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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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y, Octobe 11th, 1012, PERRY reoolubion instructing the ity, Counsil to-go ahead and prepare for Sarried at the mooting held in the Chamber last evening to dis: the matter. zit 8 ih i He g aE bab FE TORE i Ave. Phone'81. should get the feeling of the people. The Council will, to a certain ex- tent, be gilded by what this meeting decides tonight. ) Now we wre in dhape without ex ;oods Merchants. , today 1.35. 50, today 6.65. Ibs.-for 1.00. lay 3 Ibs. for 1.10. - lada, Moose; Red Rose, today 1.35 per dozen. gt; 35c or 6 for 1.00. Today 90c. y 20c or 6 for 1: 09, ie. Zountry- within a raldua of a few, miles. has not appealed to. farmers, Rail- roads have big expense coming dozen, tin, today 2 for 35. e. day 25c. 30c, 1. 65e;' 5 Ibs. Bic. day 2, for, 35. 1.40 per dozen. 10 Ibs. for 115. pples pples, Spies, Baldwins, per box. We advise at 2.00. Come eurly. D., as all these prices Hearing Capt. shoebotham ill Be Tried Novy. N, PROPS. Duke Asks for Scout Tells Moose - Jaw poe Aims stem. of Highest ee Should make Good, Citizens. MAKES NOTABLE SPEECH Dedicates, New Saskatehe- wan College and Lays Corner-stone of a School. (Special. Despacth), Moose Jaw, Oct 12. At ten o'clock the Duke of Connaught, the Duchess and the Princess: Patricia alighted from their (rain arid droye to the City Hall, where the civic address of Welcome was presented. ..His Royal Highness replied fittingly. The Roy- i party: then. made tour Uirough the town in motors, after which the ceremony of the-dedication. - of Sas- Katchewan College took place This ceremony the Duke signalized dy making ft the. occasion of a not- able speech in regard to education, al Siibject upon which he has spoken with. earnestness on several ocea- i here, yet people say expand; ok mare rallronds we have got to have lbig conserns here. The first was the Ogilvie Mille, We worked hard, and there fs no doubt in my mind that the location of that plant here brought about the abundant pros- perlty We, ate, Nose Hf the present ime, Itis. quite true that wo have given sites gone. We have-also given away con- niderable gas; so it wilt: total 100, 000 this year. We have to have a lot of freight to map of Medicine Hat and you can Maedicine Hat lies. We have oo to get rail- Yet what we have given HAVE, BROUGT THIS PROPOS I- TION BAFORE YOU. WITHOUT ANY HESITATION I MAY SAY. THAT I ENDORSE THE PROPOSITION. ENDORSE THR, GRANTING OF THIS FRAN CHISE TOMR. AITKEN. SOME OF ICIDED THAT YT IS GOOD FOR THE CITY TO GRANT HIS PROPOSI- TION. Tam not asking you to be influenced by the Couneil or what I think; you ean think for yourself. Don't. be to speak. ink it is getting near time to ving away 80 much to indus- Ir gee Winnipeg, who has agreement to give the franchise. We; up to the present, own all our, own franchises, The gas has be paying investment, but-we are mot the owners alone, but it has been our chief claim to manifacturers; but it ig hard to get them level sltes. There is no use of sending them out from the centre of the city unless you haye means of bringing them in. As to building our own line, T would not think of it Hunzak Commtted For Trial For Murder Of Velitis At Stair eld , liminary henring was opened yester- day by Capt. Shoebottom and con- cluded this noon... There was a lot of evidence taken and the fact that an interpreter was Mike Hunzak. has as bee committed necessary for euch stretched it out. jaBita ans, i own commlte) .Hunzak will be tried at the erim- Of William Velitis at Stair,. The pre inat session Nov. 12, Support Movement sions. during. the present. tour, parti- cularly In connection. with the laying) of the foundation -stone of a new pub- lic school st Medicine: Hat yosterday. In the speech bere today he dwelt also with the Boy Scout movement in a manner giving convineing proof of his belief in the desirability of its extension. Speaking'not only to these pres- 2 said, but to. all Saskatch- he said, but to all Saskatch- of: theDominion, as well as in that of Governor-General, I