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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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rates; -to Quebec and s. Tickets Ist to 31st to return. Privileges rans-Atlan- t. inclusive, of issue,. irist Sleep- ains. Com- on Imper- AR SERV- ions, For: ply to local mship hip tickets, Phone 201, of the-riyer and ydivivion. d prices. tive holiday n-Bons will fit pe? ? 2 home presents? - em 7. ee ? ? 3 ys have KINK IN HIS; HEAD. WADE HIM, A ROOK Toronto Man, in Jail at Mil- waukee, Wants Brains Straightened Out, WILL BE EXAMINED Says He Would Prefer to Go to An Asylum Rather ffhan to Prison. Milwaukee, Dec, 23,-One. of the most imteresting eases of criminal physiology in police annals is pre- sented by Philip Van Tine, a prisoner at the eounty jail here, who is avcus- ed of having raised a cheque from 7 to 70. At the preliminary examina- tion Van Tine, who is 35 years ol, and vlaims his home-is-in- Toronto, Phone 569. Box 304, CROSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors, 729 Lockwood St. How about the friends who. expect an inexpensive token at Christmas? How about the trimmings Again Lowney's Chocolate Bon- Bont'a delightful addition to your Christmas gifts. ot ? ? ey How about the sweetmeats that you around-at Christmas A package of Lowney's Chocolate Bon-Bons gives you a wealth of delights. . They are always delicious, pure and wholesome. You choose between a variety of sate attcacsiee packages that carry the holiday flavor. Lowilgys Chocolate Bon-Bons are sold at a variety of prices, depending on the fillings. Lowney's Crest Chocolates, at one dollar a pound, are the last word in Chocolate Bon-Bons. - Lowney's Chocolate Bon-Bons, made in our model Montreal factory, are sold by druggists and the higher class candy stores and grocery shops. JOWNEYS- CHOCOLATE BON BONS The Walter M. Lowney Co. of Canada, Led., Montreal 2 2 ? package of Lowney this situation toa nicety: its 2 2 ? * to your Poe? ? eee. 3.8. Fs 1s time? Canada, admitted the act, but in- sisted that he was morally irres- ponsible. lt; Tn his: mental make-up, he. claims, there is a criminal streak, and he has asked the court to have a physician examine him. He believes that such an examination will show that he is so constituted mentally that at times he is unable to resist th temptation to steal, and if this is so he wants an operation on his brain to remove the criminal taint. Van Tine said he hoped to be committed to an aby- Mum for the insane, and declared that he would rather die than serve a term in prison, At an asylum, he said, he would be given proper treat- ment. Tf I am sent to jail, Van Tine told the court, it will make a real criminal of me, and then it will be impossible ever to be honest agains How did you happen to get this dea concerning your mental condi- tion? the judge asked. Tt was while Tsat in a-cell inthe county jail that the idea came to me, Van Tine replied. I recalled my past life remembered that when I was abut 10 years ol 1 had been severely injured in a run away accident. The prisoner said that at that time he was on his way to school, ahd when crossing the street was run down and injured by a team of hors s. He lost conscious- ness, he said, and did not recover his senses until three -hours later, That happened in my old home in Toronto,' Van Tine told the court. really believe I was permanently injured. I can t understand why I should want to steal money unless Lethbridge. per 2 SUITS, UNDERWEAR, Medicine Hat ALTERATION SALE COMMENCING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13th UNTIL DECEMBER 25th. ; We will sacrifice at Pen. Discount Our fine stock of FUR OVERCOATS, SHOBS, and der to make room for extensive, alterations: Note address: r ot 331 NORTH RAILWAY, there exists a peotiliar kink in my mental make-up that deprives me of reasoning power. . Van Tine was remanded to jail, and he was told . by the-court that the county physician, Dr. A. F.