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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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D AILY NEWS. How The Body: Kills Germs. 1 Germs that get info, the body are killed in two ways by the white corpuscles Ming snbetonce that le in the blood. Just what he blood of healthy person always has so: At to ward off the attack of The fountain head A Aide COST HG Pius) 352 Sea ES a Go does not ely di bis food will ey 's Gdllectors Soak- ere y SOUS bes whole hoay ie improperty and taecRadeetiy, pore 6 Taxpayers, .Who healthy condition, to feed the system on rich, red blood fom the body, nothing in the past forty years has Squeated pen Gok Dis en as Now. ry 8 gare WHEAT ms ae BULLED ; RE CHEAP. CHRISTMAS. AND WEW YEAR HOLIDAYS Fare and One-Third for invigorating cup. oy of anything but any more than you asilkdress out of cotton cloth. mandrake and ble and My husband was a aoa from, : pre ee ia Cee Joa the Round Trip Ancient Papyrus Dug Up - would Htpealatety forme I Sco Between, all. stations; Port B it ws the People ins p Arthn to Vi and COUNCIL, CHAMBER Herpeeiee, he gene ei. eee ean pe of the City Hall on Thursday, Jan., 2nd. 1913 at 8 clock pam, t i cured now for two. lems, ati medicine for kmparttiens Srl pysommend Golng daten, Dee, 1, 1018, te Reet go el seat Pinal return limit Jan. 6th, 1918, For further particulars apply to nearest agent or to Philadelphia, Dec. 26. The high cost of food and excessive felght Fates were as great an Issue in Thea- deiphia, a small city in Egypt, 1,800. Pears ago, a4 they are in this country 2 sie Gen RANCH FOREAST eeeerg-e SPENT ON ALBERTA oe zm SLOPE OF ROCKIES s' 20 . ROADS THIS ae oe of Egypt by recent Medicine Hat ork on These Shut Down, But That on Bridges Will he Continued Does the K Das cn PAGIFG P. Burns Said to be Inter- Teom and said Moore was nervous and ested. ey Project Involv- rie toe Se REE ates. Wallies: Acres in Nass yoore became confused and st times P. Burnt, of Calgary, and a syndl- refused tO answer questions. cate of Calgary capitalists and others explorers. contents of a, basket thrown in- to the corner of a temple buried un- der the sand -preserved because lof the dryness atmosphere, Winter. : Thia, singularly interesting docu- mont i the report of a sitologus, a eee ee aaa gece word found in Mo. dictionary, but 45 Of Public Works, stopped off The conductor of passenger train, the police ) charge, dentifiea the accused man as a passenger who ICE. are Interested in 3,000 acres of land) got off hia train here yesterday at . - which, the text would indicate, means Wa; bre: ssltinig. Giobe Jae very in Naas valley, and they intend to go ternoon. Saipan Epis, copeiatiy of e ee ence eae oe ee small profit. We. still have /in for extensive sheep raising in the) Moore, in denying that ho 1s ullty. grain, an taxes tn Exypt were col- mom eet real oe BLAZE AT JOLIER. - some of the old stock. near future, This purchase was made said: ee cata has een for the Ast wonk on ake 2 Ledlew and Gents? new. and Jvst recently and the deal involved) an they nave is cireumstaatlal senteq the Ptoleialc government of eho iat i ee ee second-hand Clothes, Boots and very large amount of money reach-Jevidence. 1 know they have convict- Alexandria, and fag Be did his work on Mr. Mitchell states 1 1,000, of the. Hlinols Aero Construction Co,, Shoes and lota of other arti- fing into the hundreds of thousands. ec many men on that, but Tam EOINE a percentage platy his Iden was to 000 appropriation forthe improve- at Coal City and its contents, includ- EK: flee which we are selling at M?. Burns oes not admit that he 18 o stand my ground. Tes Cae native EMRE GaGc. on the Hats ORE oe ones tm ain Se vee Hae tng four, aeroplane, were destroyed : yeur own price. connected with the sizantle syndicato, airs, . Wilson is survived by ix ne osid. SosECgIS gas. a, modera era talmees: oxtleely jeapenied say Hezemme sat: Sahrat Tae 1005 OF cree i. * but others who