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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Yaqui Indian ( Swer Of-art to, + wed upon its , beamed, with he children as yar ndod either to the exultation of er an evening Bolden letters ya renolutio Tt fas to this WE Baster,-ai a seule ured by and be community. tO trades and pic funda. i he frst to sow grown, what nad been the, able a scheme, Beyotid all question the Yaquix ares men danced, the Raguatting around, wonderful people, else they could not The men tied Afidhd thelr ankles ve have hetd their identity imuct all these and shook gourds filled pebbles as None hiyndfeds of years withour noticeable they danced tg the mu rut and detesiofation, Their nnmbers remain ne wage id Abonttbe same gs when the early Span- These pascole (feast ast for jah -axplorerss-feported upon them in, Wo or three days. mad * atid, 4 1581, baerring. whe sineonds of the slave nee ee ae w Mountain Where Leg. imc m Sigy cc. Soo Vics iene catia Bar hee ae Mere ate Hut no part of thin perfara Old cern Sa ne i td nag Were incited. yment of such tell you aom: he council ham ef this school, edit of belut allen: upon: 01 prove himseit m. Otto Koer- o best entitled who are hewing Qwoodgphid erated ater for: Mexican or fore etaim eo et gt; There has been TE r. no ani: flirting should mar the ocenal inost innocent kind of Tocenial jpuinished by the stocks and jimptisonment for a. few. daya was not me Manteca are sg i gt; Sate tovemaking, Jendiog ap to/mreta by young and H ; ; a Soe eal ST nosichment waa quite: the sim, but the lubts ea : : : ete ec a Jaccepted ax a matter of -conrke,; Mat Rocuutaie. o23 ky ; : Rye toists bave been arranged by parental ar eae ; gt; oe oa 7 oe the contracting parties were but falas sy's fair brow land yet the anndincement or th st. covery of a b trothal was treated a ; 3 mindemeanor Immediately after i Wopyeigns. 1012, ny. ie Now Xu emis E ; gt; G puifistiment the pair were wedded tn Our f Y icordance with the rites of the G F you ate. sailing along the Gulf of S i Chorch. NS 2 es 2 Ff Catitora.a ant de day ts clear and you e i No tess peculiar and quite ar possess of a powerful glags you waa Lie pleasant arrangement by hor of the. story Gah Renee oft cate aeot teeksTine husbands exchanged wives on fest MAPRE we. kaiow ther, othe enki cli eubesispoals of the : . y 4 BH No aani could refuse to participate 4m) ie the eustom or he wwonld incur the Stora sa Fates cour ale jof the tribe: Phe xchange Insted c Sees age i XZ the period of the feast whether one, port-of GufiWma, the part of this great rrpenes geste oe eel range of hilla whlch comes within yourjine : YEN ie : iar Cage sches, emanate of vision Is known through that locality as E y Ie a E ee EH tna eld anoe ee eae on ere i ; thele hold: upon the tribe, ma freqneme ware for preservation af thelr. villages lu iat ca iuaeecds kas p . gaye a sterne, turn to their lives: With Pea Ae f : the final Westtnetion (of the villages ement, but nis ye would. be, in jungsters of the y It, of a length to the psychol- xhortations on: dar, with plen- those who fall y Anherited our The mountains of Bondta ant 5 : aay aes i fiewtas or feasts played a imloor P06 oF nda at present, hod, aidndip ben peblwleee S : E ces ee : diesppeared. Whether the organized tmas atbry him writers tage en, sere Ae bot ola Warrior Yaquis in the mountains are 4 i Keeping up the anelent practices ts un ns cthis which Be toe taRiy oa tate His soap) Geo hie Se known. as ts everything else associated died kndyra years and perhaps for with the branch of the clan that bolda fillies vefore thap. have been held agai) j 8 B ae a i SS or the hilis, ail comers bya rac of Indians, i 4 - How long. wilt the picturesque Yaqut for endeavorihy to uhcover ge Sebgae continental lan r been written; no. auel y Ry : been the eduse of at Jeagt three upsuc. yw long. i : has mach, ail historings+deciare. indomital Seasta Sees ig Re sean Se ise remain and r tain bik identity npoo the orles thit peig ; Phis-gnce is: the Yaqui tpe tire se howatat . F i s stirring stage Bp urrent events? 4 ese of the Mountains in seareh for the BT f : How-Jong will. phe m crot of the eold perciless Yauqu , And the spcretthas do not in any yellow metal itself, In the Tiountainw it syatery be kept from * do with gold. There is geld in many erman, : * Bi . 