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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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the for. gion. of are just Maligno. d is an- y, and tt houses das re alley of n bound- Janction rivers, is. of the It is ay Pitz- MicePre- mompany. evel pla- ne valley 4s about t a mile beautifur a, which increasing oping west- . including bles, small Ny good te The oppor f to. those conditions * (p Fiences during the Christm: most of the cabins. a EXTRA TIME 10 DECIDE GAME L SLoafoate-efe-efeiete-efectoetestectoctocteciectoetoatontoeteotoe releatenteateddeatectoateageade 2 WE HAVE A FEW FUR LINED COATS AND COON COATS. LEFT, AND WILL DISPOSE OF: THEM AT ABSOLUTE COST ON ACCOUNT OF THE VERY UNSEA- SONABLE WEATH- WE ARE ENJOY- ING. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. TURPIN BROS. The. Man s Stone Where You Get the Big Doliar s Worth LY CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure, guaranteed for one year against breaking and rusting; very light weight. House No. 7, School Av enue, opposite east side of high School. Phone 699 for appointment or yrite P.O. box 72, Mrs. Matthows: 121-3m TERRIBLE EXPERIENCES. London, Dec. 28. Stories of ex- in the English Channel were told by ny of the three hundred passengers the Peninsular and Oriental ner, Narrung, which arrived in the Thames today? The vessel came from the far east and met a hurricane off Uskant on the French coast,on Christmas morning. Great waves washed the . vessels eck from end to end and flooded were driven from their berths and Were compelled to sit for many hours. most of them in light night clothes knee deep in water. Finally an im- mense sea struck the vessel and crippled her. Wireless. messages were sent off asking assistance, but before this arrived the captain had once more got his vessel under con- trol and was making his way-as best hhe could toward gt;the mouth of the Wi Thames where the Narrung arrived iiwith a heavy list and everything on the decks smashed, torn or washed away. From most of the southern ports come reports of, the arzival of Storm damaged vesstls,, Many of them were compelled to aband n the * voyage they had started, because of Injuries they suffered during. the seri s of hurricanes, The passengeray uke:of Westmi i Hope for English Victory Best Ponies Have Been Se- jeman Odds Likely bw, Be i cured by British Nobl Against Americans When Games Start. eleerach in te nn ORE AND: AMUSEMENT London, Dec. 28. prospects in regaining the Westches: ter Polo. cup in June 1918, saya: The Duke of Westminster got to- gether the best stud of ponies in Eng- land before he arranged to send a team to, America; It has been enorm- ously si ehed with the result that, Bngfand wit be reptesented: by the grandest collection of bigh clas: ponies ever got together in this coun- try. Probably for the first time Amer- cans have found that the weight of dollars has not availed them in thelr efforts to secure their pick of the British pony market. + Tt fs true that a number of ponies were bought at.high prices for the United States, but in the majority of cases they were not sold until the Duke of Westminster had been given the refusal of them. On the authority of Maj: Egerton Green, manager of the Hurlingham Club, according to the present ar- rangement the following six players will g to America to play for he cup: C t. Geo, Belleville, W. S. Buckmaster, Capt. Cheape, Capt. Rit- son, F. M, Freake, Lord Wodehouse. This includes the old Cantabs team which was recognized as the strong- est side in this country. The Duke of Westminster has laid his/plans so well that the odds are lik ly to be in England's favor next June. CHANCE Wants Largest Salary Ever Given Baseball- Manager, to Go to New York. gt;, Chicago, Dec. 27 Frank Chance will not manage the New York Amer- fean League Club unless, he receives the salary he demands-and a -p2r- centage of the club's profity. The salary, jhe says, is the largeadt de- manded by a manager of a ball club. In letter to Chas. Williams, treas- urer. of the Chicago Nationals, Chance gave the first authoritative news of his negotiations with Frank Farrell, owner of the N.Y, club. Charice wrote that he reaily: intend- fea to retire from baseball, but since then he wants enough money te make it worth while. 