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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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nd now, when the derstanding havo picture such Lowiy that faila I Av appeared or trldt Of skill, betWeen the kettle and the this is Bow IC came abouts ms Mra, Peerybinitle,, going out into. the filed the Kettle at the watcr-butt. Present A Jess her pattari a good deal tens, for they were tail and ehe was put short sho wet the Kettle on the fire, The weather Was uhtomfortably. cold, slppery, al pleety. Tis th laldshold of Mra: Peerybingle s toes, and evel plashed er lems. And when we rather plume SuTNIre wh j- too upon our lees, am elves particiiarly neat in potnt of stockings, we tnt this hard to beat Besides, Use kettle was azgravating, qu rretaomes tt hissed morosgly at the fire, Tk cocked Its mpout party * ber, as t to-suy: won't boll, Nothing -shallyingper ame * 5 Hut Mra, Peerybirigie s ood humor returned. ant laughed as sheet down beforg the Kettle. And, after while, the kettle began Its song, song gt; tnvltation, ong to somebody: out-pf-doore. Its a dark nigh sang the kettle, and. the rotten leaves are the way; and above, ail is mint and darkness, and: below, all ie mire and: clay; and there only ono relief in all the aad and murky air; and tidon't Know that It ts one, fort's nothing but glare, of deep land angry crimson, where the aun aiid wind Logether set 4 brand upon the ciquds for being gullty.of such weather; And the widest opet country isa long, dull streak of Diack; ard there's: hoar frost om tho fingerpost and thaw upon the track; and the ee, t isn't water, abd the water tan t free; and you couldn't any that anything le what it ought to be; but he's coming, coming, coming Abd here, 1f you Hike, the Cricket did, with ebirtup, ebifrup of auch magnitude that fit bad then and there burst itself, like an overcharged: gun, it would have seemed o natural consequence, The kettle perse- ered with undiminisied ardor; but the Cricket toox frst Addie, and Kept t until at last tie Kettle, being dead beat, bolled-over and was taken off the fire. Mrs. Peerybingle went running to the door, a baby tm her arma:that sho had caught up suddenly i:om some- where, to be grected by aan much taller and older than she was, who drew her to th fire and had to stoop iow to Kiss her, A, pretty picture It wea to see John the Carrier awkwardly giving his rude support to sie wits aa she leaned against liim, ber baby in lier +? 7; pleawant, t00, t0 see Tillis Slowboy, walling tn the backyround tor the baby, take cognizance of the scthe. Dot gave ler tho baby, with the caution that she mustn't let the dear child fall under. the grate posal- bility which Tihy repudiated with scorn, although her record for endangering the baby's life in'her own peculiar way has not been surpassed in the history of nursemaids, yrs: Peerybingle undertoole-to-belp her husband with the packages from his-wagon, making splenilid exertions to accomplish nottiing at all,-for the Carri r bore them all tto the house ina clothesbosket. But they amused im; and they must have amused the Cricket, too, for it Began to chirp again vehemently. Dot told him of the first time she heard its cheerful Bttle.note, op the night when he brought her home a. Dride,-nearly m year ago. She told film of her hoves and fears, and hew, while she at expecting him tonight, ghe thought of all those things, She loved the Cricket for thelraake. Atid then she turned to the packages. and, on the spot, eaaed the existence of a Wedding cake in the big round aghn was amazed at her penetration. Wosa. was iG; where-was It going? John told her to read the addreas, you never mean to say. asked Dot, that i's Grutt na Tackleton, the toymaxer? When John nodded, she did not speak for a while, Dut Fae78 Shilim in fone abstraction, Wille he ate hla mUpper, ier ipa ecrewea up with all thelr iittle force. And that is really to come about? ghe said at laste why, ale and I were girls at school together, John. The Cricket had stopped its chirping; the room, some: how, wasn't am cheerful as t had been. Again a allence fell. during