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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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a chance for you; the ro of the mild Fall. are all good; made of blanket tweed and 2 ible eloths and are all ofthe very newest We simply shave a few too many of them e a complete clearance right these Coats on sale Friday and ding to the following plan: infusion Hampered Adrianople Garrison ier Wounded Officer Tells of Hopeless Lack of Order in the Defences Ottoman /ASnow Whether They Were Sometimes Did, Not Firing on Their Own Men or Not For Night and Day Soldiers Lay. In Bulgarian Headquarters, Nov. 14. During the last few: days the Turks me been driven from all theif ad- vance positions, but inthe begiuning the principle attack was delsyed two days. The cause of this was the dif- ficulty in transporting ammunition after several days rain, and the dif- ficulty in bringing up feinforeements from Adrianople, as Well -as the hea- vy artillery. The fighting was ex- tremely fierce. Z In an interview today, Major Dal Bey, whose chest was torn open by 2 a splintered shell at the defence of Adrianople and. who is now being ;cared for in the Austrian. hospital, said: ane Fire *Wits Unbearable. waa commander of the reserves in the last softie from. Karageuz fort on the Bulgarian artiliery positions in front of the Emetcholi farm, Dur- ing the past few days the fire from the- heavy Bulgatian. Krupp guns Ad been unvedtable.. Our artiitery ould not obtain the. upper band, 80) me night attack was ordered. our- teen battalions. made ready to deliver the attack soon darkness set in. AU night in the pitch dark and on the following day, raining all through the afternoon, the men lay in the wet and mild wailting orders to advance. Twice the order came and twice It Was rescinded. It was a territile strain on the officers nerves, for thi men since they were detached for op erations to the northeast two days previously, had had nothing to ea save Biscuits softened in hot water, and were grumby: ing. Inlitterent to Commands, When finally for the third time the order to advance was given, whole conipaiiies of men remained-'-where they lay in supreme indifference to the officers . commands,. turning. a deat ear to, all exhortations. It wag only on the intervention of. two military imams that the men stirred from their indifference ai Jast, About 9 p. m. We were finally On the move while our searchlights Played on the west fromt, After an hour's march we encountered the en- emy's advance post to the right .and left im front of us? Bulgars Were Accurate, At first a few shots fell here and there: But in: a very short time wel found ourselves exposed to a long tine of fire. Presently the Bulgarian ar- Wet ud and Were Disheartened. (Specidi to ther News) tillery chimed in, shooting as ad- mirably as if they. wer having long Preliminary range-finding practice. *This night was appalling We knew nothing about the strength of the cuemy and in this roadless piain in the darkness of the night some de- tachments got completely out of touch and lost all sense of direction. -Re- serves .were advanced from the rear to the front and were thrown into the firing. line. . Frightful, confusign ensued in. the darkness. Guns Raked Ramks.. We did not know whether we were shooting atthe enemy or oar own men; but the Bulgarian batteries pit- ilessly raked our ranks with deadly projedtiles. After two hours of this we found ourselves retreating In: an inextricable tangle. Suddenly we were terrified by the cheers of the Bulgar an infantry charging on -us. from right and left. It was as if all the wicked djinns bad let loose on us. Twas. standing in a knot of men on a narrow Botpatn when a rain of the Bulgaria. shells fell into our midst. 1 felt something hot strike my Teft breast, ook a few paces for- ward and knew.-nothing more. until ft awoke from a deep unconscious- hess, in captivity. temo Treated Him Kindly. From the bottom of my heart I thank them for their humane treat- ment and em particularly grateful to them for having respected my rank s an officer. 