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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ervatory isic FIs FISHER, Mus, Doc, NS TUESDAY , EMBER 3rd E LAST SEASON 2,040 STUDENTS * 10 Specialists. ATORY RESIDENCE ng Lady Students, ay, Calarwed and will be 410 pages, malted on ap- ells FemalePills. fears the Standard. and recommended for ments, a scientifically edy of -provet worth, om their use ts quick For anle at all drag 0.0.d-10m0 3, etc., etc, Br knowed as iiuch about designin ship ae ATLORMEN, sald th: master at arms reflects ty, watching half donb. Baval apprentices mend: ing their fishing tackle a8 the boat bobbed up and i down in the short swell off Point Jodith, sailormen never lies, What's where they're different from any other men. I've seen fellers in the . 3E , A.get up and We like horses, but T never Knew s eallorman as ever told a tie. Lfkewive, you can't fou a sailormar: When you hear people talk about Jack ashore they means a man as can't be fooled. a It's a kinder joke that a sailorman can't Fide a horse, but you feat put one of tem aboard a horse and say Let go, and. give him. eearoom to manoeuvre, that home. fn and you will be certain to find 4a the end the sailorman will stick to that ores if he didn't fall overboard through misfortune. The smartest, man TI. ever knowed tn my life was a sailorman. Chips, the carpenter on the old Quinnebaug, and) that man had some adventures as would tiake your hair rise like the quills on poreupine. 8 This sonnded so attractive. that) the) aval apprentices, Tithe, handsome yours sters, unanimously requested the history of Mr. Chips. Youn might as well stop fishin , boys, while I'm tellin you about Mr. Chips, now Admiral Chips, of the Imperial Chi- nese Nav3, because the fishes won't bite: they'll be too inter sted th hearing about this remarkable man. The naval apprentices took the advice, of the master ut arms and sat quite still While the boat danced on the:sunlit water in the bright August afternoon. Well began Brace, cutting a fresh quid inva very artistic manner, I was master at arms on the Quinne.aug when Cap'n Dewey, now the Admiral of the Navy; made bis laat cap'n s cruise, Chips) was the carpenter. Now Chips was the sort of man, very: aspirin and ambitious, He had atudied navigation and the Lord knows what else besides, including the Chinese language and palmistey, Mrs. Chips was aspiring, too, and was always dying for Chips to have a social occasion) tall to hhis coat. I really belleve Mrs, Ghipe would have given a new Bester: Yonnet for a social occasion tail to Chips coat: e There ain't no doubt Chips was the) best carpenter In the service, and, SHPO LN 7 Sa Si ae Ene. some naval cons Besides, he was smart at his duty, and in them days, with ships of the trpe of the old Quinne- Bgug, the carpenter was a mighty im- portant person. However, he didn t have se commission and only a warrant, but you will find, boys, in life, whoneyer you - see a man with great ies and knowing, whole lot-besides, there's always, some: kind of a come-back. The come-ack in) Chips case was that he knew too much, It s against the articles of war for lt; carpenter or master at arms, either, to know too much in this here world. So, quite natural, a wat broke out be- tween Chips and Cap'n Dewey, and that war lasted from the day we sailed from she Brookiyh Navy Yard until nearly iwo peant afterward, when one time jn Auigtst, on a August day like this, with moderate wind and fair, in the, harbor of -Villy, Franky in the Mediterranean Sea, both Cap'n Dewey and Chips fought scientific. Sometimes the car penter was on top and sometimes the Cap'n was, and there was bets for'ard) the craise was up. Well, when we was. layin at Villy Eranky early olie morning, the Kiog of Greece come sailin vp in the royal yaeht, and anchored about. six hundred) yards abeam of us Cap'n Dewey: was) mighty perlite man, so he did the bund- some