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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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tefol FOR WOMEN BY ONE OF THEM t + Since then, however, the Order has tuned its attettion chiefly to do- mestic affairs, while not forgetting The W. M.S. will meet im the diurch parlor of the Mothodist Church on Tuesday, Oct. . 16th, at 3.30 o'clock, the duty of emphasizing our imper- a int asgocistion, especially as regards The Ladies Society of Knox the education of school chikiren as Church will mect at Mrs. Arn- ioyal young Britons. Wkile central strong s, Third Ave, on Thursday, Oct, 1fth, at 3 o'clock, authority is necessarily held by the Head Executive, there is: much ati- tude qliowed the various chapters, in the miatter of assisting local en terpriss or philanthropy. The Danghters of the Empire, in Hamil- ton, Ottawa and Winnipeg, for in- stance, have been most enthusiastic in working against tuberculosis, which has been making such intoads 8 to earn the mame of White (Plague. Most of us will admit that measures which will preserve the health of our citizens are the most sensible 5 thi teadher Mii wonderful Fulton om the childre wing. down the steps and after her on the splendid singing of th children. The Duchess wanted to congratulations teacher. and prdbies to th Joyed the singing so well. In fact, work they have don work and it was the second time that she thought it was remarkable. cessful till they When she saw the pony the Princess left the platform CONCLUDES 10-DAY Weather Clear and Roads Fine Threshing May. Keep Farmres From Yot- Echoes of the Duke,s Visit The singing of the ech ol ebildren at the laying of th Corner stone: of the Connaught. sch olatracted: tite Royal party and ach took the oppor- tunity of congratulating the ; music After the laying of the corner stone the Duke walked shaking hands with Miss Fulton congratulated Shrunk, know it Mise Fulton did not find ie hard to teach the children such Wonka as Rule Britannia, as they sang it won- derfully well, She also offered her Princess Patricia. sald she also en- said Mits Fulton, they all seemed to have a genuine and heartfelt interest in the work of the children and the When she told the Duchess she had only a month s time to practice the they bad gathered en masse to sing, What is your namie, asked Prin- cess Patricia of Wilna Patricia Pen- land while awaiting to board the train at the depot yesterday afternoon. It would seem, however, that the Pri- cers. was before hand aware of the Uttle. girl's name and that. she also, had noticed her several times before Im the day. She found out while on the Duke Jaid the foundation stone of a stand what the little girl s name was and though she tried on other occa- sions to catch her sie was not suc- rived at the depot. ite girl on the ed her how fagt she could ridp. Band*master gt; shrank came. tr praise trom: the Plece the Canadien Patrol, s he personally congratulated Norman Ros iter, who wears a Boy Scout medal for savin Boy Scouts who were to England His Royal Highness the Duke, About 8 o'clock yesterday morning pedestrlins on Main Street were aur- prised to te the Duke and his aide -de-Camp Yale glong the stredt out for a moriing stroll. They went slong Main to Fitth Avenue and turi- d up to Toronto Street and were Seen on the Egplanade. How. very pretty, was the ex- clamation Gf Princess Patricia as. the procedsion passed the beautifully decorated residence of Hon W. T. Finlay. The Duke during his tour of Can- t After the ceremony of the dedica- ton of Saskatchewan College, the new public school, to be known ax Prince Arthur School. The Royal party then Visited the collegiate in- stitute, where the massed public School children sang patriotic songs. The Duke inspected the Boy Scouts and went up to her and tatked to. her and the cadets. The Royal train lett About her pony and her saddle. When at twenty minutes past one. WACDONAL FIGHT HANGER-ON TELLS REMARK OF BECKER Says, Police Lieutenant said if Rosenthal Was Not Croaked , He Would do they wore Jeaying Col. Lowther ask Pringeas for: th whieh