ask you for help and encouragement for this ex- cellent moyement. The ignorant and mischieveous. haye some times chiar- acterized ft as bein a military scheme. Such a charge annot be laid at Its doors, unless it be militar- ism to teach boys to do good actions, to respect their eldera and thos in authority, and -to be healthy. If this be militarism, it would seem to be a modest desire-afid condition for the; youth of the mation; My excuse, for referring tothe Boy Scouts on this wounded in tones. of deep emotion, occasion: fe that we to cel- ebrate the inception of an educative Structure and that the Scout moye- land. inent is an educative one. Prov lal lal Eabrary Deo 1 ee eee Resolution Passed at Mass Weotine. in City Hall Was That Council Staal Prop Agreement With Aitken Company and Then Take a Vote On It. at the present time to tie people. Sewers, etc, are. more. important than a street railway at the present ime, It's up to you, and the will be guided by yout attitude very much, H. . Pettet I don't think: there is a citizen who is against it4f we have good business Uke agreement and not one like the Jast one. W, Cousins moved an amendment, to motion that the meeting consider the clauses to one that the Council draw up and submit the agreement to) ratepayers as soon a8 possible. We're brought here to consider whether. Will give away a franchise oF not: I don t think that for ten years we will have a street railway if left to the city, not for five years anyway. We hear a great deal of kicking from large cities and the reason for Toronto is that that city has grown faster than they expected and the company s not able to keep up with the demand. His motion, seconded by Has- sand was: THAT IN THE OPINION. OF THIS MEETING IT IS DESIRABLE FOR THE COUNCIL TO SUBMIT TO THE RATEPAYERS A BY LAW FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRANTING FRANCHISH TO AIKEN CO. The amendment was put and car ried unanimously. Mr. F. G. Forster satd: I think that on this question we: are going just a little too fast: We are only two months from a municl- pal election, 1 advise that we find Out. whether the p ople wish to grant or give away a franchise. If We are to give away a twenty-year franchise, fot goodness sake let us get all we - oam for it. Mr. Forster pointed out that on the) Motion which bad been carridd, not) more-than one-half of: thiose present any-of had voted. He wished to remind hie fRearers that. atthe time- of the Iast jattempt to.grant.s. franchise, sonie public statentents and: pyotes of, the when the ballots were fed ame might be true of: the present situation, I do wot desire to say anything gaingt the proposal, Mr. Forster continued. I believe there are some good points init. But let us be care- fal not to hasten too. fast. Fils motion, sseondea by Mr. Bent Ty, was: BURGESSES.: BR TAKEN AT THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION AS:TO THE ADVISABILITY OF GRANTING ANY. FRANCHISE FOR A STREET RAILWAY TO A COMPANY. W. Huckvale said that Mr. Forster changed his words. The dodger dis- tributed sald we are not going to give Continued on page 9.) THAT A PLEBISCITE OF THE) PRAISE FOR POLICE Insp. Parkinson, of Domin- ion Force, Says Locals Are Best Yet. Dominion Police Inspector Parkin- son who is travelling. with the Royal out Chiet Bruce . yes- just before their complimented smartest police force said, and their neat cut uniforms west. Chiet he was highly flattered to for his men from as Insp. Parkinson. Wit SHE LP FIVE CARS 110 Tons of Oil Cake via C. P. R., to Rottersdam, Holland. 