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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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a Oy oO ; BA rapes. s Block 26, Lots 10 and 11, gpeh, . . Bk Oo eieenl sean : Se CENTRAL P. Block 29, Lots 5 and 6, each . Block 4, Lot 14, 50 feet .......2..- Block 17, Lots 47 and 48, facing park, each . . Block 11, Lots 3 and'4, each ... Oss Block 20; Lots 49 and 50, each . . Block 10, Lots 1 and 2,' orner, each , Block 10; Lots 39 and 40, corner, each Block 10, Lots 3 tg. 18, each .......... Block 10, ts 21 a corner, each Block 10, Lots 23 ta/38, cath ........ *Block 26, Lots 29 and 30, each .. Block 26, Lots 37 and 38, each ... COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 34; Lots 19 and 20, corner, each ...... TB Block 31, Lots 23 and 24, each : Block 5, Lots 13714 and-15, (Highland),-each Block 35, Lots.1 to 10, en bloe, each . Block 31, Lots 1 to 10, en bloc, each . HERALD jock 2. nil 80, each : Block 17, Lots-15 to 18, each ........ . Block 1 Lots 25 and 26, Toronto, each ... ne OOL ANNEX its and peorner, each ...... me Z Block 34, Lots Block 31, Lots. re Se : 29, Lots 21 to Highland) gach .... Bie a ioe on i corner, each ...... k 49, Lot 6; House, Ottawa St. 15, Lots 33 and-34, per foot, Lots 9 and 10, ach : Tot 16, Braemar, .* . t A, Esplanade, house . t 10, Corner;. house,. . 1025 875 900 975 975 950 975 950 785 750 625 475 875 ots 37 and 38, (265 ft. on Highland 5500 d: deck 17, Lots 4 and 5,... lock 13, Lots 11 to 18, ... ok 4, Lot 5, . NORTH VILA 1, 54. on East Allowance, with two iedbhouses. Terms easy phouse .*....: Hew 7-roomed house . 3 ROSEMONT fisio1 to 36, each . Fe ROSEDALE ni ots 1 and 2, each ots 1ands2, each ? 8, Tmpprial Bank Building. ica 50 ft. on North Railway .... 20,000 10, (100x130, Braemar) 10,000 Medicine Hat: s Sermoa by RLES T. n the Throne New, five bese sevttril seditone yell ave been gathered; aidon well ord- ered farms the-brush and brambles, thorns and thistles have been destroy- ed by fires. In generat, it is time of preparation for a fresh start. In the business world the closing of the 'year is the time for taking stock tnd for taking account of the profits and losses of the year. In other words, it is a time of judgment-or decision, It is a time for dropping the unsatie- factory and for putting the business on a proper fovting tor the next year. It is w time for issuing dividends, or rewards, to those who have made wine investments. It is a time for the meet ing of directors and for the electing Year oat tho che of thle Age, ha year. So at the close of this Piece hee cee ae ing His people ai al ewnrd the taitivat in- glory: nd tha world s condition must be set in order for the new arrangement of things about to bo inaugurated. Eart one province of creation which is in rebellion against the Crea- for and at variance wjth His laws. Man, the King of earth, Was created ia the image of God, with'the Divine Lat written in his heart, and only a lit- tle lower than the angels. But this earthly king, Adam, rebelled against bis Over-Lord, Jehovah, disobeyed His laws and brought himself under a sen- A ice ot death, Dying, thou: shalt The laws of heredity have 90 op- erated that to-day the children of Adam find the average of life. only thirty-five years, and Dut few individ- uals pass the century mark. But adam in bis perfection, less gyorably . gumsianesd, was nine hundred -and irty years in dying. The.dging ex- perinnces of the -race are ited in mental and moral degrattation, es wll 8 in physical. With all our know- ledge and medical skill the race edn- tinues to weaken, and the ratio of the insane to increase, lt; f Once, Bible stud2nts would have sta- ted thet. God is-upon the throne-apd delights in the vreserit beder, whish the Bib:e declares i to be a reign of gin and death, Onde-Bible students Would have declared that, not satisfied wit the nresent awful conditions, the Creator bas artenged that at death all humanity, except the Elect Chureh, shall be turned over fully to the con- trol of demons. These by Divine fore- ordination will be.empowered. to ever- Tastingly tortare the poor unfortun: of Adam's family beyond the power of human tongue to tell. t . These same Bib:e students would Satan, the Prince of thil world (Age). John 14:30. But with facilities for Bibl gt; study our forefathers, Bible students that Christi ple have overlooked many catures of the Divine record, As the eyes of thelr anderstending serait u. ly open mor widely, they are see- inj, lengths and. breedite god heights) and depths of God s Wisdom, Love, Justice: and Power, of, which they never dreamed. belo: Wo are finding that our horrible teachings of the past, which have so generally caused a spiritual nausea; came-not from the Bible, but: were doctrines of demons, promulgated during the Dark Ages. Now the Spir- ft speaketh expressly, that in the tnt ter tits some dhall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. 