which the: honest. Carrier proved that he Ghjoyed what he ate. She asked. him, after a time, Whefter those were all the parcels. Why- no T laying down bis knife and fork r've glean forgotten the deat old gentieman. He was asleep, Smong the straw in the cart. the last I saw of him. Be caught up the candle and hurried out to-touse his 3 fhe threshold, he made charge at him with the only weapom reach, which hap- Benod tobe tne baby ante held, Arter the entulng Commo. Zon subsidea/ the baby proving to. be uninjured, the Stranger, standing, in the middie of the, room, gravel saluted the Carrier's wife with an inclination of hi fis huis was long aad white, but his features were qaingulirly bold aed well defined for so old mans Sia eyes wore dark, bright and penetrating. -Hiis brown suit was a long, long way behind the times, and in nia faud'he held what looked like a great. brown club. But , irucke fon the Boor. if upeied and: becime thai, on Which he uat down com See Mit you please, 1-was to be lett ull alied for, he Femarked,. mild Amand, tale trom another, he beran toread. The Carrier told hia wite figvold gentleman was sitting by the roadside just that way, upright asa post and almost an deat, whe he: Dasged fn tmeteart, The Intch was lifted from without, and the doo gave admission to a ilttle, meager, thoughtful, dingyctu foun, whose. great coat, made trom some old. sackel fovering, showed G T and the word GLASS in large Sinck lettering when he turned around. pusy Just How, Caleb? aaked hn Carter. Sony pretty well, John, he returned, 7 rather s run on Noah's Arka at preent., Have you pot Enything in the parce line for me, Jonnt* x he Carrier, from the pocket of the coat he had taken off, Drought.out carefully packed, tiny flower pote ant ig, Bly 8? a ginal bax /adarease to Galen lummener With Car eat frst thought tread Wi And, certain Te couldn't be top him. Sige an at might hays been with cash, indeed, Jobin, te sald, it my, dene Boy dn the olden Bouth Amacteas pad iRved? t's a box of dolla eyes for my daurhter swore lt;t Wish it Syas her own sight fa box, John: if There wan something ol the round box that held: th Somat ter, DAILY NEWs. mmortal Christma: aefable hoige Mecaaw. her aufaruig ales to clasp het) Bar K Yond ery from Dot startled them all He had been living on chifdren all his life, and he was thelr linplacable enemy, He hated toys. He loved -fo-plan animals and Govllna that-woutd stare child out of Its senses. He tiad even sunk mone n putting on the market hideous magic Jantern sides and Gisnts. war- ranted to Flin the peace of mild of any boy for the whole Christmastiae, And he looked Ie Yet this was the man hp was golng to. be marfled, standing. there fathe Car- tier's kitchen, a twist on hig dry face and hig sarcastic seit heeting Olt oF the cornae of hin ers, In tires days tine oext Thursday; that's my wed- said Tackleton, ts oUF wedding. aay, tgo , excialined the laughed Tackleton, such another couple. Just, Che thdignayion ef bot at bis presumption can t be described, The man was mad; his imagination would cdmpass he possibility of just mel another Baby, perhaps. Tackicton took Johu Peerybingle a M tle apart, and, fudging him with his elbow, gave him am ufgts invita don to the wedding. He explained: that they were both inthe same-boat; thelr ages were so much greater than their wives, And the Peerybingies hud itime air of cozin s and ippiiess be and Jotin knew, of Course, it was only a hum that the sight of Dot recoticiled to her fate ought to mulke Tackleton's, bride willing to accept the lot Of marriage with tim dulin coulda, quite understand what he et, bot Tackleton pointed to Dot, where she clin upon her hand, Watching the bright biaz She honore and you, Bo doubt, observed. And tet, a Ju) HOU a man of sentitment, is enough for me. But de you think there is anything more tn er think, rejoined Jonn Peerybingie, that I shoul chuck ily man out of the window wlio sald there wasn't. But lie louked. uncomfortable, uncertain, in spite of fimselt. Ts Im goot-mught compassionarely, with the remark thut, in reality, thelr situations were exactly alike. A loud ery from Dot, whieh