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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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andscape Areht- nginer. Railways, Gas Suppliss.. Irrigation. ions. Parks. uctions. le Services for Prices. (FF, ALTA. 86-6. WE HAVE SOME SUNNYSIDE ALL EXCEPT 22 ACRES. Real Estate Agents. Phone 478. PERTY 12 MONTHS AGO. SPECIAL BUYS IN REDCLIFF, HAVING SOLD THIS PRO- SOLD IN 3 WEEKS If You Have Anything to Sell List With Us. Lb REESE Ee re COMMUNICATIONS gt; + Oh oe ote he eb oh oe ok ob ek NOTE While- we weleome ail com- munications: from our readers, we wish it to be thoroughly understood that we do, mot mecessarily sub- scribe to or endorse the opinions expressed by, Our Correspondents. All letters must be signed by the Jyriter for publication as we publish Ro * communication signed with anomymous names, even though the name of the writer accompan- fog it- Ba. Raitor the News. Dear Sir: Mr. Costello, in your paper, says it is easy to account fof sympathy with Home Rule, as people here are-broad- minded and progressive, and appar- ently the reference ts that Irish Un- fonists are the most backward and unprogressive people in the world, I might call his attention to an article in the Canadian Magazine, January, 1911, by Alf, S.Moore on North Bast Ireland, in which Belfast is called the Chicago of Europe, and referring to the fact that the clty has six of the biggest industries in the world, and has multiplied its population twenty times during the last ninety, years. Mr. Moore says, Ireland Is, Opera THURSDAY, The Human Dynamo, the Reserved Seats, 1.00. Plan at Pingle s Drug Store. XAVER SCHARWETKA, Famous Composer-Pianist. House THREE NIGHTS, COMMENCING OCTOBER 24 CORBIN Electrical Hypnotist, in his Wonderful Mystifying, Scientific Productions. General Admission, 50c. WEDNESDAY, AUSPICES Appolio Male Quartette Plan open at Sonch s, Drag- gist, Saturday, Oct. 19. New Scale-Williams Piano used. OPERA HOUSE- Oct. 23rd unfortunately, the most: backward portion of the United Kingdom, but here is a place where the people have the - progressiveness and hustling power of the American, the thrift of the Scotch, and the bulldog grit and tenacity of the Englishman at his dest. It is striking object lesson to the whole world of what can be accomplished in Ireland by self re- lance, energy, enterprise and close application to business. Again we have the testimony of Sydney Brookes, an avowed Home Ruler, in an article in the November Fortnightly Review, in which he ad- mits there are no better or more pro- gressive business people than in the North East corner of Ireland, or no place in the whole world where 400,000 people produce the same am- ount of Wealth as they do in the: City of Belfast. The opinions of these men ought to weigh-quite as. much as the opinion of Mr. Costello. It Is, unfortunately, difficult to di- yorce religion from the Irish ques- tion, and Mr. Costello ought to re- member that in 1641, 1690 and 1798 and later on the Irish question was essentially bound up with the ques- tion of religion, Apart from that, however, what is there im the econo- nite aspect of the question to Induce any Irish Unlonist to favor the ex- periment of Home Rule? - Let Cana- dians bear in mind that the rate of taxation in Belfast and Derry is only half what it Is a Dublin, Cork and Limerick. Ireland today is not. pay- ing the expenses of government and is practically fifteen millions in the hole, even after getting, control of the revenue from the customs excise, ete., and recently Mr. Wm. O'Brien has made the statement that Mr. Red- mond and his party have done noth- ing but double the excessive taxation of Ireland: during the last six years. What encouragement is there in such a state of affairs for the practical business man, farmer, or manufacturer'ia Ulster? Can they be blamed if they object to having a bunch of men who have no business, training, and never made two blades of grass to grow, get control of the on or write RG. MeNEILLIE, Dist. Ps FALL 191 enger Agent, Calgary, Alta, CANADIAN PACIFIC IRAILWAY- SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CARS IN CONNECTION WITH TRANS-ATLANTIC SAILINGS. FROM MEDICINE HAT. Date, Train. Time. Destination, Steamer, Sailing, Oct. 28. No. 4. 