the: band: muster wrote foF the Geca- Sion, She seemed to take a fancy the pleco and when it was playogd Mr. a Hite, and the last year each had a little chat with Pingle, Wales oie We largest a havo the Tangent isting ta Rivorslile. Prices from g00 Altawana. Prices from 150 Riverdale, Prices. from 250. each. a These are all cl resi- i will 2 es as the SS Sere etre ga ee COUSINS AND SISSONS ee e Cousins Sissons, wblock 31, corner, lots 1 and 2, 700 per pair. Lots Sang 4, 650 per pair, Usual terms, Get busy on. this. 385 each, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX a yery popular buy: Block 21, 400 each; Block 23, 500 each; Block 31, 375 each; Block 31, 450' each; Block 2, 300 each; Block 27, 3500 each. YUILL SURVEY A very firm market: Block 8, 60 ft, 900; Block 9, 50 ft, 3 9;Block 16, 50 ft., 800; Block 7, 50 ft, 925. CENTRAL, PARK - will make big money in the sprini Block 17, 850 pair: Block 22, 800. par; Block 24, 840 pr. Bleck 11, 1000 pair; Block 9, 1000 pair; Block 1, 850 pair; Block 29, 700 pair; Block 6, 1575 pair. We have large holdings in Townsite; Bending, City View, Westover Park, etc, etc. We want your lisctings pleare Cail upon us. Your orders will have our best attentic ing. ie : (W. A. P. Despatch) Winnipeg, Oct. 12 Weather con- ; ditions could not be better today for i had well-nigit spent. i T could not meet your eyes if I turn i e 3 , So om I went, in : ae itself, by Brest Fou wodld not yield belie in and the The threatening erags that rose, tliat: amir amy way to baz, J conquered inch by erumbling inch to see. The goal afar. And though I struggle toward it through hart yeers, it it Or flinch, or falter blindly, yet ihe the within, * gS the You can unwavering my spirit 2 : And I shall. win. temple Alds Dunbar, in the September tod Contury. Le IMPERIAL ORDER. al Fe I certainly do not, with 2 vigorous movement of the churn dasher T say if there is any one little thing that. the men can do alone, for goodness sake em do i ers of this community for some time mow and by always trring. to keep . our stocks complete the saying that *You can get Jt at the Marshall-Mit- chell Hardware Co, has bicome a That Medicine Hat is fast becom- household expression. In giving away ing metropolitan in the metheds of this plano we are actuated by a dou- advertising used by our merchants te ble purpose, te show our apprecia- call the buying public's attention t0 tion of the patronage of our friends the many splendid yelues Which they during. the past, also to encourage are offering, also that the wide-awake new trade and to bring the many firm of Marshall-Mitchell Hardware splendid values we are now showing Go,,- arekeeping op with anel fus fn-ait-Hines-to- the - Uttle ahead of the tinres in am adver- buyer in this territory. The plan we tising respect is again practically are using im giving away this piano demonstrated by what, is perfaps the s equitable and fair to all, simply most elaborate system of advertising this, every person buying one dol- ever attempted by any business house lar s worth of anything in out store ih this section, namely: the giving will receivea coupon good for 100 away of the beautiful Upton Parlor) votes. The person feturning to us Grand Piano which will shortly. be pefore March 1th, with the largest On exhibition at thelr store, number of votes will be given the This piano retails at 400.00 each, piano absolutely free of all cost. No Ruaranteed for ten years. The prin- favors will be shown. Our reputation ciple points of superiority of, this cel- tor square dealing assures our cus ebrated Upton piano. over any other tomers of that fact. : UP-T0-DATE AND bid Advertising Methods Adopted by Enterprising House. Of this class of instruments lie in the This tour tmtred dollar tiptoe recommending three strings In ynison with over- atrong bass, the splendidly pitched feale and true voiding board which Parlor Grand Piano is surely a pres- ent worth haying and we predict a very merry Face for votes during the next few months. Full particu- lars and ful the contest will ap pear in M issue: of the News. In recent interview with Mr, Mitchel regarding