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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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REMI FOR XM THAT'S OUR TION We axe making 1 the biggest shov suitable Xmas:g men that we ha attempted in ow ea business b Seeker D ressing ig Jacket Slippers, Scarfs Handkerchiefs kinds; Neckwea ery description Mufflers, Fitte Bags and Suit-C And many otber ar * numerous to mention COME AND HAVE THE LUCKY SPOT OF THE TOWN. - THAT WAS BORN LUCKY pel F 25.00 Down. Balance 6, 12 and 18 monthe CORNERS, 5.00 EXTRA THIS SUB-DIVISION IS SITUATED IN THE FACTORY DISTRICT - viz., the East End of the City.- It is an Ideal Home for the Working Man Turpin E Get the Big Dollar HITC In Transfer 0 * Chance to New, erican Manager at the Right Price. Every Lot is Guaranteed Flat and Level. FULL PARTICULARS, 3 RIMMER SMITH Cincinnati, Ohio, De there is a hitch in the m arrangement by whith former manager of the tional League Club, w manager of the New Y team becam known he president August Herm -einnati Club stated the released -the former maneger. President He Chance several weeks the waiver route and i he intended that the-- go n-unager would lead team the confing seas However, Joe Tinker the Chicago Nationals, Cincinnati and immedi mame became linked agership of the New 3 It had been rumored ments had been comp Chance would go to Hermann today confess official knowledge of It is generally belie any hitch in the pre come from Chance an lease by. the Cineinnat granted as soon as it pr arrived here from ignd ft is said will sie at once. Look Qt Griffs Washington Chul 1 nations of the Triple Alliance a ae reaction on all others Alfred Neymarck, vice-president of Compared with that of my discovery the Triple Entente went to war, the such would be the consequvice of the Society of Political Economy; af- When itvhas 'become established. We cost of maintaining the armies alone general conflagration in the present 'ter pointing out the huge magnitude 00k largely to America, the pioneor would work out at no less thun conditions of European civilization. of commercial, industrial and finan-/ f New fdeas and new inventions, to 5,400,000,000 a month, without tak- Similar opinions are held by Paul cial interests, as well as the enor- take up the matter-where I leave it ing into account the other expenses. Leroy-Beaulien, member of the insti- mous expansion in credit and busi- aries company formed to ex- what-would be their internal tute, and one of France's leading ness generally among the six nations Ploit the patent is under the direc- Gusiatensis of ATMIes lt;onaition? he asks. The belliger- economists. He thinks, . however, whieh would be capaged: asserts that, ton of Mr, de Jongh, director of. the Alone Reckoned at 5,-lent nations would be struck with that in such a crisis France would the consequences of an abrupt cessa- 4nglo-Italian Electric Company, 400,000,000 2 Month. general paralysis and would see their suifer less than the other great pow- tion of all this activity through a Hich supplies Rome with light. very means of substenanee disappear. ers; since being self-supporting, she general war, would be incalculable in . TO the World correspondent Mr. de What would be the cost of a Euro- Suspension of. work would: be forced always has at her disposal an im- its vastness. Jongh. said: pean war at the present day? . This even on those. who were not included mense accumulation of the agritul - Roughly speaking, the company question is being much debated im in the general: mobilization, since tural products of the previous fear values the patent at 5,080,000, . wita economie circles in Paris just now, whom sould . there be to work for? whereon she could draw for a Tone MAY TALK SOBN FROM: (egies tterest tt te ossendionaty and the Gaulhis has just printed To whom would they sell thir pro- period. She would-thus be in company. tise buys tt not given selling price. We Fe iced hinicts Sa task ldastoPe UR NGead ther be techirmel Dotter ceamsabah ee thar Germaer . subject from reeognized experts on or t ted? All the large works for instance, which would find the EUROPE 10 AMERICA ee eeiae. Stree Jn me such problems. ind fastories; where the division of greatest difficulty in obtaining im- RR ee ielcate ne he most striking of these is that Iabor is completed, would have to Ports, being ext off by the British Moretti s Wireless Tele- peat se of M. Jules Roche, former minister be shut. Even agriculture would be fleet on the one harid and Riftsia on hony * Already. Brings * nee 870 38 solid asset. of commerce, who made some re- impossible. the other. Pek s L08 ute mie ener Prle nen aee a SF Rome and Tripoli Toget- lized markable calculations on the. point. No more purchases or sales, eith- But, he adds, it is after the hop. Se eevee se rte Taking as a basis the expense inour- er the economic or the financial death war that a vanquished nation would 3 rie red by France during the war of of labor, an abrupt stoppage of the have the hardest time, for many - Rome, Dec. 16 Dr. Riccardo. Mor- 1870, he reckons that, assuming f ears would be necessary to repair eety, tho inventor of wireless tele. eee eee the sake of example, that thes: im pf all the mations at war, with the losses and hea the wound: phony, 8 a modest man, twenty-six. pan Rubens, the author of The Roman by birth, and nephew of sunshine Girl, 'js. writ ing musical Dr. Marchiafava, who attended Pins Say for Charle Frohman, i X: during his iliness last year, be called The X-Ray Girl. PRESENTS Just Received a Large Assortment of CASE PIPES Suitable for Xmas Gifts, comprising the well- known brands of English Briar makes, namely: G. B. D., B. B. B., Losees, Peterson, and H. B. B. Also