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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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LePAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE SPECIAL CHRISBMAS VALUES throughout the store. We bau a mente Serer ent of Christmas goods nO oh wi you a sure of the utmost, quality for your money. ity considered, prices - at LePages are lower. : 5.00 will buy a 7.50 LADIES SILK UMBRELLA a variety of beautiful handles to.gelect from. You can buy a nice and pretty D. SACQUE for 65 c each. Better ones 1.25 to 1.65 each. LADIES KIMONAS made of good heavy warm eiderdown and kimona cloth. Prices from 1.75 to 4.50 each. S EVENING SLIPPERS. We have a beautiful range ; of Ladies Slippers to select from. Prices from - 2.50 to 5.50 a pait. SILK LINED GLOVES. Ladies -real Mocha Gloves, silk lined. Sizes 6 to'7 1-2, at 2.00 apr. MEN'S REAL MOCHA GLOVES, silk or wool lin- - ed. Sizes 71-2 t0 101-2. 2.25 and 2.50-4 pair MEN S FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in stripes and checks. Sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1-2. Extra good value, 1.25 6 i MEN S SILK SOX, HOLEPROOF guarantee, in Serey and black, 3 pairs to the -box. for three months, 2.00 a box. ET GLOVES, LINED, at 1.00 25 a OL AVIATION CAPS 75e each, op in and look our stock of Xmas goods over. delighted with them and with the low may select here you are al OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS. ePAGE BROS, 388 Toronto St. St. East was entered by the inspect- lor early one. morning and three small rats were found in a cage hor- ribly burned and suffering agony IDENT WILSON PEKING CHBWNET 22 cae xt ernor-el ct Sulzer: discuss the cabinet or prospects. ivi i In giving his evidence before the Bit any les ama ee i that this was one of the most -dis- ister Will be. graceful cases of wanton cruelty Trenton, N. J., Dec. that he had ever had the misfortune ing visit to President-elect Wil- to witness for, judging from the con- Fan en eryon and the coming) tion of the unfortunate rats, fend- next week of Speaker Champ Clak, ish delight had been tsken by the have stimulated interest in and given C estials in pouring the boiling rise in much speculation .as to the liquid on the animals in small quan- composition. t cabinet. tities. a aie ee aot The case was adjourned for further srs sr net, whee newer e, he oat fer today e President Be From Trenton, Mr. Bryan will go cells. a Be egies, Diride Work for thaldinnar:toGor. incases of this ina sae He declined to 21.--The im- spector Robinson, the Chinese are by far the most cruel and coli-blood- ed of any race that E-know of, re- peatedly taking small animals such as rats, cabbits and Guinea pigs and dvernor Wilson insists that he has not decided on a single name for eee ee oe ss ee subjecting them to the most revolt - ing rortures ur the mere pleasure of candidates. He went so dF as to Watching their ized struggles: I he had no one in for . Feopiistient and that Esiever bave known as many as twenty haye anyone in mind until. a Chinese to gather delightedly around the death struggies of, some unfortu- name di 8 amc nd wri (ne name GOMMEP? nate creature and excitedly bet on The President was asked if was the length of time which would true that he had found some iI- elapse before it succumbed. I am go- ty im getting his friends to t ing to keep richt on after this dis- grace to a British city and to the test of my ability and power stamp it out. ? Ladies of Culture and Re- finement Use Salvia Hair Tonic. It Makes the Hair Beautiful. tle names of bis class Inwyers for the position of attorney-general What Iam sisicerely trying to do, Feplied the President-elect, is to Jook over the field of choice. I can- not forecast, therefore, I am trying to get as many opinions that are worth while as possible. I have asked, sev- eral persons, and they have been quite ready to make suggestions. cannot tell whether the position will be acceptable to the person to whom it is offered when the time comes. At last a remedy has been discov- is accepted by every sensible person. CHINESE HEAVY ON jee ee can germs and remove dandruff in ten days, or money back. The manufacturer guarantees it. It will grow hair, stop itching