this decided .jnno-, vation In advertising, i a S0ey, ing in the MacDonald bye-elec- pn, and th roads are in unusually g00d shape for this time of year, The only thing that will prevent heavy vote is that the farm rs are busy with thelr threshing. Polls close at five and elaborate arrangements have Feturns in Winnfpex but the northern districts of the riding, in particular, afehard to reach and the r sult may not be definitely known until well on in the eventing. Final figues may not be available before next week. sullty ast evening before a magis- go on uspended sentence, and was remanded until Monday, ing released on his own recogni zance, and Couldn t Turn Out to Greet Duke. The Boy Scouts: made a creditable showing yesterday. That his Royal and Cadet movements we well know, our Cailet Corps on parade? Would our Cadets not have been pleased to greet a soldier Duke in Proper style? Blame them not In other cities and towns the Cadets have uniforms. In Medicine Hat they have no uniforms, They are trained regularly twice a week, are ready for parade are fifty strong, These boys would Uke to join Cadets in camp tn the spring. If 60 they must have yn- iforms. Will someone start the ball rolling? Dawson Would Like A Minister Board of Trade Suggests Mine Portfolio Be Given to Yukon Member. Ottawa, Oct. 11 The Dawson Board of Trade has forwarded to the Right Hon. R. L. Borddh, a petition the member for the Yukon territory, Dr. Thompson, for cabinet honors. The suggestion is made that the Yukon representative might be given the portfolio of Mines upon the creation of a separate de- partment for that industry. S Poster's Shoe Repsiring Depart, tated- We-have boou- enjoying 1 40 Dateohiage and confidence of the biy- ply to Hotsou and Leader. ast been made by both parties to collect No new arrests appear to have been made up to noon today. Liber- als claim Turcotte and Prince, ar- Fested yesterday at Notre Dame de Lourdes, have been set free because the charge lald against them broke down, but the Evening Telegram dye that Frank Turcotte pleaded trate on a charge of violation of th TDORIMOG Twteetous. ape-uut was tee Counsel for tho dafemfant -apent tw while William Sifton, arrested at St Laur- ene last evening, pleaded guilty to sere nel GAS MARTIN WAS WHERE WERE CADETS? Haye 20 Uniforms Tt (WA. P. Cable) New Yark, N. Y., Octover i2. The: first testimony implicating Charles Becker in the murder of Herman Ro- Senthal, the: gambler, wae given at today s session of the trial of former, Police officer. It was testified by Maurice Labau, hanger-on of theun- derworld, that Becker had sald to Jack Robe about three weeks before the murder, If Tiat Rosenthal is not croaked, wWine roak him myself. Labau who was also an eye-witness of the murder identified in court to- day Gyp-the-Blood, and Lefty Louie as two of the men who fired the shots that killed Rosenthal, nd: William Shapiro the driver of the murder car, Gyp and Lefty, she said, he had known for more tham'a-year:and he algo swore that a . likewise n accomplice, was: in the gtoup when. the shots were fired: The wit- ness also knew Rosenthal. He proved to be such a star witness for the State that John F. Mcintyre, chief hours and a half tryingto break down. his testimony. ABOUT WETASKIWIN Constable Alleges Man Ar- rested at Edmonton Was Implicated in Safe-blow- ing. H monton, Oct. 12. Constable Al- lan, the policeman who was shot a few weeks ago at Wetaskiwin while attempting to arrest safe-blowers in Highness is deeply inte: sted in Soout *tore, yesterday identified Martin, one of seven men arrested last night SPECEAL-LINES + Houses, Farm Lands and Sub- divisions, - * Fall is Here AND. 80 18 HOUSE CLEANING TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO- CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas City Vacuum Cleaning Co. Phosie 707 . LARSON, Manager. O1i-im J. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 312 Fourth Ave, (opposite Dreamland Theatre.) Beg to announce that they have com- pleted arrangements for carrying on the: business of Livery Keepers and General Feed Stables. je and double outfits of all for sale or hire. Sree The Company undertake all descrip- automobile. Enquiries solicited by day or night. Phone 708. TENDERS WANTED construction of the factory building ited, Redelitf, Alberta. Plans and specifications can be secured either Would te not have been pleased to OY the Mounted Police, as one of the suspected men geen around Wetaski- win the day of the shooting, andwito had on the moraing following the crime disappeared trom that viciwity, As a result of this identification the police feet reasonably sure that they have at Inst secured the des- Peradoes. implicated in: that affair. COMMISSION HERE yee 1 Body, Boquiving Into Gate Industry in Saskatche- wan and Alberta, Will Hear Evidence. Whanipes, Oct. 12 The commis- sion appointed by the Minister of Ag- riculture to enquire into and report upon the advisability of setting apart Certain tracts of land for the exicour- Agement of ranching and grazing tm Southern Saskatehewan and Alberta, will sit at Wood Mountain, Sask. on October 23, at Willlow Bunch, Octo at Maple Creek, Oct 36, at Medicine Hat November 1, and. at other places on dates to be arranged JatgPy Tt Is.expected that the public willvattend: these sittings of the: comnilssion. at the office of the Stoner Agency, Medicine Hat, or the Redclitf Real- ty Company, Limited, Redaiiff, Al- betta. The work will be required to be completed in, six weeks time. All bids must be in at the office of the Redcliff Realty Company, Lim- ited, at Redcliff, Alberta, at noon, Bi-t WYOMING W. C, T.U. Sheridan, Wyo, October 12. The annual convention of the Wyoming organization of the Woman's, Chris- egates Irom all parts of the state. The sessions of the gathering will contititie until next Tuesday, E. Bartlett. B.4-Sc Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo: Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, Etc, Room 14, Imperial Bank Building, Modleine Hat Phone 426 REAL ESTATE OAKES, EVERARD CO., Main. St, Phone 556- Reai Agents for Royal Insurance Co. Bubscribe NOW for The Dally News, 365 1-2 , Sealed bids are requested for chs (LORE SMALL: BLACK PURSE CON- of the Walloff Motor Company, Lim-) We STRAYED B/STRAYED ONE DARK. BROWN Mare, White star in forebead. Weight, about 900 ibs, Brana om hip. Also Fisip Wasted, 0ne yourting colt, follows amare, Re- (ete., ade under ward. Apply i. J, Foyings,. Medicine a Bat i 81-6 seteigs sac aes 8s SG FOR SALE FOR SALE IMPROVED FARM, 480 NGOS, 160 Korea tn cultivation, 20 iv Pasture, Good hotse, granary, otc, Can Also furnish an adjoining qudr- fer section in cultivation, Prige rea- omable. Good terms. Stock and fin- 10.00 DAMIER WATCH, CaatmRa, Plemente may bo had Or sultcase, Treo of cost, If you are Hi oa if you want one. J. fiterested, get particulars from THE N- Overhults, s. wy a.8, 611-6, 78-7 BU- DOMINION TRADE EXTENSION Ba ne REAU, 2: Vendome Block, Calgary. Bes 77-6 ae years o For;Sale, Lost, Fo) these Kivadings, Cav must accompany. the order, Phone your ad to. No, 1 ting 2, and it will receive attention, Ry W. Marshall, 719 See Bast Allowance. Hox 76. savoaseree ice are ea ae i TWO. GORDON PRESS FEEDERS FOR SALEDENGINDE wanted at olice, Apply. to foreman x ge ENGINELR'S Is INCH News Job. Department. tt pon Apply to Marshall- Bates, on the Job. Toronto Street, Herald. 73-3) ptaeebamteA sheds anaes Say Gurouann Soo WANTED WASHWOMAN FOR ONS AUTOMOBILE For SALB, day in the week. Apply to Mra. Cock- 0 h.p. touring car. Ni ee ing, 432 Roy St. an equipped, in perfect running or- rand used months. Cheap WANTED FOUR FIRST CLASS) for cash; or oe ae Main St. No children. Apply 808 Baplanade, or Wright's: jewelry store, opposite post, office. 76-tt WANTSD To BUY Bullding in Old Survey, Herald or hoy - 0. Box 510, WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL - OWReTS only need apply. housework. Apply 781 Esplanade. 76-6 ma 38th. WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 877 Esplanade, ener WANTED SERVANT TO DO GEN- ERAL house work. Maid to help care for young children, eldest five years, Apply to 801 Toronto street. 