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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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About 12 Shopping Hours Left toUse Ir IT S FOR A MAN; MAKE IT Bedroom Slipper ... 65e to 1.00 Dancing Pumps ...--++ + Smoking Jacket .....- Nee 2 z 1,2: (the balance): Collar 8 ; a OR IF YOU WOULD BE MORE USPUL STILL, Our Parniabing department offers many suggestions for pro Former HstMinister the REV, LE oe WED IN CALGAR y Min Pass- Away A Pioneer. of py in the with the deepest regret thac many friends of Rev.A. B. Me- ren, a former Clergyman of this will learn of his sudden demise ed ehich occurred yesterday morning ip Calgary. The deceased had been ail- ing for somo time, but hopes were triad out for his ultimate recovery, that the news of hin death came * 4 great shock to many. The deceased is ono of the pioneer Prosbyterian mintsters of the west. He has done more probably, than any Qf other. man to promote Prepbyterian- Riots occurred at South Porcupine, Ore production in the Kootenay Ont, when a train with strike-break- and Boundary districts last week to- vers, arrived at the station, Seyerab talled 63,064 tons, making a total of persons were injured. 187 tons for the year to date. Apples AVE SIX VARIETIES TO PICK FROM IN WASHINGTON APPLES. WHILE THEY LAST 1.75c. PER 50 LB. BOX. very box guaranteed. Get that one for Xmas today and save money. FOR CASH ONLY. Flanagan CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SRD AVE. Leonard PHONE 81. Xmas Greetings) TO OUR CUSTOMERS: We take this opportunity of wishing you a very Merry and Happy Xmas. You live favored us with your patronage, for which we thank you. We are reorganizing our business at the first. of the year and are providing far more adequate show rooms. It will be our aiin to devote-mere time and space to the Hurniture part of our business and we will be in a position to, furnish, your home from cellar to garret. Until Xmas our store will be open until 10.30 p. m. and we will be pleased to show you a good sel- ection of Xmas gifts. er WATCH OUR WINDOWS TOMORROW. Tuesday Special, 12 onl; 19.00 Cut Sue Bowls for 5.00. 3. J. Moore S a NORTH RAILWAY STREET. on What isa Voltem Roll? A Voltem Roll is the latest invention in Player Piano Music hand played rolls (actual records), no controlling, no levers, no buttons you just set the tempo and play, and you get an exact reproduction of the artist s work just as he played it. They will fit any 88 note player and a child can operate them. If you would like to liear one just step into our store and say VOLTEM we will know at on e what you mean. THE MEDICINE WAT MUSIC C0. ONDER THE BIG FIDDLE. MOTHER S BREAD PRODUCT OF THE FINEST WESTERN FLOUR TASSIE BROS. PHONE 266, fsm in this district. He caine to-the Hat in 1906 from Owen Sound, Ont, and took charge of the Presbyterian Mission now known as Knox Church. Soon he couverted the Mission into the Church and with his lmited on- gregation soon had flourishing lit- je place of worship. He also started churches at Bowell, Coleridge, Seven Persons, Redcliff, Whitla, and Winnt- fred, and in these places today, there are flourishing churches from which the word of God fs sent forth to the solitary homesteader, and stand as monuments to the good work which the deceased carried on. Some time ago Mr. McLaren was removed to DeWinton, south of Cal- gary and Mrs. McLaren and family recently joined him. A bereaved widow and three daugh- ters, Misses Murlel, Glyde and Lu- eile, remain to mourn his loss. The heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends both in Medicine Hat'and the district will be extended to them in heir loss. * News as to the funeral arrange- ments has not as yet been xecelved in this city. e Capt; Haight and party, while trav- elling on the Athabaska river, broke through th ice. Ralph Payne dropped dead from fright. The others were saved and returned. ee Subscribe now for The Daily News SAFE INVESTMENTS HILL DIVISION 50 ft, block 10, 700. Terms. 60 ft. corner, block 18, 1025. Terms. 75 ft, block 17, 1800. Terms. HERALD SURVEY 50 ft, block 17, 157. Terms. 75 ft, block 9, 2000. Terms. 50 ft, block 1, 1500, Terms, 100. ft, block 14, 3500. Terms. 50 ft, block 17, 1400. Terms. 75, tt, block 4, 2025. ;Terms. BENDING South half block 27, 360 each. Terms. a COUSINS SISSONS BO ft, block 29, 1000. Terms. Corner. ei 100 ft., block 9, 3100. Terms. CENTRAL PARK 50 ft, block 11, 1650. Terms. 50 ft. block 27, 650. Terms. 50 ft, block 29, 950. Terms. HIVERSIDE: PARK 100 ft., block E, 5150, 2000 cash, balance 1-and 2 years. 50 ft. block 18, 1000. Terms... 50 ft, block 12, 1260. Terms. 50 ft, block 18, 1000. Terms. TOWNSITE 3 50 ft, Block 68, 20,000. Terms, 150 ft, Block 35, 20 000. Terms. 