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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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cee AND FOUND a ee : BLACK PURSE CON- 25,00, in 4 or 5 dollar fhange. Apply 200 H. Harksell. 18-6 OR SALE THAM OB YOUNG riving horse. Apply Dy OF phone 718. 19 2 KEY. APPLY NEWS 19-1. PROVED FARM, 480 sin cultivation. 20 in house, granary, ote. ish an adjolping guar- cultivation: Price rea- terms, Stock and, tm- be had at xin if you wamt one J. / 3. W. Inf, G-kl-0, 78-7 Haye You Scen the s FOR SALE, EVERETT Underwear That We car, Nickle trimmed, Are Making Such a Hit 2 perfect running or- nly four months, Cheap ve-talf Gown sad els Box 1374 News of tre With? . Its made in England. RD TO BUY a Tis all wool. lt;H COW. APPLY Its made in two Netona sae ; weights. BUY Ballding Jota One Line, 3.00 a Suit. Herald oF Gebtral 3 Tho heavier line, 4.00 Suit. ces, terms, ote., to P. vners only need apply. ne 3 ae Corson a No Such Values Ever x Offered in Medicine 'RAYED: Hat before. . ONE BAY GELDING on shoulder; white forehead, white stock- e sorrel mare branded. ) on hip, white dlase on face, 3, white t snip tip of each ear. ul about the stockings. ward for information. rowne Co., Auction- Hat Phone 703 78-3 gt; THR ABOVE WILL rmation that will lead of one grey gelding, 1300, branded - elther mon left shoulder, or thigh. This horse is ars old and has trim- Starks, Medicine Hat. sore Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where Yoo Get the Big Dollar's Worth TURKS ARE BEATEN. IN OPEN BATTLE rashing the position furious assaults and the Turks were repuls d, Both forces suffered heay- ily in killed and wounded. and the fighting lasted fourteen hours. The Turkish town of Tussi in the north as now open to the advance of the Montenegrin army. Cross Boyana River. St. Petersburg, Oct. Li: A-despaicts trom Podgoritza says that the Mon SO D ACCOUNTANTS STi ite Tae RSON CO., chartered and auditors, (estab- ditors, city of Medicine Medicine Hat, Leth- Gibson, C.A., resident 198. Burns Block tencgrin 1 ;junder. the command oo srpate 2s itch, had crossed the River Boyana and captytred sev- ral. Turkish -blockhouses at Tara- kosch, near the Turkish town of Scu- tarl SETIERRE the Black Sea. ed in Shanghai for both boeriing and day pubils. 1,826,317,000 passengers last year, exclusive of season ticket holders. The Daily News delivered in the tty 6c a month. TENDERS MINERS PETRIFIED 0 sub-let for the win- se and all necessary ls on the ground. m for two good men. fcLaggan, East Brae Box 278, Medicine 78-6t. il Cash Balance 20.00 month- ly. the Harvard Talloring h dvenue, - opposite tre. P. O. box 358, Best Prices Paid for 23D storer for Men ores every nerve in the bode proper tension + siatare dgcay and ail sexi once. oi Fis issued Beas oPEDawsor Company he Russian Minister of Marine has postponed his proposed visit to Paris 4n view of possible complications in An American school has been open- British railroads carsied more than THIRD: GANG, FOU Pod Grounds, New York, Oct. 11. of New York baseball en- out to. the the third game and fourth battle of the world s serles between the New York Nationals the Boston Am- ericans, The National Commission did not decide to play the game until a few minutes before moon, when Umpire O'Loughlin reported that while the playing eld wax very soggy, game could be pl no more rain fell. Ten thousand fans waited for hours until the gates were opened in a line that extended for A New. York .. - Batteri See. BOSTON: HOOPER, rf. SCORE BY First Innings Boston Hooper singled over. sec- ond. Yerkes sacrificed but was safe when Meyers threw