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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ber 24th, 1812) DAILY News, Kk of unfalth to believe thet at Christmas lt; time the spirit of tne gentle Christ Child ia born again and asks a welcome fromthe world of I 8 IT too much to ask of falth is 1t too much to ment? One may think, with Herod, that He was, but dangerous tradition of theslawsi or, with Pilais,-tha He was a dislurb r*of thesipeace, or, with Mahomet, that He was:a prophaf,3t not tim jon of God; or, with heer skeptislam, ythet He yas a yisionary and a fanatic, But that H ) was, among ail men bora of: women, the Incarnation of mercy and of love no. one will deny. Nop can we fail to realize that, when His Lirthday comeg. we, too, are conscious of that spirit, incarnate MP Gurecives, whether the inspiration be divine whether the yearly miracle be a sublime ie simple, obvious consequence of habit Bon of of man, the Christ Child asks Qu Seeicaibe fe sought It in crowded Bethte- om fies were young and the frosty, slittering stars Wehted the way, of His mother. In her need, to the stable and the manger. The, been Weaving beautiful that holy eve legends of plous: souls; ibe our gaplenBe derides. We make we are too, rich in knowledge We give Him welcome, -yes in derind way-logt us. we ars so the offr am and fancy that aforespe bur- Fo. Ot the wondrous wealth St story apy any child's tongimpewe dave but the spruce tree Gre, witty hBbaBen istletos there, withta sfien js if some impudent ainner Wore to utyge paliaor this diy instead of Euster. we Noald follbw sit Mi theseckte of a new fashion. Happily, with Blessed upplness, th true Spirit OF Christmas ts evel reborn, apd there are many who, de-they but knew those Jost lek nds of the earller Becavee, tay Lord, have naught to bring to the infant Jequs: Alas 1 am diatraught. Had 1 bot some flowers tor Hin my rout would rejoice: Bur the frost Binds the ground sand spring Is far away. Then the ange) took her Mand andJea her ovt into the night. But night t was not to hee, golden sun ine beamed upon them, and the atr:warmed with a summer fatrnead At length: the angel stopped and struck with hip stpit upon the earth, whereat sweetest flowers sprang tol Ngo; and Madelon, tm Jor, gathered She hastened back to the mugble and wove garlands, wresthing the crib and hanglig them-on the neck of the lamb that stood neat. Ian't that legend beautiful enough pet a world- wide taabion is Chrintmas roses? Our own rexources for aecotationa gre so limited, our room for orleldals its, even for novelty, is so scant that almost any Aower would-te anaccession tothe Mat But Uie legend of Gre pious Madglon Joa by: the 6; the miraculous blooms, und of the wrenthing erib fiaele ax the honor teserved: far the tose, le wef the moat charming of the Mosion attuching to the Howes There tn latitaa 3 for the. gheontn of the Aakers, When thers winter wconite and heligbore can figure us the Mhristmica rose, no Feason In the POrid nuged-dchor ihe Ameriain Weaugreren Hin list Noe pitts available. Tor-eny moder aeMORh Youns aman wate to psy anes Rig foster Wit sats 100; for Teta the qaublemtot that pasa aike hone mae pos eon ao overshadowed ence and unfiiiing dare Ni by the mystery of thelimmacniate Conception, which Years, would rejoice to welcome the Christ Child. 7 with thefr emblems, the greens and figwersjon whose twigs hang clusters of homely jewels of faBcy, about whose petals there is ever the perfume of Krateful faith a Bring roses to Him ahd, the) sconite, And helletord) fonsthel roses,,like the rose of Jeri than Our spl flower Which Yousean read of tlie. rose. in Where it ts proclaimed that, af Bavior Miho gesert and th solitude be gind and OI Way Bhi som ast for the glory of of Carmel and of our God: Italy and Sicily ave the. their Rosa af Nowl: France and England find it Yellow blossoms and the shining green of the winter aeonite: The Jericho gill bloometii Arabia and the sands of If, perchance, sf/be the true Jericho rose referred the acripturgs When the leaves of this steange plant, around which the falths, of Christian and Moslem have intertied in reverence, wither and full, eHAgtems curt inward untit 1 becomes a round ball, *) roots forsake: ir hold the loos oll, Tho eft Winds biow th .