- Young, would visit him. CLOTHING, te,; in. or- Gothing Cas ST. RANGER STATIONS: Administrative Sites to CONNECTED BY PHONE Outlyi ing winter the officers in chatge of the Brazeau and Athabasca divisions of the Rocky Mountains forest re- serve propose to make adminis tiye sito surveys at different points on the reserves, according to abullet- in of the fofstty branch, Department ot the Interior, is proposed to erect ranger and look- out stations, which will be tio farther apart than goe day's trip by puck train, along the primary trail sys- tem of the Brazeau Reserve. the intention to erect this winter at lenst three or four log cabins for the rangers. o planned whereby these ramger stat- fons will be connected by telephone: to the forest supervisor's office. This office is centrally: Igcated, and tele- Iphone lines -wil run from all direc- fions, much in the manner spokes of a wheel with the central office as the hub. EERE EES et the New York police department, like destanding. act plays at the Lyceum Theatre the other Sunday evening, IN-FOREST WILDS Be Laid Sut in the Rock- ies During Winter. Cabins Will be In Ci unicationWath--the Central Office: Ottawa, Dee. 25. Daring the com- Upon these sites it It ia valuable There is still an Yodgepole- pine * t e New York, Dec. 23 The ways of those of Providence, are beyond un- The Stage , Society of New York, an organization of about two hundred members, formed in the interest of dramatic art, intended to give a performance of three new on- The theatre had been placed at the disposal of the organization free of- charge and the actors and actresses who were to take part in the performance had volunteered thelr services. The per- formance was not intended to be for the public, but only for the members of the society and no admission was to be charged Yet the police authori- ties prohibited the performance and. threatened to arrest everybody con nected with the performance. Ap- (peais to the police commissioner were in vain, and th : performance had to be abandoned. The strange part of it is that on that same Sunday night Singing, dancing and burlesue shows were going on at full blast at. the vaudeville houses which were crowd- ed with paying patrons. The mem- berg-of the Stage Society and a great many other persons are somewhat puzzled by the peculiar. attitude of the police authorities and would like to know the reason for this determ- ination. s Mayor Gaynor is coming in for a considerable portion of censure late- ly on account of his evident desire to keep all disclosures concerning the prevalence of vice and immorality in New York hushed up. His ltte tilt with Dr, Parkhurst fs still in statu quo with little prospect of: a finish fight to settle the matter. Mayor Gaynor s not slow, however, in grasping any occasional oppor- tunity to give to his opponent a Iittle dig. The other day some citizen wrote to the Mayor. complaining of thB/noise made by thg striking clock of the Metropolitan tower. In his answer witich. as the Mayor. well knew it would, was promptly pub- lished in the dally papers, Mayor saynor reviewed the points of the complaint and said that he could do nothing i th matter. By way of consolation hgealled the attention of his cerrespondent to the fact that the clock did not make half the noise thot Dr. Parkhirst made, yet, he, the yor, had to bear it SK breach of promise case for 09, which was tried before Justlec fizek and a jury in the Supreme fort came to an abrupt and ra tional ending the other day. The plaintiff, a Mrs, Cauley, who clalmed to be a widow made the usual allega- tions against the defendant, a wealthy truckstet; named David A., Sherard and the jury seemed deeply, impress- ed with her story. Then, however, the defence sprang a big surprise on commit the murder noyed woman Lying there, of the) o the Criminal Branch of the Su- This region 18/ trial of. two men charged with, hav- fone of the richest coal regions Ming carried revolvers, Canada, and the future development fof these coal fields will be amazing A number of large coal mines. are already in operation, and with the completion of the branches Grad Trunk Pacific Railway, now under construction, will be shipping thousands of tons daily. With the future development of this 445 Hfadson County National. Bank country the timber must be preserv- : ed, This region has once been for- ested with very which has largely been destroyed by fires in the past. abundant supply of mine-prop timber however, and ;the whole tregion is green with young from ten to thirty years in-age. If preserved from fire this will be an invaluable asset tothe country, both