5 The Turki major was very fe- served in his answers to questions regarding the state of things in Ad- tianople, but when the victorious ad- vance of the Bulgarians was exriain- ed to him on the map, he sai We were told the opposite, but we did not believe it We of course, were told that Mukti Pasha was ad- vancing victoriously on Kirk-Killis- seh and that Adrianople would soon be relieved, enabling us to execute our forward movement on Philipopo- lis, How. our catastrophes came about we annot understand, Allah has abandoned us. It isthe punishment of Allah for. our sins. With a mournful glance he gave me his hand to say farewell, exclaiming: You Austrians were always our friends, but now in our hour of dis- tress nd one wants to r T past friendships. This s very agefor Subscribe now for The Dally News Goods di initar; Phone 896 SAUSAGES, BOLOGNA, FRESH FI and everything i in the meat line. to your door. 0TO 25 CENZE PER POUND conditions in connection with We solicit a trial order. CITIZENS MEAT MARKEF CORNER OF COLUMBIA AVE: rs ELIZABETH STREET J..H. Harper, Proprieter NUE AND gt; IBALKAN IMPASSE WAY BE SETTLED London Telegraph Corres- pondent Says Peace is Sure to Be Preserved. FEARS WERE EXAGGERATED Several Small Unpolitical Episodes Have Been In- terpreted in False Way. (Special to the Nows) London, Nov. 14. Dr, Dillon, in his special to the Daily Telegraph, say: Budapesth, Wednesday, Nov. am still unable to share the amisgiv- Ings concernings the Austria-Servia situation, which Lkmow to be wholly Daseless, The organization against an European Intervention as a result, of political transformation of the Balkans are so overwhelming that Peace may be described as virtually certain, Austria-Hungary having sdjusted its policy in fundamental potuts to enable the Southern Slavs in general, and the Serbs in particular, to ex- and territorially, draws the line at the concession of a port on the Ad- ti Hi pleads her economie inter- este and Austria-Hungary replies by offering a passage to the Aegean Sea and would further agree to let her feach the Adriatic, too, for comm r- cial purposes, via Bosnia. Servia, however, deems these concessions in- adequate and declares that . t is her intention to take Durazzo by force of arms. Can Servia carry out these de- signs against her powerful neighbors? Alone-she is-powerless. Her allies are under io obligation to risk a war with Austria-Hungary in order that Servia may acquire Durazzo. As the great powers are prone to envisage the Servian difficulty, as 1s evidenced by the fact of the many-sided prob- lem, not one of them. will adopt an, attitude frankly hostile to Austria, on this subject. Archduke Franz Ferdinand has conferred long and earnestly withthe Emperor and he has received: the Bulgarian premier. The publicists drew. from these meetings the: co: cludi s that the situation had become intensely critical. Neither the Emper- ors. own desire nor the underlying motive nor the attained aim, have ac) complished the slightest chi tor the worse. It has been affirmed that upoif the result of the visit to G rmany, welgh- ty decisions depend. This, too, is a misleading Interpretation of a wholly tpolitieal episode. Germany's attl- tude toward Austria-Hungary is ciear, definite and immutable as tria-Hungary s decision res; the fundamental points of the ent European problem. The remaining oceurrences of the past couple of days are positively reassuring. (RUSSIA WILL NOI HELP Servia Cannot Count on Czar s Assistance in ent for Port (Special to the News) London, Nov. 14. The Times cor- respondent at St. Petersburg says that the Russian Foreign Minister, M.Sazanoff, after consulting with the G rman Ambassador, informed the) Servian minister, that Russia was not disposed to fight for the sake of a Servian port on the Adriatic. He al- so expressed the wish for the de- parture of the Servian, Prof. Koshu- tick, who by lecture and interviews has been stirring up public. opinion in favor of the Servian claims, thus: complicating the task of the Russian government. The Russian press; says the corres- pondent, shows dissatisfaction over this attitude of Russia, but it is un- derstood that Premieh, Kokovott is disposed to agree with M. Sazonoff, being himself hopeful of an Austrian- Servian