116 tons of ofl-cake, five cars, were by the Linseed Of Mills vin P, R. for Rotterdam, Holland, ternoon. See Bo (CW. A, P, Dispatch) nutorads in World s Series e. Has Grown in Intensii Red Sox Players An- gry at New York Be- cause Things . Were Thrown at Them as They Motored Away From Po- To Grounds, tee tor the world s baseball pionship, jumped over night New York to Boston into ston Game ined in many would be able to come There was a little uncer- hy 4 tainty sbout the Weather, bit indica- aiihas tions: were that the forecaster pre) diction: of only light showers, 7 The ftiowing 4 i the Programme for Sunday and Monday: Sunday, Oct, 18. -8.00 g:m., Holy Communion with 11.00 a.m., this week,. They are for November salling.. This ts only ono of a uamber sueh esa Sir Chas. Moss Dies Chief Fustice of Ontario Sueeumbs at Age of 72. Toronto,Oct.12. Sir Chatles ae Chief Justice of the Court of Appest for Ontario, died Inst night, He was 72 years old: Loo ROBERTS IS COMING NEXT YEAR wA Pe Cable) Ottawa, October 5. will be visited next year hy ot dae : most di Vin Bri military: circles, abd It i annougced that Field Marshall Earl Roberts, ac- compuniied by Countess Roberts and CaiidsAire Distributed:to E Monday the census-of: be taken. Chie have finished the. distribution of the cards to all housess f the city and Monday morning firet thing will start to collect them. It there is a House in the city wher .a card. has not. been. received, the chief would like the owners. to call at the office amg get one today. For this purpose he will be in his of- fice in the basement of the City Hall from 7 to 1 o'clock, A the Mayor wants to have eyery soul in the city counted the assis- WalitStart Collecting Monday Morhing. CENSUS ON MONDAY Sov BOX SCORES OF very House in Ses, Fatee tance of all is necessary to carry the matter through fo a successful issue: Wiliam. McCoubrey of Bow City was Injured by being crushed be tween the engine and the, separator of a threshing ontht. He was. taken' to the Brooks Hospital and it iater developed that he also. had:typhold fever. He fecovered from ils wounds, but suecumbed: to the ray- ages of the fever. er He is survived by his wife, three children, and father end mother. Jessop Nott shipped the remains: to Tantallo, Sask., for interment. Turks goritza Hospitals Full the whole extent of the Turoo-Mon- tenogrin frontier. southern army is operating with suo- cess against the extremely strong Purkish fortress of Taraboos, which dominates Scutari from the south. At noon yestreday the Montene- grins captured: the Turkish Fort Re- game, near Eusshi. Tie hospitals are overflowing with men brought in from the battlefield. Thanks the Troops. King Nicholas today - visited the hospitals and kissed upon the fore- heads the dead and badly wounded men. Afterwards he addressed the saying that-he thanked all his brave troops inthe tame of the Father Prince Mirco, second son King Nicholas, ag Speaks to Suffering, Thanking Them. Montenegrin Headquarters; Pod- goritza, Oct. 12 The battis follow- ing the capture by the Montenegrin forces of the Turkish position on Detchitich Mountain and the fort on Schipchinck Hill dominating the town of Tussi continued yesterday and the fighting was general along General Martinovich with the of personally carried 1 With Their Agressors Regame, Near Zusshi, Falls Into Montenegrins Hands Turks Relieve Town of Berna and Re-oceupy Sus- inio Heights Montenegrins Blow Up Two Bridges Seutari and. Their Army * Advances in Two Columns Pod: of oe Nichol- The Montenegrin army is advancing several wounded men. into the hes- pitel: The scenes in Podgoritza are hearirending. Over 6.000 Malisoor tribesmen have revolted from Tark- ish authority and are attacking from the rear the Turkish army which is opposing the Montemgring. Several huniired of the Maligsor tribesmen have arrived here to obtain arms. Tarks Relieve Berna. Constantinople, Oct. 12The re- liet'cf the town of Berna by Tarkish reinforcements is reported by the military commander at Scutari to- day. He also. says that the Turks have revccupied the heights around the town of Gusinio, near the Mon- teccgrin frontier to the north east of Podgorites. -Bulgarians blew up two bridges between Isthipa and. Kotschana during the might, accord- ing toa telegram from Usphn, - London, Oct. 19. The Turkish troops on the frontier are offering stubborn resistance, atcording to the latest advices from: fighting has been sot character, both? in two columns, one commanded by Crown Prince Daniel, of Montenegro, .