have been in touch daughters bestdes the one slain with province are excellent con 25,000, partly insured. Finest If you are one of our Costes wakes, phrise, 4 ees otithe rt era you know the truthtuiness eee ee Aeentony See (Ber Even Then Taxpayers Kicked. , Around. Calgary ne ork ban been Unst he is, and that the Iargest sheop Mrs. Moore. had one son besides rhe document fn, part etl a great wor nent Ever - pl a Je not, wo ask you raising ranch on the continent will be the one accused of the murders iist of grain aan aaa ets oti, doue onthe roads and now there ere v in th ae * startea within the next few months 23 ipeueeae et Bare read on excellent highways. from..Calgary cS on the property. Sear charged wacleod af thrdugh to-the interna. uc n ale athe ae . each to carry it toAle: Hl stscat Gaatalsa cost fe ean ity HARVARD TAILORING CO. The ranch is located m British TEN MILLION + Fayoum district te abou se crane totais meas eer Sa Opposite Dreamland. Columbia on the slopes of the moun- west of. the Nile, which formed the cton, Calgary, Ok palgary. ON MARKET SQUARE Phone 295. tains, and extends for miles; over an trunk line in those days. esha) les, Rae D..DAVIS, PROPRIETOR excellent country sulted in every way MEALS, A YEAR Tek ttaeelioe coaiche ine tamore and work bas een ERIDAY DEC. 27TH Drug and for the raising of sheep. It is stated closed in a paragraph, partly mutilat- Tren oe at 1 O'Clock ese O foes Medicine Ha that the syndicate will emdeavor to demonstrate that western Canada, es- pecially that? part in the mountains as Australia, and within a few years ern Alberta is equally. as well adapted Yor the raising of sheep. Record of C. CP. R. Fotels, Boats, Diners, Ete. Cost Money Gor Some Also. Montieal, Dec. 26 ' Lavt -year 10,- ed, which seems to register a kick by one of the taxpayers. It seems this gentleman, living im Theadelphia, was an absentee landlord who had a farm some distance away. He objected to Mitchell. . the high taxes asseased and to the ex- Cldsed Down Work. We have now closed down work on th roads for the season, said Mr. Operations have been started on the construction of bridges ae Head of good Milk Horses and Boustucid Ten Cows, wievieeeieieieeinh M Mark i rs0 that Goods and Hardware: millions of herds will roam the. moun- cessive freight charges, but it does not 80 that by the spring the trunk roads) z 000, eals were served , ; Taylor's eat Market rvver ers rest isousey wi 000,000 meals wers served in oor oorear to have done him any good will be i readiness for the haulage of . If you want to buy come. S .f5 Aish ARS. pumlies flourish in the west and. with the Beet ee the summer and fall. A great deal of Jar service, meals and 1 nsfer raising of cattle the rising of sheep will be as much sought after. On the point of sheep misbandry, Fresh Meats at 10c, dining cars and hotels, an average of considerably over 30,000 meals a day. The cost of the meals was Fabout 4,000,000. Equipment The sitologiis seems to have been the local trust magnate of his day. Most. unfortunately, the prices. of commodities listed in this old docu- work jfias been done this season and practically the entire 1,000,000 vored for trunk road work has been ex- + and r ded, with the exception of that eavy Draying. 12140, ibe, 17140, Mr. Burns stated: I am of the cons ment are given, in terms which can- Dended, Dt sf ntion to all orders. fident belief that the mountain slopes WPPles cost 85,000,000 and the + he translated Into modern money Part allotted for bridge construc- ge with Biase Van Jes ale Stables ms, Ditvers, Saddle ses for Sale. HEAVY PRAYING, x. for Sale, -McCLAIN TER, PROPRIETOR ptes in Wall Paper. Ave, es. 8. CARLSON, at tre coroner a thguent. (7 ou the preliminary debates being held on company. playing at. the Theatre , ar i Ss. FOLEIS Seven Persons nad been slain with en axe: si January 42h, 4813;cwith tie final at Royal here; was found today in , S MBRBOPIRE that we Will be able pees rene eee ae CONTRACTS FOR ao Moore Gehiga