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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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has just pulled in with a great con- signment of Xmag delicacies -turkeys, the coming season the usual one of joy and heats here, Come in whether you buy or not a eee yee a Merry Christmas, HERE ARE SOME OF OUR CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Yalencia, 2 ibs. for 25c. 5, seeded, 12 oz 10 ; 16 or, 1236 . cleaned, 2 Ibs. for 25e. a Peel, Lemon and Orange, 2e. per Th. Citron 25 , per Th. FRUIT CAKE If you are too busy to bake Fralt Cake, come and get it here, We have a stock of it always on hand. Mince Meat, fresh and sweet, Just arrived, per Ib. Crauberries, 2 Ibs. for 35c. Malaga Grapes 30c. per Ib. Lemion Cheese, 20 and 25c per bottle. eaiua Dscacing, Sve. Sec. and 0C. olsen: You anoald sce our stock of Chutneys, Relishes, Sauces, Catsups and Pickles. Sharwood s Fruits in glass, Macedoines, Red Pears, Raspberries, Strawberries, Greengages. Mirabelles, all 60e per bottle. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Xmas Week. Lanrentia Milk, half-pints Ge; pints 10c. Lanrentia Cream, half-pints 15 ; pints 25 . Oysters, fresh, 50. pint. Table Raisins, per Ib. 30 and 35c. Commencing Friday will be open evenings until Christmas, Hewitt Armstrong THE QUALITY: GROCERS. Main Street Phone 258 - - 3 LEGISLATURE PROROGUED. he concluded his address, the clocks commenced. -striking - the midnight Quebec, Dec. 22.The Quebec legis- hour. lature was prorogued on Saturday x might after a. session lasting from BOY KILLED.. November fifth. Winnipeg, Dec. 22. Patrick El- The house xss mbly concluded to more, a 16-year-old messenger boy, await the action of the council to died in the St, Boniface. hospital this finish ab one o'clock. The lieutenant afternoon as a result of- injuries governor, who was waiting in his sustained in a collision betweem the office, then entered the council cham- bicycle he was riding. amd a sleigh ber and gaye assent to a number of jowned by MeDonagh and Shea brew- Passed during the session. As jery, driven by Bob Peterson, XMAS PRESENTS Just Received a Large Assortment of CASE PIPES Suitable for Xmas Gifts, comprising the well- known brands of English Briar makes, namely: G. XB. D., B. B. B., Losees, Peterson, and H. B. B. Also a good selection of Meerchaum and Cala- , and Cigar Holders etion of mv Xmas pac igars. Domes- es of 10 and tic and imported b 25 in all brands. Carry also a full line of Tobaeco and Cigarettes. MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY Call carly and make your selections at Whiffin s Cigar Store 212 SOUTH RAILWAY ST. NEXT TO AMERICAN HOTEL, PHON) Noa Canadian Pacific * Our brand mew stock of Men's * Box 430 home decorated. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS Fare and One-Third for the Round Trip Between all stations, Port Arthur to Vancouver gna branches. Going dates, Dec. 2F, 1912, to Jan. 1, 1918, Final return Umit Jan. 6th, 1918. For further particulars apply to nearest agent or to R. G. MeNEILLIE, District Passenger Agent. Calgary, Alberta. E. A, DOBBIN, Ticket Agent Medicine Hat K Rag IF MONEY 1S VALUETOYOU Read This Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Mitts and Gloves, Sheepskin Coats, ete. Is DAILY ARRIVING We are selling these for a very small profit. We still- have some of the old stock. Ladies and Gents new and second-liand Clothes, Boots and Shoes and lots of other arti. eles which we are. selling at your own price, If you are ons of 0G custom- ers you know the truthfulness of this ad. If not, we ask you to come in and prove it for yourseif. HARVARD TAILORING CO. Opposite Dreamland. Phone 295, D. DAVIS, PROPRIETOR TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC. COAL COAL Galt Stove, Engine ami Blacksmith s Coal. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade and N, Railway. 4 8. TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block. P, 0. Bor 813. Medicine Hat Meat Market Fresh Meats at 10c, 12 c, 15 , 17 c, 20c and 2244 a lb. Rigs call every morning. A trial is all we ask. PHONE 878 . 