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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Present Dally Average 2225 Copies, advertisers in Daily get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to sd- vertisers. EWS DAILY EDITION W. A. P. AND C, As By TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE VOL. 3 NO, 139 lt; i.,, ADA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1912 PRICE, FIVE CENTS CHRISTMAS HOLLY ANEW INDUSTRY ON PACIFIC COAST Grown on Vanqpoveg Island ' This Year ipped . All - Over the World. Victoria, B. C,, Dec, 21, Christmits holly grewn on Vancouver Island is this year being shipped to all parts of the continent, and an industry has: been Inaugurated which promises to become more and more important in exishing Yuletide seasons. - Phe Jeading florists of this city, are working overtime attending to, orders and despatching boxes. of home-grown holly to points far and near. Orders have been recelveil vovering practically the whole con- tinent, going as far south as Los len even in one case as far as the city of Mexico; north to Dawson ci ia and Prince Edward Island, while New York, Boston and Chicago are recelying big consignments of holly grown on Vancouver Island. The industry ts yet in. its infancy. It was started some years ago by pri- Yate. citizens in this city sendiiig sprigs of holly with the tiful scarlet berries to friends in the east. At once there grew up 2 demand for more, with the result that what was started as a more Ititerchange of per- zonal gifts has develbped into a very Profitable and growing industry. It) used to be the case that any holly . sold-in the eastern provinces came from England, but now the market is very largely supplied trom this city. Those in the trade place thelr 0 or- ders early in the sumer and ask for shipment by the middle of November;. but the business has developed more than a mercantile one. are. hundreds of people in Victoria who send holly to their friends. in other. places as more unique snd more appropriate than Christmas cards. Florida an. Georgia are the other sources of supply for the American rket, but these states do. not. pro- the same beautifid color as doet this island, and the consequence is that American dealers are looking more and more to Victoria for their supply. . The island has. the nature qualifications to produce holly. in even Greater state of perfection than England -coGrders this. year were more widespread than ever before and many of them have been followed by repetitions. The express. companies have granted a reasonable rate, and two-dollar box of holly can be sent to any point in Canada, with the ex- Pception of Dawson, for fifty . cents, while the rate to the States is but lit- He bigher. eS BARON ALVERSTONE 70 YEARS OLD. Lonodn, ec. 2i Baron Alver- stone, Lord Chief Justice of England, anniversary tomorrow. tion for more than ten years. Pre- viously, ax Sir Richard Webster he Was known as one of England's greatest lawyers. His. specialty was railroad. and commercia? cases. His career has been one unbroken pros cession of important promotions. Tn 1885 he was appointed attorney-gen- eral in the first government of Lord Salisbury. In 1900 he became Master of the Rolls and a few months later Was appointed Lord Chief Justice. Few men now in English public: lite are better acquainted with America and Americans than s Lord Alver- stone. He has frequently visited the United States and his only son, who died ten years ago, was married to an American woman. Baron Alverstone was chairman of the British commis- sion to the-Chicago world s fair, and Also served as a member of the Ber- ing Seaand. Venezuelan Boundary Arbitration Commissio: will celebrate his seventicth birthday , Lord Alver- Stone has held his present high post Winnipes..Dec. 20 Judge Gonaee., GEEMAN. BATTLESHIPS Kiel, Germany, Dec, 21. broke out today at Krupps. German shipbuilding yards tying up the Work, of construction of three German battleships. FIRE AT CALGARY, Calgary, Alta., Dec. 21 Fire com- pletely gutted premises of Motor Transportation Co. at six o'clock this morning. Thirteen cars burned. Loss estimated at twenty-two thousand five hundred dollers.