Her ka1 ) Ingloffitie Universly ex Mebraery 21st. Mount. Royal park; trying to com- o condeconstruction that has been BY, increasing. the activity and HEAVY TEAMING the murder until he f agate. question of Consolidated Rural mit suicide, accordisg to her own mile hnlabekiGe, year. TC Gane ee ee ee OR SAL Breccrasy morning. i is, now vies With Woman Suff- statement ae araiberta wR Raters wonderfet vite tats west cae dite, vim and). RADING AND EXCAVATING LORONTU ST hore from Moberly to-asrange OWfe pr firat plage as a quortion of With a pair) of scissors she had'fynuet Alberta iil Mave ove ee belsveteme: tt coebsurves, Noalth pros , kavel and Sand for Sale . Sand, Conk TH SHOP IN SEVEN to debaters. A considerable hacked her wrists in many places but Hoo) fv rnd ou manor ans longs fe, saves doct rs fees and Yuilli Street. Phono No: 416 ting a Speeliilty Phone 690. RESTAURANT AND LIVERY STAB- Both places are well stocked and equipped and doing good business: Owner has other interests. For particulars see and 2214c a Ib. ee And the giheltered valleys of eastern British bia will give .,to the world the very finest class of grazing ground for sheep. Sheep are differ- payrolls amounted to 5,000,000 a month. 3 YWe had a regular staff of 90,000 mento pay and at this there wero with any satisfactory results. Roman Demand Bulled Wheat. It appears that relatively wheat jvas very high; protably due to the tion. The erection of the bridges, per- manent steel strictures, will be pro- ceeded with during the winter G. SATTERLEE. House Mover SAND FOR SALE included. For descriptive pamphlet eo wana a ent-from cattle; they can rustle for a 77 000 more men employed: Fortu- demand from Rome) where the em- months and the majority or them will EXCAVATING ay yea living where cattle cannot. They tely, Our credit is excellent, so we perors were dispensing nanem et b finished before spring. Work hus Canadian Pacific 4 need a moderate climate - and that . secure. the stuff with eabe, and circenses to the people. Beans ap- been started on at least six of tho HEAVY TEAMING e 3 PHONE 878 15 THIRD AVE. Uiiraco.can be found Just on the ofh- Working expenses are more than sav- parently were cheap, probably ve- laree sized bridges and gangs are QONCRETE, WORK. E er side of the Rockies, There are v af eaus they were perighable or because ROW hauling gravel for the pier work. cae xcurdion Fares areas there for both cattle and sheop. 1 these words Sir Thomas or the excessive freight charges re- All of these bridges are located on ms to. 3 These colditions are also found in Shaughnessy, gave an idea of the ferred to. main lines of travel and they wit at- J 9 (LL ZA PACIFIC. COAST the south of Alberta/* : That brings me to my . favorite 3 b o WINTER VEGETABLES hobby, Mr. Burns contifined, that replying to the toast The Com- add or he made a 16t of mistakes to Will do a great deal toward helping . Phone 260. Single Fare Plus 2.00 Alb rta and British Columbia are oue P uy, at the ai bangret of C. cover up graft. When be adds two the farmer get his crops out easily For a Trip and the same; All our interests arc identical, British Columbia has the FOR SALE magnitude of the- Canadian Pacific railway company's operations while P. R. officials and employees, held at the Place Viger hotel on Satur- Another feature is interesting. Eith- er the sitolggus did not know how to sums together he is orrect, but when it comes to more than that his errors ford access to the important shipping centers from large rural areas, They and the considerable benefits of these bridges and the road work will 16 MONTREAL STREET MEDICIN E HAT LIVERY COMPANY POINTS. Vancouver, Victoria coal and the wood and. the fish we day night. are comical, unless, a8 suggested, he be felt next summer. se ry and New une Ta want; we-have the wheat and the A. D. MeTier officiated as chair- was concealing graft. Distance Shortened. Hor Reposito a Carrots, Turnips, flour they Want; all tliat we need is man and had on his right Sir