made the room ring, starticd them au, The Stranger, who had advanced toward the fire to warm himself, stood within a step of her chair; and she had risen, staring, transiixed by horror find gurptive. they. were about ner in an instant. John. Vegged her to tell him what way the tuatter: But mle oly beat Her hunds together, and-then had w wild it of laughter. Then She cried then'lagghed. uaul the hyatorical atiack passed Sway, and-shereclured she was quite well avait. Ai that Taekleton took hinselt off, ola Caicb and the weddlig cake with fim; and Jobin resized, ail of-m wude Gen, that nobody had came Ior whe ancient Stranger whe Was to, belefe Ui called for. The Stranger. himself ontsred the solution. Would they rent fim a-room over ihirendy ie well-trained husband as to in wus voicing tis doubts about it When Dot the readiest, heartiest hospltailty was given accommodations with the ia en sown prince, soning pipe wid tied, tn hie slow ways (0 forget the disturbing events, But Tackle: ton s candid sneer and 9 surprising Lehavier wortled him, Gnu the Cricket and the: kettle, tuning up again. sumimoned the inany Yor ins ot Home about Mim, and Big heath grow light aha happy: and he cared no sere fo Gru Tackleton than you do, CHIRP THE SECOND Caiev Plummer and his Bina Daugiiter ved all alone gE fhemweives in a little cracked nutshell of 4 wooden Odd You're just use beside the great pretalges of Gru Tagkleton, ou could have knocked Cateb s, homme down with hata mez and carried off the pleces In w cart. T'was a Uny place of walls blotched and bare, dis wolofed cellings, moldering beams, But the Bild Girl Dever knew that, Her father, too, hada Cricket on tis Hoar that inspired im to keep her living in home of Gnobantiient; to never let her know how hfs scanty tock Were turning ever srayer; not even to jet her-guess waat gort of a creature Tackleton really was. She: thought Tackieton was their benefactor, thelr Guardian. Angel, Gacontricy eioying fis Jeat with them, Dut one of thos Fepetous eduln who disdain to hear obe word of thank fi Ait about thera were the toys and dolls they made for Gutta Tarkicton inkgane widet ot them noe caine Pickloton hmwclt. He rier. could indersiand, Find Besnae grattade and ation cor mimgliseasonaule Bodesty. for he from. Mimasit tte a0. MO iiERE be, Ingaltady better chonone could, with ner. tatber atways again nine te tite akien Nie wan profoundly oertats that she Bu 0 Girl was a born idtot. and he called her that. scutes demande favors Tale We the: day on which title what's-er-name, the apilled child, Peerybiigle s wife, pays Te eu Snakoe hee fantastic Piano. ner 1g book from one pocket and spectacles. 1 P ring the Peerybing a Bes Tielasie Pog gone Beaded tho v8 Girt atarting trom nim, cdn aunded. Idiot, Fackleton muttered fed what-he-caligd the tomfoglery of sengaround a cold tem of Ging of that wort, and went her aut Mia: and then, tor the t Tackleton's vehevolence, kinds Gene Cale admitted, Tackleton wab Spat Bertha naw in that only the Would have tn being his patient a ne ean Tove ber from my soul saying 80, aha iald hi noulder. and so wept that ave brought that tearful hapbine ng, very. pretty, with her mother, w itte, querpious chip ob an old lady, was already: there; and fag Tackigion abouc as much 18 is element asa treaB Joung satin might be on the top of the Great Pyramid when the Peeryhingies. Tillie, Blowboy, Baby and. all Have up in the Carrier's cart. There were reso ced gr ings petween Dot. and, her giribocd. friend, and aiked of old times; and Dot reminded May of thelr young freama abd thelrsyoung sweethearts, until Maya belgie fess passed ahd the tears stood In her eyes, yourselves. for ait that. You said Teckieton. . un beidegrooms said Dot. us at this moment, Would not Belleve that we could forget them 0, Why, Dot exelalines Use Carries Little womant He bad interfered merely to shield Tackieton: and: Dot stopped. But Jn her very allence there waa atrange agic tation. And May elding. er eyes cast downy 2 After o his rounds, and Dot, it seemed, had actualiy forgotten fo All his pipe for bimi When she did try to lt It, eke still appeared s0 agitated