- Insurance partly covers. MILLION. AND QUARTER OFFER MOOSEJAW STREET RY. Winnipeg Capitalists Offer Laie Se For Franchise yin i heaaehavan City. (Special W. A: -P. Despatch) Moose Jaw, Dec 21 Considerable speculation is afoot as to the persist- ent rumor that a syndicate of Winni- peg business men is negotiating for the sale of the Moose Jaw street rall- way, which franchise was held by a company of that name with offices here and at Ottawa. The concern, which began/operating in the sum- mer of last year, i8 capitalized at 500,000 and application has been made to raise this to 1,000,000. It cannot be learned who constitutes the Winnipeg syndicate, but their of- fer is being stated ax in the neighboy- hood of 1,250,000. CHRISTMAS WITH THE JACKTARS New York. Dec. 21 Between 15,- 000 and 20,000 officers and men of into the United States navy are in New York Yo enjoy: the Christmas holiday: They belong to the great battleships Utah, Florida, Delaware, North Da- kota, Michigan, South Carolina, Ve mont, Louisiana, Connecticut, and nearly dozen other vessels of the Atlantic fleet. now swinging at an- chor in the harbor. The bluejackets fre making the most laborate. pre parations for the Christmas celebra- tions. Uncle Sam s going to provide the Turkey and many other delica-. cies, whil on most of the warships .-men themselves lave arranged to contribute. towards spreads. The Christmas ditmers will be followed by entertainm nts, rang- ing from sparring matches: to ville. and maying pictures all on board ship. See the Medicine Hat Garage: Stud- ebaker announcement. by the people. of tht presentatives of province, of the of Saskatchewan ad raflway corpo Pacific Railway. After the d mine host Me served to the gue fully decorated t cugsed, and: muste rendered His: Worship, city and by parts of ing to Lay on ae Permanent Pros. parity Ciena 'Vic- World s lon Bp, Dressed 70.7. Cent A. New Banquet a Teilliaat One. For centuries the name of MeGreg- been an honored one, but-at capac no.time has honor been more sin- ed the speed cerely, and enthusiastically given to conclude until anyone of the historic name than t the morning. was rendered to Mr, James D. Mc- Mayor's Gregor by the gathering of repre- Before proposini sentative citizens of Medicint Hat at King, which was the Assiniboia Hotel last evening. Spencer stated: Except for two or three unavoidable of the gathering absentees there were no vacant chairs around the festive board and very gueft was all for McGregor, the mov- ing spirit of the Southern Alberta Land Company and the winner of the * highest. live stock honors in Amer- ica. As one of the aristocracy of achievement, a8 Supt. Price so apt- ly put'it, Mr. MeGregor was honored by his friends and by the city as a whole. The people of this city took their place in the lne of those who do honor to those who do things, That Mr. McGregor had done things that have made him a benefactor to this district and to the whole of West- ern Canada was the subject of the eulogy of all the speakers. The hope jot the permanent prosperity of this country, all were agreed, lies in di- versified farming, and.ail agreed also that Mr. McGregor by giving his abil- ity and attention to the promotion of live stock raising and of irrigation was doing much to put the agricul- ing strains coe o'clock ted tural development and the general ad- vancement of this (Country on a sure foundation and a For these things as well as bis. per- sonality, was he honored so-signally J. D. MeG REGOR played in the development of We: or Honored as 1 estern Canada the hboring province pround the taste- had been dis- tygs s Orchestra, pF Nelson Spencer, ern Canad. As rancher and far- lag. which did not es promoter and managing director the part the guest of the evening hat re- and Grace Leave Southern Alberta Land Co. at End of Year For- mer Will Sell Land, Lat- ter Staying in Hat C. P. R. Official Gives Sur: ; Bilendia. Syoschos Mark the Evening. of mer, a8 commissioner in the