The papyrus has been placed on ex- Phe chief advantage Will be In Bear * preamland 1 Pacey (opposite transpottation, and that we-are get- Thomas Shaughnessy, Mr. G.M./hibition on the main floor of the shortening distances. In many in- ting, thanks to the governments both federal and provincial which have at last realized that here in the west Is + the connecting link with the Canadas, - for there are thres of them: the old Canada which we knew of in our boy- hood: days; the Canada of today, that of the central west; and the Canada of the futur, Alberta and British Columbia. Sy The two provinces have got to get next as our American friends say;. we have ,got to do bdetter than that; We have got to get closer and we can do it if we but pull together The sheep raising industry will be a big thing fot this last west. SON ACCUSED OF . DOUBLE MURDER (Lee Moore Arrested for Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. FRED SMITH Basement Under Pruitt .Block. TORONTO, STREET. * Box 480. Medicine Hat. NOW 1S. THE TIME to haye the Inside of our bia, Mo. Columbia, Mo., Dec 19. Lee Moore , a railroad car repairer of Moberly. Mo,, who discovered the dead bodies of his mother, siGtorge Moore, Es and his grani 1 Wilson, when the near here yesterday. rested on -gharee murder, foll wing Dis. LE IN SEVEN PERSONS. lf. eashy balanee Rerangeds PERSONS, Bosworth; Mr, J. 8. Dennis; and Mr. George Hamlin, in order named, and on his left Mr. D, McNicol, Mr. ATR. Creelman; Mr. F. L. Wanklyn and Mr. C. E. Ussher. An) excellent musical programme added to the enjoyment of the even- ing, while decorations were. artistic and unique. SERVIAN OUTRAGE ALLEGED AT VIENNA Vienna, Dec. 26 Deputy Masaryk, who visited Servia during the war, asserted that knowing of the com- plaints in the Prochaska affair, Ser- vlan .soldiers behaved: insolently against a Catholic priest in Prisrend and threatened to Kill him, They for- ced thelr way into a Catholic church and into a convent. They aiso con- fiscated a revolyer from the post bag of the Austrian consulate s servant. In Sofia rumors ar circulating that conflict between Bulgarias-and DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION High School D bating League Owing to the. non-arrival of ma- terial which has been three months ya the way from, London, England. it ; has beep.found necessary to change the dqubieet tir thie Provincial School eating League from British Citi- Jenshiy to Biateot Direct Legislation. The propos d Behedule provides for Gimber of inquiries are being recetv- museum. 50 YEARS WAR 1OLL Over Two Million ion Men-Have Been Killed in Battle London, Dec. 26 Phe Balkan war has given the generation some idea of what war means, in detail. It is significant of the growing horror that a Bavarian. newspaper should present its readers with a striking record of the wars of the last fifty years. Under a serfes of little pictures of fallen soldiers on the: battlefield it gives the number of, killed in each great war of the past halt century, with the strange exception of the Boer war. Here is the record: Crimean War, 750,000; American Civil War of 1861-65, 800,000; Danish War of 1864, 8,000; Anstro-Prussian The additipn of these figures shows that no less than 2,319,000 men were Killed in these wars. The Daily sity, 85 a month, ACTRESS RASH ACT Gook, aged 17,/a member of the burlesque Montreal, Dec. 26. Hazel was able to appear before.a recorder War, of 1866, 45,000; Franco-German stances farmers are noW forced to haul their crops by long roundabout) routes to market. In some cases the distance will be shortened, by making a more direct route passable by halt Some farmers are now forced to take their crops 20 or 25 miles and that distance will be reduced to nine or 10 miles The plan we haye followed in mak- ing roads has been to construct trunk routes that will be connected not dis- Jointed highways, only good in spots. Our policy has also been to do work that will be of a permanent character That the-type of