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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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WE ARE OFFERING THE LADIES (EDICINE HAT SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL OUR FUR GOODS. , Throws and Muffs in natural. arid black wmot, Black Wolf and Alaska Sable, d for this sale. eae dd pieces of neck Furs at half orig- There may be just what you want in this i let us show you through. pital Realty Co. Main Street Phone 799 SNAPS 2400.00 each Three 75-tt. corners, Blocks 107 and 108. 1650.00 50 tt. corner, Block 106. Snap for two days only. 1000.00 50 ft. corner, Block 50. 2100.00- 50 ft. corner, Block 82, 250.00 to 450.00 each. Fine residential lots. WE HAVE 320 ACRES CLOSE TO REDCLIFY WHICH WE CAN SELL-AT FARM EAND PRICES, HOUSES FOR SALE. 200006 Terms, Five room, Cottage with bath, full basement: On the hilt g 8500.00 Terms. Seven rooms and bath. Central Park. 9500.00 Terms. Six room Cottage in South Yuill. 6250.00 Terms. Six rooms and bath. No. 1 Bungalow, oak floors, bedmed ceilings. Stands on 50 ft. in Central Park 2200.00 Terms very easy; monthly payments, Cottage in N. Yuill. 4500.00 Terms. Six room House with large barn, hen house and work shop. Po SEE US FOR SUBDIVISIONS, WE HAVE 6,000 ACRES ADJOINING. i * Sean cry. ; RIVERDALE a 350.00 cach,regular. 20 lots in Block 8, facing tha river. Only one week at. this price. f on DAKOTANS Witt OSE HUDSON'S BAY ROUTE Grand Forks, N.D., Nov. 28. Nay- igation by the Red River, Lake Win- nipeg and the Nelson River to Hud- F Sot s Bay is contemplated in steps shat are being taken toward making E the Red River of the north 2 perma- ment navigable highway. The new Foute When completed will be 1200 miles shorter to Liverpool than the Present route, and wiil give an out- z det for the grain of the northwest to the world's market by water, with- Out two bandlings enroute. The last Session of congress ordered a survey of the river and December 5, Lieut. Col; Potter, chief of the government engineers for the northwest, will hold: hearing in this city, Asa result of light rainfall in- the Mittiesota lake region ast two year water in the Red ply to Hotson. und Lead Ses have isin idle. Congresam: ty miles by big portation, for milli ds of. bushel; Brain grown by. fi a to the ni and pouth of Grand, mined (fforts will be made for Provemenis that .will establish Permanent water level during na gable seasons. : profit of anything on the map. BA. jOTE THESE REDCLIFF PRIGES, THEY ARE I River, has. been too low to permit uavigation, and several fleets of bar- fal in getting a providing for fards improve- international government for over stx byrers- represent the most important Gee dam. The riv- er provides the best-method of trans- we and ii Houses for sale-on casy payments Wuring the or will exchange for real estate. Ap- which keeps and day, coughing away, night the throat- loosens, a Bakers ingrdict Stet oon tapes of this emt Na-Dre-Co and Chiore- from page one) + emphasize the td t that, al- nit had been asserted by. the minister of the iaterior many street would be made of the work: Sas, stchewan. Mr. Rallivan only resident of that prov- had been agrested and es an honor to be arrest put in jail, and this was cer- the case in regard to Mr. Sul- to: law and justice in Manitoba were Worse than in Russia, The govern- ment of the province should set aside the northern portion of the province fs a Canadian Siberia, In conclusion Mr, McNutt said that ali the residents of Saskatchewan who had taken part in the fight had done so at the request of the conati- tuents of Macdonald and they had no apologies to make for exercising their rights as citizens of the Dominion. The debate was continued by Mr: Armstrong, North York; D. D. Mac- kenzie, Cape Breton, and Mr. Bell of South Grey. - Western Member R. Cruse, of Dauphin, was speaking when the tsual six o'clock Wednes- day adjournment was taken. He in- formed the house that Capt. W. B. Sifton, one of the Liberal workers arrested in Macdonald, was'a con- stituent of his. He had known him for thirteen or fourteen years and he could assure the-house that he was a man who never had been guilty of a dishonest act. Under the late govern- jeht he had for a number of years /held a responsible position and he had never during that time heard a word against, him-from Liberals or Conservatives. -Pire tappenings, inv Macdonald he declared, were such a8. fo warrant sn. immediate investiga- tion by the government as the affida- wits which. had been read in the house by Mr. Oliver, made a strong case, Z He next referred to the challenge of the minister of finance to the Lib- erals to express their views as to reciprocity... I am, he said, more strongly in favor of reciprocity than ever before. It is all very well for the manufacturers to argue for the pro- tection for they want it. But the far- an industry in the Dominion, and they should have the markets of the world opened to them. Mr, Cruse -did not see much pros- ect for r lief for the westerm farm- ers when Canada has three transcon- tinental raflways. He suggested that the managers of the rallways get to- gether and agree to keep up the Fates and there would be no real com- We are betting 2 to 1 dn Montrosej petition. Free access to the American Lots making the largest, quickest tf market would give relief and would Prevent the grain companies of Win- nipeg, making such a big profit on wheat shipped to the British market. Separate Schools, if Mr, Cruse stirred up a little breeze GREATER SATISFACTION GREATER COMFORT with GREATER SAVINGS 2 Tn your clothing than you have ever before experienced? WB OFFER IT TO YOU IN THE TAMORED CLOTHES POR PALL AND WINTER WEAR THAT we NOW PRESENT FOR YOUR INSPECTION. Styte-Craft. appeal to men their dignity and grace and fauitiess tailoring have won the