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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Glasgow House Ne ONLY 275 PER FOOT. worth double what we ask today. SEMI-BUSINESS 0 FT. CORNER, BLOCK 51, TORONTO 8T., AT Extraordinary Clearing Prices R SATURDAY LINEN COLLARS All new styles. ancy Collars only 10c. these worth 75 and 1.00. Glasgow House e House of Fashionable Dressers mst we hp This will be come one of the best business cor- ners in the city and in 4 very. short time . Don't delay. This is your opportunity. will be Cc. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE, Effective Jane tnd, 1912, Arrive. Leave, Nos, 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. me at Dunmore shown. 4. J. N. PERBILL, B ttor, * DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y.a1, delivered....8690 1 year by mail... months, dvlivered.. Z00 months, ty mail. months, deltvered.. 3 months, by mad. 1 month, delivered....860 Old ad resser 4t be gtven. WEEKLY NEWS. contains a eummay pf the news of the week. Jocal and district. moutha, I: advance 75e year In adviinge.... 1.50 Wednesday, October 9th, 1912. NURSE YOUR COLD. vestibule who lets in pneumonia. pneumonia are everywhere. CAMADA, AGGREGATE account, OF OnE DO So amd your account will bo welcome. RG WILKINSON, AR will open an account in our Savings Departme: MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue: : C. H. McDunnough, Dred etietiodto tote eegy ss . -.. 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. Do not walt until you have a large amount to deposit before start- cai E Medicine che PHSersireeeioetoniestoaiostoeeete sees seate elect eteeteetoetee ate 0 ROYAL BANK Re . Co Ti MERCHANTS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANAD . stablished 1864. 180 + : Capital Pala Up, A general Business Transacted. Savings Accounts. W. 0. JOY, Manager: 9: 4 + GEO. 831 NORTH RAILWAY. C + Medicine Hat Branch Branches in Canada, ? 6,000,000. wT Assets (Noy. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. Special attention to SAMPLES ARRIVED (TODATE CUTE AND QVERCOAE cl and Pressing AMPBELL OPP. C. P, B. DEPO PHONE apid easonable liable F Piano Moving 666 Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING - 364 . Toronto Street. ui Hi i aie pon the lungs and if one is debilitated or has let the disease go too far, the percentages against recovery are high. consider them with fear, pneumonia would be far down the list of fatal diseases. The more care you take to avoid colds, the less tikely are you to suffer pneumonia. The quicker you treat and cure a cold, the quick- er you may be r lieved of the reasonable fear of pneumonia. WESTERN INDUSTRIES. (The Toronto News.) Medicine Hat News rejoices over the present activity in the industrial section of that city. New railway spurs are being laid down, t on all sides, and the sky line is being altered as new buildings rise from the foundations. As a rule a young community acquires in- dustries gradually one at a time, but it is not so with Medicine Hat. Here is to be found a whole manufacturing district The work of construction proceeds day and night, and, as The News says, the new mills and factories are the reply to cries from the West for goods which can be pro- duced locally. The demands of Western Canada fer manufactured articles expand with the population. ' For this reason the young city with the picturesque name Seems assured of a very considerable futufe as an industrial centre. It is understood that in the neighboring municipality of Redcliff, two Eastern com- pamassare above to establish branch fac- tories. One will manufacture glass bottles and the other window glass. One has its headquarters in Toronto and the head office 0 z - fhe reports that they will employ between them at Red- eliff from 500 to 1,000 men. j fhe progress thus indicated in Medicine Hat and its neighborhood is illustrative of a widespread movement now under way in the Canadian West. gt WILL EMULATE MUTSUHITO, THE eleva ion of a new emperor in Japan d much speculation among as to the probable influence on the alliance between Britain and the eastern country. Will he invite the good will of John Bull, as 1 of the new rv father did and so give as great a guarantee as is possible that peace will be maintained Pacific-Ocear? Many e nTeH 26.20 20.45 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanyouyer 8.05 830 Imp. Ltd. Vancouver to Montreal. 11.15 1188 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp, Vancouver to Tor, 21.560 22.16 St Paul-Seattle Express. 4.00 4.20 Seattle-St. Paul Express, 21.25 21.59 Prairie Exp., Winnipeg to Calgary. 5.25 5.50 Prairie Exp., Calgary to Winnipes 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landin; : 19.00 Local from Cranbrook. 