for economic uses and as protection to the headwaters of all the rivers which rise from the foothills of the eastern slope. he Becks oe he beste che he ah oh iy 4 STRAY TOPICS FROM LITTLE OLD YEW YORK + characterized the Stillivan La Of the tection to that citizen against the crook x go to his )DAILY NEWS. They introduced but a single witness, but he happened t be the husband of Mrs. Cauley. He testified, after he had idengified the plaintitt as his Wife, accident, as she bad stated, and that he had been living with hor ever since bis marriage in 1902. She had only left him th morning of the trial to keep f engagement down town. In the end Mrs. Cauley con- Living is as kpevsive in New York as anyw trifle more to, ough, as e confession of a man in a trial, that he had killed a man for 2 and a drink of whisky. The man The notorious Sullivan law abiding, citizens with perfect im- punity, has no friend in Justice Goff preme Court. In the course of the Justice Goff honest citizen and affords no pro- When John D, McGill. President of had provided tht three-fifths of his estate should daughter, Mrs. Wm. B, relation with her husband: cei vision to her husband for any child- cause of the grudge testator Jaw. en as to the which the against his sor A somewhat coarse kind oa a joke and trict court of Paterson, N. time ago 2 ed. At the conclusion of the game Jemonade the guests. joke was . perpetrated. guests was a among her friends as a joker. when Miss Condon suggested to play a joke on Miss Wenton by serving her with a dog biscuit in place of cake. Not until Miss Wenton had-eaten every bit of her cake was she in- formed by the delighted crowd of girls that she had eaten a dog bis- cuit. To get even Miss Wenton sued Miss Condon for damages, claiming that she had suffered-humiliation and hic broken one, of her teeth on he hard dog Biscuit. Ths outcome of the suit is awaited with considerable in- terest by social set of Paterson. When the new Grand Central Ter- minal is completed, whith is expected to be within a few weeks, New York will have another important show feature the greatest railway station in the world which is something to be proud of. The new terminal. will be able to accommodate seventy thousand outgoing passengers Per hour without fear of congestion, record not equalled by any other railway station in the workl. There is practicuily no limit to the num ber of incoming passengers which can he taken care of. The more the mer rier. 5 hoe ee hee ee + -FADSTAND FASHIONS Laqaeaeeees eee New York, Dec. 29 Now that the ularly the iWiR ie-of Mrs Cauley itary tines, losee- gidled and trim- med with fur-and frogging, or, some- thing on the line of indiging. Some of these show ming, bei Hist Ne bad nsEBE: boon killed du an copbrine eg et eee With Less elaborate: and skating costumes ane soft woollens, fur trimmne Piece frocks of such Will un doubtedly be seett on tie ice, worn fesved that sbb had ted and she itt furs for the skating and cover, and their like having out into sweat- . perhaps even a Popularity. Yet, many girls find life is cheap en- *Weaters too. useful to give them up beinferred from the 24 occasionally the old favorite, The high, close collar with a nar- who, as he safd, had hired him to/TOW band of fur around the top is front as to SEoR sweater and is usually coat tails extending almost to the by linedvof fur on the knees: Dhe skirts are of various as a barkeeper Pretty who Wished to Bet even with the-vic- aecomp: tim for having been ejected out of cuffs, Sometimes the fur runs down the latter's hous because he had an- the shoulder too, and, perhaps down a side front opening. A fur trimmed aoe railed cap to match the sweater wi, ig Cantbted eos 4 hich punishes tiie honest and law the ensemble and ee ay o et abiding citizen wha carries a revo ver to. protect himself against the crooks with whom the city is infest- A, telephone system 16 also Deis) 44 white the criminals, who pay no attention to the Iaw, continue to, car- ry guns and other proscribed weap- ong and use them on the defenceless effect. ed down part of the way and flatly and heavily pressed for the arid a ee way afford enough room for free ek cae graceful movement and Skirts laid iw side plaits all around are liked by some skaters and such of Jetesy City, died on last Thanks- skirts