that John Peerybingie jyas sar prised inte celling her, gOod naturedly, ha verity believed he could tlave done Ie DARBE himself. when he hadione, swod watching Hix blind whose blahk) signhtiess face spoke tragedy, tough she sald not a word. When he asked her her (rouble, Bertha burst tuto tears, and bade, him May to her. i bere is not, Jo my Boul, a wish or thought that ts not for your good, bright May, she sald. There is not, in my soul, xratefu) regollection stronger than the deep remembrance Of, the mahyy many tim s when/ you have had consideration for Blih Bertha, even when we two were children, Every blessing on Teas, my dear Ma srasp not the leas because, tod: You are to be His wite has wrung my heart alzoat to breaking. Ob, forgive mg that i is so, for the sake of ail be has done to-relieve the weariness of my dagk Ute; and. for the sake of the belief you haye in me, when I call Heayen to witness thabt could not wish himmarried wife more worthy of his. goodness 3 Great Powor * exdlaiined her father, smitten at one blow with the truth, have I deceived her frofi her eradle, put to break bec heary af last? TL was Dot, a noble iittie Dot ia such things, who got Book, Caley anit his daughtsr away together, where they Soul comfort and console, ench other, OWhen night tell, the Carrier returned, bringing with Ha the Stranger, He, encircled, Dot with bis rough arm, inting to the Stranger, told. ter: ide yonder, Dot Wi brave old nim for (ties full oe hothing else the whole way Here. i Re MEWwish he had a better subject, John, Dot answered trembllng, And she nent ag uneasy glace around, espe at Tackleton. fat tho Straiwer, with his fons, whit hair and bis readiness to etface himsaify moked noiing Dut a chate inthe chimney cgrner and'leave to ait silent. Soon the Cafrier challenged Mra. Blelding to cribbags; and. they + pinyed unt John wax wholly, taken wo, with hin wane: wen it was that Tacklecon touched lm on the shoul er And eummoned him, through tide door. into hi Sen counting room. Gtrough a window, a ould sce Inte the Tampell oom. John Beery: Bingle went with hin, that'in Tackleton mien which made him fear, can you bear to look through. that window, 9 you there wa boy was alive ghink? Tackleton asked him. Don't commit any vic Jence. It's of no use. Its dangerous, too. Yo girong-made'mah; and you might do murder before you The Carrier looked him in the ace and Fecolled a step as if he had been struck In one stride he was at th Shadow on the Hearth On, truthful Cricket iridioun wife saw her with the olf mao old,no Jonger, but while the Carrier departed, with hia eakt) tom Tthd gcett and gAllAnisbearing tn bie hand the false white hair that had won bis way into thele Gesolate aud mie Around the as they moved toward the door which they Rag watered. He anse Her tarn:-to Baye. face, the face he Teyed 20. so. presented to bin ve seen Mer SEH Bat own anda AARC the sh - Duighiing, ma ahe did Wty at ile St eee oe he: He clenched. fig Mirong right hand-abifirat, aw would have beater: Gown a lon. Hos opening tt 4 mediately. he spread, It out before theleyer of ton for he wus tend'r of her, even then and fell ows But when Cate Plummer's visitork departed, tin : ariv hls cart. . BY : Charles Dickens aoa SLOTY ae porrow Berttia had been put a ste time, howerer, im jon. of regret, when the Cricket, unheard by all, mbekan ite chirp. It sounded ao mournful, then, that her tears began to flow; ad she was conscious of the that had beon with the Carrier all the night, hovering fies and potnting to her fathor, there in his Sistresn Bhs akked the Carriers wits to tell her, truly, what the home. was lke which her father hid alwnys paint d- a such glowing colors Bertha, very poor and pare, indeed. is AS FOUREIY shielded trom the poor father jin his xackcioth scoat. her to tell her of her father, 0 look Gyat hlin and-tell her what she saw, anid, an old man sitting In a-chalr and Fe Twalked Th tha back,with his face Festa Horse's bead. with the Baby and ite nuree, and Dot-amd on his Ag wis child should comfort tim, Bertha. the falao Stringer together ander the hood. CHIRP THE THIRD The Dutch lt;iock in the corner