a good selection of Meerchaum and Cala- bash Pipes;and Cigar Helders. I also invite inspection of my cigars. Domes- tie and imported brands. Xmas packages of 10 and 25 in all brands. Carry also a full line of Tobaceo and Cigarettes. MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY : Morett , though a student of medi- ma z U : os cine has been sndyliie tor clan Lina Praeele, cake pays ie pane Oall early -anacmamke your. selections at In the Race se our inriuence or years the problem of applying the of Gipsi im the new. McDonough-Le- son. : Marcon system to the telephone. He har musical drama Eva, is the has kept his, Iabors a secret, but he ini 2 has Been greatly helped by: the gov- anster of Drominent mining enti ernment, which has given him free we use of the military. radfotetegraphy stations in different parts 6f Italy for his experiments. The kind of good road, As already stated, the general : principle of the invention is to set however, is another Tngtacrestession of lectite waves . When the baseball a close many fans bh that the showing of club this year was me fluke. They formed because the Nationals ly tail-enders. But th great credit-for-the it this season. M Whiffin s Cigar Store 212 SOUTH RAILWAY ST. NEXT TO AMERICAN HOTEL. PHONE NO. 795. Concrete Roads - There sno need to point .out the advantages of good roads. . Henry Melker ahd the company that is appearing in Our Wives at the Gaiety Theatre are planning to establish a repertoire of plays during their engagements out of New York . and present thenr-upon-their matter. which follows each other with the/to the eity in the i Special ie - ty in the spring. peci: that Washington Ww same speed us the vibrations of the i i iv rs i ypatinees will be given: in Chicago, contenders in the Al human voles, and transfer these vi- Philadelphia and Boston and the po yace again next seasc civer. ee i 5 - that ; It used to be that there was little choice. cost. Conerete, instead .of needing repair, Although the inventor bas made a May, a a area be Mn Molker i 4 4 ffi ara wee pI Macadam for the country and smaller cities was actually becomes stronger with age. x free gift of his discovery to.the-gov- re ORT a usiie S S 4 th C was due largely to th the only material used. Then, twenty years ernment, powerful syndicate is be- . f the b ago concrete was introduced. And for these How You Can Help. ing formed to turn to commerical is to rehearse a new a z sian Atma j twenty years concrete has been proving You can help your community to come to use the patent which has been taken play by his wife, Marion Fairfax. FOR SA ame are a trio hi itself. a wise decision the next time the question of out, both with foreign governments euthor of The Talker. Johnson Is as good a It is now acknowledged to be one of the Fads comes up. Your influence will be'a fand for private Industry. Moretti ae TSitchers. When. Grit thor rn TS rd Tr goo a proving oul nd Journos has gone to Paris to confor with the findle Wakes with the origina FLOURISHING GENERAL STORE BUSINESS, ee oc eta us avements to be as far superior to ordinary With thoroughly sausfactory highways, French authorities, and the other Rael, a at a macadam as macadam is superior to sand. i We wish to convince you first we know European countries will be approach- emacs Tote este New GROCERIES, DEY GOODS, ETO. oes oter came t when you are backed up with facts ed in due course. ve a . . . . . . d Eftimating the Cost. which we will gladly furnish you, you will be Before. departing: Ne east: teieial for sale in the growing town of Redeliff. This busi- SE : It s nak ie fist coe ofa road that deter- able to convince your neighbors. * World correspondent May Duckley has been engaged ai / Tess is now showing an annual profit of 5000.00 the work Washin See's spices fee tbe frst dx monte af Maks it Jour, bosinew to nef these feens cs) 4 ficken penis that ine chief leading woman with a stock eom- over and above all expenses. This business must around the Amepican epee good have a speci lepartment which wil , a ventlon or discovery i Set : . Toad or poor one. not only give you the facts, but will also Aff x, whichever name you call it, ts pany ig ,Poledo, O. ; be sold at once as owner s ill health compels him to thle sseaten. Sn hie only sure way to find out what a road valuable assistance to any com- i that it will enable the human voice, give up business. You, will have to ht cost, is to add to the- first cost all that is ing to build concrete (and in fact every other sound, to be ht) : to get any of those Seg foe ropes in toes or twenty years. goad: ye I transmitted to distances to whicn : ie BS For particulars apply to mas cards we have low, that s where concrete roads win for Good Roads there is practical no limit. We . ME Ont: if y a Iimited quant every atgiiment their first cost is practically Lite * or use the , the fects talk now with THoll, 709 miles GONTRACTS FOR SSSE8. DAVIDSON WILL Hat News, Main Stre hele only coats they require little or no upkeep coupon. about concrete away, but we are only In the first Barristers, Medicine Hat, - Alberta. be LO Nighraye stages gt work. It must be not- - HEAVY TEAMING Houses for Department, - ed thatt interurban avork will exchange fpr 7 sa 2 ee ir Loo and, shore ayatem feos RADING AND EXCAVATING . oi te eta eat Company, Ltd., Montreal frot Solan Hefei 20 1 nov Gravel and Sapa for Sale, seem ieeteeee vn oe p es pees --se---- ey is evolution worked by y aren uae eyats. The Fevolution worked by Yulll Street. Phone Ne. 40) oes Sepprirawnia ANUEDW cu cs wire wes
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Image 1160 (1912-12-18), from microfilm reel 1160, (CU1773626). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.