undoubtedly to be class- onde more as correspondent. He did luxuries of life, and among them was lack of Interest in the coming ele -/er of the ehambers, who has been sident of the United States. governs, ed With the most useful. The posi- so, and his description of the Battle a-wife. He married the daughter of The Time Seb is Just Four . 2 gumayed throughout France tive in committee work, and has. per- but does, not reign; the President of Hon he oscupled for seven years is/ot Gettysturg:Femaina today the bie- D..O, Mills, the millionaire, who died i es Acway No Inter- must be s surprise and disappoint- haps held a portfolio fn one or more the French Republic neither reigns is Manifest. inent. But it must be remembered ministries, who is not strenuobs or nor governs. Nothing could more f e F Pe that in France the President is not aggressive and has not made too tersely and clearly state the actual) ry attached to it is only 17,500, quainted with.Greeley, who was im- in New York. Their daughter Jean ; elected by the people, as In the Un- many personal enemies. conditions in the three countries 924 Mr. Reid paig just twice this sum pressed with his ability. On several was married to Hon. John Ward not TERM 1S FoR SE SEVEN PEARS ted States, but by the Senate and Among those who fit into this class named. for the annual rental of his London occasions he declined offers fo join long ago. The son, Ogden, is man- a Nina Aig the Chamber of Deputies, meeting in and who may be therefore considered The president of the French Re- house. the Tribune staff, but eventually he aging editor of the Tribune. Before z PLE joint session as National Assembly at as possible candidates, Paul Des- public receives an annual salary of A Scotchman From Ohio. was offered the responsible post of being appointed ambassador to the SEN BY Versailles on January 17, once every chanel, president of the Chamber and 120,000 and an equal annual sum for Whitelaw Reid was of Scotch ex- assistant to Greeley and accepted. Court of St. James Mr. Reid served seven years. It is trie, there were one of its bright lights for twenty- expenses and representation. Under traction, and was born of covenant- Reid was responsible fag most of the his country on several diplomatic Many of the Present Lead- times when te approaching election the terms of the Constitution he pro. iS Parents in the little town of Xen- editorials in support of Grant in his missions, in each of them displaying: . e i ja, in Obio. Like most Scotch people, first candidature for the Presidency, tact ahd judgment of the highest or- May be Candidates. fot a president aroused a certain am- : : ems May 3 ee ai Bs th fils parents were determined that he and they established his metropoli- qer. As to his standing in Mngland, Z Ho) ee ae a should be well-educated, and since tan reputation. When Greeley was it fs enough to remark that the news eigpe hs ee slectea Seagre cua tae ahaa gt; pa his mother's brother was the princi- nominated in 1872 Reid becaniesman- f his death was conveyed to Presi- deat who, tinless something unfore- ot interest amd one may travel from Held in high esteem. His wife was vote to pass any law over the presi- pane ee a Feb dts one of aging editor Snagit soma ar ee eee sesh should happen, will continue in Jone end of France to the other with-J Miss Mary Burch of Chicago and she) A008, 100, The ai ot fact the ane adi y this sabi, After the close of the campatgn and corted to a. foreign ambassador. office for a term of seven years: M. outhearing single mention of tha has assisted him much in his public the ministry, but, as a matter of fact, eae Parnatstae ce eral i ate cece er neue ald wae ae cee 3 lt;Failieres, the present holder of the coining event. dt is not even gener- career. M. Ribot is nearly 71 years he is compelled to select the men it ae if Raeaieh tert Tee oe vcagnatigs oe ative eet aoe oftice, nas made all his preparation ally known who the candidates are old. Other candidates are the prost whom the leaders of the ruling party O75 o ny aan tn. both fcience and oh favorable tarms .h became the Department every. facility for sre eer oendlng retirement and en. lo whether there are any candidates. dent of the Senate, M. Dubost; Leon jhave agreed upon beforehand. He (i t.. oe sore time he taught president of the new company, supplying the most satlstastory, gazed modest apartments