516 23.00 Local from Calgary. 618-611 10.80 Local for Cranbrook. 520-513 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 516 6.20 Local for Calgary. pry 2.30 240 Soo, Ltd, St Paut-Port. 12 940 9,60 Soo, Lid., Port.-st. Paul, Pusaing Medicine Hat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, svery lawful evening at Its office, Main Street. Wedlelne Hat, Alta. PRONE: -HONE: Editorial, Advertiging Reportorhed, and fs ont a ca 1? RING 8. Cirealation and PCQuest will in all probability be granted. Job Depts. A li RING 2 PRladjunct to any itions, locally, point to a busy incoming 4 ear along the lines of the things, whieh i a 0 Addressee changed as oftea as. desired, but dota naw aid Published avery Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and 3 months, in advance. .50e THE cold that you think no more. than being ergss over is: the porter at the The doctor folk tell us that the germs of We breathe them in and out, hundreds. of them a day. They areas common as the dust, as far tra- veling as the winds. But most of the time we are wholly immune to them. They. can do us no harm. It is when we catch oneof those colds that.are so trivial we refuse to treat.them that pneumonia bacilli come into their own. The lining-of the breathing passages, being inflamed by the cold, is at- tacked by the germs. There they colonize s/and spread and quickly.gain hold w Pneumonia stands next to tuberculosis as the disease claiming the greatest number of lives in Canada. Yet if everyone should look upon colds with more respect, should Saw and the hammer are heard q at inging s aia Newport, Vt, October 9, 1853, and grad- pate eae t once aud springing Upiasia uated from Dartmouth College in 1875. In believe that Yoshihito will pursue the same diplomatic course as his predecessor. In the course of his tribute to the dead emperor, Premier Asquith said) that he could not re all the name of any sovereign during whose rule national adyance had been so great. He added that ten years ago Japan had become bound to us by a treaty of alliance. Twice since then that alliance had been renewed and after a testing exper- .jience, it rested today upon a firm and, he hoped, an enduring foundation. Should the treaty be abrogated, the way would be open for many questions ..con- cerning the lands about the Pacifie Ocean, whieh now are of minor importanee, to grow into aeute problems. It is in the in- terests of civilization should prove lasting. a THE Board of Trade has asked the Coun- cil to grant-somg slight financial assis- tance to enable that organization to meet its obligations for the year. As five hun- dred dollars will tide the Board over, the ive Board of Trade is a very necessary city which makes preten- sions to progressiveness and the indica- come wii the pfovince of a Trade s administration. rd Geet Shp ae, CANADA has long beer famous among horsemen for the jumpers bred in this country. Fora great many years the cham- pion high jumpers have been Canadian horses, and the record of 8 ft. in., made in Ottawa by Fon. Clifford Sifton s Con- fidence is likely. to stand until broken by another Canadian performer. Toronto Mail and Empire. Yes and Clifford is some few on the jump himself. o- TOMORROW hould be a busy day along the line of march which will be follow- ed by His Excellency the Duke of Con- naught and his staff on Friday. It is to be hoped that every resident. will throw a little bunting to the breeze. Boa ar Rie eae : A LIVE wire has been discovered in the Taft campaign. It fell from a Repub- lican banner in a Long-Island, N.Y., city, killed a horse and knocked out two linemen. Re gt SA THIS DATE IN HISTORY. October 9. 1514 Marriage of Louis XII of France and Prineess Mary of England. 1642 First commencement held at Har- vard College. 1668 Bishop Laval founded the Seminary at Quebec. 3 1757 Charles X;.the iast Bourbon King of F ance, borh.. Died Nov. 6, 1836. 1779 Count. Pulaski mortally wounded in the attack of the Americans and French. on Savannah. 1781 Allied American and French forces began their attack on the British at Yorktown. , 1847 Slavery was abolished in the Swed- ish dominions. 1858 First overland mail from California atried at St. Louis. 