scalp, falling hair, and makes the hair thick and abundant. It prevents hair from turning grey, and adds life and Iu8- tre, SALVIA is a hair dressing that has become the favorite with women of taste and culture, who know the social value of beautiful hair. A. large, generous bottle costs only 50c. at leading druggists, everywhere. The word SALVIA s on every bottle. Sold at Pingle's Drug Store, Medicine Fiat, Alta. TORTURE OF ANIMALS So Says Vancouver Officer Who Laid Information Against Two. Vancouver, Dec: 21. As the result of a campaign conducted by Inspee- tor Robinson of the Society for the Prevention of - Cruelty to Animals, with the objection of putting a stop to ernelty as practised by Orientals in this city on small animals, Lew Chong Mun, and Long Chee, tailor and assistant respectively, have been atrested and are charged wuth tor- turing three rats. Mun s tailor shop The Daily News delivered at 306 Cordove city, 36 a month. in the WONDERFUL HOCKEY. SKATE Enormous success has heen obtained by Senior League Hockey Players in winning many. matches, by using the reliable VELOX This Skate has the double standard, enabling Hockey Flayers to get hotter work fr im the ball of foot than from any other skate in existence. + Phe Velox fs also made for Ladies In specially Hizht and graceful pattern. The STARR MFG Co, Ltd. DARTMOUTH, Canada. ALDERMEN LAUD CHARA Yontinued from page 1) or out first, If he set the landard they wanted then they would grant him a boost at che end of the year, 1912, he stated, was the best year in the bigtry of the Hat, no doubt and though the citizens referred to the Couneh as a greev one and the May- Or asa green one, yet he. thought that all realized that thelr. choice couldn't be beaten. The Council had worked side by side harmonlous y with the one object, the Interest of the city at large. The Mayor had a great responsibility, it required a man with broad shoulders to carry it, fag he id not think that any office re- ulred more study, or harder work than did the position of Mayor. The. Yemuncration was meagre, there was certain amount of honor attached to the position, but there were also unpleasant .parts. He thought that the 700 advance would: meet with the hearty approval of the Council and the general public and citizens at large. ee Alderman Pratt, in Secohding the motion of Alderman Brown, concir- r a with him in every -wey tt-his marks He had heard remarks and it had been expressed to him that) the salary of the Mayor was not suf- ficlent remuneration for the work done. Constant, energetic and untir- ing work on the part of the Mayor had; in his opinion, been necessary to bring the city up to the standing it is In at present, in no other city of its size in Canada had the Mayor been called upon to exert himself as May- or Sponcer had and he thought that he was entitled to a higher salary. It was a pleasure for him to work with the Mayor, but he was a little disappointed. Here the speaker in- troduced the matter regarding the Mayor's health and closed: by urging him to take a trip south. It would be good thing for himself, and a good thing for the city; he would come back fe ling better and would again enter the fray with renewed, vigor and energy. Alderman Doty. said Mayor Spencer at the beginning of the year put the Council on a war footing. He had nothing to, start on and when the new industries started to loom up he not apent in the y but with Mrs, close friends with will enjoy the day Almost as if he were in Washington. In the home of nearly all of the cabinet officials and others promin- ent in the sffairs of the national government here the day will me et sentially a family day, In the dip- lomatic corps the holiday) will be ob- Served according to the custom of each country represented. The Noel will be duly observed at the French embasay with all the customs of France, wiille roast pigs plum pud- ding-and burning yule log will aid the Christmas cheer of Merry: Eng- land at the British embassy, On the day after Christmas Ad- y, hero of the bat- and the ranking officer of the navy. wil celebrate his seventy-fifth birtifiy anniversary, and he does not care who knows it. He is proud of the fact that he is venty-five y ars old, for few: men ave reached his age retaining