20.25k. Quebec, Enipress of Ireland. Nov. 1. Nov. 3 -No. 4. -20.25k. Montreal. Victorian. Nov. 6. Empress of Britain. Nov. 11. No, 4. 20.25k, Quebec. Empress of Britain. Noy. 16. : Tunisian. Nov. 17. No. 14. 4.20k, Montreal, Virginian. Nov. 21. Nov. 25. No, 14. 4.20k. St. John. Empress of Ireland. Nov. 29, Corsican. 3 For Sleeping Car and Steamship Reservations,-and Tickets, call L, A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent, Medicine Hat, Alta. KNov.20 2. SAMPLES ARRIVED COME WITH THE CRO WD AND GET AN UP- TO-DATE SUIT AND OVERCOAT. THREE HUNDRRED SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM. Repairing, FUR COATS GEO. 881 NORTH RAILWAY. Cleaning and REPAIRED. CAMPBELL OPP: , P, R. DEPOT government and finances of the coun- try, with the sure and certain hope of, bankruptcy staring the govern- ment in the face before many months: What Mr. Costello says re Dises- tablishment is not correct. The Pres- byterians of Ulster were strongly. in fayor of Disestablshment, feeling that -church which produced twice a8 many riots as conversions each year was an anomaly. So were the meth- odists, 80 also were the Baptists, but today all classes are prectically un- ited im their opposition to Home Rule. When he hints that Irish Un- ionists are only bluffing he ought to bear in mind that there is an easy way of testing who is most. sincere, Unionist or Home Ruler. At the time of the. big convention in Belfast last April, Trish Unionists contributed 250,000.00 in one afternoon. Is Mr. Costello awnre that Irish Nationalists only contiibuted .27 of a farthing to support the causo of Home Rule, Who is paying for this agitation? Perhaps the following quotation from Sinn Feinn, Dublin, 1909, may show: The subscriptions to the Irish Parliamentary Fund show a drop this month of 25 per cent on last year and 49 per cent on the amount collected in 1907. In. connection with Mr, Dilion s well known public Statement that the Nationalist cause in Ireland could not live six months if It was deprived of the support of the Irish across the Atlantic, I sup- pose a more damning admission has never been made by a political leader MINNESOTA REMEMBERS GOVERNOR JOHNSON St. Paul, Mitm., Oct. 19. Minne- sta today paid tribute to the mem- ory of one of her favorite sons, the late Governor John A. Johnson, unveiling a- handsome mpmiorial erected in his honor. The. memorial consists.of a statute of Governor Johnson, designed by Andrpw O Con- nor, the New York seulptor.-. The statute is of bronze and is mounted on a large granite pedestal. The unveiling exercises were held in front of the State Capitol. C. D, O'Brien, president of the monument commission, presided. Bishop Le ler offered an invocation and Gover- nor Dherhart accepted the statue behalf of the State. ' Congressman Winfield S. Hammond delivered the oration of the day.. Among those im attemtance-at the exercises were the widow of Gover- nor Johnson, the miembers of ti memorial commission, the State nesota, justices of preme court and many other per- sons who wore intimately associated with Governor Jolmson in public and Private life, the mayors of many of the leading cities of Min- or more truthful one. The Home Rule movement under its present leadership Is nothing but a subsidized imposture. Mr. Redmond coming here and to Australia, and the Irish Nationalist fn Ireland would not contribute en- ough to pay for axiegrease for the Wheels of the political machine. The the Ulsterman begs from no man and will fight his own battles. Mr. Costello reminds your readers - of the fact that the representation of Ulster in the British House is about half and helf, completely overlooking w in 1ike Newry, with less than votvss, is represented at Westmin- ster by a Natlonalt: Ta many Na- tioialist isteicts 3,500 voters elect W Member, White in England it takes 80,000, or nearly throe times as many vorsrs, to Feturn one member. One ignorant, filiferate Irishman ts 0 g008 a8 two Seotchmen or three Eng- Mahmen when exercising the fran- ehise. For ifistance. Belfast, which ts the third port in the British Empire, and where (100,000 workera produced 73,000,000,00) Guring 1910, hag only in the British House of 400,000. On the ught, with a popl gt; , thirty-fve per cent tants can nefther and whose total out- put in wealth for the whole province was ae fen and twelye million: ce is represented at by sixteen members to have three times bers as she has. The tor ment fs farce. She is to about 60 members, at present, which would reduce the Home Rule mem- ution or intolerance h is contrary to the record of history, a given by Macaulay, 1g by, however, what took plage in 1641 and 1690 and in 1798, what about the Catholic a: sociation formed in Dublin in. 1908, with the sanetion of the Bishops, the avowed object of which was to dls- criminate against and get rid of Pro- testants, and particularly Uistermen, In business throughout the South? 