1 do not think I will geb-what I asked for, writes Chanc , my price highest ever aver but T in to.quit the game I to make; it worth while, It is much better thr me that I be right out Here.on my ranch next summer than-on the ball field. It is: paying me better and I am contented. Still, should Farvell grant me what I want, flities are that I will. go. ice added that he will not go to discuss the situation with Fatrell uptil the latter agrees to THERWEIGHT wc: mac HOCKEY SKATES recess rlority of the MAC wine Br Twos0 ,660. PHONE 453. y Players, who have tested ani, know the it ip weight. Runners-welded and tem- seeret process. Made In STARR fully guaranteed, 4 ting our property, 50 ft. corners one. block dway, for 1,650. i . corners one block sout Usual terms. SEE US BEFORE J. L. LANDIS. Opposite Assiniboia Hotel. has been obtained by-Jeading Sen- famous FEATHERWEIGHT MFG. Go. Ltd. Usual terms, pert P. OC BOX 974,- Toronto St. inister is After Polo Championship COMPANY FOR THE WEST Ottax- , Dec. -27 Applieation will be mall to parliament for an/act to incorporate the Biigstern Canada Re- mount Breedi tion, with power to ral export, .buy, sell, and a horses,. thorough- or to be made fit P. and ther, military or semi- milf organizations, to establish, in, and..conduct race track grounds, courses, plac s for the training, racing and exercising ot horses and the establishment of parks and places for athletic games, enter- tainments and exhibits In Saskatch ewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, or elsewhere in Canada. VICTORIA Defeated Vancouver in Sen- sational Hockey Match Smaille the Star. Victoria, Dec. 27, In a whirlwind finish after nearly fifteen minutes ad- ditional time, the -most strenuous. matoh of the? hockey session ended with vietory for Victoria over Van- couver, bya score of 5 to 4. The match was replete with thrills and the interest of the 4,000 fans was kept at the straining point. The game on the whole was fairly clean and not marred by any sensa gt; tional attack although at times when the pace was furious as many as five playera were down a8 one time. Smaille was the star of the local forwards. Throughout his work was brilliant. Prodgers and Lester Pat- rick made a tmomber of sensational and exceedingly effective rushes. Tt was one of the dashes of the iatter that-brought the puck up for the final score. * CLEGHORN COMMITTED . Toronto, Ont., Dec. Sprague Cleghorn, the Montreal hockey play- er. who is alleged to have committed an assault on Newsy La'Londe dur- ing a recent game here was. this morning with bail committed for trial by the police magistrate. BASEBALL NOTES. The Boston Hed Sox have signed outfielder George Walsh, of the Fall River team. With Speaker, Lewis and Hooper on the job, and Henrik-. sen ready to jump in at any time, Walsh has a fat chance to perform with the chtmpions. Detroit .is full of gloom at the present tithe, for President Navin has refused to give Ty Cobb an increase in salary, and Ty threatens to quit baseball if Mr.- Navin foeen come acrgps. The name of the recently organ- ized lt;Northeastern League has been changed to the Maine State League. The circuit will include Portland, Lewiston, Bangor, Augusta, Bath and Biddeford. : Cornelius: J. Sullivan, the attorney, vice-president and director of the New York Giants, s the old Amherst ha Harvard ball player. He was a nitmber of Louis Frothingham s team in 1893, which won the series from Yale. Lee Tannebill, who was released by the White Sox a short time before the cl se of: last season, was refused a share in the Cubs-Sox series monoy by the Sox players, but President Comiskey saw, that anny got a share... In speiking of the incident, said: Some ball players tight, and I am sorry to ihe Hentest belong to my Ell Bberfeld, of the ib, hii Knnounced that top for his team Care out to ldsby South sin the Central ittsbuteh Pirates and the ston, Red Sox will play a series of games at Hot Springs, Ark., during tie training season next spring. Nine of the Phitlies already are tin- der contract. The list includes Man- ager Dooin, Alexander, Paskert, Lo- at today s meeting of the association at from April 8 to dt, inclusive. atic Ra ENGLISH FOOTBALL, Riiascow, Dee, 28 Scotten League: Rangerg, 3; Aberdeen, '1, Hibernians,2; Airdrionians, 2 St. Mirron, je. 3, Dundee, 1 Thistle, 0, Falkirk, 2; Lanark, 2 Hamilton Aca iemicals, 4; Raith Rovers, 0. 