wild to. second trying to catch Hooper, Speaker hit into a double play, Fitech: to Doyle to Merkle, Hooper taking third runs, one bit, one etror. - New York Devore strick. out. Doyle singled to left. Snodgrass forced Doyle at: second, Gardner to Yerkes... Snodgrass was caught napping at. first, Wood to Stahl. No runs, no hits, no. errors. Seeond Innings. Boston Gardner tripled to centre field fence. Gardner scored on a wild in the back field. Wagner filed to Snodgrass... Cady fanned. One run, one hit, no errors, pitched balls. Merkle right. Merkle stble. second. Herzog third. Meyers filed to Lewis. No. runs, one hit, no errors. Third Innings. Hooper walked on four. reau to Herzog. Yerkes to second. Lewis out, Fle cher to Merkle. Stahl. out, Wagner to Stahl. hits, no error: Fourth Innings. Boston. Gardner walked. Te Yeau appears to be very unsteady. reau to Fletcher. Je, Stahl going to third: no errors, Stahl. Snodgrass fanned. No.runs, no hits, no errors. Fifth Innings. Speaker out stealing, Doyle. No tu New York Merkle out, lers struck ont, runs, qne hit, no errors, Sixth Innings, No hits,no runs, no errors. i out, vore at second, Yer Snodgrass was ont on Murray smash, which Yerkes threw to Wat ner, No unis, no bits, no errors. Seventh Tunings. struck out, face Tesreau four. ha by the strikeout route. to Murray. No runs, no hits, no. 1 New York Merkle struck out: Her to Speaker. cher Herzog scored of Fie and threw Cormick s grounder Cady, Eighth Innings. Boston Ames now pitching New York. Hooper popped to Fle Speaker doubled to left. Tewis ou SPEEDED OL ELLE PLL LOL LE LAL EE Lewis out, Fletcher to Markle. No pitch, Se oe eran New York now warming up New York Murray fanned on three singled to. out, Yerkes to Stahl, Merkle taking Boston Woods singled to right. wide ones. Yerkes forced Woods at third, Tes- Speaker out, Doyle to Merkle, Hooper going to third and No runs, one hit, no errors. New York Fleteber out, Wood to Tesreau struck out. Devore No runs, no Stahl forced Gardner-at-second;- Tes- Stahl stole sec- ond, Wagner grounded out to Merk- scor- ed on Cady's single to left. Woods flied to Murray. One run, one hit, New York Doyle out, Yerkes to Woods curves were bewildering and - his speed terrifi . Murray also fanned. Boston. Hooper filed out to Mur- ray, Yerkes singled to left. Speaker foreed at second, Herzog to Doyle. Meyers to) agner. to Stahl, Herzog singled to right. Mey- Fletcher out, Wag- ner to Stahl; a nice play. by Wagner. Boston Lewis struck out. Gardner, New York Tesreau singled to iett. Devore beat out an infleld hit. Doyle) filed to, Yerkes, Snodgrass torced De- es to Wagner. Boston Wagner fann d. Cady also Of the last five men to been retired Wood flied zog singled past Wagner. Meyers flied double to right. McCormick batting for Tesreaw. Fletcher Was out) at the plate when Yerkes took: Mc- One tun, three hits, no errors. tor cher, Fretener tnrew out Yerkes RTH BATTME, y i State's. ey. Secretly - Gets Orders, Then : Calls on Police. Wot Soggy Grounds Delayed the Announcement of the PROMISES THOUSAND Game for Some Time Record Crowd in Attendance. ; SIN CRUSADE (W. A. P. Diapaten.) many blocks from the Brush Stad- sum. There was a wild yell from the gates swung open tand stand and back field bleachers began rapidly to fill. The home club was, the first on the from crowd when th and the lower fleld and ag the players emerged the gate near the bleachers, th were given hearty cheers. An hour and a half before the gate opened found the weather screened with dull grey clouds and there was a hint rain in the air. The infield was. fairly good condition for playing but) the outer gardens were soaked