1 would recommend Mr. Costello to read the scathing denunciation of this same society delivered by Michael McCarthy, Catholic and one of the foremost iawyers in Ireland, He ap- peared upon the public platform and denounced the organization and the priests and bishops at the head of it, and this lecture on this society and Catholic intolerance, as manifest by the Hierarchy, is printed in well known book, Rome in Ireland, a copy of whieh 1 would gladly send to Mr. Costello or any-one else. Regarding gubrantees, I would like to remind Mr, Costello that when, because of racial or religious difficul- ties at the time of confederation, a compromise Was arrived at by grant- ing Quebec Home Rule Parliament, there were dompunctions ago leaving English speaking people of Quebec to the rule of the majority. Protests from the minority against their aban- donment were treated as the expres- sions of bigots Tt was represented on behalf of the Quebec majority that there was nothing to fear, that English speaking people would be the in Ireland, Ww D'Arcy Magee scouted the idea that the minority would in any way suffer. He declared they would be the pets of; the majority and the spoiled chil- dren, of the new Dominion, and that they would be simply. smothered with Kindness. Others whom such gusts Confromists in Bngland at the-pre- sent time, that the minority could not suffer with such Protestant influence in the Federal House. Now what has been the re- sult? In a little book published by Mr. Sellar, entitled, The Tragedy of Quebec, he shows that the Parish System has been extended all over the province, that tithes are collectable by law, that if you buy a farm in Que- bec, and a year after get a bill from the priest: or church for taxes on collectable by law. During the last thirty Years, over 400 English speak- ing, schools haye gone out of exis- tence, that during the year 1905 about sixty-six of these weak schools Closea thelr doors forever, that in the City of Montresl about 1,000,000.00 was taken last year trom Protestant xpropriations and applied to Catho- Me schools, on the principle that taxes: should not be divided according to creed, but actotding to the chil- dren around these. factories and wholesale houses who are Catholle and French children. What is the wesult of forty years of such rule? Mr. Sellars bears testimony that Bastern Townships, which were soll ly English speaking when he went to Huntington forty-five years ago, are today being steadily cleared of their Protestant population. Sir A. T. Galt, who was instrument- al tn getting certain guarantees Tor the minority in Quebec, speedily re- alized the mistake he had made, and in a pamphlet summarized the dan- gers which menaced the minority, in- Stancing the assertion of eccl stasti- cal over civil anthority, clerical in- terference in el ctions, placing the ban on free sp ech, knocking news- Papers out of existence, As a politi- clan he had been shocked by an un- ited condemnation on the part of the Hierarehy of Liberalism, by priests Stop Irish beggars like caught redhanded in mtimidation be+ ing upheld by Catholic juries in con testedelections, and by the authopt- ties of the chur h denouncing indivi duald a8 guilty of mortal sin in for candidates who had not thelr approval, and more: especially. by a judge laying down as iaw that as priests belonged to a-spiritual or- der they were accordingly above the Inw, and beyond the juplsdiction of the courts. The net result: is that the fact that there is considerable gerrymandering of constituencis In 7 in Queb e canon laws authorised) above i civil law, and rarely does Ulster, to bring about that Yesutt: He does not mention that little town 2000 did not blind thought as some Non- preponderating, same, you have to pay the bills; it is an --Englih speaking citizdn of the Dominion get a decision in Quebec Gogording to British law as he would in Ontario or Alberta, The Ulstermah has no objection to Provincial Government as you have if fi Alberta or in Ontario, but he bi; most decided objection to Home Teule as it 1s exemplified in the Prov ince of Quebec. 