1 Timothy . Paul tls us that the present Hindness and ignorante whieh hinder mankind trom peg: id sppreci God's real character and-Plan, are de- ceptions by Satan. He Says, The god 0 this world (Age) hath blinded the minds of them that believe: not, lest thr light of the glorious 4 Chrigt * *.* should shine unto them, 2 Corinthians 4:4. Now, properly. enough, comes the query, If Satan is ruling amon mankind ss a god, or prince of orld, where did he get his authority and power? Did 4urn over the contro) of mankind to.demons? The Bible answers all-our queries. God did not give the dominion of earth to Satan, but to man. In pro- portion-ne-man-test. his perfection and ecame weak in mind and boy be became the slave of sin and Satta. Suten and the fallen angels have. ercised especialiy fot the Inst forty centuries all their power and ingen- uity for the ensnaf ment and degra. dation of man, Their influence would have been.all-powerful for man s over- throw, hagenot the Almighty provided humanit ih will power and to a 1 Bb forced the'evil spizits to human de- less: rapid have. done. some extent God in which n S of truth iderable a ar. rare not 1 3 tory ct North America, begizming 110 miles nton, have for the pif four years. the oppor- m Secure gpecimens of bea ew now Comparatively -rare tnr-be: doe animal; which Kad an important part i the roruance of the early his- lt; Depart, from far superior to anything sieved if stroyed the. Jewieh polity, The PULPIT. EARTH'S BETTER Bee in general pectant a will that the time thas come: as en He poll trrow the be in by the sacrifice of Himself, holds a Divine appointment to be King of Earth, to the rebellion and ci bring back ints darinon with Sow f the willing and gt;bedient. Mi not know that this Messianic lom iri be God's fulf iment of Ue Ret leem?r's prayer, Thy Ki Thy wil) be f is done in Hea Many therefore not know thi all things are to be made new, and that the time appoint- ed by the Father for this great-work is a veriod of thousand years, chronologically due to begin. Not knowing these things, manyijei be found fighting against God, think- ing that in supporting the inatitutions of the Princes. of this world: they are doing God a servic gt;. The Redeemer in lt; timated most distin tly that some of these ignorant gnes will be prominent in the ministry.of His own Church: They, will be surprised that when the honors of the Kingdom are distributed they will receive none, but will suffer: humiliation. and, tribulation . as. omn- faithful servants. The Master's word respecting these are, Man; fo Mein that Day, Lord, Lord: heve, We ot prophesied (preached) in Thy pam ?-and in Thy name have cost out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful: works? But the new: King will say to these, come not near to share in My Kinrdom. Instead of working righteousn -s. you have been workers of iniquity. Thistead of serv. ing Me as ambuasadors for My dom and properly. represehting Me be- fote men, you have done the reverse: You have upheld unrighteousness, julgnted doctri f demons, and Sheen ap aa i ing, hi our disap) q ita the ents invite great will say ble shall more death, neith- and greatly outnumber the true Ohris- fians, just as the chaff of the Jewish nation outnumbered the Israblites in- deed. As God then gathered the the Isreelites indeed, into the spiritual House of Scns by the be- sething of the Holy Spirit, so now He will gather the faithful ones of this Age into the Heawemly. garner by the Tesurrection change, end the hopes of he nominal sree: , OF class, Were consumed im the of faithfulness to the Truth, On. the tontrarr, Day of Messiah s Pipaiom doers sbell be cot of Se loers cut off in the Ue Tat trons oe Piopha t calle aftention to this new condition, say: ing, Behold, I create: new. heavens and a new. carth; and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. (Isaiah 653 Our con- text tells us of this same new heay- ens and new earth condition as tak- ing the place of the present order of . Ht then describes the Church under the symbolism of the New Jer- usalem, the capital of Messiah's thothty. ill go forth fen mea 108 go fol : ind s Sr aee out of the fallen conditions end death. We silo Wed that Gough Ghose revisions, God shall wipe tears from thelr eyes: and 1 OTE Dor crying; either shall there Any niore in; for Hormer things (the present evil world) newt will tee the thousand geste in; will require 0 of Messiah's m and will be euc- cessful to the highest degree.) Let all whose eves of understanding things rejoice, and tell abroad trouble, from whieh My faithful Bride will be delivered. reformation your share in that tribuletion-shall effect will deter- mine what'l may'do for You or with you in the futur, in harmony. with the Ties ents, But I can vot as in any sense srorthy of the glety, honor aad tm: mortal ich hal be accorded to the Bride class. :Paraphras- on Mat: thew 7:92, 93; 19:40-43; 3:13; 25:90; aera ines from ts J F ge from the Jew- ist Age to caer mete ot toc ceive that during a period of for years, God dealt with fleshly Israel from the time when Jesus mintstry began until Jeri by: dhe artay Ree That forty year period ier styl far vest of