struck Ten when the Carrier sat down by his fireside, Slowly, as he sat, brood- Yithg on his hearth, the frrce thoughts besan to rise wlitiin ith, lke angry winds. Beneath his outraged roof the Stranger alept; three stepx would take him to the chatnber door. He was tho younger man; would At be murder if he gaye the villain time to grapple, hand to hand? x He was the younger man?, Yes, yes; some lover-who wad: won fhe heart Joho bad Hever touched. Oh, agony to think of It A gt; He thought of her, crouched down on the ilttle scat where he had looked on her, with ie love and prid er gay innocence. The more he thought of her, and mot '* hatred, the bigher ress his hatred of this Stranger Who hiad come batwoen them now. He took down the gun that hung on the wall. Blind feroelly surged up Selthin him: He crossed to the Stranzer's door: he reversed the gun. tg beat on tt with the stock. When, suddenly, the struggling fre Muintnated the whole chimney with a glow of light: and the Cricket on the Hearth began to chirp No sound he could have heard, no human voles, not even hers, could have 1 moved and softened him. The artless words, In which she bad told him of her Jove For this same Cricket, we-e cnce more. freshly. spokes Ther Blealant voice thrtied lt; lt; rouch and hrough fy bate Feo ter nature and awoke it into ize and action. from the door aod put the gun aside And when he sat ete Oe eel La uate Sugh confounded idiot Tackleton muttered. dows by the fire again, the GFlcket on the Marth took on Waity shape at Camo gut into tho room an ro- punded him of all lu litte Dot had bess tg him. Tse , Jong UBHE wore Jusclh away, with the Carrier's soul, ae rst divided between the themories of dead tittic Dot auid the black Shadow of the Btrauger, Dueeat inst. with only the thought that it was not bmseit who Beetied tne sympadhy, the Kindseas, the. comfort las of And then, who should con in eheaeseeemee eee 3 * ton, wil Oeeked for his Hae iaieces ce Googie, teams 224 Se, Tees ae anes te cee ed cht ae ae te eee tee plakatuda, y, Bard eye Of lily to/ask the ex sacra tol Nek Ao mae, Hal any: Uf. he geceat in SoM are es, eee ee ig Sir abies Soc tga et Ede pate cee mete te Eee pt Sage MEt attest Beinn or vas tg a os aici nt be mua ie as Oca mer ae fare Eee See oo aa Foue,, ies, Hanada hee el agate cy See es with i9 eyes, and know his mij ohided himself eNarae' se Riana tahe Sues ed eat Saag SM sata mete as oa bin be ctatt at HoW realized how hard sho had tf how-good she had beens how brave and Hoes hecho Heaps uci gee Sta eee se Raat t Harsco Arti, Sabertal begs Sarat Sieg toe San Eads ee eee Bare fier reparation exclaimed. Tackleton, didn't ir that? : 4 oe The Carrier set his stip n the collar of the toy reeritet tant ftiu Mel Ms SOON Ra Ey a ha sates Ma nen ete a ae i: u at here Wotan ro- a sho iet hor go wichtay bleseine. conte y hours she has caused y fi i showed me. Now, it's over. 8. Sh, ney fot: Not SSEECIBS not aay WM ever yet Do not M's over till the cloek has struck: again. Ske tad dome tw afer Tackdetan, nut hse siots iaten- ing to his words Roland ch mnaKbiiie Beck shyt will strike again for mo the houig. taggeare pene Wino Cartlec tenet with falnt ft de it beso, if you. wilt Teak, rdhery toMjeae youth W Wardse, tua that tha iackietue og himodif og thie woudltur With fave himself of only sidator Ht He hadesdge After watching eeRiRRSE attic in the Meth ae than na ryvern on. hie hopes. qin Te. was, Bede at hake av ore aie Sak rcanived noets perath aaa Bee Geo ould: pPoul atte eve ef serikinge Bt bia ance stave bire esi ere at nee erin a urent deat? Barone or twice, tomas ihe, (hese tages eee otal: antiy. Uilile.Blowboy wa Yori of atopy ringing itt Bitnddsurete under ihe eared thelr indent feude innt old Cate ehoge too make, to ie Br gine nOiee ie bole deceatieans conenils isi genetour pietire of eackisten whieh ta ts oor mr areletah east whe Shahar nin her vers bitstndoe iarriaie uot taxesspince today, 3 Restor corala edi ate toryou and me; my deat, Yor many year Pntvn painted hin tg youin wvetyibing, my ehiie thine. erie the Blind Girl, why di. you ever aid you nit my heart go full and then coma ir like