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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Friday, December 20th 1912. ciaetion Oo Nat 6 Population in 1913 - oe REDCLIFF I .NOT BOOMING BUT IT IS GROWING MIGHTY FAST, AND THE MOMENTUM Is INCREASING by investing yourmoney pelon Eaveaie p REDCLIFF The Swiae of Industral Develop ment Kone Bad Advance in Velie as Cards ie: Pines EVERY DAY. : tment Be Find Out About it Secure Lots NOW and You ll Smile LATER ow in the 2 oge t City We Are Securing New Industries. , Look For Announcement. x Redcliff Realty Company Limited REDCLIFF, ALTA, Lockwood Wheeler, Limited (Stoner Agency ) s Drug and Store : 3 ler Shirts MADE BY F Made To toner . LASTIMO MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. itacion with -erocr MN Be dy sfepetosgetpedosfecredesteceetecieteateotectoatesetea Soedratotie ostestoate ats Goefocdeeteetesseese-ioteateetesiraie sie ehesteetedioaiesie aie ssetieto ces tietegie. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY, COMPANY Horse Repository Having dealt with ministers in act directs and that grave injustice Rear 812 Fourth At (opposite their collective capacity, Sir George had been done to officers who had Established in Province Dreamlene eat Proceeds to consider how they could been Passed over, ls. s be relieved of vome OTthe multitar- Dealing with requirements, Sir Single and double outfits of all descriptions for sale Valuable -Report of Civilymatters. the suggestion ts ate that ous duties they have to discharge as George said that some system ot Started in Connection With Demonstration Farms at Service Tavestigation by. comibittee of ministers shoule he tle heads of the departments, The regular retirement 18 absolutely es- Glaresholm, Olds and Vermilion Two Principals pr-hire) Horse or Automobile De- appointed to review the whsle of the business of a minister, he says, is not sential if the public service is to be inted Central Coll for Higher Courses Bir George Qlurray, the) rotten sow discharged ty the caungi/t adulnister Bue to direct heeinn oo neea eee satisfactory basis, nro Later. ig British Expert Several ana select those which can safely be The administration should be left to Pensions were an essential element ag im livery at all times. HAY FOR SALB. Prairle Hay by the load. No. 1 U Changes in Administra- lett to individual-ministers. his sibordinates. This is the found- in any system, of retirement. He tion Suggested. Tn regard to appointments and pro- ation of any sound system of depart- urges as ond of the most tmportam: P4monton, Dec. 19. Alberta. will lous weeda will be taught, samples of Timothy by the bale or ton. PHONE TOR sie motions in the s ryice a board of mental organization. Greater re- items of civil service reform that bave three: agricultural colleges es- srains and weeds being used for Ottawa, Dec. 18 Sir George Mur- *Wo or three ministers with an equal SPonsibility should be imposed upon some aystem of pensions, such as tablished in different parts- of the demonstration. Instruction in poul- y, in his repor: on ths publi: ser- DUmber of permanent officials, might deputy heads. Theif duty should be that which was rescinded in 1g9s, Province ready for the reception of try will cover housing, feeding, hatch- ice office, says that norkinz im- be constituted to consider them und to give effect to the minister's de- should be -reestablished. 1f restored, students in agriculture next fall. Col- ing and rearing. i seed him-so inuch as (h gt; alniout f approved, the recomm-ndatiou cisions. Four or five of the more im- retirement should be optional with Jeses will be placed at Olds, Vermil- F. S. LY ON - CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand tor Sale up-to-date styles and A trial order is all a 8 1.25 6.50, 8, NEWS BLOCK S8-tt ess Work for Cabinet Ministers Improvements of Organization and Personnel of Departments question which now comes before the covered instances of heads and de- BE ai Xeasury Yoard could be lett t thelouty heads recommending. orome- Lhree Agricultural Colleges department of finance, tots not exclusively on merit as the ONE NN, 349. tolerable bufden which re would take effect