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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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apols His Car Blindly Against Concrete Wall to Save e monotonous plere of red changing Yur of oray hich Hineg the track, ds. perm orvaiter danger thon irregular) rite ina road. 9) As inducement 40. the. eery dest of riving, the resort to every little bit of that it put you's the very devil of a fix. 1, Jolly fine smashup: out at Jadianapolis Now, Fou know, in that racs Ob, yes; but 4 dm forgetting. You want to hear soa hing tur Bappened to we. Very well: Tiwas racing in the twenty-four heut ronivst at Brighton Beach two years ssa. t was a mighty bard race. Two sucerns had. entered cats with the an- souuced intention of breaking the world s record. They were both after it. Now, the drivers of these cars set aw frightfal pace for he dangerous Brighton track, To keep ear them the rest of us had to take all sors of chances. I remember -when 1 was hasing them around the paddock turn that I was brought closer to death want to be again by the terrific strain. my two front tires blew. up with a roar Spinning around, the rear of the car, de teribing great dre. crashed into the fenge, What, my feelings were dn. those fying seconds I cannot tell. I only know that 1 thought more of religion than at any, tine im my life. 1 remember the grind, of the brakes, the screaming contact. of splintered wood scraping alongside te. Fremember bow the car, ulting on Its telt wheel, rose, swayed, tinsig for a mo- ment aa if about to overtura, taking me pd my mechauician to destruction. aiid then it righted aud crashed down on four wheels. 1 safe, but when Jumped out T was trembling. A Durating tire is feared by all race drivers. Ralph De Palma telle what hap- poned to him as the result of tir gt; explo- BY RALPH DE PALMA. OU ask me to tell yOu something about my most. *thriliing moment on the track, What you ask is Swinging axed fo shoot Into the. lead. posing my machine ahead of BraceBrown's, and was sweeping slong at an awful pace when suddenly X heard the sound that all driy- fers fear. Tt wah a deafening explosion, the baret- But there was no chance. The upset came so quickly that I was caught I only re- BY HARRY KNIGH7. . X racing career has beeen a comparative iy short one. I sat for the frst time in a Bucket seat only few years ago. I ibave not been driving Hanif as long am most of the men whow I Will meet on Me- wmorial Day. Yet 1 ave ote experience that from the rest of Stay life sthads out ike a flash of flame. lao, oddly enough, It happened mt In- fanapolis during the 500-mlle race ast Memorial Day. It is a hard inci- tent t0 tell about. -One docs not ike to sty what one has done, especially If any food comes of it. After reading this yon Mill anderstand what P'mean and my rei netance to pnt the incident iin my own Orda It was during the early stages of thet race, Dut the driving was growing iercet, Harronn In his yellow Wasp was cutting a tercific- puce. Like machinery he swept on, mile after mile, never changinz, just the smooth running Wasp thet cur down distance With maddening regularity. Be hind him siz cars kepe Duiiched together. Buc always Harroun way a half mile i0 rout andsalways the six drove faster and faster, trying to overtake him. Once when he was. whigeing stand stand the six'ot- ix came Our of the fiome turn utter hig the stretch we shot: SomehowoR aaiu- aged to jump the others and, putting an the acceitrator, alned x big lend before they realized ft. Nearer and nearer 1 the stand my ear was hurlidg me, Then something happ ned. I saw suddenly a disabied machine drawn up before the pits. It was in the middie of the track and I could see the driver, Jagersberger, tugging at the wheel trying to miigot the car to a place of aufety. He Jeguw Then 1 saw hie m pbe apparently trying to KNIGHT, THRILLING tthe TRACK EN Who Risk Life to Win the Big Automobile Race at Tell of lacidents Fratight With Greatest Peril. . One jyear at Daytooa Beach. This time it was a powerful racing automobile that shot me ever the ground. It covered s mile tu twenty-five seconds, which I believe to be faster than the erlb went. People bave aaked me to tell nomething about the experienced of that dash, I have hesitated to doe. A man docs not Hike to say he was afraid. I was afrald Aa I drove to the Une I noticed that the was rather rough. That made it bad. The car would jump. waa to have fying start They would ot begin to take my time until polo was pamsed further down the beach So without further ado I jumped in, opened the throttle and was off. . Instantly the wind began to sing. Then ; stock machine. Next Instant I Heard My jit blew a gale, harder-and harder, until 1) felt the muscles of my neck straining. ras awful to face that resistance. t ve my back against the seat. And running over the mechanicien.. Of course-atretch where I wouldn't be caught and there was s charice that I might be able Dlemed for taking chances I)forced mz to steer. around the mechaniclan. 