thing by the King, salutin wid xj) + qhe usta) rot: This seemed to ticki the King of Greece half to death, li xeut boat, sayin , if it was agreeable. to) Cap'n Dewey, he would be very glad to) come aboard tbe Quinnebaug at tive Celock that afternoon and see if the Was anything doing. Of course, Cap'n Dewey said It wOuld be most agreeable to him, so at five o'clock the ship was) dressed. the band was beatin and al (he officers was out in full cogs, und wien the King come aboard the yards was manned, You don t never ee them kid of handsome doings witn modery abibs I have seen Cap'n Dewey make a Sy: fi moor in the old) Hartford as would have made Paul Jones. gnash his teeth vot of envy, hatred, malice and all un- cuaritableness. Well, the warrant oftiecrs s all drawn cp is the walst of the ship. Dhe thme was, boys, when ship hada waist and a boun t and shoe, xuctly like Woman, and abips is good dex Hike women uow, I emi tell you. Vive se n a ship Mave stage fright. and hiervole prostation and hysterics just as good aa any woman Could have emi t6 aard ber life. But there didn t none of yn Dewey's ships have them tantrums, When he lad ship, he made her mind. 4u's a mighty. good thing to make a abip, sis. aptain Foxcroft Davis (opreieht, 1012, by the New Tork Herald Co. Ail. righte reserved.) oe nd a woman, too. mind the hellum W Just tall flint Inside your heads, baa, Well, to go back to Mr, Chips, a most) ree-niatkable man. Obips, of course, beaded ws warrant officers, and I wit say a finer lookin aot of warrait officers 1 never see Chipa wax a very handsome imin, in addition:to his virtuet and vices, and be hada Harveyized. nickel-steel plated gall that he always kep: with him, After the King of Greece had bad all the) cominjssioned officers presented to bm.) he sally saya he to Cap'n Dewey. say he T shook very much Jike, he say to have? says he, the warrant officers of this ahip presented. he says. Certainly, your Majesty, sald Cap'n Dewey, as perlite ax a basket of chips now T ain't tryin to, make no mean. joke on Chips name, so youneeda t laugh. Cap'n Dewey and. the King: with a:whole lot of roval) fakes and princes conyosio' em, come up, and Cap'a Dewey saym: Your Majesty, may T present our carpenter, Mr. Chios At this. Chips duieked his bead and so 4ia we King of Greece. Then the King, Who warn't aa handsome a man as Chips. says, Glad to meet you. Mr. Chips. 1 hope You have had a pleasant cruise. Chip's Chance. Now here come in the chanst that Chips Thad been waitin for ever since the band played. Phe Girl I Left'Behind Me? when se picked our way.out of the harbor of New York nearly. two. years before, and Chips was equal to it, Well, King. says Chips, because Chips was a most perlite man, and though he-bad never chatted with aking before he knew haw to do the trick, 30 he says, very bland, but honest; Well, King, to tell you the truth, I never ave been so devilled ia my life ax I have been-on thiy cruise. Here Brace made a dramatic pause, while the naval apprentices looked at each other with startled eyes. That's what Mr. Chips, the: carpenter and the (Onp'n presentiy, I have, very Blah re- tsbed. X sara for you. RHE: ,, rame, bat. cf the best Damned. Tae. Jarpeateas in the service, and be Sondl- hough, and tion in which you have kept thie ship since Admirals aboard, 20 lie to be made. Adml- ty to see what was me to arshor, BY Kissed the mnd with the compli that, although this ahip ts Cine and twenty feet long and forty-two eam, it isn't big enough for you aud me, gc Me Chips. So I wotildi augment that when we got to Gibraltar, three days you shall ask for sick leave. W2 shall of the Imperial find the Iroquois at Gibraltar, ready. to whole thing dope Dolat her homeward hound pennant, and If Admiral Dewey rou could have an attack of nervous, pros tration or chickenpox, or some simple, barmlesi thing like that. yom could. get home quietly and comfortably. D n t yor