50 tt, Block 49, with six-room- ed house, fully modern, 10. 000. 3000 down; 4 1-2 years for balance. NORTH YUILL 80 ft, Block 10, 1260. Terms, Bo ft. Block 11, with two new Cottages. 1200 handles them, 80 ft, Block 1, with two new cottages, 4000. Terms. HARRISVILLE 50 ft, Block 15, 500, Terms. 150 ft, Block 1, 275 each. Terms. ; 10 Lots in Block 2, 300 each. Terms. 5 4 3 KENSINGTON 80 ft, Block 12, 350, 50 ft. corner, Block Terms. - CITY VIEW 60 ft, Block 17, 500. Terms, COUSINS. SUBDIVISION . 120 ft, trackage, near the Clay Products, only 6800, Terms. 26 ft., Block 1, with four-room- ed house, 1800. Terms. 140 ft. corner, block 5, Bridge St. 3100. Terms. 50 ft, Block 1, 1300. Terms. Near the Park Ave. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 50 ft., Block 22, 1600. Terms. 50 ft, Block 20, with eight roomed fully modern house, 7700. Terms. GAS CITY REALTY Co. Phone 695 410 Main St. WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. Cash. 21, 650. on D PERSONAL appointed by the f the proposed . Real Bs- tate dealere Mxchange met Saturday night and after a thorough examin: tion and diseussion of tho byelaws of similar siociatious in other tities, decided to submit for the ap- proval of the members, the byelaws and regulations of the Lethbridge association, Tho next meeting will be held in the council chambet on: Friday, Jamnary 3, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and) Mrs, W. R. Martin and family-are-tiolidaying at Toledo, Pitts- burg and other points across the line. Miss s and Mary Stew- art, who have been attending Haver- gal college, Winnipeg, are speuding their Christmas vacation with their, parents,-Mr. and Mrs, H. Stewart, Esplanade, J. J. Mahaffy is in Oilizary. DEMAND BEING MADE FOR ANOTHER CONCERT Charity Event in Monarch Last Night A Great Success. The charity concert given in the Monarch theatre last evening drew packed house. The proceeds of the ing the few poor of th city a ful Christmas. /The programme was an excellent one. That the efforts of those in change were successful and appreciated is evidenced by the fact that there is a general demand be- ing made today that it be repeated on. Sunday evening next. This will in all probability be done. The programme: ( ) orchestra, His Majesty, the King ; (8) orchestra, Amaran- ) song, The Rosary, Mrs. 3 (4) orchestra, Les Patin- ) orchestra The Hagle ; (6) moving picture, David and Go- Wath ; collectiow; (7) orchestra, Confidence ; (8) solo, Calm as Night, Henri Baron: (9) song, Guiding Light, Mr. Duggan; (10) orchestra, Playful Polar Bears; (11)- orchestra, Rakoczy. God Save the King. YOUTHFUL BEGGAR 15 CAUGHT 19-Year-Old Wag is Given Month White Brought Back. G. Irving, - a youth of nineteen years was this morning convicted of vagraney. He was begging on the city streets and 2 couple of com plaints reached the city police. He goes to Lethbridge for one month. Jas. White, the big Trishman,, who some weeks ago was senb to Leth- pridge on .a vag charge, has been brought back to the Hat to face a charge of stealing an overcoat. His case came up today and was laid over till tomortow: White was this afternoon given three months on the charge of steal- ing the overcoat. CLOSE IT UP Order Issued by City Coun- cil re Slaughter House. Acting on the instructions of the City Council one of the local butch- ers tins been notified by City Clerk Baker that his slaughter house will De closed by the Medical Health Of- ficer tomorrow on account, they claim, of he not having lived up to the bylaw regarding auch places. ft There is some doubt as to whether these drastic measures can be em- ployed, but the Provincial Health Act gives the Health Board the pow- er to do the work and make the own- er pay for it, or else fine him. The ruling of Magistrate Kealy on this matter will be secured this after- noon. 45 BLUE FOXES FOR P. E. ISLAND FARM Seattle, D c, 22 Among 45 blue foxes from the Aleutian Islands which arrived on the steamer Yukon, bound for Aberdeen Farm in Prince Edward Island, are a number of silver grays, which the owner values at more than 1,000 each. The U. 8. government issues special permits for the exportation of these foxes. ASSINIBOIA CHAPTER RAL New officers of Assiniboia Chapter No. 126, Royal Arch Masons: Z- W. V. Sanders. H.