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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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STRONG CHARGES HINTED AGAINST. POST OFFICE, HEAD IN THE BROW HOUSE Couple of Wxeiting Scenes in th House Over Wire- less Contract. (Spenialeable to, Ne: London, Nov. 19. After Sir David Graf, difestor-general of postoffices and telegraphs for South Africa, had testifind yesteriay that he believed the ombract between the postoliice and . i was satisfactory, Sir 9 ,ohaitmen of the select sound ttee of the House. of Comm ng, naked him if he or any For: the amount of money that we have If you only knew what pleasure the Victor-Victrola brings into your home, you wouldn t be without one for a single day. Any His Master s Voice dealer in any City in Canada will a Welnesday, November 20th, 1018, ? gt; DaiL fad tk dad OPEN EVENINGS We are Le Money Te Buy or Bul To Pay Off Mor To Improve Be 0 i had f mn y 5 HOW MUCH 4 Ry wlan Bicadieeosny :nvested in one Vietor stock we eould easily gladly play any music eee or compare ; have represented every other talking lt;ma- you wish to hear. Tt would buy yc ould ret Mr: chine on the-market, au ae WOR 78 eos bed - But we recognise: in His Master s Vietor-Victrolas 20 to 300. INVESTIGAT: Voice products the very best obtainable, Gram-o-phones' 30 to 125. PLAN AT and we predict that during the next three Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limit THE years there will be mo: ictor-Victrolas i. pao eene ss ; nd CANADIAN than pianos placed in Canadian homes. INVESTMEN F LIMITE IMPERIAL Bat MEDICINE HA Those who demand the best must buy a Victor. Thos who desire the very best cen tne should select from where they have the largest stock from which to choose: At the time of writing this advertisement we have in our store fifty-four Victor machines, Tanging from. 20 to 600. Besides, we keep permanently In stock the following records: AN - A large assortment of 10 and 12 inch single-sided records. Every 10 Inch .90 double-sided Victor record that Is made Every 12 inch 1.50 double-sided Victor record that is made Every 10 Inch 125 Red Seal Victor record that 1s mad Every 10 inch .90 Purple Label Victor record that Is made Every 12 Inch 1.50 Purple Label Victor record that fs mad large assortment of 12 inch Red Seal reeords. 19. Investige- of: sewage pollution of boundary waters between Canada and the: United States will not extend to the restriction of sewaxe disposal by like Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleve Yand and Toledo, so situated. that, pol- Jution does Not extend into Canadian waters. A letter from Secretaty Knox of the State Department received today by the International Joint. Commission 4m Session here said the governments at Lethbridge, just prior to his lea were in accord that the inquiry shoul ing for Ottawa, as printed in the He: be confined to cases -of pollution of aid: W. A. Buchanan, M. P., was re- Moundary waters one side of the ceived with the singing of For He's houndary, which extend to and. affect) Jolly Good Fellow and with hearty Boundary waters on the/other side. applause. Mr. Buchanan, after ex- What The Hat Departure for Ottawa. The following speech was given by W. A. Buchanan, the Medicine Hat member, at the annual Liberal rally This will limit the investigation, is pressing gratitude for the confid nce is believed, to St. Mary's River, con-/ expressed in him, went on to sy that necting Lake Superior and Lake he. felt the responsibility of being . Huron, the Straits of Mackinac and member of the House of Commons the St. Clair, Detroit, Niagara und St./and the more he studied the situation Tagemnte Rivers: th more he felt that if. the great 3 problems now confronting the cpu try are to bo silved, they wily solved by 1 Rarty, whi the leadership of Sit Wilfrid Laurier. He hoped the organization Having been revived would continue active Staunton, Va., the place of Gover- ior Wilson's. birth, is planning to make the president-elect s -home- coming jubiice next month one of the Biggest days in the State's history. H-E. BARNUM. ' 420-Main Street 3. J. COSTELLO. Phone 799 Note Our Prices on Redcliff Property 1500.00 for 50 ft., Rlock 84, terms. 2200.00 each. Terms, Two 75-ft. corners, Block 107 2200.00, terms. 75 ft. corner, Bloek 107. 390.00 each, terms. Four lots in Block 45. 1750.00, terms: 50 ft. corner, Bloek 106. 1700,usual terms, 50 ft,, Bloek 106. We have 320 Acres close to Redcliff. Will soon be Suitable for Subdivision. Snap. Farm Land prices. ALSO NOTE THIS MAIN ST. BUY: i 900, terms. 50 ft. Block-5.. Snap. 000, terms. 