Chips, me feel little ill st this moment, Mr: Chips?) Ap soon as I. Mo. sir sald Chips. calm and col- m- suspicions, and when the Intinch came ected. I never felt better id my Mfe, back I had opHivate interview. with thank you. If yon will permit me;fo ay, the coxswain. Tt'e Chips. aid the cox- T have a very high respect of your ppin- swala. who. was alMethodist, and conld fun on all professional subjects: 9o E-will sommand prayin'yequad jest aa well agree to develop a very severe attack of/ 4 chaplain. Tsaw from the launch Theamaticm as goon as:we get to Gibral- the meetin pepe anaes AS tan And I will arrange to have you miral. The F amiral swab there, surveyed and condemned and sent home, payin a visit to Admiral Chips. Firat, replied the Cap'n, cheerful like, and per Admiral Chips madgia bow, which Ad- haps the sea voyage and the promect of mlr- Dewey retursed. Then, Chipa being united with your family may tare made another bow, the most perlite I even seen, but Admiral Dewey seen him, mind Well, that s the way things fell out. in went him one betfer. Then Phe morning after we got to Gibraltar Chips made his Inst and final bow, Hrin Chips waked up unable to mote hand-or all bis: compli you on the way overs. jimerits at once, tike them foot and refused all nourishment... The Fs in the double turrets, but Admifral doctor, who. was sharp, offered: Chips a Jewey s third bow was of sich a mature drink of whiskey by way of medicine, but (B tT seen with my own eyes the French Chips firmly refased, apd Chips was from Admiral when he Jad right down and died) Maine, too,.: Phe doctor then reported fo f espair. I'm told he come to life later the Cap'n that be thought Mr. Chips was : serfously ill, and in about fifteen minutes) She Entertained the Admirals. the whole thing was fixed up, and Obips Now, if the coxswain hadg't been was carried aboard the Iroquois, unable tolsailorman I wouldn't have believed this, ut his foot to the deck. When T went to ont bein a pan tain t likely he tied tell him goodby the next day, before the bout it The eozswain furier ioid me Troquots sailed, Chips was in bed sufferin' :hat Mrs, Chips, who I had. known-ax-x tortures, but I have reliable information very nice woman, havin amet her trequcnt Well, King, to tell the truth, Fhe as T have been jat dances in Pie sail loft and danced the whottische with heb Lohd, but she was high kicker had edt fhe carpenter's wife complete -and was ady to perfection. Chilips tuvited Admiral Dewey and the French Admiral into. his jouse, a kind ofpagodd; when Mrs, Chips ecelyed. em most .raciovs, givin' em tea, oldie her little finger ouit/as she vdrank ers and adkin Admital Dewey why he adp't got married. Admiral Dewe: didn't sk for no quarter no more than Chips id, but Jest stbod the fite of Mra. Chips; vd every timc she fired a seven inch gun him he fired back with a thirteen inch . That's Admiral Dewey, you under- must say, after the engage- vent was over and Admiral Dewey come board he looked to mea little. pale. However, be kept /hig nerve straight vrough three days. Admiral Chips give A, big dinner, askin the French tritish admirals and their staffs, They iad tweniy-tive Chinese servants to serve admirats around the Gyuncil table agreed: it Was as good grub as ever they whacked thel* Jaws or walloped their topgues over. Mnt Chips looked like bonfire, she bad tall of her gown, it was reported forard op the Olyy she took Admiral Deirey' The Adinirat acted like a hero and told Mrs. Chips that as a American he was protid of her. When Eres tears over Admiral Ciipp rose and -hag.dinn r, and I'm fold, that the three on s0 many-diamonds-and-rubies. The) in mia, was yard and three- g dmieal Dewey met her at the gang- Way, Gnd it eeemed ae f all the side bors jand everything that was intended for the Admirals was meant for Mrs. Chips. Ad- mira) Dewey give ber a bokay as big as fa haystack and acted like he couldn t When she