1 am also of opinion that a great many people in the Dom inion of Canada have also a most de- Hierarchy, and that if a proposal were made to cut off Toronto, a city about the size of Belfast, and. three hundred thousand people in the vicin- ity of Toronto, from Ontario, and pro- Pose td put them as Canadians under priest Yule in Quebec, they would ob- dect quite as strongly and vigorously as the people of Ulster. As to Mr, Costello's remark that many Nationalist members did not belong to the Church of Home, I wish to state that since the union, no Pro- testant, except one, ever held the position of real leader of the Roman Catholic masses of the Irish people. The one exception was, of coure, Mr. Parnell, Who deposed Isaac Butt, and whose power was derived from his heading of the Agrarian movementa, and hig association with the Fenian elements in America, Despite some striking examples of political revolt from within. their own ranks, chiefly of men inspired with republican ideas in. the last century and-a half, such as Fitgerald, Wolfe, Tone, Emmet, Mar- tin, and Mitchell, the vast body of the Protestants and Unionists of Ireland haye never been led away for a mo- ment by these deserters, but have re- mained stanch supporters of the con- nection. with Great Britain, and loyal subjects of the Crown. They have fully recognized as fully as their Nationalist opponents have done that the real talent and energy for high political enterprise in the part of separation: would be found rather in their own battalions than in those of the foe. And yet they have never as a party been seduced from their firm allegiance; they have remained true to thelr political faith patrictic to the larger and best sense tfaithful to Sovereign and the Empire, through evil and good repute. Thanking you again for granting a Portion of your paper to the public, Yours truly, A. AH. REILLY. Medicine Hat, Alberta, October 18, 1912, T0 THOSE WHO HAVRE, SHALL BE GIVEN New York, Oct. 10. A birthday present of twesty-five million dol- jars That is certainly going some, even in these days of high prices and big figures. Nevertheless 25,000,000 is -appr ximat ly the amount that Alfr d) Gwynne Vander- bilt is to receive by virtue of the fact that he reaches his thirty-fitth objects of .most conslderate care. birthday anniversary tomorrow. This sum represents the half of Vander- dilt s patrimony. willed to him by his father, Cornelius Vanderbilt. The latter was displeased with the marriage of his oldest son, Cornelit Vanderpilt, Jr., and when he died in 1899 he left a will that out off Cor- nelius, Jr., with a paltry million or two and gaye the bulk.of the family fortune to the sceond son, Alfred G. Vanderbilt. The fortune was esti- mated in round figuri 50,000, 000. Half of it came inth the pos- session of young Vanderbilt on his thirtieth birthday. The other half he is now to receive upon attaining his thirty-fifth year. With the addition of 25,000.00 to his personal fortune the suzerain of the house of Vanderbilt will be pro- moted to the first grade in the school of American multi-million- aires. After tomorrow he will be the richest man of his ago in all the country. But things move very ri Pidly nowadays and the distinction of being the wealthiest young man will not long rest with young Van- derbilt. Less than one month hence Vineent Astor will attain his major- ity and in consequence will come i elded objection to government by the for that fortune of several millfon dol S04 bd 11 tS A ee Miss Emerson of Ballkimoro, datigh- ter of tho man whoig ld out his lit- tle drug store . and a the business of making a well Biown cure morning fatter Seeling, and whose wisdom has been. xewakiled by 5 Kittle reaped from the sale of the blue bottles and their contents. GOVERNOR-GENERAL QUEST AT LUNCHE Toronto; Ont., Oct. 21. The Duke: of Connaught, Governor-General of Canada, arrived here by special train from Ottawa this afternoon in accep- tance of an invitation