at once. Portant departments: political deputy the office and the deparment at the on and Claresholm. They will not BODY OF WHITELAW 4 stem of transucting hus ucss im- The treasury board should be abol- heads should be appointed. to relieve age of 60 and compulsory at 63. In be on a very large scale, the desire REID COMING HOME. es on ministers. They have tuo ished and its duties discharged by the ministers, not only of some of their his opinion there should be no deduc- of the Minister of Agriculture being ich to do and do too muck io Several departments concerned or by Mepartmental duties, but also of tions from salary for pension. The to establish centres of agricultural London, Dec. 19 0Phe coffin cone luch of the time of the cabinc is the appointment-and promotion board many interviews and negotiations pension should be an entirely frea education as widely as possible. taining the body ot te 13 3 amba: en up in dealing with the minor which is susgested The ent and/gitt from the state throughout the province as soon as sador Refd ie to be coa evel suru others. Sir George refers to the absence Practicable. Two year courses will day from London to Portsmouth on Such deputy heads should enjoy Of control from the authority charg- be ven at these colleges, and a sp cial train. Ib seiti le accom- E the full confidence af the minister, so ed with the duty of co-ordinating the courses, will correspond to two first panied by. repres ntatives of ti 5 ee that he could speak generally In the/OrBanization of the whole service. Years im the iarger agricultural col- British Government aad by the staffs i i amo of the latter, without specific) The result was that each department eses.: By the time that the schools of the American embassy and cousul- Teference to him, and on other cases / tranged the staff in' its own way. ave been in operation for two years; ate-general. The Hari of Granatd ? could refer for direction as occasion There 1s, therefore, a great-lack of it Is.probable that a central agricul- wil represent the Reld amily. Mrs, , required, uniformity. tural College will be established, at Whitelaw Reld and her sons will F z 1 The preparation of the estimates A central department should be Whleh all the higher branches of ag- leave about the same hour to embark . i 1 colleges in eastern Canada pathy at her bereay. Mlective obatiol; and map-making. Several depart- cultural y reavement, MAKE VOUR PURCHASES AT The proceedings should. ve earrieg Men's are now engaged in this work. and the States. cape ae Sale Stabl. al Knight s Bazaar and get a fon ts wriine serwsn tho miniater ot One, department ought fo deal with In order to make the schoof as . BODY FOUND, ; h to win one of the three pienso coll aigues. With ve (7 inland raven 4 ite be ana sar a i rice eta sate ie: Redondo Beaer Calif, Dec. 9A chance i and inlan revenue should be amal- will not be restric students wi rf 1 z Lae on proek 16 ssppelnsnieliy Ao, ene Kamated. What does not concern us tave passed the matriculation, . or body believed to be elther that of ae MONPuEAL STREET cee UABLE R R IZES Penns as excise might be attached to the some equivalent exanilnstion, ach Kearney or Lawrence, the lost Phone 260. VA L amination has: given- general satis- bs iND HEAVY DRA 2 Oe pe ee pare ae Hay for Sale. ministers and likely to result in in- be appointed to deal with surveying Scientific agriculture, just as at agri- Spain expressing the deopest aym ought to be entirely with the depart- stablished dealing with all questions Ticultural education will be tausht./on board the Campania for the Vn- faction. Nothing-better has yet been T e and commerce. fstudent successfully taking two tor, today was reported found on the ment of finance as the present sys- 0f Public. health. and where students will be able to ited States. Mra. Reid tas received The commerce commission is not years course will be given an as- shore nine miles south of here. UBSCRIBW NOW for the Dally N suggested. It is of great importance, jews. Eo COUPON GIVEN WITH EVERY 10-CENT tem is wasteful-for the time of the A departmental commission should) ake their degrees as bachelors of m cable despatch from tha