came up the ladder she looked tike the Empress of China, a live, without her Chips was grand in his Chinese, uniform, but Mrs. Chips jaimply. took: the sbine.oif sv3sybody.I'm told by the cabin stewards that Mrs. Chips did up both the. Freneb nd British Admirals for sbe wae-n handsome womdn, was Mrs.Chips and that she know the regulations. about admirals ladies just jas Well as if the hind been Gag fientenant When dinner wa; o r Chips said to Admiral Dewey, so the ebin steward tarieie y dhder kin old ahipmate of ours. aboard Brace, the master-at-arms. He,was. with us on the-crulse we made when the King of Greece took tea with us Yes, my dear Admiral, replied Admiral Dewey. akin' a light from Chips, Shall I send for Brace? A thousand thanks. answered Chips. The first. knew. tne orderly, comer for'ard lookin like he'd seen-a: ghost. Min in the inner cabin? Ale mi ems barrassed in the presence of aduiirals tke) you and me. , Certainly, skid Admfral Dewey. the perlitest: mam alive. Come Mr. Brace; Admiral Chips will see you in the inner cabin. i hip s' Victory. When I walked through the cabin, ali lighted up abu the fowers On the table, land the shadea lights, and the champagne ftowin hike water; Itf lt 'qaeerin my proposed the, bealth of Admiral Dewey. ward) But when 1 (pasesd Mrs. Chips sgein Chips pation sit) Citpa. fired Phat P thik gay do; wid Copa iuousl Wise, eth tue ely ot God aud, sarspCuips: ow, Brace, cau 1 du anything for you? Nothin jn tle world, says), put mesure good man. t Admuiril Lewey face to face, I will): Mave ian, attack of emotional insanity, condescendia to make hita feel would. So whed We went into the eablo a lofty ais and.sxid, Well; Brace Vai delighted to have seca you, and E Will say this, that I peyer hind 2 better master-a:-arm than. when Ih tie in thie Quinvebave) before Admiral Dewey took her, Of soiree, them two Admirals n-settin Quinnebaug. defore Admiral Dewey. Roya, ET tire to be a million sears old) I, n ver will cease 6 admire Chips for the noble way he suid that: Before 1 could recover from (this projectile Mrs. another high explosive. Good by, Mr. Brace, abe says. smilin there thought Chips'bad commanded the then the ime of yOur good will; which 1. know 1)F wasn blag wat bad before, and 1 want you to tell Mrs. late: All this Bashed) Chips thac as. an American L glory itynnd think through Mrs. but, her. That woman a settin im there with dmiral, Dewey, 1 kep my herve. them three Admirals bas dooe more for me, abd I said, Thank you, Madame, the bonvr Of the Stirs and Stripes phan anticipate great desl of pleksura in , Ver you did, Chips, and I think you arejmecia' Sica. Brace and my. devoted 0 children. I think-I age a kinder gem on Every word you say is true, says Admiral Dewey's mouth, for he knew just Chips, says he, except about my bein' as well as Mrs. Chips that I didn t avs good man, but 1 tell you) ifthe Olympia na. Stays bere another day; and I have to than git married any fe and would ruther be electrocuted We sailea next mornin from Pull-and- Damned, and the iast thing we see. complicated with the Gyiu jimjams. I was Admiral Chips standin on the dock all his staff around/bim, and Mra, . bilin kettle Inside of me. But I m Obips dutterin her Inc handkerchief in goin through with it? gt; cheered tier lily white hand from the winder: of him: up and told iim to be a little more Admiralty House. It warn't three months. m tmaybe that might later when we ientinto Manila Bay, and and he eaid be in abgut two hours acquired twelve hum wax piped: tubs bnd: they turned. in jand said aa how the most charming, reco ) : pera aia clingy ghd Peevcbenttieintpen: Seger) wail et. ape, ral ver have been so deviled in my ite Pm Se grins osie, Aamir Dene sympmbtc noe pe el hes Za ey eaar of Soi : ee, Late alee . . the King z is a Quinnebaug, which wound called. ftbe.. as, Af there) 5:3 that I never with Admiral Chips at Pull-and-Be- Damned oavalistation