Death, and tear away the objects of my lover Her father could only hang his head im pealtence and A spare, thoughtful, gray-halred man, despond ent and bowed/ ews. I honor his gray head, and blew fhe Bind Giri hurrieg her knees, and took wer to him, flung herself om head on her oreas. etivace: is not. a MBgure on this sarth, she eXclainied, that T would Joye So) dearly and cherish 20 devo. y as this, . The Riend more worn the earer, father * j But now the clock was atrange agitation, asked tho Blind Gi she heard whoels out on the : ured det that there ware) Ey ea stopped at the door; and Doty. Pill her hands upop bis eyes, b young ee So ve Do you recollect the votes, manded of the old toyiialeer: 0) Caleb said, trembling. wy A tae vile ts alive shrieked Dou taking: to clap them in ecstasy. Logie. x son. Your own Living, lovimg Grother, Berth Ali three were locked ih oe EHO s Was letting bin kiss her Posy lifts so to bis bounding heart, when the, started back. : Look, John; Jook here exulted x boy, fromthe Golden Soutn Ainerie: ftted out aiid sent away yourself -2lin aiwaye auch friend wH Hut don he a him: by the Hand, recolled) at the Stranger he had brougnt iu his curt, nd Griede: award, was it your ae Dot bade him teil her husbsha all-and Edward nad wiinitind that be Was them Carrier rejoined: tAnd vould You steal, disguised, into the lur-old rievu2 There waa a frank boy once Would have vos that 5 hero wis geberous fFlend of mine. o tether: Wien 4. friend, Edward replied, and Dot, with to say whether Ustentng, as- nearer; they sMuuld have Juuged me, or wily other mate Were ne Sot ait certain you will hear m6 ne, Carcnct aa tu marry hud YCoved. 1alee BUt be, hoped that she Bad mageiicat anime her wilt MH Gie (rut. vi: Feat tut, by had aetna Sand it was only when he whispered Bil Mat the fireside, that ber OUKcry Bo hea 3 He were. nivate fo sonptile sweethenrt, wo learn whether: they browne owetier axain. Aud hey had; and they ledeke hour age tities a RIN gOr taking her Ie hi arta a all oF taking her In hit arming but Doe warned: hin fe eouid. tel) hls ha biteh abe cloved. inthe ieved hin; ant nose Much piofe she loved hin. atten she heard tiie nity words he had spoken that moralag. At tength. Dot in Anid alt her fond abd Lappy heart inepired her x9. tel her husband, and she had Been burned inthe most: dee apy avoman ever. win heer Mu Of wheels wan bern again and Thelles flustered apalted,- wanting ty anne i he Nad appoint ena hig hureh and be rod att award would do him what the de Tecklaton to mi here with this young man. (avor by sparing the young lady, ec b St as th ae a a Jesh Mand a cil etn agen orc Bey gure Raney you Aus tas is com te etna per a Sc ve te SiGe seer , : piece of allver paper, ay Miss Sigwboy, sal to throw that inthe. few bridegroom Was and turned now. wh Bra. binge. pei. + one ie A ery chet ae i, ogo ny teat a E He put the gun Thani Bercy. You are better thm T thought you. Jona Peery: Bingls, lt;I am norry: Goh maoraiupe z nae wan 9. welding ae ths Curves -whict-conatia ted Sigh, Feast ant Maatival ft to reloain inthe jondarefor Uavereare , ous tuner, ana nie Mian mathe, hodily eeconctieds cas nnd. tnt Mackietontg wedding cake Gamer ana thy Pacmeton, mae akrs, wPecrybingle said the toy. merchant. natin hands ies satya dm mors. eotey thant irae. this forgings J Have had Une tortie of te Jone Peete Dingle diac our by aaposttion; wut E can't help. bel Eweeteneg.. more GF lean by eatning, face yo tage wich Buch a man aa Yuh Caleble Mums to think ow cast Timighe have boubd. you and Sour aeagter: to mes aaa, what a miserable MGCL was Witon t took bse for, oust Filing, ove ad ll ty. noua pers ely tonigaaet oe a, eich het on ity Teer red them all Way: He gPacloum 19 met let te; this happy part 2 Ho was at home (ive ralnutes. fellow. What had he beans , lite, never to have. known ia)? as . around the, ag End hen May and Rane ee Tene ace 5 Mark how the Crickht Chirp, Chirp; apd how the o will you have the Kindness
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Image 1213 (1912-12-24), from microfilm reel 1213, (CU1773498). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.