road we are build ing is good is shown bp a trip made week ago by John Stocks, deputy minister of public works, who covered the 195 miles metween Calgary and Edmonton in a motor car in nine and a half hours actual running time, Calgary Roads, With regard to the work . done around Calgary the road from here to Macleod and.on to the international fs a good shape anyway. The road east through Lethbridge to Taber ts also completed. A continuous road from Calgary to Okotoks has been practically completed and the one to Strathmore from Calgary is also fin- ished, It 1s proposed to continue the road to Strathmore on to Gleich- en and Medicine Hat. Work has been started ion the road from Medicine Hat to Galgaty. It is completed now as far as Carlstadt. The present policy of securing Single and d- double outfits of all deseriptions for - sale or hire. Horse or Automobile De- livery at all times, HAY FOR SALE. Timothy by the bale or ton. PHONE 703. BARTLETT. GRAS CIVIL, ENGINEERS, . Domfalon and Alberta Land Surveyors Industrial Spurs, Railways, Wrter Supplies, Sewage, fei oad Blue Printing, Bite. Room: I4y Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat. Phone 420, STRENGTH AND VIGOR ie THE BASIS OF SUCCESS M 01) Roumania troops will shortly shortly War, 215,000; Russ6Furkist War. Slaying Mother and His break out and that Bulgaria is. mak- 250,000; Russo-Japanese War, 200,-/ boundary hasbeen completely with tt you are yan Grandmother at Colum- ing strenuous war pre fons. 000. the exception of a small distance that down, weak, -ti ed, nervous have no. amhi- tlon to. get. out and hustle, have rheumatism ; stomach or Kt ney trouble, var- feocle, or suffer from losses; if you tiave tried medicine with ovt helping your conaltdabayl doa be discour aged. Rr. TZGEWS VITALL ER BATTERY soothes, restores, re- Joss of time; it istalways ready for use; requires no cliarging with vin- Prairie Hay by the load, No. ij Irrigation mag.for the women, 'The. au Toesday afterdidon and register: a Tocal hotel unde? git assumed name, A. search * f:the hotel room wherd ' Moore Is; alleged, to hav stayed. last Forty years in use. 20 years Drice, terms, night, revealed a quantity of viod e te standard, prescribed w ed for information on the question f tater rural schools, avy Horses fer sale af LI Times, this morning and was remanded for examination as to her sanity. explained she wanted to end er life as she was in everybody's The manager of the company egat or acids, s 300 per cent. easter pplied, gives 400 per cent. greater service, and is sold at a low price without added cost for fancy books. A Booklet with-full. -particulars mafied free; sealed. large appropriation on capital ac- count has, been found to be excellent, permitting of expenditure of the mon- ey In a permanent road system, For- malt the moiey for read af palletes Hrools, forge and compl or carrying on business. fold to close up estate, Full information as t fe equipment Must be: testorer for Men f restores every nervs in the bode per tension restore (2 MAIN STRERT, PHONE 538 365, Prematare decay and all sextal upon application to the towels and bed clothing ani for whom she worked; a comic opera, . - Beer ae GUS BOWMA lt; some ot the clothing-that the offidemay 27 reeommendets D phy- ays she was a good singer and an Se EE liebe whee i Sooke Dome B 1a4-12t Seven P rsoriss say Moore wore Tuesday night. The Si n s Adl- votive mimber of the chorus. She FIILOF? Sani pice ras FAs coe a a wine Drag Steck hotel proprietor, the police say, iden- ments, Dr, Martell s Female Jeame originally irom Spokane, whi 9 2 EDL OE De Car 3th, Ave, Powe fr SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily News. titled Moore as the occupast of the Pills, at your druggist. Sher parents: died Sz ty Se tera i 28 conte. Caigary, Alta. ee now. for The,
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Image 1231 (1912-12-26), from microfilm reel 1231, (CU1773502). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.