100 ft., Block 12. We have.6,000 Acres adjoining the city where things , are doing. SEE US. : GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS. tf How About This ? Owing to the quantity of meat sold by us, we can now offer Fresh Meats at 10, 1214, 15, 174 , 20, and 2244 cents a Ib., the best cuts being 2244. Fresh eggs from 40 to 45 cents a dozen. NOTE The reason ime raised 2340 Ib. on the best cut was to regu- late the prices whem we lowered the price of other cuts to 10c a tb. rao ji We wisk t thank the citizens of Medicine Hat for their patronage, which has enabled us to sell at ) such low rates, a car loadiof beef being disposed of Jast week. Rigs will call every morning at any part of the city. A trial is all we ask. J he-Medicine Hat Meat Market 5 ThirdsAv: Phone 873. Speech Delivered by W. A. Buchanan, M.P., at Liberal Rally Held Recently at Lethbridge, for. s Member Says Prior to His throughout the year, and not, as in the past, spring into. action only when a campaign was called. If they were active he had every hope that they would redeem Lethbridge for the pro- the Dominion candidate. They should have a live organization to: look after the new people, ascertain their poli- ties, andif Sop 2 ie se con vert them. He hoped the younger )men would form a Young Liberal Club, hold debates and look-after th work as much as possible. The old Liberals are: loyal to the party because they believed in I eral principles; that the Liberals stand for the. uplifting of tumanity and the improving of the conditions of the common. peopl by giving legisla tion forthe common good.. The last campaign had been- fought on the trade issue. The Conservatives would like to foster the opinion that the 4s- sue was dead, but he was confident that if an election wer 2 same Issue. agaifi the Liberals:would have greater majority than at the general: election. (Cheers,) He did not care whether it was called reci- procity or not, but he did care that they should stand for larger markets and lower tariff. Drop the name if they Hked, but inorder to reach the southern market they must: have a reciprocal greement. The astern manufacturers opposed reciprocity because they were afraid that the farmer would thrive and demand more in .the way of tariff reduction, snd thus crush. their industries. The manufacturers. made the mistake of their lives. They have antagonized the western farmer, who is now likely to make sweeping demands for tarift reduction, and the maniifacturer would suffer more than under the re- ciproeity pact. In Ontario'the Liber- alg did not lose 0 much on recipro- city as by misrepresentation and ma- leloug attacks-on Sir Wilfrid Laurfer. In Quebec the charge was that he was lisloyal ta the French Canadian. In Ontario'he was charged with devotion to French ideals. and face was. set vincial party, and give a majority for can war-was stimulated by the fact that Canadians were on the fighting recognize the obligations Britain quite as much as the people in the east, where the major portion of the loyalty was alleged to exist. He predicted a triumph for the Liber- al policy, : convince the house that an emer gency contribution is necessary, but the speaker declared it should be a contribution. of Dreadnoughts to come back:to Canada as part of a Canadian navy squadron of the Brit- , Applause.) The best way to stimulate loyalty is to have tangible representation of British power in Canada, and the best way to accomplish that is through a Canadian built and manned squadron of the Imperial navy. The interest of Cauada in the South Afri- campaign cry, that to through: American channels of the cry in the action of the gov- ernment the western cvops. He sald that while everyone would like to sell all grain possible to Great Britaia, that the Canadian surplus and he thought the nearby market the best and most profitable: lines and so a Canadian navy would stimulate nter st in imperial defence. He quoted Lord Beresford as to the need of men td man the navy and sald the best thing for Canada would be Canadian built ships manned by thust be found for the farmers o low tar) Oss did he want to s 8 gt;the dition facing the people Of this coun- try today. The Liberals when in power may have been slow in redu- cing the tariff, but they now realize that a little more advance should be made and that there - should be a complete reduction on agricultural implements, if not wiped out, in the Interests of the people of this coun- fey. Th manutacturare cof jnpls- ments alized immense wealth and they should be willing that a portion of it should go back into: the pockets of the farmers. legislation and contrasted the policy Jof the Liberals and Conservatives, und strongly criticised Mr. Crothers for refusing the demand of, the C. P. R. men for an arbitration board. The minister's stand might-be all right, but t looked fishy to. him. The Con- servatives had always appealed to C. .P-R-employees and had got the vote fn Medicine Hat, and:now when they ask for a board they are refused. The men were hoodwinked. Mr, Bucbanan, fn conclusion, paid tribute to. Hon. Charles Mitchell, whom he. said is actuated. in public life by one great motive public ser- vice, and pald eloquent tribute to the federal chieftain, Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier, whom he said stood higher with W. A. BUCHANAN, M. P, Canadians, and that navy alway: be:at the service of the British Em- pire. (Cheers,) ; As to the west, the speaker thought the new settler upon the prairie would display as. much loyalty and to. Great under whose able-and dignified lead ership it was a proud privilege to serve, Under his leadership the Lib- eral Party stands for a united Canada and a Canada Joyal to-the-Britich Em- Turning again to the question of pire, and would again be retarned to against race and creed against creed. Continuing Mr. Buchanan roferred markets Mr.