was mach more on the Wnited: States ship Quinnebaug, wh ; 8 to which would come out ablead when) J is 1, ihe King of Greece at Villy Franky on the ninth day of August, 1892. Cap'n Dewey. you know, Is a reg inr Dred: naught, but I can tell you thai remark of Mr. Chips to the King of Greece came near feaxin' Cap'n Dewey like hell. First he tutmed gfeen; thea he turned purple, Dien he tarned a sort of old tose, but he didn't give no sign of strikin , and gaye the King of Greece two cups of tea down 10 the cabin and) did ev rything bandsome nd accordia 8 the tegulations When it) as over, though; a6d: the King of Greece ad gone back to his yacht the Cap'n seat for Chips. 1 went tu hiv rota, Chips be a friend-of imine, and tried to comfort like you pay a Inst visit to a maw) him, who is goin to be banged at the sardarm in two hours. Cbips idn't show no white ceather. *L ain't goin to ask-mo quarter, say Chips, but if they court imneti thoy have got to court martial th King of too; that s all I've got to say. White be was-talkin up come the orderly with request that Mr, Ohjps should at- tend the Cap'n iu the cabin, Chips, went off us bra e mam lion, but there was a tear in bis eye when he sa d to me, Good. by. old n He told me afterward with his own mouth exactly what happewed. Dewey was sittin very quiet, copl and calm, amokid', and inyited Chips to Now, Mr: Chips, said the have a chair. on this cruise. a Branky, when ithey received eae : to the effect thar Chips made rapid and Seah ete HN betaiag ehiiek - complete recovery dios it pede Somat woeatiot a visit from the Kine She certainly wae.the grandest Womas, thingy that I've, alwex tela? experiemge for Admiral Bower thas Sai ee peepee Ss 2 takin ber all inal, Pever see, E'masaged ang one of them ta women. Manila Bay. He ought to bave beea made touched if Stream. rn oe if was the O87 1to minke a bow, abd though f felt dizay In) hag worried me a-thotsand tiees tn the) AdmMtal of the navy for the way be ban Chip Joins the Chinese Navy. , ee - es my head J steered my a Int the inns I about gettin married, and 1a fee, aur ge with: * mt breathed: jcabin: somenow. Chips shut the door a1 2 eee : fp, Admiral: and ips rei be ue experience: though, bad x blightin jioinatd or two. Whea he replitd, bowever. eben come and droppad own on the Re an Be eas Te wate trade Adentral for Sinffing oe effect upon Chips. He whs ordered to the he that the delizhtful occasion ef the/transom with me. Brace, said he in Ava fain . botike in Bitonktyn a And doin theaweek s washin on the firet - League Island Navy ard, and slghe H t of the. King of Gre ed would evetl whisper. pound we: pinch me hard. IB hice jookin ald mald about forty-five. 47 of May, 1808. across the fiver big/cmaiser wag tufidin' D embalmed amon the mos erucll pce pseie- seria Hebe with youth (Seats. Cipraeed-so-eor to tne-tn.them : Crib Cle sve Tne vata A MakFron BO Aa lg lene ced tags Ge ee tal lishGran, representin the Chinexe govero- thought Chips had bee Admiral Dewey's Chips? says 1. you deserve it. You eae een sarey a goed. steady ashing before twelve Gelock on the day ment, and when he found what x.reemoart- Sag lleatcbant. Welle boys, as you niny , very ree-markable man. Chips aid a cia Gyetlt be. grateful seven. andjot the captur of Manila are perfectly able mA Chips was acd that he could e. there wan consid table excitement) hound to rise. and i don t oegrudse Jaw trent yor higimane. T- wool always tell true B. D. eyed Chinese tike a mandarin be oflered fF 3rd about Admiral Chips, of the 1m-paeT wouldn't go.throagh the ordeal of . Clara. Morris Salad Days : hips such iaducemens that he resigoed Perit Chinese navy. Dab we knew well/rettin ar the same table with (Adm) from the Anieri an uayy and sailed for ShouRs, that Chips was att for life, es-/Dewey md knockin up agninet him for a Civiny carpedter ot che Ohinese cruiser. pee we noo Dewey zaterned milfion of monkeys. It's