thelr good looks, the vigor of mental, and physical youth, and last. but notleast, the natural optimism of a school boy. President-elect Woodrow Wilson -sixth birthday an- He has promised to spend the day in Staunton, Va., the plate of; his birth. Plans are- being made by citizens of Staunton to make his visit a notable-occasion. During the latter half of the week Boston -will be the gathering place of hundreds of well known economists, historians, sociolorists, statisticians and others interested in the promo- tion of various social sciences and re- forms. Annual meetings will be held there by the Amierican Economic So- clety, the American Historical Asso- ciation, the American Political Science Association, the + American Sociological Society. the American Statistical Association, the American Association for Labor Legislation and the Efficiency Society. It will be the most remarkable conjunction-of such societies that has ever taken place in any clty. From Thursday until Saturday, Washington will entertain the annual meetings of the Archaeological In- stitute of America, the American Philological Association and the So- clety of Biblical Literature. The As- thought that the Mayor was up against. a hard proposition. When he said that the Hat was going to have factories and railroads he thought that the Mayor had tackled a big thing: No one knows what he went up against, He went after; them he wouldn't be beaten, and any factory that he went after with his sleeves rolled up he landed. He heartily concurred with the remarks ot the other speakers and fayored strongly the granting.of the increase. Alderman McClellan tlfought more strongly on the matter than he cou'd put into words. He concurred with the remarks of the other aldermen and also with those of Alderman Pratt, that the Mayor should. go South and he would like the privilege of donating 100 towards the trip. Alderman Robinson would like to have seen 500 added to the 700. He thought that they were underyaluing the services of the Mayor. He. was rounding up bis fourth year in the Council -and was looking forward to another year of harmony, he Roped that all would continue to work to- gether, draw the strings together. Alderman Ansley pointed out. that the Mayor was still a young man and also that it was not hard to instil vanity, so-imany laudatory remarks might hurt the Mayor for the future. Heeding his own warning he went at the Council for not making the salary one in keeping with the work which the Mayor had been called upon to perform. He favored making the salary 3,000. Alderman Brown, at this point, went to put the motion, but the May ee him and pointed out that he not think that the motion should be put. The salary at the first of the year was fixed at 1,800 and he did not think that at the end of the year. that it should be changed. The May- or remarked 'that he was not bashful, as one of the alderman had suggest- ed, and to prove it and thinking that fhe had the aldermen caralled not to put the motion he admonished the press to say nothing about it. His fond hopes, however, were dashed to the ground, by the speeches going the rounds again, each of the alder- men adding a few more words to thelr previous remarks and insisting that the motion be put. The Mayor made two or three more little speech- es asking them not to, but his protes- tatlbns went for naught. The motion carried unanimously. The Mayor, when he found the mo- tion had carried, said a few words further; he did not attempt to thank the aldermen for /their kind words of appreciation, or for their tangible ev- idence of their appreciation. He just thanked them for their work, pofnt- ing out that in his opinion any other man Could have done the work he did with the assistance of the alder- men, which statement was greeted with cries, No sir, no sir. Amid-much handclapping the Coun- il adjourned sociation of American Geographers will hold its annual session at New Haven and elsewhere there will be meetings of various other learned and educational societies. In numerous States the pubiic schoo teachers will hold their State conventions during the holiday week, in accordance with their annual custom. King George was elected honorary member of the New York Yachting chub. DON'T CRY The