4 fe a ; alaking the gold thirst of mankind? renent in quests parts ef Sorigre-and there arc known and , Sipce that diy in 1000 she: Southers j : or tee manlki in wes, aba-did g gfevsloped fold mines in the Yaugutcountry PAciB Haliroad hos extended fs Eff cts of the General Electric ser of hls, jave vere turn a out y. * ve the galeria, emselves to Ute down through Sonora and Sinaloa and to the town of Tepic. Another road) bas been built doyen through Chikuabue uisd: aeross the Slerte Madres just south a hundred otiles or more frofiaay ral way, gBut the gold deposits in.the gnclent stronghold of the warrior brafich of the Fangui the mountains 4 mystery + hE Bath on she Organism. Beneral bath of electric light, which is t?Ken ina Jarge cabinet with ite Walls ned witht electric lomps. haw ig E Pre a eae fare Hnowa only ay tradition, For the f tie Mountains of Mystery, ind a ronte Been egpeetatig Sai acnentes aga + nelithefiism: to: fectaway te Thali ehad ever been bas been surveyed by the Sdiiern Pa- j gt; Psfroslt feet in a a5 re hich ba-caveetaly eee iar found too strongly held to admit passage else from the town of Hermomllo to run ies see . feMcnclous if kept within the limite ofithe bininh and ist + the deep-rooted to an important. camp on the Beadwaters ; 4 Pole it Be fitted to fIBl. It-should be con- by any White men, although entry. has) ines Gana, Se been demaii ed at intervals by armed ofthe Yaqui Ry not far Grom the A Yaqui Grass, House Cans ae eee sieeace i ned, ite standly eH pountaing i or : rank tations of the Yokes ever since, the : ae eat Fone x and algo as a preparation far habit of gnce sprang the proached that country ii 1531, gold deposits, iin ae GORGES unslaale ailce fhysigme and mite tiar xer ise,/ wi lt; ee Genes No white man save one ever came dick, The Mountain Guard. ae a aia free SekG f , * alone are lt;essiae neargn ie laying, be area i et ouchme Aikety 168 enews: BE Stores Some minites-after entering the elecrsia ade eet and he was-promptly hustled back to the so Senerouchments make it Cates apt erg ae iter period. the hills by. Bis: cofpanions: Hitlj*the way: to the secret-witl YAS Raton Cortal, once G i i z Aa Old Warrior iight bath sadation -begiis. Phe Senora aad up to Muy of last year Vice tiom of cutaneous heat Ix.-aa a rule, volh 2 , od with lights. Ft was. n of Guagigas, distant Opeli, iit it. may be depevited ji B resents aid of i fase Moma tows ot GBataas 1 cata sa gietnd re tiiag President of the Republic of Mexico, apported,und in the majority St cines samplings. etc. more than a hundred mallea f8R, the feot- ungar-Ciie this will entall the spitting y . ot 7 the Tmnpression Sx agreeable rather (th Deiat fens: for ae : 4 Down in the fields of Yucatan seven : , ther t e lt;Christian fee Aiilis of the Sierra Madres, thaeMils whit deh gure Yaqui Blood. ee hs ates cc cea oe ofeeds mong thm Were you'ind /Stiierwise, bat) atter the 1 ent Bish appeared dressed a the Yag ie stOrles of gold inthe mountains are Housand Yaqui slaves bear testimony Yaqui sou usually Babbin of puce Yaqui IBeEvals 16 ie nGt 0. well tolerajeds ne inuch m party Oe ees ath: atdonatalatuey ane: Piooe. it In necessary decrense the va the wir waged upon the titbe at the To mbellishedgwhenever new encounters Se ee eae : stance of Cgrraly Keven thousand taken in eit the Webls ocetir or whenever the warriors. The. - Metold by FB eae eee opens Ps dreds, packed inte Ireisht'cats like dan house. te whom the Yaqui qartyapplied tary: Mee countiye Te. lal Ts cache atisea buodredcbaie Tn cary timeg the trib. livea in villiges amps or even fo) suspend the s made of square: peed houses ind s at- The resistance of different subiecte fered along both aides of the Yaqui River, With the seme apparatus, Some can Always excepting the organized warslor DOFt Sttcen minutes id ihen golovy in th iountains. Here, ulotig tes of pplication at een for 1,000 kilos about Ou ton of stew ) foF/qMvays fgureggort that xome day the eer a A Seurege cz doarnes: to Mexico Citys wolonded the river they livid in. peace, and cultic) After the s ance some H pes . thountain ig. oa Toba; comnbosed OF fs rctied AGFOBE. town tbithe necrow gauge : y Gated. the Seam og The Higditcaucs Glens the paige eae lyatery . Mountains, four thousand: wAeriors, will be lured Into 544 gadreahipped to a port on the Gull 2 English of the word Yaqui ts chief. qwrapped up In Blanket;in Order,tor allo The conversation relative to te plains and the way to the riches of oF scxicg another three hundred. miles Tr certainly deemed t+ be A cation the eudorific action:to be prolonged, 0: j ) ehase was cagried on in Yaqui ae the Mille left so weakly guarded that 9 yneoce by steaner'they were tken wa acknowledged