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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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co-e 4 s More So-efe 000.00 - 000.00 ae roetegototeds ote or ter tet hoch ateats Soatrsforte oo ade To shirts STIMO lock. We guar- 1 with every y.all the new- te styles and al order is all 5 6.50. YS BLOCK Given. Out, London, Nov. 25.. Stables Drivers, Saddle or Sale Honal safety. On the other 5000 POPULATION IN ISIS We are Giving . Away Sha Motors Co., Limite Only a Few: More Days in awhigh to secure some of these Sha Hurry, before the lots with which'we are giving this stock are all the Rec iclif f THIS STOCK IS POSITIVELY WORTH ( 100.00) PER SHARE AND WILL BE WORTH MUCH MORE WHEN THE FACTORY HAS BEEN IN OPERATION FOR SIX MONTHS. COME AND SEE THE IMMENSE BRIGK FACTORY BUILDING WHICH THIS COMPANY NOW HAS ASK US WHY WE ARE MAKING THIS GREAT OFFER, e DO - STRUCTION. IT NOW POO rrr or eeaietoetes AUSTRO-SERVIAN ring IS NEARING A SETTLEMENT Both Anxious for Peace and Conciliatory Terms Are STOCK JOBBERS SCARE WRITERS DENBUNCED Drama at Adrianople is Nearing Its Finish Bul- garians Wearing Turks. Relations be- tween Austria-an -Servia ate more satisfactory now than at any time since the beginning of the war. This is the message which came from Vienna late last ight from Dr, , J. Dillon; the special correspond- ent ot the Datly Telegraph here, who ,. reports that he is authorized to say that no demand whatever put forward to Servia by: Austria- Hung ary, that no written ultimatum hag been sent to Belgrade, and that the dual monarchy is willing to agree to all the claims of Servia that do not affect Austrian honor and her na- Yarieation. hand, Vienna ac- knowledges receipt of an intimation that Servia is willing. to do every gt; the terms they favored limited: Tui The Stoner Agency, MEDICINE HAT Austria, correspondent, which are hereto tet tria, are reassuring, Stock Jobbers Scare. from ulterior motives, through a desire to pander Sensationalism which Greek Terms, thing reasonable to conciliate with She s ready to abandon all her claims on Albania, except a nar tow strip leading to her. window on the Adriatic Sea, as well as her -claim on even the ports of Durazzo and Sam Giovanni di Medua. She is willing to accept navigable harbor and build her own port, is conceded in Vienna that the Austrian government is willing to meet her little neighbor fully half way on this question. These statements of the Dally Telegraph red by, the men who hold the reins of government in Aus- The press alarmists on this side of the water have been unconsciously, or playing the: game for the stock jobbers, and this morning nearly every reputable news- paper in. England s joining in con- has been emnation of those, who,-for hire or regards. the truth as a foe, have been unsettling the minds of their readers and aiding n- precipitating a panic born of pre- The Greek peace delegates left So* fla yesterday tor-Tchatalja, and while ple and Kirk-Kilisseh, but leaving merely a alloon d essal ing peace. Those* who are responsible for conjured up the spectres of great of the THiple-atitance adding. that the ly the compact between the two Ge manie peoples. Peace in Sight. and: Austria are now eas ly solul and that Balkan peace actually is sight. Nearly all the newspap ating of false information, for the port of the contention that there no danger of a general conflict leading to the foot of the hilis on shores of the Adriatic. The Standard: says: The least satistactory feature tors. i The Daily Express says: Everyone in Hurope seems to talk of a ot Burdpean war have Key's way to the Hinterland of Con- stantinople by line drawn from Mi- dia on the Black Sea, to the Estuar of Maritza, thus excluding Adriano- the ar- mies being mobilized by the membere and Russia, call of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on the Kaiser was for the purpose of binding more firm- In Berlin last night the feeling was believed Pthat the difficulties. between Servia bie in ers, here this morning denounce. those who are responsible, by the dissemin- ate ,tempt to cause a panic in the mar. Kets of the world, and join in. sup is in Europe over a narrow strip of land the, is the strong probability that there has been a deliberate attempt to create a panic which would put money into the pockets of unscrupulous specula- YY DRAYING. t Sale. cCLAIN PROPRIETOR ODOPIODO OD WKER, aint of Toilet Articles roprietary Medi- Physicians Pre- ity. for You . ire., Phone 75. ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, MONTREAL. For A Soft Healthy Skin Use Baby s Own Soap. It s Best for Baby Best Absolutely pure vegetable oils made: fragrant by flower extracts, which help the skin, make Baby s Own Soap the best for toilet and nursery use. Its fragrant, creamy lather delights all. cf NN e SLOPES EOMOSOLIOLEOLEODENESOELOSEOOSEODEELEDESOSITESORENOS that there fg a genuine desire. for peace and well-founded horror of war. .No gfeat power wants to risk war. In Germany there is practically no war party, In these circumstances Dardanelles to the porte, there is lit- only extreme folly or fatal accident tle doubt that these proposals. are and must materlally be modified to insure last- can provoke a general conflict. The Times says: The spectdele of the great Chri tian powers drifting Into conflict ov- er the termination of five hundred years of misrule in the Balkans would