compromise. lt; LADY EVELYN 10. WED Daughter of ; Barl Grey Will Be Married to Lawrence Jones. (C. A, P. Cable.) id London, Nov. 13. Lady Evelyn, General of the of Canads, will be est son Margaret Saturday, te. The Misses y and Lady Howick's ite daughters Pamela Dawney, Vera and. WwilfjAct aay bridesmatds. ze : Sabscris Sop for the-Datfy Sows. Tender will be-regeived up tec. ist for a bridge to connect the is- nd Knowh as Stratiieona Park, with Whe maintand. Plans may be seen at hte office of A. P, Brown. Bridge to be completed by March ist. 10 per cent of price to accompany tender. K. Dee. 1. eT ot the Maughter of Earl Grey, x-Governor- 4 oe vs callediat the Grand Vizler- FEARED HE HAD CONSUMPTION MUGH MCKENNA, Eom, ets Sraraan, N.B. Jan. 27th. 2911, to tell you of the great good yess ave done for me. iy b box, 6 for trial size, AAS all dealers ox cnt on secefptot by Ottawa, BULGARS DO NOT DESIRE. ARMISTIGE It Would Only Delay Aut- onomy for Albania May Be. Close. at H Hand- lt;Speciatto to the News.) London, Nov: 14.+The Daily*Mhil's Constantinople correspondent says that there/are:good grounds for stat ing that the Bulgarians disapprove of an armistice, whith they. regardas afi x us :for delay. ao Phe-Daily Mail's Vienna-correspon- dent says that there is: the best .rea son to believe that the proclamation, independence of Albanin.. jis, imminent. The question of giving. Salonica to Servia, adds the correspondent, was discussed at Budapesth and it is un- derstood that Austria would. object to this solution, although there was jan understanding between the Bi Kan, gllies that, Greece should, hav Salonica. Acdespateh trom Safoniga to the Past; describing the dmnonstrations by the Greek population after fhe oc- eupation of, the eityy-says th Greek troops made the most favorable im- Bression on fo observers. ROUMANINN SOLDIERS DROWN Forty-Four: Failed to Swim Ashore in Lake Cailarosi From Ov rturned Boat. zi (C. 4. P. Cable.) Bucharest, Roumanta, Nov. 14. Forty-four Romanian soldiers were drowned yesterday while crossing Ca- Jarasi Lake oh the way from one military station to another. Their Dost capsized and only five of the forty-nine occipants were able to swim ashore. THE SNEED- TRL STARTS First Day spent ji. Exami- nation of 200 Veniremen Only Two. Accepted. W. A. P. Dispatch) Fott Worth, Nov. 14. The task of securing a jury for the second trial of John Beal Sneed, charged with murder, proceeded slowly yesterday. On the first 200 ve question- ed, only two were accepted as jur- ors. The-remainder of the week may Dobieea, Buel ewety-ect out to Deput were sent oub to rbpeeas. 200 fore talesmen for ex- amination es farors. the News) Noy. 14. M. Pop- off, first Dragoman of the Bulgarian yesterday While the council isters was sifting. terview with. Kiamil Gand Vizier. Tt was at tit inslance of the Rus- bassy that the Porte consent- ly digect to Bulgaria. All the ambassadors during the last few day: Rave advised Turkey to follow this course, of He had an in- Pasha, the i THE MARKET SQUARE ToDay s Specials ALTAWANA Block 15, all for 6350. Usual terms. Block D, Esplanade High-class residential, 50x300 feet, overlook- ing river. 3,000. Usual terms. NORTH YUILL poe 7 and 9, Lots 50 50, 975. Terms. HERALD Highland St., Rlock 20, 1,000 pair. Herald, Block 8, over- looking river, only 825 per pair. Usual. BENDING Block 23, corner, 50. ft, 650. Usual, CENTRAL PARK Block 28, 650 pair, COUSINS SISSONS Block 4, 950 per pain. Usual-terms. Pingtle Wales Bell IV. Avenue Half Minute Past Post Office NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE ON FRIDAY, NOV. 15,1912 At 180 O elock Prompt. H. B. Browne Co. Anetion- eers, announce a large of Fruit, Vegetables, hold, . Furniture, Double Driving Horses, Harness, Wagons, etc. entry House- Single - and and Work Buggies, SPECIALS: Three teams of heavy mares. Mileh cows. Dueks Poultry. 2 tons of onions and other vegetables. For entries and further par- ticulars apply to H. B. BROWNE Co. Live Stock and General Auet- Joneers, Phone 703. 