Yukon, inlof the Southern Alberta Land Com- pany, as breeder of live stock, he done much. He had lately won 1 highest honor in live stock rais- Jing by capturing the Grand Cham- the Chicago Stock Show on for the best beef steer in the lt;world, Polled. Angus steer. Glen- carnock Victor. His victory has doue mote than probably anything else to advertise Canada. Dr, J. . Rutherford. After being graciously introduced by the toastmaster, Dr. J. G. Ruther- ford, . M. G., Superintendent of the Live Stock Department of the C. P. R., proposed: the toast to Mr. Mc- Gregor in a speech bristling with humor and good sense. In opening he expressed his appreciation of the very great honor and distinction at- tained by the remarkable achieve- tent of Mr. McGregor at, Chicago with a western, bred and, fed -stoer. The West was distinguishing iteclt in setting the pace: in giving honor to whom honor is due. The men: who are deserving of honor are thos who are doing things that are really benefit to their fellow men, such as making two blades of grass grow where one grew, or two or three steers where one grew before. Such work as Mr. McGregor s 8 advertis- ing Canada as a place suited to the at eee ae ee ALDERMEN. LAUD: FEARED THAT. TURKS NEW ORDERS MAY CAUSE TROUBLE Forecast of Contents Cab- led From Constantinople Do Not Make for Peace. DELEGATES RECEIVED TO-DAY MAGDONALD PROTEST Court of Appeals Overruled mettoe to Unseat Mem- er. (Special Dispatch to the News.) on, in the court of appeals today, overruled the numerous petitions to unseat Alex. Morrison, member for Macdonald, and disposed of all for- mal preliminary objections. Another ent will be delivered later, and a day will be get, convenient to di counsel, to heat the pelea trial. This ruling means fat the. pro- test will now go to trisl. TORONTO'S NEW ARcuisnor. Toronto, Ont. Dee. 21. With all the pomp of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop McNeill will be installedSas arcl of Toron- to by the Rey. F) Stagni, papal delegate, an: resentative of the pope in tomorrow morning. The archbishop arrived in Toronto this morning and was met by. several of the clergy and laity. BURNING So Declares Goernor in De- fending His Action Pardoning 316 State Co, victs. (Special despatch to the News.) Little Rock, Dec. 20. Character- izing penitentiay under the lease lsystem, as a burning, seething hell, consuming human beings, who are being fed into it in a manner which fresuits in nothing but. making for- tunes for: contractors, Governor Gebrge W. Donaghey today issued a fetatement in defence of his action last Monday in issuing pardons to 316 state convicts, Sharp criticism of the governor's inde jaction from state officials previously. had drawn from the executive the A NSAS PENITENTIARY fianaling of the-city s affairs. No iente ouie ts SEETHING HELL statement that all those who oppose abolishment of the inhuman con- atem, which: we now ave in ware, in my opinion bound direction of that -place.spoken by Governor Blease in fagnsction with tHe constitution, and ts my belief they are going to land sther in spite of every effort of mine to Drevent them doing so. Again the governor was sharply assailed and his statement today. fol- lowed, According to a newspaper compila- tion, based on the state records, 42 of. those pardoned by Gov. Donaghey, were convicted of murder or man- Slaughter, 111 grand larceny, four assaults, five robberies, 19 forgeries, z SHORTEST DAY OF YEAR bod a THEIR CHAIRMAN : This fs the shortest day of + i the-lyear, which is naturally gt; Sot BOOST HIS SALARY se tole expected of the last + + Satdrday febore Christmas) It. + - e is the shortest astrono- + vaude- Mayor Spencer the Recip- f+ mically as swellvas financially. - ients of Many Compli- s io approximate time of the + ments From His Fellow . scistice this year willbe at Workers. + half-past, eleven o'clock to- ++ aa * night. This will mark the s+ it STIPEND ED beginning of winter; From + now on the days will become. + ie longer and the nights short gt; AGAINST HIS WISHES lt; + ee + set When Motion--Was : Intro- duced