-ball niWer and yon until it 48 a. place. of molature and hastens to unfold and Maroy fts seedy Zor germination. typities the Virgin Mothir. whose title has been +4n many Iatidy the Rose of Jericho, A root out of the irety Jand, the dew of the Holy Spirit fell upon her sndsbe gage to the parched world the blessing of her Divitie Soy, The plant became Mary's rose. Legend has 01 how it opens at all her feasts, that of the Ammaetinte Conception alone excepied. At the moment when the. Child on Christmas night, it pened and becam Bat Rose Kat Miriam, they call it arherc, when 3 woman's time has como, it bedside in a nett water, that in her pi her thoughts on the Nativity of the Lord and find it the miracie of sure cease of suffering When the Holy Night. ftose, there neste mivd the Hew: mother remembers, ne morc her anguish for joy that a-man Is born into the world pe turns to the hellebore, with its cf, although the-aeimson: variety, hae trinsic beauty. They- alt st, too, Nos ose the Tose of the Holy Night; and it Hawa name peculiarly its own, as Christ's Figwer, The Hpturdy are snelined to be taclturn reayeling the but the anctent mystery ayn, -phowy people from the oppression of thete all about It and placed becoee Idvt or ts origin. Pao The shepherds haste to bie svcompn by Madeloy the shepherds. Could ot vod Mother te le ona h pine thelr tribute. of nly Reraympathy and te RR: of the poor abode and the. thought of wdelplosmnens, rt Ged, tooking down on Gray Titious woul bade the Angel Gabriel g conttort a WhE Weepect thea tm thy prayers, Madelon gt; agk The HITE ane I NPDES eer im Siclly bas absorbed even that one. flowerset the Savjor's foster-father. 1: s the: Feast of Litui ere. But France and Italy have been itm in UM e ga erence to the legend: as it frat aros They call the laurel Saint Joseph sfataft. When tt Was made knows that Mary-mghtbe wed, her suitors came before. the high priest-and. presented to. tym tele wands; oF staves,. which ho lafa up befaresthe Lor ialorepn s wand was of laurel, and it was given iH PARAS Amons the rest, But when the morning cate, Wivinspower had brought ame feurel stat ct JoNaPh into Bud, and alKnow thatse was he.whe hat been phosen to be Mary's prover So why not some datirel: wherever It can be had? That WOPId Mevee of reiance and elfseacrifce- now - fof What himan toster- if the eenvtationa who Un i i hips te lives ove abvlagiever aupportinic, otPeigtl We cougige ANP the bana and: tamer Se ons: FIEMETUNY commen to man Ve. IixBaint Jonevh'y very own And Rone-Marye People used to turn it tor ttm eatetul incense fe thelr homew on Christman eves In thote dare thoy HAew it insured, for the cominy year, happiiiexs and g09 fortune Tt was Mary's tree In the crabhed Latimig? the botanists 509 -veare ago, The Colts knew tag Mor Mahairi, Until the seventeenth sentury t ftourish tn every English girdeh, tended With aftectionatigare; it was the pleasure of the household. at cage and at every festival the family made yeshhd was cast on a.coMn ag the last token of remembramer to :ho Christion who bad (passed bagomt his. ken There must MAKE deen some reason other than ita, OWN sweet perfuine to make it. auch univerunl fn Norite, some ms:thl r story that firs fixed the Rowe: Mary in the fobs of wo many widely separated Seoples. One iis tion hundreds of lovers of the plant In northers Urope and fail to find an explana. tion that can be genuinely satisfying. But the story exints, Mevortheleas and is one of the tales told to ghudren when the Arelicht stows dim 4n the chill of a winter's eveningignd the time for tales has come Only ft ts not tn north that it is remembered, S The candia southlands, where lite 18 all al fresco, afe the ones. that Go mot hesitate to 60. thelr. infant Savior as one /who was poth human und divine; the Horth seems tol be Maprier with dts ideal, beautifal wnd perfect, althdugn fainter and more distant from fhortal flesh and Bled, But tn Spath they know all about ts perfume and how it became the Christ Child's own flower, You fee, that stobl t Bethlehem was ver poor and bleak tnde d, and here waa only the chilled sun, out- aide, to cheer the Weary mother in her toil, shining on some bushes, that struggled for thelr lives, She kept her child clean with the water Saint Joseph brought and did her wasting faithfully, as a mother should. As she rinsed and wrung thie blessed baby's clothes, all.the soap and water could not wash out the ox perfume they-had drawn from-that tender, She cowl not dry theni in the stabi she took them out info the cold sunshine and spread them on-the-rough