from. the rainfall and, very slippery: 123456789 RHE 01000013 81 00000010 01 9 1 : esreau and Meyers for New York; Woods and Cady for Boston. Umpires: Rigler went behind the bat; Evans to left; Klem to right, and O Loughlin took the bases. The batt- ing order'sent early stands as official. THE LINE-UP: NEW YORK: DEVORE, Lf. DOYLE, 2b. SNODGRASS, c.f. MURRAY, rf. MERKLE, 1b. MEYERS, e. FLETCHER, ss. TESREAUN, p. INNINGS : Fletcher to Merkie. nig errors. New York Devore out, Wagner Stahl. Doyle flied to Hooper. Sh grass was. safe on Wat held at second. Merkle fanned. runs, one hit, one error, Ninth Thnings. Stahl Ames was unsteady and walked W: ner. Cady foreed Wagner ab seco Fletcher to Doyle; Gardner tal third on: Wood's single to right. H per filed to Snodgrass. One run, two hits, no errors. fouled to. . Flete popped to Stahl. No runs, no hits, errors. seventh. Boston Hooper, rf 4 1/1 0 O ee a Yerkes, 2b 3 1 2 5 0 Speaker, cf . 4 120 0 4 oi 0 0 Ree Lees 3 20 2.0 . 3. Y 9 0 OF ; 300.23 4 4 110 0 0 gt; 8 2 8 12 Sl Precedings in Lieut Becker's Case : Haye at Last Got Under Way. 001 3 000,000,100 i Summary 2-base hits, Speaker; 3-base hits, Gardner; times at bat in 7 innings 2 innings; sacrifice hits, Yerkes Stahl; stolen bases, Merkle Wood 8; wild pitch, Tesreau. Time 2,06. O'Loughi field, Klem. left: field, Evans; New York, Oct. 11 Weather certainties faced the Giants and Red'Sox as they returned to the for the world s championship. close match in this most sensati of contests, between National and erican league pennant-winners excited umprecedented interest in outcome, As a resiilt ther ery indication that, given would be on hand. 200 at the gates. that an all-night vigil was not an Probable pitching selections The ituation pointed to. McGr coming back with Tesreat, wl Stahl expected to ericounter with Wood, unless he folt that speedy twirler had rest and try Hall or Bodient starter. serve man in prospect on the -iiTesreau weakened, showed signs of caving in rt to t- No runs; one hit, sendy let abr Murray. singled to centre. Snodgr: Boston Gardner singled to centre. sacrificed, Ames to Merkle. third. Gardner scored and Cady took New York Herzog filed to Speak- BOX SCORLS owners of building Fental agents New York ABR BH PO A E who handle the property ocoupied by paren, JE 4 01 0 0. 6 disorderly, persons. One thousand ar- yle, Bb. : : Snodgrass, ct . 4 0 0 2 0-0 Pests are expected to be made in Murray, rf-. ... 402 00 0 crusade. i Merkle, ib 40.1 8.0 0 State Attorney Wayman notified moe 22.2 1 ) the police cap today of bis ietcbte, es 20 2 8 6 ofplans, and demanded that policemen Tesreau, p . 1.2 0 1 0 2 0 be im readiness tomorrow to serve ee eS See ing fs said 168, Dees ee 0 0 0 0 1 Olto be one of the most drastic of its Totals ... - 35 1.92712 UE is ax bated for Tesreau in 2d ever attempted in motropoli- ABR BH PO A Ej Fletcher, oft Tesreau, 2 runs and 5 hits in 24 3 oft Ames, 1 run and 3 hits in 8 times at bat in Umpires, at plate, Rigler; on bases, right) for their fourth game in the struggle) was ev- en meas- urably fair conditions, a:record crowd This morniig however, there were not mor than Intermittent show- ers, starting. shortly before midnight, together with the Jesson of Tuesday solute essential to the pre-empting ofp seat, kept the night Ime down. is were again had insufficient as al Crandall was again the re- WIPE WUT THE VICE iN MINDY SITY Wayman Says He Will Act Against Owners of Re- sort YO vy. in what he announced was a cam- paign to close eyery disorderly re- sort in Cook cotinty and banish ey of ia Officers began: at once. Several raids were made in tricts and made. The were released ono to