4 Kilmarnock, 2. rts, 2 Queens Park, lorton, 0. London, Dec. 23 Vollowing are Tesults of today s football games: First Division. Blackburn Rovers, 0; Derby Coun- ty 1. Bradford. City, 1; Aston Villa, 1. Chelsea, 2; Bolfon Wanderers, 2. Everton, 1; Middlesboro, 0. Manchester City, 0; United, 2. Oldham Athletic, 2: Sheffield Un- ifed, 0. Sheffield Wednesday, Manchester Totten- bam, Hotspur, 1.5 Sunderland, 2; Sigeeastie. United, 0. West Bromwich Albions, County, 0, 3 Woolwich Arsenal, Liverpool, 1. Second Division, Birmingham, 2;. Blackpool, 1, -: Bristol, 2; Wolverhampton Wan- derers, 1. Clapton Orient, 1; Preston North- ern, 2. Clossop, 1; Buiniel Grimsby Town, 4; Bury, 0: Notts Huddersfield Towns2; Barnsley, 0. Nottingham Forests 4; . Leicester Fosse, 2. : Eincoln City, 3; Sioekport County, Teeds City, 2; Fulliam, 4. Southern ie. Reading, 4; Brentt Gillingham, 2; Northamjton, 1 Watford, 1; Exeter City, 0. Southampton, 0; Millwall Athletic, ee is thas. Stoke, 4; Brighton and Hove, 1. Coventry City, 4; Westham United, 1, Crystal Palace, 1; 0, Menthyr Town, 2; Portsmoutli, 0. Plyinouth Argyle, 8; Bristol Rov ers, 1 Swindon Town; Rughy- The South Africans had ant easy victory over Gloucestershire; win. ning by four points to nil, The following are other results: Swansea, 6; News, 0. Newyort,..0; Old. Merchant Tailors, 3 Cardiff, 3;- Aberavon, 0. Leicester, 15; Sale, . Harieugins, 16; Blackheath,.6. Cumberland; 14; Laneashire, 10. PRINCETON S GAME. Syracuse, N.X,,Pec. 27 The Princeton University hockey team de- teated the Cornel seven five to three here tonight. Baker scored three of. the Princeton goals. WON HIS BET. Se Doe Pardee gave a great exhibition of riding yesterday, when to settle a bet he rode one of the worst out- laws sitting backward in the saddle, without holding oi, The receipts of yesterday's exhibition, some 25, was donated to the hospital. JERRY WANTED. Toronto, Ont., Dec. 27 Dr. Jerry La'Flamme has been offered 2,000 to play with the Toronto's hockey, team this deagon, but has not decid- ed yet as to accepting. Bilt Coughits, formerly of the De trolt Tigers, and last season mana- ger of the Allentown Tri-State Lea- bert, Moote, Knabe, Doolan, Luder- * and Magee, gue team; has purchezed a hotel in Scranton, Pa. SHOW DATES. .sET. by the ipa Dec, 2 . The dates for at Hoppergarten proved again that the Calgary horse stow were fixed American horseg are Judged superior ./ed his throat. iuror, It ts. jem causing explosions. Breeding B: Good Sale Prices. London, and England haye profited from the blue-blooded horses, The Whitneys, Belmonts, Keenes, Duryeas, Kohlers and others sent som Downs. As France and England importation of racing horses, many is reaping great benefits from the importation of American. breed- ing material, ; In the last few years the stagnant condition of horse breeding -in Ger- ; many lias been brought to new ite Importation of American mares and foals, and the prg auction to any, other in that country... The most prominent connolssdurs ot horseflesh in the German Empire Were present at the auction sale of these American horses, including tho aes chief of stables, Count Freiierrvon Munchhau- yon Griesewald, Ober- jandstall yon Oettingen and many other representatives of .Ger- man riobility. One American mare, Bribery, brought 2,650, which was the high- est price. paid for anyone horse at the sale. Anna Lor tta Daly brought 450; Tacttul brought 1,250; Revold, 31,250; Number One, 1,700; and all the way down to 250. Altogether there were horses sold for the total sum of 22,500. Two horses were known French trainer, Hugene-Leigh- BUILTY, VERDICT PRONOUNCED-AGANST 38 LABOR UNION OFFIGIALS (Continued from page 1) at 10a. m., the jury having been out, since Thursday at 5 p,m. Everybody remain seated, de- manded the United States Marshal, Silence again was restored save. for the rustling of the, papers which Clerk Butler.tremblingly held in bis LEMIs AIRP Wwhich he proceeded to read. The. was