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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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GIFTS FORA MND CITY ENGINEE Mr, J. D. M rekor has Toft to spend R Christmas Da Hargtave has gone on On This spection viatt to Coult. Spen- Cae Ona 1. GRINMER REMEMBERED BY MENBERS OF STAFF Many Complimentary R marks Made in Making Presentations. Mayor Spencer and City facia Grimmer were this:morning the re- fsieptants of beautifel gifts from the Jeinployees of the City Hall. The first presentation was to the Mayor when the different employees office and presented eee gathered in his does not is- him,with a handsome leather-covered tariff revision Morris chair. special tax on made the presentation and in doing luxuries. so remarked con the good feeling which existed among the different de- MEXICAN TAXATION. City Clerk Baker pose of 23 Th ha ns articles especially Mexico, : ; Chamber of Deputies voted tonight flat five per Mr. Will Mitchel has returned from Calgary, Mr. and Mra) C. 5. Blanchard are spending Christmas in Winnipeg. Mr. Blanchard, last week, was offered the position of Deplity AAttorney General of Manitoba, Dut declined the honor, of the appointment preferring to re- main in Medicine Hat. W. A, Buchanan, who has been e city since Friday left yes aay to Visit tho other princifjat points in the constituency. Miss Bertha Smith, for the past year a clerk in the Glasgow House, has resigned her position and today at noon departed for Calgary. A num- der of friends saw her off, wishing her much happiness. Considerable rice, ete., was in evidence, i oe anee partments, and om the in which the Mayor was held. The Mayor thanked the boys for the present and paid a high tribute to the efficient work of the staffs which are nt the present time in the employ of the city. Engineer-Grimmer, Treasurer Poin- ter and Chie Bruce also spoke, thanking the Mayor pressions. Cor. Ottawa St. and 3rd Ave. Lt.-Col, spending the holidays at Portage Lit Prairie. Miss Mary Bonella, of Calgary, is visiting her sister Mrs. James Mitch- ell, Esplanade. Mr: Ford Day is in from the south) Engineer Grimmer was then rushed across the hail to his own domain where the members of his staff pre- sented him with a cut glass water Engineer McBeth made the presentation, thanking the engineer for the many kindnesses he had extended them during the year, and wishing he and Mrs. Grisman Merry Christmas. Mr. Grimmer ; SPECIAL in Washington Apples Assistant VE SIX VARIETIES TO PICK FROM IN * WASHINGTON APPLES. WHILE THEY LAST - 1.75c. t PER 50 LB. BOX. y box guaranteed. Get that one for: Xmas today and save money. FOR CASH ONLY. replied in a few words, thanking the boys for expressions and also for, the valu- he bad received able. ec-operation from: them -during the year. Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchange. for-real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson and Leader. Leonard Flanagan CORNER OF OTTAWA AND 83RD AYE. SAFE INVESTMENTS PHONE 81. for the holidays. le W. D. MacKay, editor of the Carl- stadt News, was in the city today. Mr, an Mra, J. T. Perry lett for Brandon last evening. F) M. Ginther bas gone to Califor - nia where: he will join Mrs. Ginther and spend the winter. W. W. Johnston will spend Christ- mas in Regina. - y Mr. Ba. Bennett, the well known realty dealer, is to be married to Miss Marion Rogers tomoitow. The ceremony will take place at the resi- idence of Ald. Doty. FINBOW-KNOWLES On of the prettiest weddlfigs of the season was held at St Stephen's church on Wednesday morning, Dec. Tith, when Miss May Elizabeth Emily Knowles, the eldest daustter of Mr. and Mrs, John Knowles was united: in marriage to Mr, William Alfred HILL DIVISION 50 ft., block 10, 700. Terma. 50 ft, corner, block 18, 1025. Xmas s Greetings, Finbow of Medicine-Hat. The Sacred Rite was performed by the Rev. J. Swalwell, B.A,, Rector. Miss Knowles owing td her: unostentatious and ami- 75 ft, block 17, 80, /Tarme. HERALD SURVEY 50 ft. block 47, 1575. Terms. 75 ft,, block 9, 2000 Terms. 50 ft, block 1, 150(.. 100 ft., block 14, 350), Terms. 50 ft, block 17, 1400. .Terms. 75 ft, block 4, 2025. BENDING South half block 27, 360 each. Terms, 2 COUSINS SISSONS 50 ft. block 29, 1000. Terms. Corner. 100 ft, block 9, 3100. Terms. CENTRAL PARK 50 ft, block 11, 1650. Berms BO ft, block 27, 650. Terms. BO ft., block 29, 950. Terms. RIVERSIDE PARK 100 t., block B, 5150, ash, balance 1 and 2 years. 50 ft, block 18, 1000. Terms. 50 ft, block 12, 1250. 