appear in municigal court today. Bight other arrests were msde yesterday by federal detectives work- ing simultaneously, with the local force. The eight arrested persons, a woman resort keeper and sevea sup- posed white slaves, were put on New York train. a fore the federal-grand jury in York pursuant 0 an winvestigation into the alieg d viee trust with head- quarters in New York and'' hicago. OTHERS TO'BE ARRESTED. - Ewo Chiesa hotelkecpers sersed witt Subpoenas by the United States marshals. A number of other arrests will be made tomorrow, it i stated, by federal officials Charles F, DeWoodg, chief investiga- for in-Ohicago for the department of justice. Demteri Mariana is under arrest ie York and held in default, of 10,000 bail, charged with being a member of the New Yo) foman Praffiokers . Association. Systematic interchange .of women Gen New York and Ohicago is tharged by the federal investigato Hundreds of w: sued tomorrow, it to s 00- her no nts will be is- announced, for tan city. CW. A. P. Despatch) + hits , New York, and Stahl; double plays, Fletcher to Mer- mpn made his opeming address and Kile; left on. bases, Boston 7, New the taking of testimony began. Lowi i 1; struck out by Tesrea 6, by . BY State as an eye the Polo to Dago Frank, the fourth man el tain, but he positively identi jana Am had) the) tools, as the man who went of the hotel ed. His previously, figured dn the cage. conting to. Ryan's logic aw's hom the kerehief. the South Side segregated vice dis- Oct. 11. The trial -of ant, for the murder of Herman Ros- enthal, the gambler, began in earnest yesterday, Distriet Attorney Whit Kraus, Hungarian waiter, was the star witness. He was called by the ss of the mur- der and identified in the eourt-room, Gyp, the Blood. and Lefty Lonie, * and Lewis as the actual slayers ofthe gambler. - As in- fied Jack Sullivan, one of Becker's over Rosenithal s dead body as it lay. on the sidewalk of 48rd Street in front Thomas Ryan, chauffeur and an eye-witness of the mhrder was call- appearance was a surprise to the defence for,his name had not Ac- story only one For-feininine use a dainty trace- let has been designed, to which) is) attached a clip to hold 4 stpall haud- wise not have tried permanent choice. countenance. t would accustomed to payin; a i Read the Guarantee, Then Tried the Buckley Now I'd Wear It, Even If It Were NOT Guaranteed. The great advantage of wearing a hat guaran- teed and. insured against accident for three months, has appealed to thousands of men who might other- But the hat itself must have given absolute satisfaction if the first trial made the Buckley their You can't weat a BUCKLEY: hat for that its high quality justifies every word of the guarante . BUCKLEY HATS are made of the best taterials, by Union workmen, in a model factory. The latest American styles are followed in a range of sl enables any man to : impo: clad: BUCKLEY guaran ever made by any manufacturer, Buckley Sons, London, The Waldron-Drouin Co., Limited, the BUCKLEY. select the hat best suited to his ble to sell a ha tee. It is th 1g. Atthe Better Stores England three months without songeit of hit Yet the price is no greater than . particular ' throughout the New Yorld to com- memorate the discovery of America: by Columbus, why; should there not place set apart for the loyal lovers of Lady Nicotine?it-was Oct. 12, 1492, that Columbus diseoy- ered tobacco. History records that ives the adventurer and bis men on the island of San Salva- dor they were startled to behold the dusky natives puffing great clouds of smoke from mouths and nostrils. Nor was it the pipe of peace they haps the rolls of dried herbs wrapped