Ryan: Clark Butler pronounced st and clear- Guilty, he read, we find the de fendant Ryan guilty as uated tn the indictment. AN who could see Bim, looked at Ryan, a gray haired man of 57 years of age, and appearing older, a man who had travelled for the union so much that he said h had no home, and save for two grown sons, no fam- ily. -have-a furnished room in Chica- go, was his oft-repeated description of home. Gentlemen of the jury, is that your verdict? The answer came from each Then began the further reading of the brief message which pronounced, one by one the fate of the other de- fendants. The men were not charged with ac- The only charges under which they. could he prosecuted by the federal governmont were conspiracy, and Megal trans- portation of explosives. But the court ruled that evidence as to viol- ence was complete showin: motive, lt;. Judge s Comment. ganized lal yet stands for the things that have been shown here, was ono of Judge Anderson s state. ments. This fs not a trial of labor anions, but of union officials accused of wrong-doing. Attorney s Statement. Almost-the entire staff of executive officlals of the Iron Workers Union was/convicted. The only officials not Jon trial were J. B. McCleary, Cleve- Hand, now -s eretary, and Ed. Louis, jSan Francisco, a member of the oxe- cutive board, i Charles W. Miller, the US. district attorney, who prosecuted for the gov- ernment, gald: Nothing else could have beemiexpected. The evidence of nation-wide conspiracy which be- gan in local slugging and assaults. on non-union workmen and grew because local authorities failed to prosecute became finally so bold that dynamite was resorted. to, The dynamiters grew bold fiesta lating the federal laws in Gatrying these deadly explosives on passenger trains because they nevar dreamed of prosecution. That was what enabled - Influx of Yankee Thorough- Se TMs prosecution will benetit breds Will Raise Strain of Dec. 26 Sinea facing Dare, New Lisbon, Ind, retired tar- stopped in New York State, France mer. , wholesale emigration of American Judge Anderson ordered ee thelr horses to Europe dnd. won ihe great prizes at Longchamps and Ep- ave profited from this unexpected Ger- bought by W. Mills for the well: tam not ready to belleve that or- * was what made him bold enough to rajito blow sip not oaly the Los An+ goles Times building, but also plot to Row, ub'the whole city of Los An- organized Jabar, It will purge it of The rough tactics. The whole United States owes a debt of gratitude to that Jury. The foreman of the jury Was Frank When the jury had Teft ithe ebm, journed until 19 lock 4d to each defendant Jong ang earn- eatly and We believed from what they told us that they were innocent. Ryan iy and the others declared again and ance of McNamara s damnable dyna- , mitings. thoroughly prepared, Our hope, now obtain as light sentences as possible. We -belleve y Monday some of the men will be giv en only short terms, asthe court in- timated some weeks ago It had not been shown that they all were equal- ly guilty. : What motions as to appeals we in- tend to make will be offered Monday, The court is bound to recognize our appeals. to the U. 8. Circuit Court of appeals and'to give bonds pending the appeals, but the bonds may be 0 them. In that case they of course will have to remain in jail. Washington, Dec. 28. Senator Kern of counsel for the defendants, when told of the yerdicta at Indianapolis, * declared the cases would be appeal- ed. Preparations for the appeal were: and will be made to the U. 8. Circuit Court of appeals in the regular way. Further than that Senator Kern de- clined to comment. GIFT TO QUEEN MARY London, Dec. 28 Queen Mary has. accepted from the trustees of the Bri- ous illuminated manuseript: of Queen Mary's proposals, the original . of Queen Mary Tudor whjch was pre- sented to the museum ih 1757 by George 111. FARMER SENTENCED, Chatham, Ont, Dec. 28 Thomas Williams; a well known farmer of Raleigit. township Was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary when secured 5,000 by forging the names of neighbors notes, but the money has, not. Geen located. NINE KILLED IN EXPLOSION. Folumbia S. G,, Dec. 26 Seaboard Air Line officials here report wine Killed in the explosion of the skop Duildings of the system at Hamlet, N. 0. : BROUGHT STEAMER IN, Washington,D. . 