not far from In view of the fact that the presi- Boureeols, Theophile Delcasse, Pre- appoints to all civil and military) soncoy put at the are of twenty re- Was not long before he pald off the The Dally News delivered in. the the American embassy. After his re- dent s elected by a majority vote ;mier Poincare and Paul Doumer. posts, has the right of individual par- 17 nome and Ronant out thas ea Fafatrosceaserniia-ceseuedetign acts agehctky;- Aimunsancali Cent the cxnocts to divide bis time ot the combined Senate and Chamber The general lack ot interest in the dom, aid Js responsible only in case eevee for a few hundred dollars, between Paris and his little estatelof Deputies and the additional fac:'coming election. fs due to two rea- of high treason. The president con- Reid s newspaper model in those days my 7 : tudes treaties with forelgn DOWEES, way ene Nowe York Tribune, edited Gre eee eee eee I es IF YOU. WANT TO INVEST WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE: AL M 0 R GAN FO xX 818 South Railway St: previous assent of both Chambers. Every act of the president has to be countersigned by a minister. The ministers are not responsible to him, but to the Chambers. With the con- the Chamber of Deputies and order'a new election. Finally the president hag the right to create new offices by executive decree, but the Chambers tay withhold appropriations for the salaries and expenses of these of- fices. ese WHITELAW RED'S BRILLIANT CAREER. Some cf the most brillant men of their, time served the United States s ambassadors to the Court of St. James, and this accounts for th com- mon remark made about Whitelaw Reld, the late ambatsador to the ef- fect. that he would hardly rank with Hay or Lowell or Choate. It s: rather an unfair way to put the case, and is an intimation that Mr. Reid was not an ainbassador of the first rank, and perhaps the influence wielded through his paper, the New York Tri- ulred through his marriage with the daughter of Ogden Mifts-were respon- sible for his appojntment rather than his own merits. What Mr. Reid would Shiloh amily Friend for 49 years. A sent of the Senate he can dissolve creased, and that Reid made quite bune, and the great fortune he nes with so much vigor by Horace Greel- ey, and to the best of his abUity he tried to make the Xenia paper a-min- iature Tribune. That he succeeded in at least improving the paper 1s prov- ed by the fact that its circulation in- little money out of it. A Great War Correspondent. Reid was the first. Ohio editor to see that Lincoln was a great man, and though Ohio s favorite son was Chase, the Xenia paper. urged the nomina- tion of Lincotm. He thus attracted considerable attention to himself, es- pecially as Lincoln continued to grow in stature, and at length received a very good offer from a Cincinnatt pa per to act as legislative correspond- ent. He accepted, and earning 38.0 wed) ent for three pi was the Cincinnt which -he himself. Gazette at the t and was sont correspond iit, no American Te tsureje in the struggles Reid, he only correspor a the Battle of Shiloh from to end, His ten-column it in the Cincinnatt paper was wide copied, and stands today as one, of the finest pieces of war r porting ever done by an American Journalist, Working for Greeley. He returned from the front as a allel fr Crop and Wisin rap tof a quarrel the whole corps of but cannot declare war without the sf 7 7o-the friends dnd clients during our short time in bus cine Hat, we extend our best happiest of holiday seasons and prosperous New Year. NIBLO D. B. NIBLOCK. * w. Sizannison Paige Have od from the Imperial Bank Block to 397 Toronto St, Next Door to E. D. Bennett Co. L. G. MAYHEW ee : TR. HARRISON. rode Mododededteaiectoatodostors Phone 860. one that makes the possession of toric account of that struggle. In only a year or two ago, and estab- gr at wealth almost essential, for the Washington, Reid had, become ac- lished her in one of the finest homes, ystem The News Job. OM New. Mach Fergu CUTLER STICKS Fal Pricestfi TERMS One-Q Redu 0. ROOM 7, IMP each: Two 200.00 to 450.00 oac 1500.00 pair. Term 1400.00. Terms. 1 sown. fe have some of ti properti s, ave 6000 acres Falso have.a half We bave only four GIVE
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Image 1234 (1912-12-26), from microfilm reel 1234, (CU1773618). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.