such, for no other In- ers, on the contrary, (give x tepid or cof j Heved more.or less by:-Spanish, intermis-) successful move upon the stronghold May) Yucatan port to puss under the sign, All) Yaqui Women dino tribe cared to molest them. They douche and apply mnasaxe treatment. ) tions. During the be made. . hope abaudon ye, Inco that bondage from rele? 2 costae aoe wae pine patents ae ee eto a white-nas weliigst to ie): Wrtinia tbe. tan x i ccnort WINEH HG-Buow Is evde-releanGd: 2 ing cotton eloth long before the oldest and after the he subject is t ee tiene. Sein the last fev weeks the report ge alaves were captives. of war , they KBOW OBL whlthercneyer to relUra, log Ghis cadiliod to ahy clable. source, 10 Of the Walled States, 8G Augustine intolerant of heelectric light treat to Hols in Englisls theag that the Yaqui Indiana. would take:,the 3 Ss * i wae founded. They. made a treaty. with to produce any appreciable loes of ei Dik lt;siese field on one side or the other of the Mex- 22ue,, Wor the tame Xagnis living aud they huve sioleully refusgl to fue-) but it would be im wetord with the queer was fonaded: Thep.mate a tre pee Peers Sar Rape eclehae oe peacefully im their vill ther Weaken thelr position as an Jadiun antics of this virile tribe to carry ou in Spain fn which stood for 130 yeara- by 5 e Mystery Mountalng/ ? 5 ican civ .war once more revifiie interest ticlls of cotton and. corn, None, it nation by exposing theif Herve forces wceret such an indwsiry with some end The mext treaty. Inated twenty-four more.tolerantiatter a. few gf But typ watchifad jeagtiors who formed)in the Yaqui imines and thejenadtional) is sald, were of the warrior beanchy and te the chances of war, Better that everylin view of which none may even guess, years, amd the next sixty years. Then, la no need (6 be insistent. eo upward glance development that maz rowsTt Res tene ' lt; De of the dep mystetlen af the e rf be right ought to be 200 to 300grammes at tainu Yaqui should be ensiayed than that/unless it be the end of -sccumulation, encrouchments pon their land became we 2 the sveret Of their fathers whould bb-be- which sccms to huve a high place in the morp Grequent, and with Mexican jnde/ leas. Strict supervision. of the) weight, method of people much further advanced pendence more outbreak , Tiistory notes should be inaimed pon Aaiindispensable he Yaqui apde'that evet wheniahe raids: were the atti ai Hately drew tlie) wild rauges- of deeply wooded Mille AE peing ear ae oe Be rary of trayed, te ian qyay tind Rorried him from/ thrown open for settlement. The Feports the tribe, the fierce warriors of the hills If the Yaqui can learn with definite- vilixation than the unconquered Yaqui wars from 1825 to 1904, and yet/for the oex few days. 3 town, tearing the steel purchase Un-tnow state that it Is the Yaquis from the/did not come to their rescue ix auffieleat aay which aide of the present Mexican Yaqui of Souora. the tribe not to diminish in num- If the lose of w lght Bb tot: continnova 5) Fofipleted.* An hour later the four Yaauil ranches long the Yagi River that will MUmbers to prevent thelr capture and tiind constantly turns to the bere. The four ancieat tribex of Sopora, the reason i that the patient's icppetire: i on. Whieh traces yet remain, are th stider the: tail 24 watrionretoroed, bringing With them tea akg he Gedy the iBaMEARee, ax they HESIOPatin. with those who sold thelr brothers Into alave trade cartied om in the early years of Wheh race et remain, are th ides the: ellucocs BEB toestment ang H-Upon'the shoutders of each was laid al yarttor- aquis of the tulle; Dut 0 ie) Pte rom ot He test, and -in such case the course of the profits, Itudx Upite well known wor sue Teale i i io fight is being aid d ty the men affiliated Bur th ie Which feat foe: the protection of but none of the other tribes Under these conditigms: it ia well ta strtiggic may dead then (6 uncover their iene forderea the gaidivg and ANKuag t i hundred kilos. hoigggel was paid for in) atways the chilace Uike We the MiAihe thelr roonitala steppe hold at all hazerde. pete wee ead thems ecierpeon aga the Fadi ang. reiaiie thelngylentity. They mixed sid oon ls, method of treatment whee ale : i : base abd some nite may be slippl e oi acai ee old dust and the Waite: party moved) yaquis are daira ute Gabe Whee Hugging th Secret. HHeaeaed about the ensues of the Moun well wdaDtGdlte uke prdStable Yuca ah em sey ae wea femsga gas whe itt esr f . veompuy from the town. fiercer brothers: wilh Join dheleeaOhe