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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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THE ONE-PRICE CASH VALUES throughout the store. We have ment of Christmas goods and no may select here you quality for your a You can buy a nice and pretty for 65c each. Better ones LADIES KIMONAS. made of good eiderdown and to 4.50 each. alien 7S SPECIAL CHRISTMAS a splendid assort- matter what you Quality peel STORE if dered, HH iety of beautiful handles to select from. Oe cries anc DRESSING SACQUE 1.25 to 1.65 each. leavy warm kimona eloth. Prices from 1.75 EVENING SLIPPERS. We have a beautiful range of Ladies Slippers to select from. 2.50 to 5.50 a sILk LINED GLOVES. Ladies Gloves, silk ed. Sizes 7 1-2 to 10 MEN S FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in stripes and ehecks: izes 14 1-2 to 17-4+-2. Extra good . value, 1.25; ach. z MEN S SILK, navy, a.25 apair. : Oh, AVLATION CAPS 75c op ; AITAIN HONORS WHITELAW REID IN OBSEQUIES - (Continued from page one.) E versities, Premier Asquith, Foreign Secretary Sir Kdward Groy, Home Secr tary Reginald McK nna, Colon- jal Secretary Lewis Harcourt, Lord President of the Counctt, Viscount Morley, Indian Secretary, the Mar- quis of Crewe, and President of the Board of Trade Sydney Buxton, were seated in the front pews. Others present dnoluwed Attortiey General Sir Rufus Isaacs, the Duke and Duchess of Roxburgh, the Duch- ess of Marlborough, the Duchess of Wellington, Princess Hatsfeldt, Lady Pauncefote, Lady Strathcona and Mount Royal, the Amierican- Cavalry Commission, headed by Brigadier- General J. W. MoClennan and Craig Wadsworth, America seer: legation at Teheran. Mr and Mrs. Ogden Mills Refd, the son and daughter-in-law of the late ambassador, arrived at Plymouth this morning, but their steamer docked too late to permit of their reaching London for the service. Shortly af- ter noon a recessional was played on the great organ and the archbishops of Canterbury gnd York with the Right Rev. Herbert Edward Ryle, Dean of Westminster Abbey, went to their places while the choir chanted the opening sent nces of the burial service. The Nineteenth Psalm was ung te Purcell's music. The lesson Funebre Hymn, cert Sing, solemnity ridge of San and consulate ment. 0X, HOLEPROOF guarantee, in Grey and black, 3 pairs to the box. d for three months. 2.00 a box: ET GLOVES, LINED, at 1.00 Prices from real Mocha lined. Sizes 6 to.7 1-2, at 2.00 a pr. MEN'S REAL MOCHA GLOVES, silk or wool lin- 2.25 and 2.50 a pair each. in and look our stock of Xmas goods over. delighted with them and with the low was from the fifteenth chapter-o fthe first Epistle to the Corinthians. Afterwards Wesley's anthem, He Will Swallow up Death in Vivtory Was sung. Then Dean Ryle read part of the.burial service. The music was sung by the Abbey Choir, assisted by Sir Frederick Bridge who had a. band of drums and trumpets to assist. The sonorous roll of the drums and the burst of trumpets in the Dead March in Saul and in Chopin's and their unsurpassed Francisco and general. ee a OLIO instruct the jury it is not the Tokio, Dec. 20 A fresh difficulty has arisen in the formation of the cabinet. under Prince Taro Katsura, Vice-Admiral Baron Minoru Saito, the Minister of Marine, who had been re- tained fm office by Prince Katsura, now refuses to remain and the secur- ing of successor for this portfolio may delay the official announcement of the completion of the new govern Premier and Mrs. Borden have gone south fora holiday. March accdispaniment by the many boys voices In Wesley s Let Saints.on Earth in Con- were id beauty. Wreaths from President Taft and Secretary of State.Kpox vere dis- played in the Abbey. The mourn rs were John Hubert Ward, son-in-law of the late ambassador, the Earl ani Countess of Granard, Miss Brecken- the staffs of the United States embassy in DYNANITARDSYARE BLAMED FOB Al oie. Hamilton, Ont, Dec. 19. Peis To come the Fran Officials and; otinsel makes eerste ee Strong Plea for. Defence putt wounds, to be shot of lients. 