Queen of adequately equipped with expert as- sociate diploma, however, to maintain a much higher . sistance. The commission of thirty- A. McKenny, head of the feed cD, McCLAIN PURCHASE OR OVER. pear Gee excaleey CRB ET Ce wo imembelh 19/96 IREGE - Tasso upaach in the Gotertanecs as aoreer PROPRIE ? or at most ve for a permasent com- ture, has been appointed principal of 3 Drawing takes place Monday, Dec. 23rd at 2: p.m. pepartments Aro far too Wine 06 iaslan wala be a eellable body- Gier venolneutmieeramene--icewin- rin i jean ts the pos oe 7h This commission would be a thinking, Superintendent of Fairs and Insti- planning, advising and training body, tutes, will probably take charge of with no executive functions. It would Olds College. livision 17 Bia a cn tren Probably 17/55 reaponstble mndee the contro of Schoole ot agriculture, ar to be * tl im it fairs: than 18 and 35. he prime minister. held under the fairs and institutes Bhould be 18 and 25; for subdivision ifts For Everyone Toys, Dolls, Gathes, Leather Goods and dainty Hand- yf. Ase WKE, Cifted j in Three Days 2, or substantial China and Sir George, in conclusion, says of branch of the Department of Agricul- painted China, and the mote ta: For.the lower grades, such a2 mes- a1) the toples he touched the twol tural Gollese, commencing ay ste. Thousands of habitual a. wikis thibiigbout Western Canada. would caine Porcelain Dinner'and Tea Sets, Mae eater fF should te the limit most important were: The rellet of rath on January 12. Other schools willingly pay ginny times the coor of nur tevemeet tone Cae from the seseToaited . Tan temaporary clerks Are employed. ministers from routine and admin- will be held at Taber, Jamuary 20 to bag Pe 2 cbse stad of Toilet Art ontinwy every ; 5 Saran + of our treatment hinders some; natural proorus- ndsies, Propriciary: ed A Great Labor Saver Foie should be dlycontinued tn every tgtrative duties and the mprovement 35, nnd at Carmangey;tanuary 27 tol yuadAteanawisize of ou treatm ral te. Me: soa nes st orenalsatign and personnel of the February 1, and schools in other in NO,imAD can afford torspptinue rtining. not only hie health, but low- sing of Physicians P Faaat ailvaenl * fr ge recommendes iublic service, parts of the province are being ar- ering bis busine nocial standing. ms a specialty. Ask to be shown the finest silver cleaning pan in the fi , fin Gubree omen brought, inl gt; ranged. The NEAL TREATMENT Atives the spoleoning, the cause uth Rv. St, world, Qn sale now at from der the-act of 1908. In regard to Met prscuss BORDEN SG: Wide Range of Study, of Uauor oraving, completely sree the azitem 3 removes ail destre z for intoxicants je system jent in a otros : 1.50 TO 6.00 EACH. Postottice; chistoms sand interest IN BRITAIN Courses of instruction will be giv- greatly Improved paysieal aerial c ee . revene en In live stock, dairying, agronomy, The NEAL TREATMENT consists of a mae vegetable compound In tte promotions in the In PLgndon, Dee. 19. Replying to Kelr poultry. and domestic-seiencePhree taken internally,-no-hypodermic-injections being employed Fr. Reynold a Bet Y + ide servia;-the commission (/Hardie in the House of Commons, carloads of live stock will be carried, Call and see us today, OF if out of town write for ful particilars. e . . 9 B not, torte 2 The commigai Pr mfer Asquith gave-assurance that and instruction-will be given In breed inter, TOME KA nig ht?s Ba za ae Pee verge wren o nace fatel ete seorence hand fowinaon ib evn sree mM Neal pnstleute samples in Wall Pap man or ua The intervention the acceptance of Pretiiier Borden's management. Growing, judging and 7 ighth Ave, Pho PHONE 53. 396 TORONTO ST. ff) ct the commissioner weakens: their naval policy or they were given ef- grading of gra first appointments. fect to an opportunity would be made cultivation of grass On the other hand, he says, he dis- for diseusaine ther, alles ea en tata soll cultivation, fodder crops, epan tom mit chante: Gompan y, Ltd. 820 THIRTEENTH AVE, WEST, CALGARY.
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Image 1175 (1912-12-20), from microfilm reel 1175, (CU1773609). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.