by Ald. Brown the Mayor Tried. to Stop It. Mayor Spencer's salary was boost- ed yesterday by the Council from 1,800 to 2,500 a8 a mark of the Council's appreciation for the good work he has done for the City, of Medicine Hat during his first.year as ebief-magistrate of the city. The re- Solution or rather the motion intro- af by Alderman Brown, chairman of the Finance Committee, and moved EIGHT AUTO BANDITS * of Jeweler in Pheat uilding Yesterday. , Chicago, Dec. Loy him and seconded by Alderman : : their conservations made the ne- ieee carried unanimously by ;9 attest in comnection with the cessary arrangements to intervene murder of J. H. Logue, -diamond with the hope of preventing an the Council despite the protestations of the Mayor. Boquets upon boquets, regardless of the Mayor's feelings, were fired at him from all sides, in fact it might be likened to a Bulgarian charge up- on the Turks, like the mighty wat- ers of th Niagara as they rush pell mell over the precipice, 80 Yast did merchant in McVickarg theatre bui ing, and the police are dnelined ing up a dangerous mobile bandits. about. nearly all the robberies a: they come, first from one alderman holdups which have taken place in Buckingham Palace. Each mission and then from another. Yet behind Chicago in the past fortnight. 5 received separately by His Ma- all these eloquent, and pleturesque Logue was robbed-and beaten to Jesty, who ip a few cordial words m- phrases, there was a tone. of sincerity death. which left no doubt as to the stand- ing of the Mayor with the different men who have assisted him in the FRENCH SURROUNDED better eviden thetact Rabat; Moroceo,Dec 20- Morov 0 that the aldermen have noticed that can rebels in the Mogador district Sh ot let on the Adriatic Sea for the strain whjch the Mayor had been have surrounded a detachment of sede has ae dissipated ae di has begua to tell on we nightmare of a European war. e laboring un French troops consisting of two com- MENmare Of 9 Tren var ctu him; and they remarked on: it-and advised him to go south for a trip. Another evidence, two of them sug- gested that they be allowed as a token of their appreciation to don- fits 100, ench towards the Mayor's tive advices received here. T troops ate not in sufficient streng to break through the rebels. 32 burglary, 26 assault to kill and 76 of crimes ranging from hog stealing to bigamy. trip, All sald that the salary of afs of ofp ofe ole ole of ofeehe of of ob oe 2,500 was not nough for the Mayor . - Of hedicine Hat, nof sufficient re- GRAIN SHIPMENTS imijingration for the, arduous labors he . DOUBLED THIS YEAR to upon to perform. ate in Brown, in introduelmk)- - Calgary, Dec. 20. The the matter just, before the Counefi .t. amount of grain shipped adjourned, stiited that at-the first of . from Alberta and the- west- the your there had been a diff rence .j. ern portion of Saskatchewan between he gm Alderman Do the . this season, according: to lov- two members of the ance Com- +f al board of trade statistics, *h was 14,850.00 pnshels, as +f compared with 6,967,000 bush- a, higher Walary, els for 1911. decided a compromise to try the .f. Continued on page four) he Be Be de oe oe ole oe oe oh oe oe bbe ete eee ARBESTED IN GHIGKGO Are Charged. With the Mur- 21- Hight persons, four men and four women, are un- believe they have succeeded in break- ang of auto- Some of the pris- oners are suspected of either par- iticipating in or knowing something and BY MOROCCAN REBELS. panies of Zowaves; actording to na- Rein- forcements-are being Bent to relieve. Agreement Reache on Au . tonomy.of Albania is Re- garded as Good Sign. OW, A. P. Cable) London, Dec. 21. The anxiously awaited Ottoman courier has arrived from Constantinople- bearing fresh instructions to the Turkish plenipo- tentiaries. In view of the forecast of these instructions, telegraphed from Constantinople, it is feared their con- tents are likely to precipitate trouble. There is little doubt, however, that the foreign ambassadors. here during re 1d- to trlevable rupture of the peace con- ference until they have tried to