aa lt;Dheys eis Woe ub, rebent evidence tain of Mystery. tietd iavoreesy They pussews a capacity NEY tie ec cuntry following tite treaty Eaus 1d cohweqhent, incsbvenicace. Hola ways this incident aipurred Just thar then the jong looked, fom shawty de Yaw PE washing the gold One of the hadewy traditions which for enduring abor that ls probably un- the Ya of T10 he found the tribe with no deep Thgiffequency of the s atces may vary Md. Nedted tcliefs to-uproot.He-was -sooh) 1n''gemeral three a Week will be euovgu. followed by, others and many Spadish sole/;TMeyymay be-contiiged until the subject diers, all of whom acted in concert in con- tas reduced hig welght to the uormal for verting the Yaqui to the Catholle faith, Hig age and size, But generally the 4 life of uurrow range ich one of the most practical tenets treatment may be stopped sooner by p: Jorrors of the Yucatan stockade in whiek Sia exercises f6F the: patiente provided the nd for the aight. he for the Imtter consenGr to practise them thor pitrt, led peaceful tives, Converced oughly the Uatholle faitt, theyrdid not cutisiuer Jt should be understood that: electric platy ith gpiee, -Cransporission 6 it neccsaney to abandon their cherisied light baths alone do pot eure ovesity. rou fiance hax ven worth somethiug doubt cugioma, sq they carried on a mixture of The cleetrle Mght treatment. sete. affeen rufiews, but in cattoad lots the rates are Christian dud pagan practices. Crosses tively in reducing the owSlgQt spproxi- processes iower, aan perhaps the government hus giyided honors with Indun charms on mately to the Saeaaes ta indie- dre seen willing to pay the freight juststo be (heir persons, On Sundays they dended p nsable that a appropriate divite the vedy Wey uoid sv securd y. refer to these mines is that some of the equalled v; the worl gis tulber Mat, Kuowing the goid tribe were Impressed by the Spaniards They are practically impervious tv be Gk the Mexican or the white mun, into miniug operations at ef di) Jud am toil ull day In the seorciing tropi- rte bean re: 4 : Boel tivt leave their buxe of opera. and ax a result of this at perceptible fatigue. They ee eee i es have been made and no) from the hills in considera Rea invers. (ous deprotected. Having held this base abaft has.been dug into the bow snd other char Yaqui warriors have since appeared in Even, inst year, wheis th opportuni) Ley teary 1 a diagonal shaft more thi + teame to joufithe Made forces agutnsy Provavly for (how is are coustantty to be Diuz, hintfew of the mountain warriors 2 ? ue seer wnas Dringing the mats and were mato the fiekh The men whol 3s, owt of he fate and white for sale, duijw ac tw battle were twkea from the 0 be displ Whether the white man tare of VagricultiBtt portion of the heforesthe openisg of the relay 4300) come to p any people in in the year 1000. He is still in the eti- tery wh fons of Christ ploy Of the hardware concern, but no) But it ig hard to desoy trate the moist ast dhe grew: sya) sun withot further pureh: of tut fare wehooled hundred uowh years and moun nd years before that, two thoustud feet in depzh with criss hing he tield luborers.are her aie the tow Je fe of Chris i ath wan pub. Lame mm made 108 8 seen In Gu opton were dle Drought it. cH ould buy man never a warr mould now Id atill-prisover of the Yaqui or whs pun- tribe, withi but suficient of the warnoe thelt 7h 4 shed by death for the suspicion he had) branch to Bgabize and matiage (jejea - wa, but his Yaqui corps, lt;, ce aroneed lesunknows, bur Rls aleseeemears Yaq corm : Hey live xeon thet brothers, wit, fo. and. the product ix brief, announcemeat pf fact added And there were excelldit reliioas In fot a ives sud such were on ie hidden recess In the mountains ae) ae ee pe tome Mattie tare ER eae R le re of notched timbe ire disiauel a the bottom It ix told? that the the gold depoxits cross belief that old wiuing opera meLGR) to 1 0 the Yaquis, Yaqui Livorer. is a welcome shive punter and shou ing a good mt warm it be made opon teu tribe would be killed de ny of their tamer met, id of that uuiaber of Yaquis in Sonora. in the open squares of the villages around) ary and syatem of hygiene should Be te 17) dn the whole the transaction has clearly) pole which bore the Image of a saint and lied upom to privent the reap en tte ome MA te ign Lehto ital eae MRR net ace act cal a
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Image 1215 (1912-12-24), from microfilm reel 1215, (CU1773603). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.