519 Toronto St. MEDICINE HAT. it pow cR The Bartlett Studio has the best solution for the Gift probfem- A doz- on photos in one of our distinctive styles will make twelve Xmas gifts, each one of which Is sure to be ap preciated. Have the BEST or NOTH- ING. , There's a your town. THE BARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave. PHOTOGRAPHER in CLASSIFIED ADS. Situations Wanted, Help. Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, te., ads under these beadings 26 Words,,one day... .. 25 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, eix daya-. 1.90 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for leas than 26 cents. Cash must aocomhpany the ord Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2. it will receive attention. and : BELY WANTED. WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Abply Mrs. 0. Jobnson, 653. Lock: wood Bt. * 107-8 WANTED CAPABLE GENERAL) servant, good wages. Apply Mrs. J. C. Hargraves, Broadway. 107-3 A GOOD PAYING POSITION AND A) bright future awaits a man with some selling ability in good financlal of- fice, Apply box 1415, News office, 107-tf, GIRL WANTED TO ANSWER phone and do light sewing. Apply to Box 1411 News Olfice, stating exper- lina and wages expected. 106-3 WANTGD FIRST CLASS PAINT- ers. Apply to Gust Downer, Queen St. and Woodman Ave. 105-3t ) BRICKLAYERS WANTED APPLY to J.T, Bergman, cor. Braemer St. and Sixth Ave. 106-6t WANTED DINING ROOM GIRL. Apply American Hotel. 106-3. GIRL, 106-3 Apply to box 1412, News office. 106-3 CARRIER BOYS WANTED APPLY at News office. a 104-tf WANTED COAL MINERS. APPLY Redcliff Brick and Coal Co., Red- cliff. 104-6 WANTED A WAITRESS. APPLY King George Hotel, Sevea Persons, Alta, 102-6 BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogitvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Job Office. Canadian Stewart Co., Limited, 75-tf WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job: Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Co., 3 33-tt E ANTED Men atid women to learn barber trade. Suimmer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cats- logue free, Moler College, 699 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 294dee SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG LADY REQUIRES EN- gagements as help at receptions, parties and balls. Address, 236 Main St. 105-3 STRAYED. ESTRAY RED. AND WHITE BULL, strayed from the premises of the un- dersigned about a year ago, branded B7 7, on loft hip. 5 reward. Adam Bobnet, Little Plume. 102-1mo. 10.00 REWARD per head for return to G, Soudder s ranch, Sec. 12-12-7, of cattle branded F RQ or Tight ribs. Also some good horses for sale, or will trade for city lots. F, Seudder, cor. of B, Allowance and E Balmoral St. P. 0. Medicine Hat. a Nov. 14w t 25 REWARD THE ABOVE . WILL. be paid for information that will, legd to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, branded elther H. F. monogram on left shoulder, or on left thigh, This horse is four years old and has trim- med tail: R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. Sept. 30, 1912. eott WANTED TO REXT WANTED NICELY FURNISHED house or flat of, 5 or 6 rooms, In govd location, for family of three. Address Manager, Alberta Ornament- al Iron Co,, Redelift, 104-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST A CHILD'S SHOE, WEDNES- day evening, vicinity of Toronto and Montreal Streets. Finder please leave at News office. 107-tf LOST BETWEEN.BINGLE'S DRUG store and. Monarch Theatre last eve- ning, black sable ruff. Call at Nows office or phone 192. 107-1 LOST BETWEEN PINGLE S DRUG *) store; Mati St; -and cor or Fittr Ave. and Balmoral. St, by Fourth Ave., small purse containing sum: of money, on Nov. 12, 1912. Apply News office. 07-1 LOST A PEARL SUNBURST, VAL- UED as 2 keepsake. Reward. 437 Roy St. 106-8t R00MS TO RENT. WANTED THREE RESPECTABLE men to share a large front b droom tse of phone and piano. Call at 654 Alberta St. or Phone 866. 106-3t Houses for sate on easy payments or will exchange for real estate. Ap- Diy. to Hotson Leader. B4-tt Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility tor sup- plying the most satisfactory. TO RENT A LARGE FRONT ROOM and board, in modern house, suitable for two. Apply 432 Roy St. 107 es. Thursday, Novembbe si BOARD AND ROOM. BOARD AND ROOM WITH PRE Yate family on the Hill, close to High School; 626 Hl Paso, 05 rr ROOMS AND BOARD WANTRD WANTED BOARD AND ROOM 8B young lady. Apply box 1413 News of flee, 10 ROOMS WANTED, WANTED ROOM IN PRIVA family, by respectable young 1 Apply to box 1414 News office, a ing terms. 