in corn shueks Jooked more like hot tamales than the modern discovered tobacco, the mame cigar or segar has always been applied to all-tobacco concoctions. It has long been supposed that tobacco got Spigkers and Chawees Shanld Celebrate. Lady Nicotine Day In the varions-processions that why, and is mot afraid to tell, His will be Held tomorsow im cities Jexplamation is'the fly i gt; the oint- sn game of fie workd's series between New York and Boston at ment of tomorrow's Gbservance of Lady Nicotine Day. bod : Ne In the United Dtates alone, accord p, of tobateo last year amount 400,000,000, pounds of smoking 3 4 000,000 not imeluding the hand-rolled: Variety. Dr. Pease s mind that threeswart- ers of the children of the United States are mentally or physically de- fective. figures * calls race Poisoned with t, and - within'a few centuries Europe and-Ameriea will be SPORT ErxTUnes Fon ro Swarthmore, at Phil Missouri vs. Rolls, Wisconsin vs. Northwestern, at Mad Friday. Fourth game of the world s series between New York and Boston . at Boston. Saturday. York. ates Opening of annual bench show of ing to-Dr. Pease, the consumptloP pisinfield Kennel cis at Plainfield, N. J. Date fixed for the opening of 15- -7,500,000,000 cigars and say meeting amost terrible total of all 11,240,- jockey Club al ft Mineral Springs r, Ind. Johnny Dundos vs. Tommy Bres- iD /nahan, 6 rounds at Pittsburgh. Football: Yale va. Lafayette, at New Haven; Harvard (ys, Williams, Cambridge; Pennsylvania ve. 3 Prince- Princeton; Cornell vs. New York Un- iversity, at Ithaca; Brown vs. Wes- Dartmouth vs. at Columbiay ; North Dakota vs, Hamline, at its name from the island of Tobego, but that body of land entirely sur- rounded by water was not found un- til several yeats after the epoch-mmak- writer, misled by his d oe foe as cae suming: is a fil : Strange to say, there are.some men of fall age and supposedly normal in- tellect who cling to that opinion. We all know that, owing to the im- tion bow-wows. We realize that ow- ing to the failure of reciprocity to reciprocate, Canada is going to the devil, We are eertain that radical pending Presidential election, the legislation by the party in power will soon send the British Empire topping imto rains. It is plain that Socialism as brought Germany to the brink of despair. Race suicide is rife'in France, and France is going to the dogs. We know all these thinge- for have not upright and dis- interested politicians New iy 5 eS A new rolling pin is -holtbw: and its sides are pertorated no t can distri- destruction. ox bute flour on snythingeover which it Pease, pi passes, Protective-be resident of told us but we have not realized why it is that the entire civilized world now faces Bt. less the aa, ow vs. and Hes lottesvi Tec University, at Kausas Geargia ys. Citadel, at Athens; Vir- ginla vs. Hampden Paul; linois va) Washington Urbanh: Vanderbilt Rose Polytechnio, at-Nashville: ws. Bake rat La ey, at Char- Alabama v8. Georgia. ch, at Atlanta; North Caroling vs ke Forest, a Chapel HIN; Texaa. Austin College, at Austin. FUTURE SAILINGS MONTREAL Lake Manitoba... Empress of Britain Empress of Ireland Lake Champlain Lake Manitoba . WEEKLY SAILINGS Unequalled Accomm Complete details he made rae any Railway 0r ships, F, L.A. DOBBIN, QUEBEC te. LARTER, General Ay Bi TICKET At (St. Lawrence Route LIVERPOOL Sutarday, October 12. Friday, October 18. , Friday, Nove le aturday, Nov. 2 aturday, Nov. 9 Friday, Nov. 15. rect) DAKE MICHIGAN, Sun, Nov. Jom
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Image 656 (1912-10-11), from microfilm reel 656, (CU1772825). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.