75-tt. STRAYED See Sat acces: area STRAYED ONE BAY GELDING branded on shoulder;. white BRIORUAYERS WANTED ON: THB st50 cnt QR Secrakeat white stock- Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday sree eanro Gras No firm in city will do bet- and ter for you. of a ate Biase a ee stockings. Frost snip tip of each ca, We are doubiful about. the stoc in each case. Reward for isons, Apply H. B. Browne Co., Auction- cers, Medicine Hat. Phone 703 81-3 Apply 132 Montreal St. Mrs. James Cain. T5-tt. WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- ers and teamsters. Apply A..P. Burns oo he 26 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL. Contracting Co: waite be paid for information that will lead + ( the recovery of one grey gelding, WANTED Laborers by the Canea- W lshing about 1500, branded elther Apply B F- monogram on : tt / ) on left thigh. This horse ts four years old and has trim- med-tail. R. E Starks, Medicine Hat Sept. 30, 1912, 2 Boarding camp/ MAID WANTED APPLY GENERAL Hospital. urges 6itt WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights. Highest wages paid. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. measure, guaranteed for one year 60-tf 2Sainst breaking and rusting; very light weight. House No. 7, School Ay enue, opposiie east side of high 81-6 School. Phone 699 for appointment of write P,Q. box 72, Mrs. Matthews, WANTED HALL GIRL. APPLY housekeeper, Assinibia Hotel. ROOMS TO RENT. Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P, Soafe-foasecterseatecgoatectecte-steetedtoacocte deste sy Qaticd os Ms et fo te 8 fod te of Re ? Roegorts ost RS eo he feof so) ss coats fs rere Dolls to. expr President anc United States fon, with the Vermont, wil for members sentatives of gress, The t TO RENT BED SITTING ROOM; also bedroom; suit two gentlemen, Close in. 426 Toronto Street. 81-3 Se LOST AND FOUND taining about 25.00, in 4 or 5 dollar ueted anywhere. Consult Dilis atid loose change. Apply 200 Ottawa St. Mrs. H, Harkeell. 73-6) 70 . LOST BROWN FUR COAT BE- tween Elm St. and Main. Rewara will be given to finder leaving same ai police station. 81-1 ROOMS WANTED, YOUNG GENTLEMAN Seetariedy. private preferred). Close in, with board if mar Possible, Reply to box 1976, WANTED SMALL FURNISHED house for five months, or 2 house keeping room No children. State HH MEDICINE HaT HIDE, FoR Address bo AND JUNK CO. The abow 1-6 08 bad the best selection of Second Hand Tools inthe city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, ings, 76-3 Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re. Flvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Cleveland, 0, Getober 12- Miss 94 des new line of winter goods, Maritia Calhoun and. Wilson B. Hiek- 0 0y sadam mentioned above ox, Whose engag ment was renewed pect wane, jest prices. Call at 604 after having once been broken, w re way St. or Phone 587, fharried in this city today. The bride 9, + Ththe oldest daughter of Patrick W ree AND GENTS Calhoun, the millionaire. tra Fewer ie noe mation, magnate, of Cleveland and San Fran- nauk sos eres S66, Wal cisco, The bridegroom a a promin- 2*eS. Stoves, musteal instruments, ent clubman and has been rated as Mtune, Democrat bug- Clevelana s wealthiest bachelor: fies, harness, dicyclen. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse Dr. de Van hair, wool and f ithers, bought an reliable French regula de eae ee etabsll Dirac Ue. me eeniuenton Sot at Pingle s Drag Store, elready heit- n Novemt lt; be.clected in ing Arkanss Louisiana, M mont and .V -- Present year ted in Arkax Maine and Virginie. will in Kentucky sent State 1918. The States nots at the Colorado; Co rida, Idaho, Kansas Mz Minnesota, braska, New North Caroli Rhode Istanc Dakota, Te Washington, sin and Wy States in wi held only m In many o will be elec will choose successors hi oF will be ns months are Jetterson mon Gugget A; Richardso tus. 0. Baco B.-Borat(R lom (R), 0 yon (R),.To Kanssa; T. ky; Murphy Obadiah Gas throp M. Cr William A. Knute Nela Roy Pere; Dixon. Brown. (R); ham (R), N
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Image 663 (1912-10-12), from microfilm reel 663, (CU1772816). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.