that Age, The gathering of the wheat progres td close down to the uummation thie rf separating of the chaft meanwhile frogrcesin Finally, when the wheat had been thered into the garner of the New Si ion, by the begetting of th Holy Spirit, the chaff was consumed in a tin. of trouble which utterly de: . de- did not. signity. at unbclieving Jews, nor their e torture. It represen ed, ically, the complete des- traction of their Jewish hopes. Those hopes have lain buried for eighteen tenturies and are only now reviving, in the form of Zionism. The le ofWhe Wheat and the Thres (Matthew 1:94.90), pictures the Lord s work during the Gospel Age. Jesus and the Apostles sowed only seed, the pur Message of the fessianic Kingdom whi few would attain. and whi ly would bless all the families of the earth. But Satan through his yarigas agentes (many of whom wore the liv- ery of Ohtist) oversowed the . wheal field. with tare seed falee doctrines, doctrines of demons. From this. unauthorized sowing the Adversary as a result of these false doctrines which he caused tp be promulgated in Christendom many nomina'ly eame thto the Cburch of Obrist. never really professed to be-wheat, never had the -Legstting of the Holy Spinit, never were disal- les in the onty sense that Christ ac- Enowledges any to be His followers, As tares rea'mble wheat, so thees deceived people, the progeny of falee doctrines, think themsstves Christiang. struction of the the afththilaty Hils Henor 2 with counelly ered an opep swason contiqu- March 10p1915. -Pefmits If to revidents ot the alstrict, wha the .anmals are: plentiful. Tue Mapper waters ofthe Fraser and Peace rivers are Jopited upon by many as the last haii ie ing: witl be issued? lem was destroyed i Sie haye been onened to see 4 ces fin end det Ss Sopibing net sin leath is expiring; a the new period of the Reign of Rint: eousness is hand, bringin, everlasting to very one ill obedient. With thought before our thinds, the aying of the year 1912, and of the the birth year 1913, will bri 1 to those who have become thie follo ets of Jesus. Those who are to walk in His.steps, wit to fis se ine a ro fe. be with Hit Good early days, when he was be ginning to be recognized as one of the of paintart Soh Lavery Golde ae Painters, very pic. ture to famous Scotch collector I m glad, said the latter, to be able to give some encouragement to frliow countrymen, Mr. Lavery said nothing at the time, but later the wrote to the purchaser an Irishman, but T have enough Scottish blood im me to have concealed the fact until I have cashed your check. Ancient Skull Found. The skull of a paleolithic: man by far the earliest trace of mankind that has yet. been found in Englaxid haa been discovered in a gravel pit in Sus- x. The discovery bas caused excite met among scientists. The skull. is that of a man who lived, probably, millions of years ago, it may- rove to be the oldest remnant of a fuman frame ever found on thls plane et. It belongs, roughly, to the same age as the famous Neanderthal skull, but pete mUch more primitive type of mankind. Olean Living on the Turf. John Osborne, many years ago the world s premier jockey, is probably the most - striking example in. the world of lean. living aa ociated with ort. though over years of age, the venerable Englishman fevains horses, food horses, ani often gives his ae will 19, 19 : Thirty mien ari teaty map nt Rug pe es Seve: diand oast. the bedyer. South of the mentioned the ed shade * GqilekWe stro ecnghs, the tages trace, the prospeote / Nature s W ay Buried deep in our American forest we. find bloodroot, queens 3 drake and stone root, golden seal, Oregon grape root aad R. V. Pierce made a pure glyceric extract which has over forty years. He called it Golden Medical Discovery. This iseovery purifies the blood system im Nature own way tissue builder and when recovering from bai cold, grip, or poeumonia. No constitution the stomach is spt to be '' out of kilter ' the blood is disordered, for the stomach is the facture of blood. Dr. Pierce s Golden Medioal. matter Medicine Hat rxto Toronto lt; Return ut (i Retw ee) lt WA il hi t il eit a a iia Ifo with privileges of extetision. - a . Finest equipment, Standard and ing Cars, Dining Cars on all through partment-Library... Observation ears on ial Limited and Toronto re SPECIAL THROUGH TO C IGE in connection with these exeu dates of departure and reservations app agent. Tickets via all Trans-Atlantic Spor full inf i ee Por information, rail and stea apply to L. A. Dobbin, Ticket Medicine Hat, or write to ROG: We are.going ont of the econd hay we are selling th stock at the Men's 4 v oe o Men's two-buckle Overshoes Men s Felt Shoes from .. Men's Sheepskin Coats from ' a from the Imperial. Bank Block to 897 Toro Next Door to E.D. Bennett Co. love for the turf by training a few s Is The Best. a ben pigata tog bn i, i ti the viomach und the entire jones up a es ee
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Image 1269 (1912-12-31), from microfilm reel 1269, (CU1773524). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.