are made m a large Vatiety of or hx giving Day, he left. an estate, valued *. at inorc: than 1,000,000. When the will was opened it was found: that McGill, in a codicill, materials and-are worn with separ ate short coats with or without fur The. smartest, draped nowadays. Some are in or iental fashion, being wound around Carr, provided she Should sever every the entire figure and. fastened low in Should the back. Others more freedom in walking. but Mttle fur tri uality to street noon costumes. dressed domen tailored suit was sont to the Tombs to await the ? bY big loose cost when the charmeuse or crepe de Chine, while acticn of the gramd jury. She will wearer stops for a rest. - the elaborate white waists are in probabiy be n leted for perjury. The sweater is nob the favorite it handmade lace, fancy net or white once was, Norfollka and Mackinacks brocade. Btesuits have draped skirts. aught in the back piel. such the mp ified Robespierre. wear; large black the effect, of simple tailored hats: : Metallic for trimming purposes. Moleskin CHRISTMAS CARDS: OUR NEW STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS has arrived and for design and artistic beauty their like has never been . shown in Medicine Hat. They are now on display in our business office and parties desirous of procuring same will do well to leave their orders early as the quantity of each asortment is limited. MEDICINE HAT NEWS, LTD. Corner Main St.and Fourth Ave. ing at the side seams, thus allowing The combination of contrasting ma- tertits, the blending of subdued orien- tal colorings and the glint of gold or silver in trimmings give en individ- dresses and after- Almost all favor the two-piece with matching waist rather than a one-piese dress. waists are usually made ot, chiffon, Russian bloiise effects are promin? ent on tailored suits. Many of the coats. are bloed both front and S ? the designers suc- back, while others are bloused in murder Cd ti giving an air. of novelty to front only, with a straight back, Other smart suits ch w the cutaway effect, some being cut so short in look like toms, with types. AT are made very narrow, some are slashed and others have a slight flare, though not enough to take away any of the slenddr hip ap- Strichiy. tllored site 0 the skirts rather plain, 2 Knitted Angora sweaters swith gestion of drapery, but. ion scarfs attached or separate and caps of attractive shapes offered in some of the shops, and these are often made up effectively in white touches of contrasting color. Such sets in the new browns are charming when becoming. 7 The skirt of the skating costume sci ee Jet in some way, e plain front with shirred or as a box platted back is ked for pny te se ona terrible piece of l gisiation and use. Four narrow box plaits stitch- said that it works injury upon the match ar of these are caught up slightly front, others have a low drapery Many suits are fur-trimmed, the Russian blouse suits havi is standing collars ot fur arate match. Cutaways have the turned- down Direstoire fur collar reaching Hine, or else skirts are trimmed with bands of very fur, but in the majority of suits the fur trimming is confined to the coat, In millinery. small plack velvet hats simple trimmed are used for day Velvet hats for evenings. Soft drapery erown affects faave jaunty, upturned. brims, round or long i the back. The plac- ing of trimming s0 as lo extend out in the back is the leading style, es- x ve pecially for ostrich garnitures. The evening wraps are upright method is employed for quills, paradise and aigrettes, Malinois used as a covering for ost Velvet, as a brim edging, and in wing caught in i i she prefer her husband, she is to re- Odified pamnier ome. style a joooeat eres eodh ving de only 1,200 a year, with no re- wrap that has just made its appear- ance has ren she may have, No hint was giv- back. Oriental and evidently had prominent in the draperies of evening gowns in subdued and rich colorings, and in gorgeous metallic embroidered Iy marked. brooaded fabrics, forms the basis of a damage suit, brocades, gold and silver shot tissue, which is soon to be heard in the dis- fancy chiffons, handmade lacess char. adapted to wear in pleaded wing de- signs placed flatly on the brim or Watteau' shooting out in the: back,-is used-on - Black -hats Grecian