515 THIRD AVE. WINTER VEGETABLES FOR SALE * Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. FRED SMITH Basement Under, Pruitt Block. TORONTO STREET. Medicine Hut. NOW 15 TH to have the inside of G. W. Donner Guarantees first-class work and satisfaction. Phone 78. P. 0. Box 861. FOR STH WALES Bij Proposition to be Taken Ver aS Soon as Sanction is Received. (Special to tho News) Sydney, Deo, 23 The New South Wiles government proposes to lt;s- tablish State iron works to manu- facture iron and steel which it im- ports to the yulue of 7,000,000 per i.num, and bas brought a bill be fore parliament to obtain the neces sary sanction. It is estimated that the cost of plant to supply the state requirements will be about 5:000;000 The amount of material required per year would be 350,000 tons af ore, 200,000 tons of coke, and 70,000 tons of lim ston . That would produce the amount of jron required by New South Wales, about 150,000 tons. The employment altogether would mean an expense of about 2,500,000 annually, which would be spent in the state instead of going overseas. . The government is stated to be in a posl- tlon to acguire at once an ofe de- aa of ohne quantity and sn i etane Sheba wade publ FREE WORKERS SOCIETY ABAINST UNIONISM Registration of National Been Twice Refused. (Special to the News) London, Dec; 23. The refusal of the treasury to. register the National Society of Free Workers under the Friendly Societies Act of 1896, was. the cause of protest: made at the Whitehall ms, presided over by Lord Ritchie, of Dundee. On stating the case of the National Society of Free Workers, the chairman said that considerable correspondence had pass- ed between the Society and the treas- ury on the subject of registration, and that the final letter declared that the rules of the organization were not definite enough to make the registra- tion of the society desirable. The question having been asked in the House, the same reply was given by Mr. Masterman, but it had been im- why the Tales were considered in- definite, Lord Ritchie declared that he could Gnly suppose that the action of the government was due to fear that the society constituted a menace to the leaders of trade unionism. The trade unionism. of the present was no long- er am. organization whose aim was the iniprovement of the lot of the workingman in regard to wages and conditions. It had fallen under the control of socialism and sectionalism and stood for methods of tyranny which must be repugnant to every lover of personal liberty. The work- ingman was prevented by- terrorism from exercising his own free will and even the employer was dictated to by the unions as to whom he should em- ploy or not employ. It was against such tyranny that representatives of the society were working and since the treasury refused to register the Society, some other means must b found to obtain: legal status. - BULL NOOSE ORGANIZE. Will Establish Bureau of Publicity at Washington. New York, Det. 23, The announce- ment that it had decided to establish publicity headquarters in Washing- ton and had appointed various com- mittees to . forward the word of or- ganization has been made by the executive committee of the Progres- sive party. The personnel of the party's legis- lative committee with Dean Lewis, jot Pennsylvania, as chairman; chair men of other cotnmittees, the per- sonal of which is to be decided upon later, are named as follows: Finance E. 9 Hooker, York. Publicity William Allen White, of Kansas C: Organization Walter Ohio. Establishment of a progressive ser vice branch was authorized with Miss Frances A. Keeler in charge-as director. Embraced within this pro- gressive service will be the follow - ing: Edueation, in charge of Samuel M. Lindsay;-ot Columbia University. Conservation, in charge of Gifford Pinchot. Popular government, in charge of George L. Reccord of New Jersey. Cost of living and corporation con- of New Brown, of trol, Charles S. Bernard, of chusetts. Massa- EARTHQUAKE IN SICILY. Turin, Dee. 2 0 violent earth- quake shocks occurred today at Reg- gio di Cala ieily. The distur- bance caused at panic although there were .no casualties. The ma- terial damage was small. Willard Holcomb s playlet, Her Last Rehearsal. has been revived with success. pe WE Are the Society in England Has possible to get any information as to 7 F. S. LYON . uill Street. of Board of Trade will be held tn COUNCIL CHAMBER of the City Hall on Thursday, Jap., 2nd. 1913 at 8 o'clock pum. H. HASSARD, Secretary, Headgarters for all 3 XMAS SWEETS CHOCOLATES Fresh Molr s Chocolates from 80c. a pound up. Im fancy hoxes we exceed them all, Prices from 80 to 8.00 a hos. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT Mixed Nuts of the best quality. The best and the freshest. In seer ting we handle. JIM sS CAFE MAIN STREET. PHONE 169. Phone 569. CROSSLEY BROS. Box 804. Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. Houses for Sale. i CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Phone No. 418 P. 0, Box 81. House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT 16 MONTEBAL STREET Phone 260. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear S12 Fourth Aves, (opposite Dreamland Theatre.) Singte and d double outfits of all deseriptions for sale or hire, Horse or Automobile De- livery at all times. HAY FOR SALE, Prairie Hay by the load. No, 1 Timothy by the bale or ton. PHONE 708. BARTLETT CIVIL Dominion and Alb Industrial Spurs, Rall Wrter Supplies; Sewane,, Maps, Plang, Blie Room M4, Imperial Bank Meaieta Hee Oakes Evera REAL ESTA 365 1-2 MAIN STREET. Listings Wanted. See us for good bays In HIM, North Yulll and: Be Place your orders News big handsomely lustrated Lillian Lorrajne is going into ethene, mer dem The tintle Mews. wandevilla with sketch. dustrial number. Over sixty pages. Ready by the first of the year. tf. Lot 9,. Block 15. Regular REDCLIFF Lots 12 and 13, Block 106. ........ HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lot 21, Block 22. CENTRAL PARK Lots 47 and 45, Block 17, faces Park Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Lots 21 and 29, Block. Hos: Lot 14, Block 4, HERALD Lots 4 to 13, Block 19, Adaees Sa Lots 14 and 15, Block 19, per pair Lots 4.and 5, Bloek 4, per pair, Lots 23 and 24, Block 20, per pair... z ots 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 17, per.pair, a NORTH YUILL Lots 5 and 6 with shack, Block 2... Corner with house, shack and barn, ; two lots 4,700 Tot 15, Block 10, Lots 5 and 6, Block 2, hovise and shack. COUSINS AND SISSONS Lots 36 to 40 on road allowance, Block 20, .. Lots 1 to 10, Block 35, -.. Lots 19 and 20, Block 12, . OLD TOWNSITE Lots 10 and 11, Block 64, . . Lots 5 and 6, Block 27 . Lot 12, Block 80, HOUSES We have only six choice ones left. Prices ravging from 4,300 to 6,000. ACREAGE +. 1275 p. 2,150 4,000 3,756 pee, . We have already subdivided acreage in close range of the city and ready for retail, which we sel only in blocks and on very easy t rms. PHONE 920. Niblock Tull, Limited Room No, 8, Imperial Bank Building. Fourth Avenue, 2 lbs. Mixed Nuts . 2 Ibs. best Chocolates Buchanan 's,Jams . Just receiv: Graniteware, te. -Dresses to clear at cost. Children s Toques ....... Best, Mince: Meat, per-lb, .....- Best Mixed Creams, ree box, from. Medicine Hat. For Christmas Bargains PHONE OR COME toe ROSSITER S PREMIUM STORE -15e to 50c big shipment of Toys, Chinaware, Christmas tree decorations. f To clear before Xmas we: are selling: Ladies, ready-to-wear Blouses, reg. 1.00, for. Ladies Blouses, regular 1.50 ee 2 raat 1.00 Also nice line of: Children Tie brandy to-wear We also:liave complete line of Ladies Head and Neck Saiies ktseeieiaiaets COUPON GIVEN WITH EV DEEMABLE IN DISHES OR SILVERWARE. Phone 575. Prompt delivery, as we will have two ' ery rigs going during Kmas week. c.E.B. U. Aviation and Landscape Architect. Sewerage; Water and Gas Supplies. Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Railways, Irrigation, etc. Subdivisions, Layout of Parks, Steel Constructions. Designs d specifications for Houses, etc. MOTTO: First-class responsible service for Reasonable Prices, TOWN ENGINEER, REDCLIFF, ALTA. HAVE JUST Ri Which are now is the choicest st look them over. Ee Rober: LIVE MERCHAN Dec All of the b ions rode at th ed by A. P. Day. 150 in gold; 2n NOW O Prices f TERMS One- Red 0.) ROOM 7, B Canadia Home V UNI RETURN F Minneapolis or Chicago Correspondi Tickets on For further partt icine Hat, or write to M.W.F,
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Image 1222 (1912-12-24), from microfilm reel 1222, (CU1773605). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.