1/SAf to the limit. The roads were: rather course and thought better of it, though, and thinking) pa St tle polut om the often, we were as men do at much times, twisted my steering wheel all the way around, closed jmy eyes and prayed. The next instant) I beard my car crash into the conerere wall along the track side, tear up't gravel, fip into Lytle's machine, few pits down and then shoot on a crazy boli into a nearby Geld. That's all 1 reniew- ber. That night they told me. 1 shud saved soiebody s life. I think they exaggerated, but it was an experience shall: never forget. And it 18 to the road race thet we must again turn to hear the experience of Joe Matson, .While'Joe Mataon sas winning seas, to loosen the grip I had on steering post, to close my eyes, tv yield completely to the drowsiness that had come Over me, when, with a isst insting- tive wiovement, I hut off the engine, How long the car bowled along with the Power gone I don't know. When it topped, though, 4 may canie fhiining up re broken the world s record It was some moments before could talk. The breath bad almost beep driven from my body: Then i told him. Wall, I never want to again. Ralph Mulford has an ceciting story of 's road race in Feirmount Park, Philedel- phia, two yore ego. BY RALPH MULFORD. Y most sensational moment was neither fear of an accident. It was a delay that cost me the Fair mount Park race and 2,000 cash prize In Octod r of 1910, My car -es entered in the 600 enble tach engine displacement class, bat 1 was com- peting for the grand time prize. against 160 inch engines,huge racing mon- stere of much greater power than. my Nevertheless, I) had) succeeded in pasting them one by one, until on the twenty-urst lap, or twenty five miles from the finish, I was in the, lead. My margin, thougn. was only a few seconds. Then as I came swinging down the stretch I found that 1 neadad gasolene and oil. It almost broke my, heart to make a sto ai this stage of the race. The loss of secoud was costly. T had to have the fuel, though: so I re- loctantly brought the car to a stop. When I got going again Len Zengle in one of the big racers had passed me, He had gained less than a minute lead, but enough to win. It was disheartening after I had cut down the field to lose in this way, So I dashed after Zengle, taking chances that Thad not dared before on the tricky Fair. mount course. For three rounds I chased him and his smoking racer. Finally 1 caught him and at the beginning of the last lap was in the Jead by nineteen sec- onds. I counted the race as good as won. It was a tremendous advantage, with only one circult of the course to be made. siving mighty push, missed Ing headlong. By thts me I had boasd- fed Into the driver's seat and started ihe ine just a my miechante, scram to his feat Leet. Jumped tn else me. We- the park. Da Dassin, bla. Zeogle s car that had just ote T passed the Gnish tine with him behi T thought I had won. Then the gray- facer swept up the stretch. over the laa, had Ite thme taken and won Thad lost: by bare seconds; lost after a hearthreak Ing tace of two hundred mile record at. Sante i. BY TEDDY 17 ences. bow it teste: to travel eighty mites: oo hour to win race? Generally T te rain from. talking about them, 1 have hot thoughr vaxthing- In my career worthy the telling. Burt there which may iwiy7 you, It happene.only a few werk ago when I wax racing over the Sita. Monica boulevards against some of best drivers in the world. I won tha) .. IL broke a work record. I bedt Broce Brown, Bragg. Dingley. 1 beat then cause I was used to the course aiid ear stood op well. But 1 wouldn't base beaten them if an incident had rprnint out other than it did. It was the s shave I have ever had. Tchad the record within my grasp wanted to make sure of It. So i around the turns, skidding and aloix through the dirt, half blinded With it, 1: tearing off again with the throttle wide open. After I had repeated this perfnen- ance about five times I began to wou if I couldn't go faster. I took to shavine the corners to save time. The fractidii. lof a second are worth while ina road rave. It was on one of these close turns thar the moment came, I-had jtist abot out of the curve when I felt something stinc my arm like a bullet It wae a sone thrown up from the road. It cracked my mnecles, paralyzing them. It was the right arm and, no longer able to hold the wheel, it dropped weakly at my ide. Nor knowing whet T'was doing threw ever- ithe left to grab it The wheel was with lout a hand. Instantly the car shot across the roxe Imaging my disappointment, then, when ta crazy angle, and, teallzing what T Founding turn on the hack stretch my 3iq gone 1 twisted the wheel with, my. car blew a tire. We had to stop and put teft hand Just as the front wheels were on a new One We worked, my mechan- plunging into a ditch, Somehow wr re bumped up and down on our seats. Still I drove taster. I every second I could get. Then came the accident. As I looking down. the fad, figuring on. bot close I could shave the turo ahead, heard a splintering ound. The next mo ee the seat broke beneath me. I wa: thrown to the Soor of the car with both hands Kianging to the wheel like man falling from a window grips the ledge T couldn't see where I was, steering. 