* tothe north of Lake , the other beingyeommanded by General Martinovich, having its ase at Antivari to the south of Lake Seutari. A special despatch: from Cotte fale says official information has there that Montenegrin troopa yes terday occupied Byolopliye in the. Sanjak and Novipazar without re- sistance and are. now res against Cubance. Text of Powers Note. Constantinople, Oct: 12. The. text of the collestive note handed by the Tepresentatives of the powers to the Ottoman government on Thursday:js as follows ? The undersigned ambassadors ot Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, France, Russia and /Germany have been instructed: by their representa - tive governments to inform the -Sub- lime Porte thab the five powers take note of the imtention of Turkey, pub- licly sunomneed, to introduce reforms and they, will immediately discuss with the Porte, in the spirit of article KXUI of the Treaty of Ber- lin-and the lt;Iaw of 1880, the re- forms-required in the administration of Buropean Turkey and the me ures capable of assuring their realiza- tion: in the interest of the popula tions, it being understood that th Devore, if Snodgrass, Murray, rf Merkle, 1b at all-would be fuifitied. TODAY'S GAME New, York w oe 2 8 gt; sco Doyle, 2b - rao Herzog, 3b. Meyers, Fletcher, 8 o pewewssseoo i... sean Sle wlroeicrcrnc el oeee Pe in Tt. 1H PO AB 200 1 33. 0 180 0 O40 9 0.821 om 0 0 Lad 0 0-5 0 0 Bedient, p. 000 cae Totals... 5a7 6 1 Score by. innings: New York iu oat out, by: Mathewson, (ea 4 - Devore walked on four he Doyle fied to Lewis, Snodgrass forced Devore, Gardner to, Sewie filed to Pletcher. Lewis forced Hooper Herzog, unassisted. out. No tuns, two hits) 2io errors, Second Innings. New York Murray Walked. Merde out, Gardner to Stabl. Herzog hit a high fly to Yerkes. Meyers flied to Hooper. No runs, no hits, no errors: Boston Staht out. Fleteher to Mer ke. Wagner singled to right. Cady out; Mathewson to Merkle, Wagner going to second. to. Merkle, a cleys Stop by Doyle, No reforms will not: aff ct, the, territor inl integrity of the Ottotgan em pire. rf . ep 0 comipleted a double by Snodgrass out at first. No HG hits, no errors. Hooper hit the first ball for a single to contre. Yerkes Speaker singled to left, Hooper being held on Second. at third, to Gardner struck ex Snodgrass fouled to runs, One hit, no errors, Boston Hoopet drove the ett. tor thr bases. Yerkes also: * o t ipled, scoring Hooper. Yerkes ecor-'- o d when Doyle fumbled Speaker's 9jstounder. Speaker gjond on the error biit was ont,-Mury gt; ory to. Pletcher. to go te sec son to. Merkle.,.Gardner went out Merkle, unassisted. Two Funes, two : Merkle struck out. Herzog popped to, Stahl. No:runs,.no bits, mo-errors. Merkle. ; Wagner struck sout. . Cady flied out. to Snodgrass, rons, 20 hits, no errors, . Fifth Toni New York Meyers ae to cen-. tre, Fletoher flied to Hooper. Mathewson struck out, Devore filed to. Hooper, No runs, hit, no er rors 7 Rad BostonHedient popped to Merkle. Hooper Was out, Doyl to Merkle. Pletcher threw out Yerkes st first, No runs, po hits, no errors. ixth Timings, New .YorK- Oa vidise tow Doyle Stahl, Snodgrass flfed to Gardner. Murray -fonled out ta) Garaner. mins, no hifts, no errors. Boston Speaker * out, ee to Merkle. Lewis out, Herzog: to: Jile. Gardner grounded: out ne ier le, unassisted. No ruris, iio) hits; no errors. ai Seventh Innings, New York Merkle doubled im the lett field stands. Herzog filed to Wagner. Meyers filed to. Speaker, Merkle going to third. McCormitk bats for Merkle scores. on Gardner's error of McCormick's grounder, Schaffer ran for. McCor- mick. (Gardner threw out Mathew- son. One ron, one hit, one error. Boston Schatfer went to short in place of Fletcher. Stab out, Math- ewson to Merkle. Wagner out, Her- og to Merkle. Herzog threw out Cady at first No runs ,no hits, 20 rors. Bighth Innings. WNkw -York Devore struck out. Doyle sout. Doyle out, Stab unassist- d. Bnbagrass also struck out No Tus, no hits, no errors. Besteh Bogiont flied to. Snodgrass. Hooper poppedyto Schaeffer. Yerkes Popped to Hersag.:No runs, no bitsy Bedient out, Doyle RO errors,
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Image 660 (1912-10-12), from microfilm reel 660, (CU1772847). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.