efforts are with white trimming Jead all others. Tiger cat is a fur much resembl - ing tiger, hut paler and less decided- Tt ig used occasionally furs are perfectly well . Some meuse and satis i i i ag oe choo Ua rig Gonten eave n ollette, ud fosek of far sapere a ea ee ome eee bridge party at her house to which /0n sleeves, skirt or drapery, on the neck pieces. a number of her friends were invit- waist or at the throat. While long, graceful draperies give and cakes were served to an appearance of greater width to' trimmed with It was then -that the these gowns, the skirts are quite. Among the narrow at the edge. Some of the Miss Wenton, noted most elaborate have slashes in the practical centre front in curving line, or the They were only too glad same effect is simulated by an open- city, 35 a month. plain muff and one of the smaller Separate: tiuiis are in. great de mand because so many garments ard fur nowadays neck pieces are often unnecessary. * FLORENCE FATRBANKS, The Dally News deliyered well These Some. A few either big. that in the Headgqarters for all XMAS. SWEETS CHOCOLATES Fresh Molr s Chocolates, from 30c. a pound wp. Im fancy boxes we exceed them all. Prices from 80e to 8.00 a hox. ' ALL KINDS OF FRUIT Mixed Nuts of the best quality, The best and the frestiest in everything we handle, Tickets Ket Agents in Alberta au B. C. on January-4, 5 Final rettirn 1 FARE FROM MEDICI Vas Speciat train trip from to Los Angeles covers stops being made at Portis Francisco, San Jose, Santa cemnte Cras, Matter: Det aso Robles, Barbara, erside and Redlands, Fare on going trip from Spo includes berth and meals on t ut at hotel, and a number of) 6 jeoing tripe. Return is by lar service, meals and berth a included. i For descriptive pamphlet app R. G. MecNEILLIE, District Pas: See ae eine Hat, tet F.S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. Yulll Street. Phone No. 4ib B. 0, Box 1. i House Mover SAND FOR SALE XGAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT re MEDICINE HAT Horse Repo: Rear 12 Fourth Aven Dreamland ig) of all: deseripti: one S : forse or. Autom livery at all times. nie HAY FOR SALE. Prairle Hay by the load. Timothy by. the bale or ton. PHONE 703, cold weather has. at last set in, the thoughts of women, at least of the younger women, turn to winter sports and naturally to the proper costumes to be worn at the various sports, Skatt probably more popular as a wintor duort than skiing or any of the other gid season sports and skating getfames are therefore of. in terest 6 a large number of young women There 8 no ironclad rule of fashion concerning skating cos- tumes and they vary in cut, material and trimming according to the taste of tho wearer, the piace, the weather and the occagfion. There is but une requirement to appearance, that the costu:ne should be trig and sporty and another requirement mado by common. sense, that the costume should give the greatest freedom of movement Corduory 8 Mked for the skating suit and velveteen, though not great- ly fancied this year, is also accept- able. The very prettiest velvet skat-/ Ing costumes turned out by the de-/ the court and everybody else, parti- signers 80 far are on Russian or mil- Hollinger PHONE 433 BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS 60 feet, on Toronto St. North, Block 24, 25,000.09; Good terms. 50 feet, corner Montreal St,, one block from gp t, 25,000.00. Good terms, -' 200.00 per foot, Toronto St. South, Block 51. 950.00 per foot, Toronto St,gBlock .00' per foot, Main St., meee st class M 4 t class inveggment on Malle Good Terme 8 foot corner n North Railway St.. 28,500.00. Good terms, See us for a Good Acreage Proposition. Our list of inside buys cannot be beaten. , two storey block for 43,500 00. BARTLETT. GRASSI CIVIL ENGINEERS. Dominion and aes Land Surveyors jndustriat , Rallwaya Water Supplies, . Sewage, Irrigation -Maps, Plans, Blue Printing, Bite. Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat. Phone 420, OakesEverard Co. REAL ESTATE. 365 1.2 MAIN STREET. PHONE 536 wal Listings Wanted. See us for good buys in Hill, North Yulll faea Powell. ALL KINDS, Household
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Image 1207 (1912-12-23), from microfilm reel 1207, (CU1773519). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.