Bartlett Studio has the best solution for the Gift problem. A aoz- en photos in one of our distinctive styles will make twelve Xmas gifts, each one of which is sure to be ap- preciated. Have the BEST or NOTH; ING. There s a your town. THE BARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave. PHOTOGRAPHER MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 812 Fourth Ave, (opposite Dreamland Theatre.) Single and double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. Horse or Automobile De- livery at all times. HAY FOR SALE, Prairle Hay by the - load. Timothy by the bale or ton. PHONE 703. F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING No. 3 NEWS FORECAST FOR THE COMING gpapIn AND EXCAVATING WEEK, Gravel and Sand for Sale, Washington, D. C., Dec. 21 It is Valll Street. Phone No. 41 something almost without precedent P.O. Box 81. for the national capital to pass 9 a Christmas with no celebration at tha os White House, which always has been Oakes Everard Co. fa great centre of attraction during REAL ESTATE. the holidays. Te president probab- 65 1-2 MAIN STREET. PHONE 554 ly will have his Christmas celebra- , Listiogs Wanted. tion in Colon. It will be the frst See us for goed buys in Hill, North Christmas since he became president alll and Powell, Sattinday, December Zist, 1012. BELL SONS Real Estate Brokers. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC, Corner of North Rallway and Main Streets, gt; PHONE 633-254 VERY CHEAP HOMES Queen Street New four room- ed cottage; gas and. water, 1800, Only 400 to hagdie; balance over five years If-nec essary. Renta now for. 20 per month. See It, See it. High Sehool Annex Two room- ed shack for 1300. 400 casb; balance 25 a month, Balmioral St A terrace of. 3 Houses, the lot for 3200. 1500 cash; balance arrang- ed. Queen Street 3 roomed Cot- tage; gas and water, 2400. 400 cash; balance, 15 a month without interest. It rents at 15 a mionth. Special Values in Cor- ners. Delivery guar- anteed. 100 ft, corner, North Yuill, Lots 1 and 2, Block 17, 2900. Us- ual terms. Sure money maker, . 100 ft. corner, Central Park, Lots 87 to 40, Block 24, 2700. usual terms; 2500 cash. Special. : 100 ft. corner, Riverside, Block 7, 2000. Usual terms. Snap. 50x237 ft; Block E, 2500. One- third cash; balance over. 3 , years. River lots. Bost bullding sites in the city. Very special. 50 ft. corner, Herald, Block 9, 1500. Usual terms. SPECIALLY SEL- ECTED FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. RIVERSIDE 200 ft, Block 7, 1,000 a pair. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block. 13, 1000 a pair. Usual terms. 80x237 ft. corner, Block B; 2500. One-third cash, bal- ance over two and three yrs, Commands magnificent view of city and river. 2 60 ft, Block 7, fading Broad- way. 1200. Usual: terms, 25 ft, Block , 450, Terms. Must sel. 50 ft, Block 12, Fourth Ave. only 1200. Usual terms. 25 ft, Block 19, 500, Terms. Riverside is the cheap- est close-in buy in Medicine Hat today. CENTRAL PARK 100 ft, Block 20, 1400 pair. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 29, 1100. Usual terms. Level view lots and close te park. i 50 ft, Block 5, Charles St., only 1800. Usual term: 100. ft. corner, Block 24, 2700. 1000 cash, balance 6 and 12. 50.ft, Block 3, Charles -St., 2000. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS 10 lots, Block 35, only 750 a pair. Usual terms, 50 ft, Block 19, 1300. Usual terms. Re 100 ft, Block 30, 1100 pair, Usual terms. 300 ft, Block 13, 1850 pair. Ad- Joining school and facing South, Usual terms. NORTH YUILL f 100 ft. corner, Lots 1 and + Block 17, -Qu en Street, 2: -Usual terms. This is a spec- fal; delivery guaranteed. See it. Block F. Price for 50 ft. 1850 HIGHLAND ST, Block 20, 106 ft, 1700 pair. Usual terms. P BENDING Block 5, 75 ft. facing ' south, 1500. Usual terms, ALTAWANA P Block 20, Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7,, 300, Terms, OLD TOWNSITE Facing Montreal St. and Mc- Leod Trail, 180 feet on Mo- Leod, 6 room house. lot 1, block 34, 10,500. Terms. TOWNSITE Montreal and East Allowance, 150 feet on each St,-6 room house, 15,000. Terms. Most valuable site. Block 1, Old Cousins, 25 feet by 130 feet, 5 room cottage, 2300, Easy terms. ROSEDALE Block A, near Ogilvie. Mils, brick house, 6 re try, size of lot. 7 2,800. Good terme, We want your Car at your se W, KEITH BELL: +1 EVE Be Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc, ada und these headings. : 25 words, one day .. .. .26 45 words, three days .. 