10 WANTED TWO OR THREB-ROO apartment, furnished, by Nov. 1 Apply, stating terms, Box 1408, N office, 10 FOR SALE FOR SALE A FINE LoT oF quis seed wheat, grown on breaking. 2.00 per bushel, OJ. Gee, Redvers, Sask. . Ble To RENT TO RENT STABLE, are N. Railway st. WANTED TO PURCHASE cor. WANTED TO BUY LOTS CLOSE in, residential; will pay cash. G full particulars of location and price, Write John McWhatton, Gen. Deli ery, Medicine Hat. 108 een eat renee: WANTED TO BUY Building Iota) im Old Survey, Herald gr Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc, to P. O. Box 510. Owners only need apply. + 188-4E WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade. 62-tf ie MEDICAL DR. W. M. ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon. Office above: Assiniboia Music Store. Office hours AM. 10 to 12; P.M. 2 to 4, 7 to 8.90. Resi- dence 512 Roy St. Residence phone 708. 0. 19-1m AUCTIONEERS Hi. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ox- perience at your disposal free. Phone 703, H. B. Browne Co. 619 To ronto St. 1s2ate CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, ee W. A HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (eatab- Ustied 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. AE. Gibson, C.A gt; partner, Phone 198. MISCELLANEOLe ANY SMALL JOBS OF CONTRACT- ing, either carpentering, painting, la- boring, plumbing, engineering, etc, will be undertaken by the und ed. Estimates given. Patrick Court, 723 Third Ave. or general de- livery, city postoffice. 89-44 THE MEDICINE HAT MIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The.above hat on hand the best.selection of Hand Tools in the city. We Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clock Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, volvers, Wagons, Buggies, H s and a afce new line of winter goods We buy everything mentioned abo and pay the best prices. Call at South Raflway St or Phone 587, W'NTED LADIES AND Gm cast-off clothing, shoes, w: Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, tased, stoves, musical instraments, furniture, Democrat waggons, E gies, harness, Ddicyclea carpen tools, ete., raw hides and furs, ho hair, wool and f thers, bought a1 sold. Apply to the Harvard Tallori Co., 312 Fourth avenue, oppostit Dreamland theatre. - P. 0. bor Phone 295. The Best Price Paid the above gt; sapie +. -. CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE Tq measure, guaranteed for one against breaking and rusting; ght weight. House No. 7, School Ay enite, opposite east side of school: Phone 699 for appointment o write P. 0. box 72, Mrs, Matthews. Oakes Everard Co REAL ESTATE. 265 1-2 MAIN STREET. PHONE Listings Wanted. See us os sone buys In Nor iit and Powells SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 331 North Raflway Street. P.O, Box 184. t Phot Is your husband .cross? An iri able, fault-finding disposition is 0: ten due to a disordcred stomach. man with good digestion is nearly al ways good natured. A great man have been permanently cured of stq mack trouble by taking Chamberlain Tablety, For sale by all dealers, it wal 1 i i E' WOR eminieinint FABI It is hardl and not al keeping witl of a busines ably know1 upon the fa ferior quali tions or -s are not pe 20th Centr Clothes. We're not g upon it now- you that the fa ter into the ma Century Branc every one of selected; and for the purpose 400 choice fal from, TUR BRI The Man s Sto: Get the Big D * MIDDLESEX (C. A. P, London, Nov. 1 diesex yesterday. in ty Championship gt; to five. THE MARKI Potatoes, 98 bus. Chickens, 32 at Butter, 40 Ibs., at Eggs, 26 doz., at Carrots, 18. bus. There could be 1 than Chamberlain's My children wer whooping cough. Or bed, had a high fev: ing up blood. Our Chamberlain's Coug first dose eased the tles cured them, i, of Lexi
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Image 904 (1912-11-14), from microfilm reel 904, (CU1773151). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.