Bushes. And into ithe very heart of the bush the blemied fragrance entered, -there to abide forev r. It b eaive. the Rose-Mary the world learned to, love; and ft was the Saviors own flower: which beld' Him so ear that, when His Ditter destiny ox ttook Him, lis flowers betame iomorials of His Passion, so polgnantiye id they: suffer with the Man of Sorrow .who had been the Child of thelr joy: Really, some one ousht to undertake a Christma: sbiigrimage, not to the cities of the east, where the Redeemer lived and dl d, but to the towns of Hurope 1b WheFe-He-tives still tm-the-nearta of the children and the people, in a-simple, gentle, trusting tat much as few of us hard-hedded, shrewdly practical westerners can comprehend. Just suppose that the baby in one s own family should ever live ta be famous as every one of them surely will Say tI boy baby and ts destined to be president of the United states as all boy bables here surely are. Destiny may get a few twin Reet The mistletoe bare Eve s apple . s Jand. the Bay; as executiveyor an ash cart op axe piliter of unpopular pletures, or a wriier Gt equally Unpopiilar Postry; BUC there tan't a mother who saves her baby's first pair.of shoes who hasn't some secrat, treasured confiderce that, when he is a man and the Bations are bowibe before him, the very least of the TAnecdotes of Rig childhood will be. gleaned by history 4s things pricelvas to ite agnal 7 Well, that is the Way the faithtul of the old lands have for centuries: and centuries treasured every smallest fraginont of fact and fction-regarding. the. fhfant Saylor, Vie haven't the least idea of bat tie intimate, daily etsoctation can acomplia in Making people feel that Christmas comes tight home fo them, The dear ittle Sesus nnd the name. in fpoken in all reverence becomes a radiant, loving, fender, protecting brother to the young of house. hold, and to their elders, especially to the women, there comes a perfectly true, if wholly inexpileabie, ininicling of maternat fomaness a: dependence which in tacit fe as w: as haw, exerbeen, wrought Thefe are not so many In Europe now who possess that simple faith and reap the reward of, that ennobling, intimate companfonship with Him whose. touch was healing and volge a benediction, Tur the stranger who. will go. among these Christians wf) came to apprgciate Chriatmag an it cannot be unders stood here et If you will travel th 3 Switzerlund almost anywhere in 1 koasa htfuh of holiday wrarona, Christmas, for it You will have the rare fan Ibs that mont-d your trip, make st among the opte Jeniper ought ta be our reena, It Is omly a shrub bur where the wun shi wenty feet, whi n why the Fink when your eke ape, Pewnants give of Tagination with a force of mysterious Sermany, Erance Ty. among the ancle.t Druldawi e accor Wicked Herod S24 put to death all the other Boy babies; but the Moly Fumtly, teeth forewarned, wow hastening toward Exypt. Every ghila knows precively how they fied. trom the plotures that -haye been 0 fondly coucelied and so lnvinhly xpproduced. very child lenowp, t09, the detail of stanch Salat Vending om, alertto every sound behind them which might portend the nearness of the tragle pueault by Herod's slayer, Watchful of every atone and 4 Jest harm befall those he cherished. 2iMey aw thoy Would, the danger omme Ress, when, aa the: fugitives paved Juniper, t opened wide tts Tecelve them. They sp d within the refuge and were no oon r inaWie than the trletdly juniper closed its arms agalti, and the soldiers passed on, frenated over the s- ape of thelr quarry, jy Moth No doubt; but, Feany, If one will examine the jublper bush he will comprehend the dense cover it Sfforde when it tn the size of a tree, and the defense It provides with tls spiny jeaves, all clustered and united, Inst m foe, Hut for the-llttie, hanted creatures of the forest It I'm bien, lottine them slip within its shelter and barring the beasts that would destroy them. In these daya It hag too, the powerful odor that characterizes it, an odor atkong cnougt'to destroy the scent of any trail ing Bound; and it podseysos potent virtues which the Srugglsts have used in medicitie, They are atiributes the Loni gave. the Juniper ti thanks fot, Its protection against Herod's meh: it has been consecrated. through all time 43 ono of nallre's defenders of the faith. Z Will you hKY holly? 