bridge the gulf separating the allied Balkan nations from the Turks on the question of the future of Ad- rianople, The peace delegates were received in audience today by King George at pressed the enyoys with his earnest hope that success would attend their negotiations, The agreement reached by/ the powers on the subject of autonomy of Albania and In regard to a commer- DIAMOND MERCHANT FOUND MU: RDERED, Chicago, Dec./0. J. H. Louge, 56 years old, reed of the J. H. Lodge diamond dealers, was found murdered in his office in Mo- Vicker theatre building thig after- noon. Robbery is believed to have been the motive for the erie. BACON PRICES UNCHANGED , A. P. Cable) London, Dec. 21 From Denmark today there arrived 281 pales of bac- on, Canadian prices unchanged, supply emall. Hams, long . cuts, 70.75; cheese 64.65. MALL BETWEEN CANADA AND GREAT BRITIAN S VERY HEAY British Postmaster-General Issues Report Penny Postage All Over Now. Longlon, Deo. 21 The report of the British Postmaster General just issued states that the Imperial pen- ny postage system now embraces the whole of the British Empire, with the exception of the Pitcairn Island. Following onthe reduction of a penny per half ounge on letters from Australia to the rest of the Empire there was an increase of about 33 per cent. in the amount of eorrespond- ence from Australia to this country, compared with an imerease of about 11 per. cent. in the five preceding years. i The weight of newspapers, maga- zines, trade journals sent to Canada by magazine post during 1911 is es- timated at 4,747,000 Ths, compared with 8,836,000 Ths. in the Year pre- vious. - Money orders 6 British North, America, while remaining stationary as regards numbers, increased in amount to the extent of 96,000. Or- ders from the Dominions show an in- crease. of 296,000 in: number and 760,000 in amount. The inereasd was mainly in gemittances Canada and Austealia. Histimate of weight of matter spatched: from United. Kingdom to. Canada and Newfoundland: Letters and posteards, 713,000 Ibs; printed tpapers, commercial papers, samples, 6,992,000 ths.; sent from Canada and Newfoundland to United Kingdom: Letters, 544,000 tbs,; primted papers,. ete., 1,742,000 Ibs, 5 The number of par els despatched. to Canada in 1911 was 605,151; re- eeived from Canada, 200;504, against 410,898 and 164,760 in the year pre vious. VANCOUVER PND 12 T-wo-and-Half Million. Six Month Bills Placed in London. - London, Dec, 21. Following the province of Alberta's ment of 53 per ent. for 7,500,000 of treasury bills here. the city of Vancouver yesterday placed 2,500,- 000 in six months Bills at 54 cont. Another sigm of the times is tobe found in the fact that the under- writers -are saddled with 85 per cont. of the New South Wales. governs - ment. four-pereent foan for 15,000, 000, at 993. The public also made a small response fo the city of Chris- tiana s four percent loan at 964. oa DIED WHILE ON VISIT. London, Ont., Dec. 20--Mr. Alex; McBride, of Calgary, ia. former resi dent of this) city, died of heart fatl ure at thehome of his daughter) Mrs. Flaghbrook, this afternoon: Studebaker 35-the automobile yw der, tf from de- recent pay- the Station ai se on the shoulders of ae me WHITELAW REID'S BOOT STR OW TS JOURNEY HOME Great. Tribute Paid to Dead Ambassador Both at Lon- don and at Portsmouth. London, Dec. 31, The body of the American ambassador, Whitelay Reld,. was started on its journey to. the United Staten today and the highest military honors were paid to left-London. ry, the stare and prc was spread over. the casket. Eight non- comm Ga otticers acting as bearers, each side. As the p started from Dorchester House omits way to Vic- toria Station 1t was Jedi a squadron of the Morse Guards plate and Yong phit scarlet cloaks env: man, the band of followed, and behind Breat their music of dirges, At the. same time ab horse artiilery stationed 0 ade ground in St. James i salute of nineteen guns, - ea of the procession was kept lines of mounted police. But One Mourner. The only mourner who the coffin was corporal Donovan, British army pensioner