-W. A. Begg. B. S. J, Enliott Anditors H. Baker, 0. F. Janitor JIno, SI Barker. elds, John Floyd, editor and part owner of the Cobourg Morning Post, died suddenly ut Cobourg Sunday. He was 68 years of age. He was editor of the Morning Post while Major H. Sneligrove, who died in Toronto this morning, was Gditor of the Cobourg 'Wortd, Both died of heart railure: silver collection are to assist in giv- SHIED POOL. BALLS AT BOTTLE OF BEER Two -Young Bloods Paid 29 for the Saturday Night s Fun, zi Walter Grossman and J, Cormick, two. young men with a very keen sense of humor, and sports of the first order, this: morning donated a total of 29 for some funny stunts they pulled oft Saturday evening in the poolroom of a local hotel. The bar had losed and the pair, haying imbribed.just enough to make them merry, took no chances on their sport being 80 abruptly ended, stock- ed. thelr pockets with bottled beer and jadjgurned: te ths poolroom. A game was ut it proved too. tame, so they sat bottle of beer on one end of the table and started to shoot pool balls: at it. Whoever broke. the bottle first got the beer. A. fusllade of balls followed, greatly to the de- light of the sports and to the poor bottle wilted quickly, However, this Was not a very good thing for the ool thbles, for it was soon coated ken glass. Amidst the protests of the pair that they were only having some sport, they Were carted off to the police station. This. moming they paid 6 each for damage to the table, a fine of 5 each for aisorderly con- duct, and the other 7 was costs, PORTUGUESE. PREMIER WILL RESIGN POSITION Lisbon, Dec. 22. The Portuguese Premier, Dr, Duarte Leite, on his re- turn from Oporte, will hand to the president. of the republic the resigna- tion of the eabinet. The crisis which has been latent for some time, is due to the domo- cratic party's disagreement to the procedure of the government. All tha parties are represented in the cabinet but the Conservatives. The repre- sentatives of the Democrat party re- present nearly half of the cabinet. Stormy scenes have been common. STOP GAMBLING IN LONDON S WEST END London, Dec. 23. There is talk of stringent legislation to put a stop to gambling in the west end. Scores of well-turnished establishments in May- fair and Belgravia exist solely as gambling dens and yet the owners an continue thefr notorious way un- checked simply because the. police are unable to induce the victims of those people fo come forward and ive evidence against them. A young member of a well-known banking family dropped 20,000 recently in one night in one of those deas and Went to the police to see if they could recover the amount for him. This they were unable to do as he declined appear in court, Tt is sald on good authority that onebfthe members of a particuiarly sumptuous gambling house has clear- ed the respectable sum of 350,000 within the last few months, so the combined profits must be enormous. CHICAGO'S GENEROUS SANTA CLAUS Chicago, Il, Dec, 21. Showers of gold and loads of turkeys were dis- tributed by a generous Santa Claus throughout Chicago's business dis- trict today. It is estimated that at least 2,000,000 was distributed . as bonuses among the employees of in- dustries, banks and big stores, with the probability. that the total will be raised to 3,000,000 by the addition of gifts deferred until Christmas Day or the end of the year, The biggest givers. were the large factories and mereatitile establishments that have adopted the, profit-sharing plan. Prac- tically all of the banks and broker- age houses presented their employees with. gold pieces, from 5 to 20, in most cases according to rank and length of service, Subscribe now for the Daily News. 100 1T CORNER, Columbia Ave. For 5,500. Biggest snap of the month. Good for one day only. House and 3 Corner Moni Macleod B:F.SOUCH, Phin.B- DENG STORE, TORONTO ST. Buy your Hockey Shoes here and have the skate put on free of charge. FOSTER S SHOE STORE MAIN STREET. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY. SHOES. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS H. C Pettet Co. Ginger Snaps - COME AND GET THEM. ae ROSEDALE Lot 10, Block 9, with house . . COUSINS AND.SISSONS Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, Block 20 . . Lots 39 and40, Block 31, ..., Blocks 38 and 39, All, per lot - Lots 31 and 32, Block 32 .7., HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 36 and 37, Block 28. Lots 7 and 8, Block 23, .... Lots 23 and 24, Block 24... Lots 11 and 12, Block 26, .... Lots 3, 34 and 35, Block 24 . rooms, fully modern. Terms. - -. 4,800 f firsttlass trackage and business lots ices and on good terms, r acre, 3 1-2 miles from the city. ett 368 Toronto St. --Phone-48i: Montreal, St. Bakery MITCHELL S IME-MADE BREAD . REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF+BREAD MADE, ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU... PHONE 560. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily News. xe Are Placed in Stock To-day and ONE CAR OF CANNED GOODS sisting of Strawb tries, Raspberries, ches, Cherries, Gallon Apples, Corn, Tomatoes and Beans. ee ee ; lreiand Co. i Phone 54. nieiaieink
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Image 1208 (1912-12-23), from microfilm reel 1208, (CU1773600). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.