1 might be headed for desttuction. Indeeit until mg mechanician grabbed me up ane lifted my head co: where I could see thy road twas in the gravest danger of ms Providence that stopped ns from jumping fygeiaeeh lite Thrown to the floor of that ear. g(eiity nable to see the road ahead, it was onl f 4 ree es h aa Faster and Faster It Rose, Until Jumping Into the Air It Spun on a Heap. Its Front Wacels and Crashed in ing of its 200 horse power engine. -Faster and faster we flew. For thirty feet at time the car was not on the ground Just Jeaping through the air and. crashing) o 2 ' I Typinted the Wheel with My Left Hand Just as the Front Wheels 7 Were Plunging Into a Ditch. gt; i Die Tidjang Prophy, through the beach. And always the wind 70 nbor ichen he drove'e ot 141 miflea an hour then the car began to shake tq the roar-ician and I, faster than we bad ever done down on the sand as if it were going race of it. mained righted and, tearing along the- before. Zengly was ahead. He must be. diteh, jumped: back on the road. By thie: This delay would give him back the yine- time the mom ntary paralyzation waa teen seconds he had lost. The thought) over, and with both haads on the wheel 7 of it was sickening. He made such ajtook up the chase. Why that car didn't turn over with us beneath is beyond Then man came running up snd sald me. : AANA Aen Annan nnn VOeeVOHOnn iit ieniiinnhiRiRnnntrinenrar oansiensrarsessutanininnnineenin Sold Wives in England as Late as 1832+ hard. To most of us hy the iere all thrilling 1 In the Meeiice, Lfiave scraped the aur racing beside me. hom A-course and crashed cto 0 A Aivnider. And always t-have escaped Flyte was obe, time, hough, chat. gow was urdoabt spouvulsive Jirch of iactie. i saw hidr be- in Folting over gind oyer oy the track, saw him ptagger t his-feet only to. lege (were. smashed. Then .f Qt one ide in the disabled cir Wiricteside On fe other side waseeae iechasiclan, 4 ded man, Zo1Iflle ucrosd the track. For a second 1 was at Joss. what fo alend would mean smashin hii tobe one 4 the Theteverest and y.niost dariog drivers 1. thegunie: He was x bard Niusher. 1 uecded every necond thar I wo Sgersberger and his machine coud gain ou um, So along the back tona Beach, Fla. ignorant in England that if man sold to me only a born serpent. I took her for icoreat ts aglos oat i ces ol as mine to part forever. She has been his wife at public auction such a sale my comfort, the good of my home; but she hud all the legality of regular divorce. Lhe latest case of the kind on record) occurred in 1832. John Thompeon, a farmer, had been married for three years and/he and bis wife agreed to separate. Thompson brought his wife into the town of Carlile and. dy the bellman announced he was about to sell her. At twelve o'clock Thompson placed his wife ob a iarge oak chair with a rope or' halter of straw about her neck. He then) made this anpotncement: Gentlemen fir bed and that some- body put me and my bed into cadnon. Phen tho cannou-was fired, and 1, bed and all went tearing throogh the air close to the ground, faster sawa the bullet And when 1 awoke 1 didn't fall on the floor, Mary Anne Thomipsonigtberwise Will- I ave to offer to your notice my. wife, t became my tormentor, a domestic curse, a night invasion and a daily devil. I speak truth from my heart when I say may God deliver-us from troublisome wives and frolicsome women Avoid them as Jou would mad dog, roaring lion, loaded pietol, cholera morbus, Mount Htna or any other pestilentia thing in natare. Now lave shown you the dark side of my wife, end told you o: her faults anu failings. 1 will introduce the bright and imide. of her, and explain her quaiifiestions and goodness. She can Wels and milk cows, she can lavish 1p with the same ease that youl what the post says of women im general : Heaven gave to women ibe peculiar To lai to cheat a 0 to weep, to cheat the aust, ep, human, She can make butter and scold the. maid, she can sing Moore's welodies end plait her folds and cai igped Sndge gf the quality of each from lem experience in tasting them. I therefere offer her, with all her perfectioas and imperfections, for the sum of Sfty shillings Whe Woman was finally wold 10 ene Henry Mears: for the sim of twev shillings and s Newfoundland dog Mav. and wife parted in perfect ood 1 jams, whom I mean tol to the highest coald-take glass of ale when thirsty. Mears and the wowmn going wna irest bidder. It Igiier wish aw welt sages: gentlemen, she reminds me of *, Thompson ani the, dow sn0:tu There's about Walk-( that make thusiastic ov, The more yo them the mor thusiasm gr listen to a Walk-Over vy talking Shoes be the mer shoes Turpin The Man's Stone Get the Big Do Medicit Meat M Fresh Meat: A trial Is al PHONE 878. 515 Fargo, Nov. 22 falling over. practic state today and pro end of the threshiny Beginning about six tinuing for several covered all the Red ght covering w Jer in the northern tions of the state. Ported tn the ex counties and west Hine. It is. believed unthreshed will not season. Morning Afternoon Evening AFTERNC EVENING Ladies
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Image 978 (1912-11-23), from microfilm reel 978, (CU1773149). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.