50 25 words, six days .. ..31.00 words at same rate. No ad accepted for lese than. 26 cents. Cash must accompany. the order. Phone your ed to No, 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. BBLY WANTED. WANTED GENERAL HOUSE MAID, by the 8rd of January. Apply 429 Balmoral St 138-6t MALE HELP WANTED GOOD LIVE young man (stenogtapher preferred) to sell tickets. Good salary. Apply ticket agent C. P, R., Medicine Hat tt WANTED A GIRL TO ATTEND TO office. Apply to Dr. Oliver Boyd, Burns Block. 138-3t WANTED A SERVANT GIRL. AP- ply Mra Doty 800 Toronto St. 137-6t WANTED MESSENGER BOY. . P. R, Commercial Pelegraph. 187-3t WANTED A GOOD GIRL TO DO Beneral housework. Apply 602 4th Avenue. 137-8 WANTED BRICKLAYERS. APPLY 4, T. Bergman, corner of 6th Avenue and. Braemar St. 3387 6t MALE HELP WANTED GOOD LIVE Young man to sell tickots, Good salary. Apply ticket agent . P. R., Medicine Hat. tt. ceivesewre tc. eae ee WANTED DINING ROOM GIRLS Apply Royal Hotel. 136-tf, WANTED A GOOD WOMAN TO DO family washing. Will be delivered and called for. Apply Mrs. H. 0. Wheel- er, or Phone Redcliff 23. tt WANTED MEN TO. LEARN BAR- ber trade; eight weeks completes; situation furnished; tools free; won- dertul demand for barbers. Write for our new, free illustrated catalogue. Moler College, 604a:Centre St, Cal- WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTED TO BUY Building tote in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc, t6 P. 0. Box.510., Owners only need apply. ae ok ferret oA WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 877 Esplanade. 62-t SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED YOUNG MAN 24 YEARS of age Wants bookkeeper and clerk in office, Eight years Can- adian banking experience. Box 1464 News office, 187-6t ROOMS TO RENT. TO RENT ONB FRONT ROOM Modern; gentleman preferred. Apply 848 Montreal St. 196-6 STRAYED 26 REWARD THE ABOVE WILB be paid for information that will lead to- the recovery of one grey gelding, welghing about 1800, branded either H. F, monogram on left shoulder, or on left thigh. This hors four years old and has trim- jned tall, R, E. Starks, Medicine Hat, Sept. 30, 19127 Gott MISCELLANEOUS STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS fitted, also general repairers orders promptly attended to. Apply 718 Short Avenu . Phone 875. 138-*t WHEN YOUR WINDOWs oR OR fice, ete, needs cleaning, write Long Woe, P. 0. Box 206. 136-6 SKATES SHARPENED PARTIES wanting skates ground, can have same done in a first class manner at the- skating rink, Main St, J. Halward, 125-tf BS Pe eS eres DANCING CLASSES EVERY MON- day, Wednesday and Friday. Ar- Tangements made for out-of-town or private lessons if desired. K. Her- man, 513 Toronto Street, Medicine Rat. I2d-tt AND JUNK CO. The above haye on hand the best selection of Secons ' R2 MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR . ae Hand Tools in the city. We c rry WANTED PANTRY GIRL. -APPLY Funiiars. a oe new Cosmopolitan Hotel, 128-44) second. jothing, locks, . Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. to Mrs, W. G. Lynch, 603 Main St. 125-tf and 9 alce new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned aboy and pay the best prices. Call at 60. South Railway St. or Phone 687. t LOOK LOOK HERE THE RAW FUR SEASON IS OPEN. Don't sell your furs or your taw hides til) You call up 687 or write P. O boa 702, Medicine Hat. Our price is from 2.00 up to 6.00. Don t forget It, and call or write, BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Job Office. Canadian. Stewart Co. Limited: tt To KENE TO RENT GARAGE TO RENT, 4 per month. 518 Ottawa St Apply Oakes Gerard Co. Phone 556 139-6 WE PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR second hand furniture, tooJs, stoves, rifles, guns, raw hides and furs. Call at 812 4th Ave. opposite Dreamland theatre. Phone 295, D. Davis, Pro- prietor. 119-Im TO RENT FDRNISHED 2 ROOM shack near High School; gas and water; 12 dollars per month. Ap- ply 513 Highland st. 139-3t WANTED TO RENT ADCTIONEERS WANTED PLACE TO-STORE FUR- niture of seven roomed -liduse. Re- quired in about te diys. Apply box 1455 News office. tt . B. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rane and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales com- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Perlence at your disposal free. Phone 703. H. B. Browne Co, 619 To Tonto St saat? WANTED ON OR) BEFORE 26th January, house to rent. No children. Write box 1428, News office. 116tf WANTED SIX OR SEVEN. ROOMED house to rent. Fairly close in pre- ferred. No children. Apply box .1456 ; News otfies. tt GEO. SATTERLAE, LIVE STOCK General Auctioneer. Sales on market ROOMS WANTED. every Friday Right price. Office 102 Main St, P, 0. box 826, ROOM WANTED BY YOUNG LADY Hat. 126-tf Write particulars to Box 1459, News ottice. 134-6t RED ACCOUNTANTS LOST AND. FOUND. FOUND A GOLD LOCKET WITH likenesses inside. Owner may have same by applying to News office and paying for ad. 198-tf SNE eee FOUND AN UMBRELLA WAS found in opera house some time ago, Owner will. remit sum for ad when they recetve umbrella. Apply Newe office, 4s. 14th Cs ee EFOR SALE FOR SALE HALF PLATE CAMERA, Busch s wide angle lens, new Thorn- ton Pickard shutter, 12 double ma- accountants and auditors, (estab bridge. A. E, Gibson, C.A., resident, partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure, guaranteed for one ye against breaking and rusting; very light weight, House No. 7, School enue, opposite east side of high school. Phone 699 for appointment o write P, 0. box 72, Mrs. Matthews, hogany dark slides. Bargain, Apply x mre ra H 227 Dominion Road, 137-8 F oO R Ss L aan * A FOR SALE 43 CHOICE LOTS IN City View. A chance to double your RESTAURANT AND LIVERY STAI money in short order. Pri 175 te bar trai pee sack Sh LE IN SEVEN PERSONS. 225 a lot. Regular terms. , Act quick. A. H., Box 1463 News 136-3t Both places are well stocked and equipped and doing good business Owner has other interests. Terms: Half cash; balance arrange For particulars see 8, CARLSON. Seren Person: FOR SALE ONE BLACK AND white dog for 48 Mon- treal St. 136-6t VIOUINFOR SALE FIRST CLASS child Wiolin and case, Every neces- sary-eduipmient that a violin needs Price 20.00 or 30.00. Apply Med- teing Hat Music Store. 121-tf POR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR. quis seed, wheat, grown on new brealing, 2.00 per bushel. 0.3. Mc- Gee; Redvers, Sask. 134-12 BLACKSMITH SHOP IN SEVEN PERSONS, Tools, forge and complete equipment for carrying on business. Must bey sold to close up estate. i 4 BOARD AND ROOM WANTED. PRIVATE FAMILY, CLOSE wants boarders and roomers. Home style. cooking. Apply 522 S. Rall- way St. E. M, Weige. 199-3 Full information as to price, termed IN, ete., upon application to GUS BOWMAN, Seven. Porson: 184-12 volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, W. 4 HENDERSON CO,, charteregh Gontributed to The Daily News BABIES TAKEN FROM GRA SET Unbelievable Condit Revealed in the C New York Inve. tion Now Or WOMEN WORKING: WI WEN INTRON Fa Bighteon-Month-Old Childr Artificial Flower Peta Conditions Scandal Revelations of a sensat acter of the, manner. in wi hardly out of arms are work in the tenements of and other cities in the sti ing brought to light by factory investigation Testimony has been addi shows that in many inst children were compelled the entire family, would vation. It was shown tha of the necessities of life than ever before in the his United States and the earn tenement dwellers 60 low with the entire family w average was only 7 a w The stories related) m Which will be reported in Tature on January 1 are Belfevable in their recital and misery. They deal x Working side by side witt ifon foundries, performing beyond their strength, and sudden changes in tempers result in mariy instances of women workir fourteen hours nightly in and milis, and of mer working in canneries unti the night. Babies of eight are being trained to sort o flower petals, and childre1 pep ome than five 1 used. to. take advan setetetectesteete tr es soofoe oe oy een bel eat fe ca oe te ae ot
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Image 1188 (1912-12-21), from microfilm reel 1188, (CU1773497). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.