be regarded asa crime against civ- ilization and a confession of utter failure of European progress and Ideals. Mr. Martin H. Donohue, telegraph- frig to the Daily Chronicle, from Con- stantinople, reports that the cruiser Hamedich, which was torpedoed in the Black Sea by the Bulgarians, had narrow eseape from foundering. Her water-tight compartments saved her. She was severely damaged and Mes off the arsenal in the, Golden Horn, with her decks awash. This is serious blow to the Turkish navy. It means the loss of their most mod- erh vessel. Fuad Pasha: bas presented a pess- imistic report to the government on the stajo of the army, behind the Tch- aitalja lines, He warns the porte that the resistance to be expected from the troops now facing the Euro- pean army will only be short lived if the enemy manages to break through th defences. Fuad Pasha fears the worst and declares that the fate of the capital will be scaled. Ochrida Captured. Belgrade, Nov. 26 The Servians have captured Ochrida, Albania, with- out resistance. In fesponse to an inquiry from a Servian general as to whether Greste could provision the Servian troops op rating jalong the. Adriatic coast, Greece has replied that a to testify to his ad- Boundless bravery of by sending Greek irpose. 24 Herolsms 1 Nov. 25Becaia ork of relief, t a Scotch, pastor Constastin d Miss Alt, a Swit womgn, sixty years of age, who fa) eats has been connected with onal and American tmiseion work in Purkey, have taken, duastera In the cholera - carp jands* frill :devote themselves to th catg obithe,yictims. An elderly Greek waiian has joined them in the work, Many of the doctors have refdhed that they are surgeons, not physi- clans, At present there 1s only. one volunteer doctor at. the camp Maj Cire 8; Ford,-spodtcal, carps, United Redcliff Realty Co., Phe first edition of the Arbeiter Zel gt; JREDCLIFF tacks upon them, and at.the same Opinion in the army here time converged a killing fire from the ly adverse to the signing infantry batteries and rapid fire guns terms - until Adrianople Upon the enemy. The Turks advanced sanitary conditions in the 6 with ghastly courage into the face of death, while the Bulgarians showed that they could be as skilful in night defense as they were in night attack: The end of the fighting did not come until noon today, when the Turks feil back on their positions, leaving a large proportion--of men on the field, Some estimate that at least half of the attacking om Was killed or wounded. The losses of the Bulgarians were slight, as they remained in positions not exposed to the enemy, and were firing steadily on States Army, who, with the secretary of the American embassy, Hoffman Phillip, and an Englishman, -g0es to San Stefano every day for relief work, Austrian Demonstration London, Noy. 25. The Dally Chro- nicle's Constantinople correspondent telegraphi The Austrian sailors received or- ders this afternoon to embark. One Austrian cruiser has already sailed. The other will leave tomorrow. I am assured here that tho. purpose of-the moye is to make naval demonstration off the port of Durazzo, on the Ad- riatic, The Austrian doctors and gurses have also received orders to gevart * Austrian. Censors London, Nov, 25. The has this despatch from have just arrived here fiom Vien- na. Under pain of the savorest pen- alties, the Austrian newspapers are forbidden to mention the military measures taken by the government. Maritza river re said to be spi ing disease as well as famine. Mail the bursting shells. the leading parts rill be taken Although the Bulgafian soldiers oline White, Giovanni Zen a have for the most part not been oat Mari Sammarco. Friday night of their clothes for six weeks, and ta Ruffo, the famous barytone, wil are sleeping, on the- ground, they, make his Chicago debut as e continue to atnaze the torefgn obser- According to Andreas Dippel, Vers by, the cheerfulness and ag- Manager, the season prom: Sressiveness, They are impatient to the nost bri it and successtul, storm Adrianopie, but. wider cotinsels tistically say/Anacialy Chicago prevail among the generals, and the ver kno Rica Policy. at plecemeal destruction of the Turkish army will be continued LINGER AGENCY 2s SPECIALS WORTH BUYING HERALD Block 22, 100 ft, 3000, Perms on Highland st. tung Was seized yesterday morning, apprrently for having alluded to the military . preparations and subse- quent edition appeared with blank spaces, showing where the censor had been at Work. Reports reaghing Vienna to the ef- fect that Ru: was concentrating large forces of troops Inga the mobilization of 24 was imminent, led to. th counter measures of (pm AustriHumg ry and G There 48) good Ti that the defense of: sian frontier, in vies itary activity, was 1 flying visit pad, yon Scheuma, chief general staff, chiet of the It fe still prs 1000, Perms. 1200, Terms. NORTH YOU Block 9, 50 ft, 1050. Terms. Block 1, 60 ft, 1260. Terms, 2 Aeres of Ttackage, 1000. the mobilization Terms. A snap. BUSINESS Block 61, 250 ft, corner, The cheapest. on Toronto Street, 300 p rifoot. This. will be (worth per the pring. y SOME EASY asfer Co. wand HEAVY 4 PFeparing to make sbftics in. heavy force to the west and south ofjjAd- rlanople. Withdrawing their advance posts, the Bulgarians encouraged: at
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Image 985 (1912-11-25), from microfilm reel 985, (CU1773237). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.