1k ie the thodern memento of the Burning Bust,-and it typified at once both the Vin Mother snd the Divine Soa. Dan Cliaucer, in the Prior. aa Pale,-refers 16 the mucred miyatery It cosimemorates: Mother Maid O Maid and Mother ta The ancient ardsts delighted to pleture th Movier aod Son within a tres of flank; enthgoned, at s Ating (6-the' eye the, Idea pt. the: Imtmaculacs Conooption which 14 so beauitfuliy. conveyed by the-Bery Fed of the berries and ite freah greuiness of the crisp leaves, But holy j not tle Buralrig Bush, as known to England.- The true Rurnlay Bush of England, like that of France, actualy: doox, presant the possibilty of aftord- jog radiant dre by ite yery spirit. In. Bogiand tt ts the white dittany, always spared by nipping winter, ite white - wood rising virgin frou the anow, dia leaves glistening in thelr ashing erecn,. ts* berries blazing lice flames in thelr heavy clusters. When the white dittany a flowers fade, they give of strong, etlieric vapor,-and it one Will bring elom to then a andle or a torch, the aiF around them will-burat into mute, In Provence the Burne ing Bush ta the wild myrtle, bearing large red berries and. giving forth a volatile oll that-makes the ait ready to-eatch fire wherever It apredds sh You see, it bas a vary close relation the famous Jease-tree, whose story goes far to explain why we light candles on the Christmas tree. It fs the/emblem of Him who became the light of the: wortd, anil the holy. fire of the divine spirit blazes from it everywhere. Its legend goes back as:tar us the time of Mosos, and very Atting ft has been held that the tree of Binal should be ihe Burning Bush of the Gencepon. The Jesse-tree? WY. that-ls our own beloved Christ mag) tred, the tree of lizht,,.mot complete among. plous Germans unless the Blevsef Virgin and the infant Savior cfown the w rk of Its vecaration. As, the Burning Bush typifies the virginity of) thy mother who bore Ulm, the Jease-tree x emblematic of the manhood of the Redeemer in His desceut from the patrl- archs. When Jacob lay dytng he madgith prophecy the great King's coming, and the Advent gervices ag they. have p en 9 long Intoned never tall to commumurate the brabeh of Jesse, and fo:bear in mind: tho Saviors n- heritange of Ja b's blood through the Blessed Vingti. Old church windows gletute the vine mpringing fRoit Jacob'etoins and ristng Uke 'a famllytree until t on- summiates ts flowem)'in whose challee Jesus and ils mother appear. Brameeandejabra showed the forin of thi Jesse-tree tn Canterbury Ii-the year afl7; they show It in Belgium and Germany still, The verves thi have fixed the intimate elogencss of motheryand Son in popular feedliection havd teen quoted thus a fo vine: Baeeecred wis the ving breads t the Rose bivvidsred For the rox tree hus been pictured as the Jeane free, growing tram the heart of Jucub sleeping, while Rower terminates the hush'with a dove, sieuifleamt of the nestilng w loot, And Ag aw tho OdorouK tuteroke, known in Spain aa the Rod of Jes Perhaps the most perfect symbol of all tm thenow Popular mlatletor., Whatever: the old Druid eoatomis, the People who hiad impressed upon them the wondratie my tery ofthe Divine Child cofing from weak and -sintu Bumanity, discerned in that strghge plant a marvelous fidelity to the miracle of that departure from gature's course. Xf human knowledge could not explain the-my tery of the Immaculate Conception, no more could It account tor the springing into fe, trom a familiar of Mplstietoe branch absolutely ditterent and murtured by no other parent stock. It needs only a walle through the winter-dead forests and the sigh: of the living: maint tow in its flourishing vigor to realize how early, simple faith unhesitatingly chose that strange, unaccountabl olltary growth to be the Rodi ot Jexto, Which Game into such glorious flower when the world had given up ite hope of life inthe sight: of tts creator. - No doubt in those anolent da: when the Druids fourlshed aide. by aide with the ears and-the wolves In the great dark forests, that strange, xcreacent. growth on the trees around them stirred their primi- tive curlosity as few other plants were able to; Lite for them was a dark and dreadful mingling of reat and unreal, of shapeless terrors Whose menace yied with thotiondly dangers lurking everywhere in some wild reality, Nature gave them their deities, meat of them fearsome; for only power. and that usually cruel, was understood by the native asvage who stoped ao blindly and so affrightedly toward