to be the guest Of honor at. luncheon given at the King bdward Hotel by the Cansdian Club of Toronto, AN APPRECIATION. The mambers of the Woman sionary Soclety of St. John s Chu met at the home of Miss Best, on Braemar Street, Friday evening. gathering was in the nature of a sum prise for Mrs. McLaren, who 18 soo) to leave the city. A beautifully illum- inated address: was read by Mrs. Mal- colm, the president, expressing appre- ciation of Mrs, McLaren's interest in the work of the W. M. 8, and regret for her departure from the city, with heat wishes for prosperity in het new home. Mra. 1, W. McBean, in behalt of tie society, then presented Mra. McLaren with a handsomely bound copy of The Art of the National Gallery, by Julia, de McG. Addison. - Mrs. MeLaren felt deeply touched and while thanking the ladies for their kindly appreciation, deeply re- gretted that circumstances had per- mitted her to Mo so little to assist in the work of the society. She felt that she was the very least among the members. rg, McLaren spoke of the growth of the W. M. S, in members and influence during the past eix years and was glad of the privilege of being associated with such an ear- nest and energetic band of workers. A pleasant social hour was spent together and dainty refreshments served at the close. Mrs, MeLaren will, next month, Join Mr. MeLaren whose fleld of labor Hes in the vicinity of Calgar Other people's money is the ar of much contention. Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Notices Tax Reminders Receipt Books Letter Paper Envelopes, ete., etc. Mail Orders get prompt attention. THE NEWS MEDICINE HAT, - ALBERTA R. B. Taylo s Transfer Prompt Atzention to all orders. Plana. Me with Piano Van 1 Speclaility. Parcels Delirerea. HONE NO, 349. C a Ret CHANG a Future Sailings MONTREAL-QUEBEC VERPOO to possession. of the wealth left by his father, the late John Jacob As- tor. According to the most authori tative estiriates the fortune of young Vincent Astor will amount to 100,- 000,000 or more, which will give him rating above that of almost every other American millionaire ex- cepting John D. Rockefeller. In the opinion of those who kept tab on such matters, Alfred G, Van- derbilt has probably come closer to living up to his income than any of the other big New York million aires, such as the Rockefellers, Goulls, Astors and Morgans. Tn common parlance Alfred G,,is what is known asa. good spender. He maintains town and country honses on both sides of the Atlantic, has one of the finest establishments of show horses in the world and goes the limit in about every variety of expensive pastime from yachting to automohiling. - According to popular report he pays a rental in excess of 150,000 for his suite of apartments in the new Hotel Vanderbilt in this sity, forthe pleasure of occupying the zooms six or eight th year, So all: things considered, incomd tat will fall from his ditional 25,000,000 will areata et Nery. wel ome to a young man of Mr. Vanderigit s extravagant tastes. And the) moreso since, his family ex- Have been increased by . the addition of a litle daughtet, born Onlyeq few weeks ago to thir second. Mrs, Alirod G. Vanderbilt, to he ford Ker. niarriago was Mis House Mover FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAT 116 MONTREAL STREET *Phone 260. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 812 Fourth Ave. (opposite Dregmignd Theatre.) Beg to announce that they have com- pleted arrangements for carrying on the business of Livery Keepers and General Feed Stables. Single and double outfits of all deseriptions for sale or hire. The Company undertake all descrip- tions of express delivery by horse or Solicited by day or night. Phone 703. rtlett, B.A.Sc Municipal Engineer, ominicn and Alberta the voteraty ing to ther the following form: name added to: the as the case lowing 1 grounds Signature of under the above: clause ed on or before the: ber. K, Oot. 25. Electric Restorer Industrial Spur Water Supplies; Sewage, Plans, Ets, Soren , Take notice that t ii apply to the Council to, served upon th ae ote Holit . MeKim, and tefore that wae Medicine Ha Roont 14, Imperial Bank
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Image 729 (1912-10-21), from microfilm reel 729, (CU1772846). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.