27 After a perfolous fight in a heavy sea the revenue cutter Seminole today towed the abandoned British penne Alea zar into Lookout Light, N. + FEEEEEEEE EE EES Mere Man, suffrage play, Augustus Thomas has been withdrawn. Maxine Eiltott is to make a road tour at the head of her own com- pany. fe Minna Gale s to appear in New York at a matinee in three one-act plays. Lillian Russell is shortly going to begin a series of lectures on health and beauty. Nora Bayes anf Jack Norwood are to go again Into vaudeville, begin- ning the first of the year, Laura Nelson Hall bas been engag- ed for the cast in Puc Pogp, Little Rich Girl, shortyi fo B Thomas Jefferson 92 tn Vaudeville in a condemned of Rip Van wie ahd is meeting with success. The Dove of. Peace ig to be re McNamara,-the Secretary of the uniga to get fim appropriation of 1,000 a month 0 that the works of destruction vived. ,Musieally, the highly praised. opera was * Heotecde feos fe deere stone street. again thay ere. a sbeoluss TentrsFyidad ta could be carried on systematically. Xt of of fe of fe of of of te ofe oh of oe send his brother, Janes B, hfeNama x VIOLENT DEATHS IN TORONTO Torento, trains, murders. there were .but of the fourteen murders. be submitted to There were four teen murders, while in 19 Dec, -28. Neatiy three hundred cases of violent deaths in Tordnto during the five. Twelve were obild parliament. when House reconvenes,. will ee e purchase of properties and Public v The government was well prepar- lene. se ed to carry on its ease. Perhaps there Montreal, never has been a case, of such magni Fratifay tude in which the piysecution was 80 y+ i. antic the construction of the mtal block on Ee heavy the prisoners catinot furnish the chancellor of the Two, mote members have TWO JESUIT 0 from the council of the feal Association because of approval of its Montreal, ue, Dec. 27. -Th made In advance, sald Senator Kern. ject iaunched a few Jesuit Fathers for the er college in Edmonton, been so well received that it is, templated that the new edu institution will be ready. for ber, 1913. Western Catholics: contributed 50,000 up to now, inauguration of Edmonton will cur with that of another Jesuit Co tish Museum a fac-simile of the fam-jlege at Sudbury. STUDENTS IN SESSION he pleaded gullty to: forgery. jei ember Siat.- PEEP PEELE EER Es Washington, Dee, 27With savants from. throughout the United States and Canada present, the joint con- vention of the Archaeological Insti- tute of America, the American Phil; ological. Society: and the Society of Biblial literature and Exegesis set- tled down to. business this morning. They will be in session until Deo- 4 FAMOUS PICTURE SOLD, famous + London; Dec. 28 The 7 picture of small dimensions, known as the Fatinola, Botticelli, representing * the first. communion of St..Jerome, has-been sold, the Morning Post says,, by Messrs, Duyeen to a well known American collector, at ajvery high price. The pictur: was. t offered to the Bnglish nation, the first time for ,600-and 4,000. COL. BARTLETT DEAD. Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 27, Lieat. Noble Ac Bartlett, for several, 3 commanding. officer of the 21st. tte sates ni at Essex Fusiliers, momebr 3 PLAYS AND-PLAYERS. F sh distinguished Windsor f: and philanthfople; Wark gt; died. yesterday. BODY SHIPPED EAST. The remains of J. B, White . P. Ri brakeman killed few: ago at Burdette, were shipped to Mouton, N: Bi last might: by. sop Nott. 8. Fy Dunham agcompanted the mains. EERE TEES PLUCKY OLD LADY + Grand Forks, N. D., Dec. 28. Disco ering fire in her home Mrs. D lla Ekermat living near Reynolds, 84 years old, and bedridden, to- day crept to a window and dropped into the snow, crawl-. ing.on hands ang knees in her night gown through snow- rifts to. barn more than a tundred feet away. She was aiseovered by neighbors who liad been attracted by the flames. a half hour later. She may recover. bbb bbb ebb bobs FEERESE EERE LEE Eh
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Image 1253 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1253, (CU1773496). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.