1903 Flonds at Paterson, N. J., damaged property to the amount-of 3,000,000. pa eS EAC THIS IS MY 59th BIRTHDAY. Charles A. Prouty. Charles A: Prouty, chairman of the In- terstate Commerce Commission, was born the same year of his-graduation he was selected by the late Prof. Samuel P. Lang- ley, for many years secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, as his assistant at the Allegheny observatory. In 1882 Mr. Prouty was admitted to the bar of Vermont and engaged in the practice of his profes- sion until named a member of the Inter- state Commerce Commission by President Cleveland in 1896 In January of the pre- sent year Mr. Pronty was promoted to the chairmanship of the commission in succes- sion to Judson . Clements of Georgia. inn eae IS CONGRATULATIONS TO: composer, 77 years old today. Edward W. Bok, the Philadelphia editor, 49. years old today. Sir Francis J. Campbell, the noted blind scholar and educator, 80 years old today. Captain Alfred Dreyfus, the central fig- ure in the celebrated Dreyfus affair, 53 years old today. Rt. Rev. George Gauthier, the new auxiliary bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese of Montreal, 31 years old today . William Loeb, Jr., former secretary to President Roosevelt, and now collector of the Port of New York, 46 years old today. Dr, Emil Fischer, noted German medical scientist and educator, 60 years old today. Gen. George. Francis Beville, who spent that the eel Water Supplies, Sewage, mA DOMINION eto SUMMER SERYICE Montreal, Quebec, Liverpool Teutonic, St., Oot. 5; Sat., Nov, 2 Laurentic, Nov. 9. Canada, Sat, Oct-19; Sat., Nov. 16. Megantic, Sat, Oot. Noy. 23, pono beget ad 1 1 Halifax, lverpool * From From 26; Sat, Laurentic Canada WHITE STAR New York, Queenstown, Liver- ADRIATIC, BALTIC, CEDRIC, CBLTIO, sailings, Thursdays. New York, Plymouth, Cher- bourg, sie ieatt 8. 8. Olymple, tons. Largest in the world. OCEANIC, MAJESTIC, TEUT- ONIC, sailings every Saturday. Boston, Queenstown, Liverpool CYMRIC (One class cabin) ARABIC; sailings, Tuesdays, (tortnightly.) AMERICAN New York, Plymouth, Cher bourg; -Sout ithampton. ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, sail- ings Saturdays. Atlantic Transport New York-London direct. Sailings, Saturdays, Red Star Line New York, Dover, Antwerp. Satlings Saturdays to Oct. 19, afterwards Wednesdays. Berthing lists for Fall and Winter Sailings are now open. Book early and. secure best lo- cations. Sailing lists, plane, etc, on. application to railway or steamship agents or to W. M. McLeod, C. W. Passenger Agent, 333 Main St, Winnipeg- Phone, Main 1924, Canadian Northern Steamships, THEROYAL LINE MONTREAL QUEBEC TO BRISTOL, ENGLAND Shortest route to London and Continent on 12,000-ton Floating Palaces. St. Lawrence Sailings. RMS. Royal George ....Oct. 16 RMS. Royal Edward Oct. 30th. RMS. Royal/George Nov. 13th. Rates of Ist class .. 9: 2nd class .. 58.75 and upwards rd class, Bristol or London, 32.50. Ask any Railway or Steam- ship agent for illustrated book- lets, rates, etc.; of write A. H. DAVIS General agent, Scott Block, 272 Main Street, Winnipeg. To Europe ge Och dks Suis Gless than 4 Days at Sea) One Cabin Ships GREATEST COMFORT AT LEAST EXPENSE Reserve Berths Now For Christmas Ships Early Applicants Get Great er Rates, Details, Literature from any Railway Agent, or write. 3.8. CARTER, General 4 310 Portage Ave. Winehon LOOK AT THIS Py RIGHT Py RIEF RO THERLY hts is the Young People s i Society at the Methodist church. Held every Tuesday at o'clock. WILL YOU COME? Our Motto: Look up, Lift up. E. Bartlett, B.4:Sc Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Ajberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur-Rattways, Irrigation Plans, Ete. forty yearsan the British military service in India, 75 years old today. Room 14, Imperial When you build, consider QUALITY first, Don t be per- Suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER bdecaus, very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND Fink FLOORINGS. We have the agemoy for the THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL Low. Posrs FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE A P. 0, BOX 29, PHONE 57 FORMALINE FOR SMUT 50c... .Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store: : : H. B. CURTIS City; ale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. rf LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St, Houses for Sale. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHOXD NO. 968, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST, Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Graves Excavating n Specialty. Light-and Heavy Hor: if aa FS. LYON: SRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yuill Street. Phone No, 416. P. 0, Box 81. T.F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETc. Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave. Phone 600, celebrated Morgan Doors, oe eee is 20. Co Ottawa, the Senate siderably Commons, year, man of the Up fiat : makes the or the oth chara In 1896, power, th Conservati portion of but a few materially tors, most the the, their: plac Inside Conservat and repls Wy seer lt; SS
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Image 641 (1912-10-09), from microfilm reel 641, (CU1772853). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.