0 OUR CUSTOMERS: We take this opportunity of wishing you a-very and Happy Xmas. You have favored us with for which we thank you. reorganizing our business at the first of the year tmore adequate show rooms. Lee Merry your patronage. We are and are providing far Terms. * Tt will be our aim to devote more time and the Furniture part of our business and we a ppition to furnish your home from voller 4 to bein take Xmas our store will be open until 10.30 m. and we will be pleased to show you a good sel- ection of Xmas gifts. i; Tuesday Special, 12 only 10.00 Cut Glass Bowls for 5.00. able disposition and gentleness /ot manner had attracted towards her many friends, and as a-consequence 4 Y rge and tashionable gxthering of well withers, witnessed the auspicious event. The bride was given away by ; Mr. William Milburm and Mr. 1.) Knowles supported the bridegroom as pest man. The bride was exquisitely gowned in ivory messaline satin. with silk embroidery and trimmed with sil- yer bugle net. A flowing bridal vell, with orange blossom corona, render- ed an effective appearance to her bri- dal attire. She carried a beautiful pouquet of bridal roses and carna- tions.. Miss Lilian Marlow, gowned jn white satin de chene with golden studded net overdress and Wearing Targe white beaver picture hat with aigr tte together with pearl and dia- mond flara, presented a charming and picturesque appearance, Miss Dorothy Powell and Miss Agnes Ba- K r ot; Medicine Hat, attired in em- froidered white muslin, and Miss 50 ft, block 18, 1000. Terms. TOWNSITE 50 ft, Block 68, 20,000. Terms. 150 ft., Block 35, 20,000. Terms. 50 ft, Block 49, with six-room- ed house, fully modern, 19,- 000. 3000 down; 4 1-2 years for balance. NORTH YUILL 50 ft, Block 10, 1260. Terme. 80 ft, Block 11, with two new 1808 handles J. J. Moore sail NORTH RAILWAY STREET. Cottages. What isa Voltem Roll? A Voltem Roll is the latest invention in Player Piano Music hand played rolls (actual records), no controlling, no levers, no buttons you just set the tempo and play, and you get an exact: reproduction of the artist s work just as he played it. hey will fit 2uy 88 note player anda child can operate them. 50 ft, Block 1, with two new 34000. Terms. HARRISVILIE 50 ft, Block 16, 500, Terms. bik oe cottages, 150 ft, Block 1, 10 Lofs in BYock-2, 200 each. KENSINGTON Block 12, 350. 50. ft.. corner, p 21, 550. If you would Ike to hear one Just step into our store and say 3 YOLTEM we will know at once what you mean. It MGI HAT MUSIC Ot UNDER THE BIG ve) cITy VIEW 60 ft, Block 17, 500. Terms. COUSINS SUBDIVISION 420 ft, trackage, near the Clay Products, only 6300. Terms. 26 ft., Block 1, with fotr-room- ed house, 1800. . Marjorl Powell in pale pink, carry- fng bouquets of pink and white car- nations, performed the office of flow- er girls with a graceful and refined deportment. After the nuptial por- tion of the ceremony, the Hymn The Voice That Preathed o'er Eden, whs sung by the friends of the bride, and Mr. Percy Wood played Wagner's Bridal Procession as a processional and Mendelshonn s Wedding March as Recessional, with his accustom- ed technique and good taste. After the ceremony, a wedding breakfast and reception was held at Mrs. Knowles residence, 18th Avenue, the fable be ing decorated with a large three tler bride's cake and bridal roses. The Lbridegroom s present to the bride was piano; to the bridesmaid, 2 gold pracelet, set With turquoise and pearls; to Miss Agnes Baker and Miss Marjorie Powell, golden: engrav- ea bracelets; to Dorothy Powell, a golden pearl locket and chain and to Mr. H. Knowles, gold garnet scart jpin and cuff links to match. The presents were costly and numerous. Mr. and Mrs, Finbow left Swift Cur- rent for Medicine Hat by the evening transcontinental which will be thelr future home, carrying with them the 140. ft. corner, Bridge St.. 50 ft., Block 1, Near the Park Ave. HIGH SCHOOL AN 50 ft, Block 22, 1600. Terms. , Block 20, with roomed fully modern house, nex MOTHER'S BREAD good wishes of their numerous friends Switt Current Sun. A great many Fa a8 gene to Calgary to spend Xmas, Delhi, Ont, Dec. 24. The Morgan dlock was destroyed by fire early PRODUCT OF THE FINEST WESTERN FLOUR TASSIE BROS. 326 MONTREAL ST. GAS CITY REALTY Co. 410 Main St. WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. PHONE 256. Phone 695 tnts morning. The block contained wvere's drug store, Morgan's general store, Crystler s general store and the Masonic Hall 5 Houses for sale ot Sasy payments or will exchange for realestate. Ap- Ul oly to Hotson Leader. Batt 3,000,000 Te Loan on City Property and Farm Lands. Interest 8 p r cont, Prompt: Attention. INSURANCE C. A. KRAUSS Medictng FOOLISHNESS 1 SAY CANADA OVER-BOR British Financial ties Nem to Hockey Shoes at Foster Buy your Hockey Shoes here and have the skates put on free of charge. FOSTER S SHOE STORE MAIN STREET. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SHOES. LIVE nocsuma i VERTISE IN THE NEWS. H. C. Pettet Co. Now is your time to buy. Never put off till tomor- row what you can do today. See what you can do. RIVERSIDE Lots 31 and 32, Block 12 .. Lots 25 and 26, Block 11 .. Was Placed in. Cells After Resisting Arrest Should Polige Be Mayed? the annual repdrt of Car Panies in which -it is int British Empire seeks: to ada s good taine. leged over-borrowing the the truth must de admitte Adian cities have been all past to borrow too freely low a rate of interest, thu ing extravagance. It wan tish investor to beware ises of huge profits, from and says that promoters have taken advantage great prosperity and gree line thelr own pockets at pf the British public. that Canada herself has d is too foolish to. merit says the preface. The y try is still in the early si velopment, full) of energy perity and its total. debt creased from 36,000,000 t , Pounds during the ten y greatest development, point to the large incteas Dluses of revenue and c not be accused of strainir .. What is more probabl excessive amount of capit * raised for her developme: Alludin Any ne passing the City about ten o'clock lagt evening have agreed with Chief Bruce's con- tention that the police station and cells should be located fn different quarters than they are at present. Gay was bronght in Mandy that time. He proved a veritable wild man; resisted arrest. To handle him decently five policemen were required, and, the beautiful picture- sque langaag which he hurled at the officers conld be easily heard on the street. He proved to be the socond ot his kind in the day. A. West- wood, 8 young mab, was charged with being. drunk aid disorderly. Gay paid 10 and costs; Westwood, 3; 'P. Conley, indecent act, 3; R. disorderly 5 Bobbie Crawford, furious driving, jourrsd till tomorrow; Gordge Gard- ner, assault, dismissed. HELD AS NAG B.S. Hayes Found Loitering Around: Streets Tried Store Door. ic, Hayes sean: uizoston Maat night on a charge of vagraicy, He was found loitering around the city streets late last night and one of the officers caught him trying the . door of a Toronto. street. store. He was remanded til this afternoon and in the meantime his ease will be looked 8. Cripe, conduct, 1,000 One acre at ROSEDALE Lot 5; Block 4, (2 good shacks Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3; 150g) Lots 25 and 26, Block 23... HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 36 and 37, Block 28 on. this). e Dec. 26. Champaign, amembers of the family of Miller were killed-edrly t ing struck by tHe Illino Panama, Limited, four mil Champaiga. The Millers ing home trom a Christn fion at the home of a ne gees a s SUFFRAGETTE ARMY OBSERVED C SOUTH YUILL Lot Block 15 . 71,500 Lot 3, Bloek N, Toronto St. .-: BiG REALTY DEALS. CENTRAL PARK Lots 49 and 50, Block 20 . Lots 39 and40, Block 16 . Lots 16 aig 17, Block. ie Dr, Woodland, yesterday sold the N. W. 2 of 6-135, across the river, for 125,000: E. D. Bennett Co. sold S. W. of 7-13-5 for 100,000, and also part of 1213-6, Hat Realty sold a lot in Block 21, Montreal street, for 32,500. WENT THROUGH BRIDGE Hudson, N. Y., Deo. 25 fragette army en route to not march'today. Gen. Re for the first time since th New York on Dec. 16, ort day's rest Christmas festivities. T tion included a skating Christmas dinner and to spent at a charity ball Jones and others will opportunity to make spe moorrow the marchers w through the snow to Stury a nine mile journey. BALKAN H.C. Pettet Co. 368 Toronto St. the. obs Phone-481. A horse owned by Jas. Mitchell, went through the planking Finlay bridge while crossing this It was not injured. of the morning. Montreal St MITCHELL'S HOME-MADE BREAD THE Hidwest TYPE MADE. ' ONE TRIAL iCE YOU. PHONE 560. Bakery Anglican services at St. Barnabas Church Christmas morning: Celebra- tion Holy Communion 8 a.m.,.matins and Holy Communion at 11 o'clock, All the local hotels have prepared an elaborate menu for the Xmas din- Their patrons are something fine. promised f A long distance call: from Calgary says it is snowing there today. hipiviticheirieicehi Xmas TO OUR MA include ee proclamation of the Hand, on .of the great Bur not sctusliy engaged ped with the Ica by the ag for naval movement. flay has -veen officiatls There was. nc fion of troops by Exact figures for Serer est Wekexcous CHRIS 100 FOOT CORNER, oer ate and to all the friends who have helped is. build up the large trade we now as we extend gt; * reetings Sand Best Wishes fox HOLIDAY SEASON teimiebteel ett PAtianta, E ign 200 patients sh Druied, burned and ot Injured wore received hospitals here today, sult, of the Chrlstmas pistols and other nols ing devices. None of Juries were serious, ac to the hospital autho 50 ft., Block 16, Canyeat 1,550. colebrig lrtelefointls ote -H.W. Ir iand Go. Main Street. B.FSOUCH, Phm.B DRMG STORE, TORONTO ST. Phone 54. fete ob ee hh
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Image 1228 (1912-12-24), from microfilm reel 1228, (CU1773599). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.