from C Hospital, who had been in-W Reid s service. He matched 4 behind the coffin. A guard of honor, drawn up i Victoria Station, saluted as the fin was brought in; gathered the depot were Maj. Gen. Alfred Codrington, the commander of London. district, with his. staff, members of the American and consulate general, six aged war veterans, bearing flags, Mills Reid, John Wad, the Earl Grenard and a group of prominen American residents. All stood covertd while the coffin was. pla fon the. catafatque oh the purple draped car in the special train. : The band of the Scots Gdiirds iplayea Abide With Me, and as the) train drew out of. the station the guard of honor- presented arind and the pipers played The Power of the Forest, a moving Highland dirge. The staffs of-the American embas sy and consulate gen ral travelled on the same. train to Portsmouth, Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, Ogden Milis Reid and his wife, departed today at 7 noon, on*ths bout vtrain tO Liverpool where they enibarKed on-board the Carmania for New York. A few ine timate friends gathered at the sta. Taken Aljonrd Natal, Portsmouth, Dee. -21. Full naval honors. were paid. to the body of the. late: anibasi . on- its arrival at this port thig morning. Admiral Sir, Hedworth Meux,, commander of the port, and all the high naval, of- ficers stationed here were present at the train drew As it halted at the platform Nels flagship, the Victory, fired a of age guns. coffin wad. bora petty officers of the British and taken on koatd the eee al.from the mainmast of which the- United States was Htaitely broken, ees Washington, Dee. 21 al Andrews, acting sec: Davy, today designated b ships Florida and North Dakotc, 1 four destroyers in New York has Jas a special escort to the Bri battleship Natal which t ft Por mouth, England, today briging body of the Inte ambassador Reld. time has been set for the sailing 0 the American- battleships, but th will meet the. British ship off Nar tuekett 1 and convey, her into; New. York harbor. a CALGARY VOTERS DECLARE unanimity all hail this agreement as the first result of the ambassadorial conversations with the greatest satisfaction as marking the settle- ment of the larger crisis. he rth + See the Medicine Hat Garage Stud- ebaker announcement. tt EDITOR JOINS THE RANKS. Brandon, Dec. 21 T. T. MeLay, editor of the Brandon Daily Sun, is to be married at Vancouver on Christmas Day. Mr. McLay s well Known in the weat rn newspape world and was the recipient of many tokens of congratulation before leav- ing for Vancouver last night ing forthghe agreement under which urban Road Rights on Streets is Rejected.: W. A. P. Dispateh.y Calgary, Dec. 20 Citizens of Cal- Bary yesterday. passed five by-laws calling for the raising of 705'000 for additional fire equipment wand fire statlon. sites, street railway, -equip- ment and extensions, sewer connec- tions, catch basins anda munietpal paving plant, but by an overwhelm- ing majority rejected th by-law: set- the Alberta Interurban railway would enter the city. The fight over the interurban by-law was one of the Studebaker 35 the automobile won- der, tt eofobeoh sfeole bestest bbe most bitter ever waged) over any by-law in Calgary, The railway com- pany Itself, augmented. by scores of AGAINST PRIVATE R Agreement to Allow : LWAYS prominent. citizens who are share- holders and otherwise interested, fought hard from the opening to. the closing of the polls, put the final vote found that only 401 people -were tn favor of th by-law, while 893 cast their ballots ugainst it. The total vote in every poll was much larger tan isusually brought out by the SENTENCED DOPE FIEND Montreal, Dee. 20- A record fine for dope fiend was that imposed to- day by Mr. Recorder Geofrion on George Govais accised of selfing the drug, and. the fine of eas ix months in Jail was. imposed, court ea SS Sve the Medicine Hat Gates ebake? announcement, ye
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Image 1185 (1912-12-21), from microfilm reel 1185, (CU1773499). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.