damped, hard, 1 never could manage them Chinese names Admiral Chips broad ie by givin himjsaid Chips, the sweat runnit Lo oR fa the dayn when Artemun theatregvete was Ia that day of stock) . cst of Companies aud wandering stars. Ward was still the star ae ae ee pamper ete So Mis Cleveland (Ohio) Plain Deslel) si ocris, a charming young lady auld tal- myselG-aid 1 ean only tell you that itd the Wrench and Britis Admirals ajfa a sounded snmething like Son ofa Gun. . d 98eF aboard the Olyeapial don't kuow at what minute I will have) where te began his career a8 a tyDEREEEr ey wecress, paragraph appeared in its dmamaticl , yenetit, She has. by her Nore The s ry about the King of - Greece and tis Olympla s crew Going the Lalwitys thought Chips +,a9 great loss, ip Comes Aboard. aPovlexy. Don t give up, the ship. saya to the Aiueri an navy, but he was a ame Mrs. Chip, Lito Chips, You've got a frat class fag: tredue hia, qud Mrs Chips deyiiled bim, Ttwas sald thet Admiral Dewey sentiyjeatenant tn Mex. Chips, and Think eh and would rather be'a naval constructor infor his cook ahd told that cook that the) goin her whole duty like nman. the Cl i inn. ed at Admiralty. Louse by, a ; ten he Cae ad cnn 8 ssi Clg adnieal I column: announcing the appearance of tlon to her duties, risen to a high. vod Amerioan nary, fit which 1 chink Chips Adicts ote ieee boc ats enel et veils inte - eulented young indy Miss Clata ii Her-professiou, abd we expect 1 se the B tise densely packed. A splenilid jnavy, waa a glorious ginner, but if, the: 7 a - Yd. rattior be commavd durin thea ryin events. 1 44 andr eerved cbonrd ie Dip wnt was 20t nea grant aed te gine te as wou as tort dmivat of the whole Chinese davys, with slorionser he woul give that cook helljsqy te Olymipliy and to be took 111 on 7 faoid-a-court-mactial bewides i, the back the Japanese nuyy thrown tr. Them's-my 4nd a- courts ; anys tome) ites Ia Well, I'sturk by the Quinne- cencral about the sume thing. Both the) jeg like you digs 'Chips. don't give up the under date of June then rench and British Admirals was rear Brace, ruther ne it refers to a Cleveland shaleala Sind py. sdeAehral DEWAR MELAS Ee Gree nate colon with eee een fers ae ror, Tile F ite Ms. Kose adds, The bat / Chips wi full admirat-leye Otympin this minute, though 1 know girfegmn, became. fam Se, cerotal eet am, the Mise ang Our Hotel Boot- miral Dewey's fagsbip at ML Toni a SMe CRIBB A Ru eae iicksa, wits dine with Ad: 8TG sid. becation. the man, ho. 0is) DAE Eau rece tales Clare rae beea cruisin for severn months ip Eastern course, invited. aud was the only lady injmlral Dewey, ax I'm doin . Stand by) the item Clearly shows that, be; had New: York, one of Aiiguatio Daly's mor, een crijetore that, and one day when ye the party. 10 dhe Olympla hag been one the flag. says I. You haven't berun tol anticipation of te fame the 1) would etl aaa ae Cooma iste 7 took a little cruise wy the Yangtse Riger/of them old square ri fight yet, We're leavin at daybreak,jte- nebleye both for. eet ee ene eee ectores. performs: showed poor taute. Mysel handy. billy fn:the American navy than billis: Pieseated. The new and original Mz, W. BR. Rose, who discovered 8/areisq ihe Duel in the Mist will be of the Plain Dealer) giyeti foe the. first time in this city, and 1S0S, ays ? 1t ts the tetighibteepomedy, Our-Hotel Hoot black Will close: the performance. sentiments. aug until the cruise was up, and be master at arms on the rhs . i 3 curions,, the we came quite unexpected upon a Chinese r* we'd Wave manned for morrer.giornin , and you certainly jonght) land. It is cu sh Jnaval station that had juse been estab. Mra Chips. As it wax, We the to be able to keep the bridge until then cuter what the i glooal, wateene: Amst) ae -
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Image 670 (1912-10-12), from microfilm reel 670, (CU1772826). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.