4 three) tines. while an officer ot E on the Chicago polico force lt;b and Burvive them ally and to + i. lose his life by being shot sb * while deer hunting in north- + Je orn Michigan, was the fate of + Ferdinand Schroeder, whose civilization revolts, but in which only daughter s Mrs. Costel- + bor unions took no part, Chester H.' lo, wife of J. 1. Costello, of + Krom, arguing to the jury in the Hamilton. le dyanmite conspiracy trial today, Schroeder always dreaded. - ested the responsibility of the eories . ts seventh snot He always vb fof explosions which the forty de- Jf - sald st would kill him. While fendants are charged .. with having fe he was hunting in: Manistee + feaused, Mr, Krum, associated with county he received a charge oh Hinited States Senator John W. th Ot bugkshot that was intended Kern, as counsel Zor the defence, told . for a eer. * the jorors, the government oa ea pee eb ok eet oh to show that President Frank Ryan and other officials of the iron work- ex's union had violated the federal statute prohibition the carrying af explosives ot trains and Passenger that the gov t had -based its chiefly ion. the admissions dynamit rs gt; The defendants McManigal, as given fromthe stand pecause this same McManigal is an admitted thief, who testified in court that he stole 1,200 pounds of dyna- mite and hid it in the shed of his junguspecting father at Tiffin, Ohio, Tt is not within the power of the federal government. to prosecute the acts of intimidation committed against employers of Jabor, said Mr. Kram. These de- fendants are charged with conspiring the federal laws and it has not been shown that they did so conspire, or that they met together. specifically with a View to violating thit law. Tt has been charged here that lo eal authorities throughout the coun- ltry failed to do their duty in con- nection with these explosions but that does not empower the federal government. to prosecute for those offences. Tt is natural that you jurors, who have heard the stories repeated here, should have feelings of horror and indignation. We condemn the acts of the dyna- miters. The government has characteriz d James B. McNamara, the de stroyer of human life at Los Angeles, as a degenerate. What in the name of God shall we call John J. Me- Namara? If he is not paraoniac there was never ons. Think of how, in the name of union labor, he di rected the crime which hurled human oeings and property all'into one red bhrial. We regret that,any such con ditions have been brought about ina ivilized community. When Mr. Krum told the jury that the statute against some Judge Anderson saying: You tell that to the jury and I of the acts charged, interrupted him, daw. D. Fredericks, district attorney of Los Angeles, left for Los Angeles to- night after having been in consulta - tion with federal officidle-i with the trial. Capt. Fredericks said he was returning to Los Angeles to prepare f r the second trial of Clar- ence S. Darrow, on a jury bribing charge, which is set for January 6th. Ortie E. MeManigal, a prisoner of the Los Angeles county authorities, will be kept in Indianapolis until the trials here are ended, which probably will be witlin ten days and then he is to be returned to Los Angeles. - POLLTRY - Turkeys Ducks . Geese look them-over. Sons YORONTO STREET detailed confession on the stand the : prisoner never has been permitted to : a a i leave the federal building being given * IPOULTRY HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR XMAS STOCK OF Chickens Which are now on display in our shop window. It is the choicest stock we have ever handled. Call and Robert Mitchell Although McManigal--pleaded guilty here he was brought to Los Angeles on a writ and he lias never been re- leased from the custody of Los An- geles county authorities. Since his exercise only on the roof of the build- STOCK BROKERS 6 ON STRIKE IN ITALY Rome, Dec. 20. The stock brokers throughout Italy are on strike. All the exchanges are closed, no quota- tion lists are issued, and stock ex- change business is at a standstill. This unprecedented strike is due to Premier Giloletti's uncomplimentary remarks about stock brokers at yes- terday's sitting of the chamber, when a law was passed increasing a stock Wroker s bonds to 20,000. The premier today Fetused to retract any- ithing he had said, and the strike continues. BARTLETT GRASSI CIVIL ENGINBERS. Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyors Industrial Spurs, Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irtigation Maps, Plans, Blue Printing, Etc. Room 14, Im-erial Bank Building. Medicine Hat. Phone Oakes Everard Co. REAL ESTATE. 365 1-2 MAIN STREET. PHONE 5 Listings Wanted. RUSSIA IN WRONG China is Not Without blame ent in Peking of the London Times, thus sums up a long letter on Rus sia, China and Mongolia: of affairs in Mongolia there is no im ted dependent evidence. If Russian treaty, non-union privileges in Mongolia have. been constantly ignored as is dverred ring then China would appear to be justi- to carry prohibited explosives gainst fed in entering into ditect relations with the Mongolians and in agreeing to protect them from the conse- on the other hand, Russian griev- ances have been imaginary, China has ground for attributing any degree of macihiavellianism she likes to. Rus- sia. Bat im the absence of evidence as to what has been happening in Mongolia outsiders can hear no: opin- ion. They can, however, clearly: see that China constantly acts as her own enemy, in ignoring, evading or positively violating the treaty rights lof countries with which ition. with regard to Thibetans on the Burma frontier and particularly regards the opium argument. The generally accepted view here is that apparently from signs of Russia in Mongolia, is signs there can be, tle Russians: 2re bound to. wrong . of limitation hed ran WOUND IS FATAL OVER MONGOLIA Summary of Sithaties- London, Dec. 20. The correspond - The points relating to actual state quences of treating with Russia. If ia in re We have experit of it as the ultimate de ade have put themselves - in: LIQUOR-RAVAGES, CAUS S LUNACY, THROUGH FRANCE Paris, Dec. 19. Some idea of the appalling ravages made by the drink scourge in present-day France may be formed by the terrible series of statistics showing the relation be- tween alcohol and madness which specialists attached to the principal Paris lunatic asylum have just been made public. These figures reveal that since 1868, when exact records were start- ed, the propgrtion of male lunatics whose loss of reason, ia caused by drink has increased from 14 per cent: to 47 per cent; while on the female side. the percentage: has risen from Iess-than 2 to 20. Most of these unfortunates, say the authors of-the report, are psy- chopaths descended from other alco- holics. The writers conclude with the fol- lowing statement, which is consider- e to have a particularly sinister Dearing on the population question tm: this country: Of every thousand children born of alcoholics about one-third disap- pear either at birth or in the first two or three years, and, among the survivors, there are a large number of idiots, epileptics, many degener- ates, devoid of moral sense, and in- stinctively perverse creatures of ab- normal impulses, It is enough to regard the great group of various species of mental degeneracy bequeathed .by alhoholics to their children to be sure that al- coholism supplies the men s stde ol the Paris asylums with three-quar- ters of their population. IN THE MATTER OF THE LAND TITLES ACT and In the matter of Lot 20, Block 13, ac- cording toa plan of Bow Island, Alberta, of record In the Land Titles Oifice for the South Alberta Land Registration District as Bow Island 5800, 8. TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made to the presiding Judge in Chambers