a cl itization which would protect him,and let him tye, Everything whiclr he could: not usderstana and pretty nearly everything he could understand as- sumed supernatural powers or significance. Hetoe, wholly incomprehensible, appr has but the faintest echo in our own sensations when pdasing through some lonely forest as tho--wint r night draws in. Various attributes were conferred on this changeling f the woods; fear enshrouded ite birthplaces and fancy found marv ly in its berry-laden twigs. It rose to emincnce beside the green pine tree, whose sturdy, trunk and brave needles seemed to re. Jolca In the strugpic The ceromonles which thellghiatictoc M ured in dit a place The Myths that clung round it In thelr won- dering, puzzling minds were many more than the few that have come to ux in th wa lator years. But, old they are, thoxe hoary, heathen myths 4ack th true tavor of AAtiguity when It eOMes to measuring fradi- ne by the centurles. On, we do. ny means of mistletoe to the tas. We ean Ke rther for the first (ures ot Druids become Y modern It was one of the noblest teen in y rly (ree of good and evil on tet ng the apple which. Mother. 2 eked with Givustroun consequences. Alas for ef honor L Mother Eve and Father Adam And alas for us, thelr Puidilahea heirs at law divine But alas, too, tor the handsome, tempting tree of knowledge which ity in auch gracelesa plight Upon its lofty ta massive trunk, Ite delicious frutt, descended ourse. It shriveled away trom the horrified Kieindled to the meanest smaliness;1t was cast bitter cold: i became a parasite and beggar, i bounty. of vulgac neighbors. Only in cence Of 10 enrUmkerrtrutt- it preserve some snblance of its ance- preserved some of itn priatine virtues, too, rintian lore, as if It were ati) hedged fge of the glory that arrayed i .to s s is now, when epliepay is one of Ind; only now we look for its cure, xe, in quite natural means and con aitions. The notion thatijome-poor devil with the falling sickness has been cursdigyom on high is held searcely compatible, in popular. Ge, with the principles of sternal justice or with Old buervation of cavse and effect. Vix But, in the umen that wery jales, when an epk leptic developed the symptonia order, it was. commonly bel scourged with the rod of name by which tho dinease desigoation as well 8t Vi for tt was belleved to ile tn oi TEN The Roso-Mey dried tho. infant Saviow's dling elothes. of the mintletoe as the Rod of Jouse td epileps eral and, f faith can work wonders, of cure did ometimes attend ite employr Perhaps At didn't, f hard-headed actioned el take shy at that gracious aadition to working But whether tt. Uetob's rare birth and fruition ilh eFebt Of Christian falths, ax they ie ictcaian Gating mack Cranston Tact Jereation, evan as St in acgoedeg tbe sapmee Voriins Of the Redenmer hat about the mistletoe kiss? gt; To tell the truth, 1 wo want to be Christian tn our: wreena and. the pu: whloh they; put, there len't anything ano at least Of any records which such careful invest as, Alfred P,. Raymund Dowling aug ap studying Cle-eeneral subject. None will Gem th most coniiatent Chrivtiane have takan to/ the 4 kiss with abundant enthusiasm, and collent Heaults, that haw never been led to hts im. i rangeni ad that jon 'tamake the mis it over was. 2 aoe * Isn't the excellent atory ef foollah Mother the orlgin il anistictoe apple enougl for any Cheletmas diggrasos. who wants to justity tte ment? Abd wo the : Kisses that ae eugponea tear en that ike sugpoved ton knowing pdt ote youn im- greens? Au fg, Mt well, if you nat natiife's harshest Mods iy heve-to- tke fhe epneeq lense, sam ab Dye ght when the ited on taateg ae ape ae alee : ee The mistletoe kles seem to be Christian at albe lt; .. Druldleal, probably, and/therefore heathenteh, and theres foravery, ery ven eat eae noe ae ae Mt, artfully suspended wher ple or ripe red Ups must baat av Sou any tay ota ae a i were bots o ARS neteens rat oe Gnttirs yragrrncia uaaga's Zasaoe he inva one pags nes Recta scat Se rcumdtber eve, and wer ie iy etc SCs von ssw i of aeeiaa emer Sn le aah oer Ss eee nF won ier vel eeu ic bears up tw falling ally Dear ait Be deeee ae Se cousins the-infant Jexus, in mhip'a vine In either cass: and. tf than the heathen tamptations of
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Image 1211 (1912-12-24), from microfilm reel 1211, (CU1773515). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.