-Bughanan told of the ot the lliance of Mr, Borden and the Nationalists and the double faced pol- icy on the naval issues. The inclusion of the ultra-Nationalistetn ths cab- met fins r in Mr Moe resign- ing tecausg thie promiag endum 1s nal Buchanan sald the: Liberal Party had always stood for-the Principle of a Canadian navy as a squadron of the British navy, and he Believed that to be the right policy. Ne matter wh: orden does at the coming ses- sion he believed Rig Ultimate aim would be a Canadian wavy. In spite of the attacks he Made on auch navy in the last campaign, Mr. Bor- den bad ofce supported a Canadian nayy.and showed his insincerity by J ahavidoning bis prinetples to eRtch the Nationalist vote. He had no other alm In view than to destroy the Liber- al Party In Quebec, but the speaker was satiified the premler.would be dijon for delivery 7 boy. forced to come back to a Canadian navy. Mr, Borden may b able co HABIT BY THE HREE DAY ATMEN man, in his sober moments, realizes the handicap under bby his periodical lapses from drinks moderately or the one who drinks to excess are habit, and from experience have learned that it is tm- 6 drinking without assistance, The poison is in their system, is fer alcoholic, stimulants must be satisfied. fegs' suffers, their social standing is impaired and their self- iminishes. eS een ffeatment conquers the drink habit and effects a cure in three days times The Neal Treatment consists of:a purely vegetable medicine taken In- ternally and does not Include hypodermlo Injections. The Neal Treatment removes every trae of alcoholic poiton from the system, ttcloars the brain, steadies the nerves and restores the body to cormat; ny-eomattron ete 1 All this Is done in three. days s time, and the patient leaves the Inst ship grain would imperil our loyalty, and evoked ap- plause by showing up the hypocrisy in seeking the southern route for grain now because Canadian terminals could not possibly handle market could not possibly consume Larger and more profitable mariets this country, and th re must be a tthe lowest kind He did not want to endan- ger or cripple any industry nor yet producing classes suffer, and that is the con- Mr; Buchanan next dealt with labor , the Canadian people than ever and) In connection with on the railways, Nov SS. CANADA from LEADING VICTOR AGENTS Eastern Prices, Terms Arranged. fi ASSINIBOIA MUSIC CO Y -889 MAIN STREET. See our complete'and up-to-date Stock before you buy. HOLLINGER AGENCY SPECIALS WORTH -BUYING HERALD COUSINS and SISSONS Block 22, 100 ft., 3000. Terms. Block 5, 60 ft, 900. Terms. on Highland St. - Block 22, 50 ft.,- 1050... Terms. Block 13, 501G; 1500. Terms. BIoek 34, 100 ft, corner, 1150, Block 17, 50 ft. 1000. Terms. Term: Block 10, 50.ft, 1200, Terms. NORTH YUIEL Dee, 8. 8S. TEUTONIC Dec, 14. 88, TEUTONIC trou 8S. CANADA trom 21, SS. CANADA from E ; Other Sail TEUTONIC from: M LAURENTIC from M t 1 t t t i Phone 433 384 Main St. if CENTRAL PARK Block 9, 50 ft., 1050... Terma. Excursion Block 7, 60 ft,. 1475. Terms. Block 1, 0 ft., 1260. Ternis. 3 i a 2 Actes of Trackage, 13000. *aiso from New York Block 13, 125 ft., corner, 3600. services to Liverpo Terms. Pheiies ampton; Ameriean 1 Block 5, 60 ft., 1500. Terms. any ampton; Transpo INESS ; Red Star Lin HOUSES BESISES don 8 e Antwerp; from Bost Star and Leyland 1 pool. Also sailing. via returning via anoth Apply tor particu railway or-SS, Agen McLeod, Can. West Agent, 233 Main St Block 61, 250 ft., corner. The cheapest on Toronto Street, 300 per foot. This will-be- worth 500 per foot in the spring. GET IN QUICKLY IF YOU WANT TO MAKE SOME BASY MONEY, OTHERS ARE DOING IT EVERY DAY, New 6 room brick house, fully modern, on 50 ft. lot on Braemar 8t., 7500. Terins. Lot is worth halt the: price. Canadian Pacific Railway Home Visitors Excursions 2 Oa UNITED STATES RETURN FARE FROM MEDICINE HAT Minneapolis or St. Paul 41.25. Duluth 38.95- SPECLA Tourist SI , Chicago 57.25. Kansas City 62.70. ; Sailin; Corresponding fares to many other points WINT. Tickets on sale December 1 to 31, 1912. EXCURSIO a eee particulars call on L. A. Dobbin, Wicket Agent, Moa- : On Sale Daily, Nov Rh , mexEILLie, Reserve Berths District Passenger Agent. CHRISTMAS MWR Calgary. - See Loeal Agent fi Write secure 1. A. DOBBIX, 7 ine PHONES Tasker me OFFIE .... 666 moncn Fransfer Co. Piano Moving p20 LIGHT and HEAVY House a5, easonable DRAYING ' SAND FOR peciaity liable Main St, next City Hall. EXCAVA HEAVY TE CONCRETE A. OLSON CO. 886 TORO NTO ST. D Vea 7 tute with all craving for alcoholfc stiriulants banished. No drinking man can afford to miss thi great opportunity you caf be cured practically without loss of-time and places you on an eq with Your Keen-minded competitors in business life, Write t Particulars, CotFexp nd nce strictly confidential., EMPLOYME NT AGENTS. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS pelvis te Secon ire SS Bold at Pingle s Dr Me LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS
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Image 948 (1912-11-20), from microfilm reel 948, (CU1773214). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.