at the Court House, Lethbridge, on the 21st of January, 1913, at eleven o clock in the fore-j hoon for an order that a transfer of the land above described from Wii- am Lewis, jate of Medicine Hat, Alberta, re fed owner thereof une der Certifical of Tithe K. B. 178, 0 the Citizens Lumber Company, Lita ited, be registered igi the said Land. Titles office withour the production of the Duplicate Certificate. Po William Lewis and all others See us for good buys In HIM, Nortn Ful and Powell. whom i may concern. De 20 F 3 BELL SOKS Real Estate Brokers. Corner of North Raflway Mafu Streets, Ss PHONE 633- lt;3 a Queen Street New four room easary: High School Annex Two room- gash; balance 15 month. Balmoral St A terrace of 3 Queen Street 3 roomed Cot- 100 ft, corner, North Yulll, Lots 100 ft. corner, Central. Park, 100 ft. corner, Riverside, Block 650x287 ft, Block E, 2500. One- 30 ft. corner, Herald, Block 9, SPECIALLY SEL- ECTED FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. 200 ft, Block 7, 1,000 a pair. Friday, December 20th 1022, -ANSURANCE, LOANS, BTC. VERY CHEAP HOMES ed cottage: gas and water, 1800. Only 400 to handle; balance over five years If nec- Rents now for 20 per month. See it, See It. ed shack for 1300. 400 Houses, the lot for 3200. 1500 cash; balance arrang- ed. tage; gas and water, 1400. 400 cash; balance 15 a month without interest, It rents at 15 a month. Values in Cor- ners Delivery guar- anteed. 1 and , Block 17, 2900. Us- ual terms. Sure money maker. Lots 87 to 40, Block 24, 2700 usual terms; 2500 cash. 7, 2000. gt; Usual terms. Snap. third cash; balance over. 3 years. River lots. Best building sites In the city. Very special.. . 1500. TSual terms., RIVERSIDE Usual terms. lt; 50 ft, Block 18, 1000 a pair. Usual terms. 50x237 ft. corner, Block 5, 2500. One-third cash, bi ance over two and three yrs. Commands magnificent view of city and river. 50. ft, Bieck 7, facing Broad- way. 1200. Usual terms: 25 ft. Block 3, 490.. Terms. Must sell- 60 ft, Block 12, Fourth Ave, only 1200. Usual terms. 25 tt, Block 19, 500. Terms. Riverside is the 3 est close-in btty Medicine Hat today. CENTRAL PARE 100 ft., Block 20, 1400 a pair. Usual. terms. 50 ft., Block 29, 1100, Usual terms, Level view lots and close to park. 50 ft, Block 5, Charles St, only 1800. Usual terms. , 100 ft. corner, Block 24, 2700. 1000 cash, balance 6 and 12. 50 ft, Block 8, Charles St, 2000. gt; Terms. COUSINS SISSONS 10 lots, Block 35, only 750 a pair. Usual terms. 50 ft. Block 19, 1300. Usual terms, 100 ft.,.,Block- 80, 1100 pair. Usual terms. 100. ft., Block 13, 1850 pair. Ad- joining school and facing south, ial terms. NORTH YUILL 100 ft. corner, Lots 1 and 2, Block 17, Queen Street, 2900, Usual terms. This is a spec- jal; delivery. guaranteed. See it. Block F. Price for 50 ft. 1850 HIGHLAND ST. Block 20, 100 ft, 1700 pair. Usual terms. BENDING Block , 75 ft, facing south, 1500. Usual terms, Block 20, Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7 , 3300. Terms, ALTAWANA OLD TOWNSITE FacingeMontreal St. and) Me- Jeod Trail, 130 feet on Mc- Leod, 6 room house, lot 1, block 34, 10,500. Terms. TOWNSITE Montreal ard East Allowance, 150 feet on each St, 6 room house, 15,000. Terms. Most valuable site. Block 1, Old Cousins, 25 feet by 180 feet, 5 room cottage, 2300, Easy terms, ROSEDALE Block A, near Ogilvie Mills, brick house, 6 room apd. pan- try, size of lot 37) by 480 tr. For Sale, Lost, Found, tb, ade these headings. 7 a 25 worda, 25 words, 25 words, Additional ad nccepted for less than 25 it will recdive attention. BSLY WANTED. WANTED GENERAL HOUSE by the Srd/gf January. Avo Balmoral St) gt; to sell tickets. Good salary. tioket agent , P. R., Medicine Office, Apply to Dr. Oliver Burns Block. ply Mrs. Doty, 800 Toronto St. WANTED MBSSENGER BOY. R. Commercial Telegraph. general housework. Apply 6 Avenue, and Braemar St. Young man to sell tickets. salary, Apply ticket agent C. Medicine Hat. WANTED AN UPSTAIRS that will help in the dining Apply Redeliffe Hotel. Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, at same rate. No Cash must pany the order. Phone to No, 12 ring 2, and ise ee ape. MALE HELP WANTED GOOD LIVE. young man- (stenographer preferred) WANTED A SERVANT GIRL. AP- WANTED A GOOD GIRL TODO WANTED BRICKLAYERS. APPLY J.T. Bergman, corner of 6th. Avenue MALE HELP WANTED GOOD LIVE SS under TO KENE TO RENT PIANQ.. APPLY 421 Toronto Street. 136-8t FOR SALE conte. 9: cloge in at 550. lt; for botiding. MAID, ly 429 188-6 Apply Hat tf Boyd, 138-3t 137-6 CP: 197-3t 02 4th 187-6 137 6t Good PR, tf, GIRL room. 136-3t VIOLIN FOR SALE F1 child's violin and case. Every neces sary equipment that a violin needs. Price 20.00 or 30.00. Apply Med- eine Hat FOR SALE A FINE Regular St Music Store, Lor WANTED TO PURCHASE. FOR SALE HALF PLATE CAMERA, Busch 's wide angle lens, new Thorn- ton Pickard shutter, 18 double ma- hogany dark slides. Bargain. Apply 27 Dominion Road. 187-3 TO INVESTORS I HAVE 80 ACRES Bvery lot suitable Best of terms; 15000 handles. Lots adjoining sold for 200. Address P..O, Box 981, Medicine Hat. 197-at FOR .SALE 43 CHOICE LOTS IN City View. A chance to double your money in short order. 225 lot. quick. A. H., Box 1463 News 136-8 Prices 175 to terms. Act FOR SALE ONE BLACK AND ite : WANTEDOA GIRL TO ATTEND TO Tag gi Males Apply 848 Mowe 136-6 RST CLASS oF WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377, Esplanade. STRAYED WANTED TO BUY Building lots im Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P, 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. -B8+tf, 62-42. WANTED UPSTAIRS GIRL. Apply Royal Hotel. W: -A GOOD WOMAN called for. Apply Mrs. H..0. er, or Phone Redcliff 23. WANTED MEN TO LEARN ber trade; elght weeks our new, gary. WANTED PANTRY GIRL. Cosmopolitan Hotel. nt Apply Main St. ply housekeeper, Assiniboia Hotel. WANTED DINING ROOM GIRLS pease famlly Washing. Will be delivered and completes; situation furnished; too s free; won- derful demand for barbers. Write for free illustrated catalogue. Moler College, 604a Centre: St., Cal- WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. to Mrs. W. G. Lynch, 603 AP- 136-8t 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILB be: paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, branded either 136-t TO DO Wheel- tt BAR- PLY fas- tt Sept. 80, 1912. STORM promptly attended to. Short Avenue. Phone 876. Woe, P, 0. Box 206, SKATES SHARPENED wanting skates ground, can H. F, monogram on left shoulder, or on left thigh. This horse is s / four years old and has trim- med tail. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. MISCELLANEOUS t peaaeecee eee ae DOORS AND WINDOWS fitted, also general repairers orders Apply 718 WHEN YOUR WINDOWS OR OF- fice, etc,, needs cleaning, write Long sott ASB 186-6 PARTIES have same. 125-tf done in a first class manner at the skating rink, Main St. J. Halwardi Job Office. Canadian Limited. 3 BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Stewart Co., SITUATIONS -WANTED. 6-tt man, 518 Toronto Street, Hat. DANCING CLASSES EVERY MO) day, Wednesday and Friday. rangements made for out-of-town private lessons if desired. K. Her Mediciney WANTED YOUNG -MAN 24 and.clerk in office. News office. 1455 News office. Write box 1428, News office. house to rent. Fait ferred. No children. News office, close ROOMS WANTED. ROOM WAN Write pai office. BOOMS TO RENT. modern house, or phone 620. Apply 711 Ott TO RENT ONE FRONT WILL, MILLENIUM DAY please correspond with Mrs. lor;* Coleridge, Alta. 462 News office, ie LOST AND FOUND Car at your s r Bell : OUND A GOLD LOCKET likenesses inside. paying for ad. Owner will remit sum for office, of age wants position as bookkeeper Hight years Can- adian; banking experience. Box 1464 WANTED PLACE TO. STORE FUR- nitare of seven roomed house. aquired in about ten days. Apply box WANTED ON OR BEFORE 26th January, house to rent. No children. WANTED SIX OR SEVEN ROOMED ply, box 1456 tf BY YOUNG LADY rs to Box 1459, News ROOM Modern; gentleman preferred. Apply 848 Montreal St. 136-6t TO RENT FURN 00M, guitable for young Ii private family on the Hill. Apply Phone 747. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED. gt; YOUNG MAN WANTS COMFORT: abje:room and board of roonr ahd. Heeskfast, in modern house. Owner may have same by applying to News office and FOUND AN UMBRELLA WAS found in opera house some time ago they recetve umbrella. Apply News YEARS 137-6 Re- tt ett in pre- 184-6t TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS: IN J onto St, Stock Sales every a on Market Square at 1 o' lock. Rat f tawa St. 198-31 136-3t B. Tay- 133-6 Apply 186-3t WITH 138-tf ad when PES MEDICINE AND JUNK CO. The Hand Tools in the city. Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, and pay the best prices. LOOK LOOK HERE FUR SEASON IS OPEN. your fure or your You call up 587 or write call or write. on band the best selection of S Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, and second hand Clothing, Clue raw 702, Medicine Hat. Our price 1s fron 2.00 up to 6.00. Don't forget it) Fun above bay We ci Guns, volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harn and a nice new line of winter goo We buy everything mentioned abor Call at 6 South Railway St. or Phone 687, THE RA Don't se Hides ti P. 0 bal GREAT SACRIEIC OF FRAIL ght Feature Stands Out Amo Stories of the Wai MN EFFICIENT wo Old Ladies, Mi and-Mme. Schneid: for Wounded. One bright feature of ds ont, the heroic, a1 1, the. efficient work of : fficing littl band of men hen who are devoting thei alleviation of suffering. Their names, which deser iifles,. guns prietor. Hi 8. BROWNE co., AUCTIONEERS and General Auctioneers, 519 (WE PAY THE BEST PRICES FO) second hand furniture, tools, sto r raw hides and furs. Ci At 312 4th Ave., opposite Dream theatre. Phone 295, D. Davis, 1191 Live itten in letters of gold, : Miss Alt, Mme. Schn ev. Robert. Frew, the Hon ing, Mr. Hoffman Philip br FS. Ford. Miss Alt is a frail, age: with snow white hi Schneider is a little woman of about 60. M the well known writer, pd playwright; Mr. Frew t where, House furniture perience at your disposal Tonto St, General Auctioneer. Sales Mn, St. P. 0, 103. H. B,-Browne. Co., 619 and farm stock sales conducted Bales cbf ducted anywhere. Consult us, our tree. P GEO, SATTERLEE, LIVE STOCK on m avery Friday Right price, box 826, BIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS the Scottish church. 1 first secretary to the mbassy, who volunteer work because he coul the Red Crescent to undertake the tasi ford was in chdrge of 7 Ounded, but gave up that faz more arduous. ant ork of tending the cholera Of Mins Altt What can o Hi noble woman to do ju Picture a grand, wh Tad , with bent back, g dtro amid the stricker fing them in their filthy A HENDERSON CO., oh it eondition, feeding ther lished 1082), auditors, city Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine bridge. A. E. Gibsor, C. Phone 198. measure, guaranteed for against breaking and ru Nght weight, House No. 7, enue, opposite write P, 0, box 72, Mri Uist CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE east side school. Phone 699 for appointment, accountants and auditors, (: of Mediel Hat, be AL, resid Burns Bi 276 one sting; 4 School 4 of Bi Matthew 1214 4 ym medicine and doing f power to increase tt rt om the cold, hard grou Picture beside her a che stey-haired Indy, Mm brysgoing about with a h hot soup. Before these Europeans 0 heroie women were th jo over command of the ited, the conditions were bly worse even than the ry. The dead were left und, untouched, untem loved. There was filth ev e first railway double used in British Columbis weed in operation betwer br and Westminster Junct
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Image 1176 (1912-12-20), from microfilm reel 1176, (CU1773517). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.