favor of good dressers wherever they have been shown. Get fit, fabric, tailoring and cost satisfaction this season by wearing Style-Craft garments. We invite you to look over our stock. se LEPAGE BROTHERS LT MEN Do You Want just before six .o'clock by deciaring that as a result of the boundary set- tlement separate schools had been Practically restored in Mariitoba. How could the Orangemen like sup- Porting the government like this? Dr. Schaffner interrupted to usk the mem- ber for Dauphin to quote the change in the Btatutes bringing into ffect separate schools. Mr. Crufse baid he could quote the Orangemen s sentiment as saying that no matter how the politicians might endeavor to gloss it over there was Ro getting over the fact that Mani- toba has now separate schools. It Was und rstood that the Manitoba schools: question had been settled for all timedn 1896, If it was to be op- ened again now, the peopie should be siyen an opportunity to express their opinion in to the matter. At this point bene eee TEESE + a he of ofp of SEVEN PERSONS + Pee b eed In your account of the vyry sef lous train wreck at Fitzgerald last Monday morning, I notice there-is 20 mention of the man, Stanley M. Lowe, Who was very seriously injured, He Was left bleeding for fully an hour before the nurse ang Dr, Crawford got to him. No mention Is made, eith- ef, of the Important part this nurse, who happened to be on the train, who did yery valuable service in ns- sisting Dr. D. T. Crawford, of Seven ' 4 ly disappear. if you Persons, who is not mentioned either, Mr, Lowe has boen under the care of Dr. Crawford, whe is dressing the wounds daily. It is too bad also that the nurse's name or address was not Jearned at the tiue. It ts possible the strainmen. belonging to the Hat, have ber name. Thislady phould be fultably mentioned and rewarded. Mr, Lowe's injurich were 0 bad on the head that th nurse had to leave Dr.- Gravifor to dress the Lowe as soon as returned to con- aclotimness, and that she thought the ear Could not be saved, but the dec. tor has sewed ft on and now it will be possible to save the'ear. Mr, Lowe Was badly bruised al over the body, suffering greatly. The atde of his taco 4s badly:torn, it requiring some: elev en stitches to close the torn parts. It will be at least three or four weeks before he can even attend to office work. Mr. S. M. Lowe is visiting Mr, John A. Calder, Seven Persons, having on- ly arrived from Nova Scotia a week before the aceldent A tumber of the nJured were not au badly hurt who went, to the Hat hospital as he preferred to return to Seven Persons, if possible, and be nursed by his wife, who ts here visit- ing Mrs. Calder. Also, he was 80 bad that t, was with difficulty thas te walked from the train across to the house, He ovly did this fo- fear of frightening his wife if he had been carried over on, a stretcher, which the trainmen thought they would re- quire to do. The ghock to his wife would be more than she could bear, under, these cirqumstances., JNO. A. CALDER. P. 8 Since writing the above I noticed in Tuesday's issue which Teached here Wednesday morning, that the nurse, Miss Walsh, is a Hat Indy. The Young man with the terrl- ble gaping wound in the forehead was this Mr. Lowe, mientioned above. PPEPRES TEES + CHEERY COULEE + + + PEEPEEE EEE EE EE Mrs. C. visited at the Win. Wilbur home on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Wm- Wilbur and Mrs. John Potter were calling on.neighbors on Thursday. It is freezing quite hard these nights and farmers will have to lay aside their plows till spring. Mrs. J. Steinkio visited with Mrs. C. Foster part of last week. R. A. Walker was busy hauling hay and straw on Tuesd. Charley Johnson. visited with , Foster on Monday. * Dave Settle called on Wim. Wilbur on Tuesday afternoon. up the threshing in this vicinity. Mrs. Geo. Leckron and children re- turned home . from Bulls Head on Wednesday where che was called be- cause of the illness of her mother. Wm. Wilbur with the help of Fred Hodgson is digging a well. Louesa Schell called on Mary Set- e on Friday afternoon. Roy Harris called at the J. Schell home on Sunday afternoon. * Mr. and Mrs. F. Settle and son Henry were visiting neighbors on Sunday. : G. Lemoigne called on Dave Seth Monday. Miss Thelma Wilbur called on Mrs, C. Foster on Saturday afternoon, Miss Louesa Sehell went to Bur- dett on Monday where she intends to visit w th her sister. Mrs. West, till Christmas time. B ShilohP SBiiah costs so little and does 80 PUBLIC NOTICE The annual meeting of the Medi- cine Hat Agricultural Society will. b held in the court room, city: hall, on Wednesday, fourth day of Decem- ber next, at two o'clock p. m. 117-8 ARD, Seo, AUCTIONEERS See H: 8. 3ROWNE 00., Live. Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranct and farm stock sales conducted any - where, House furniture; sales com ducted anywhere. Consult us, our x Derlence at your disposal free. Phom 703. H. B, Browne Co. 619 To Tonto st. : 183d. NURSING GRADUATE MISS: E. J. nurse, having trom her va- cation, is prepared to resume nurs- ing. 488 Esplanade. Phone 144. 114-6 CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure, guaranteed for one year against breaking and rusting; very light weight. House No. 7, School Av- enue, opposite east side of high school. Phone 699 for appointment or write P. 0. box Mrs, Matthews. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W 4 HENDERSON CO, chartoree accountants and auditors, (estab Mshed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipes, Medicine Hat, Leth T. Thorson and . Foster: slriped a car load of wheat last week. * G. Lemoigne is around finishing bridge. A. E. Gibeon, C4, resideni Partner, Phone 198. Burns Block 276at1 BELL i SONS Real Estate Brokers, INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. Corer of North Hallway aud Malin Streets. KS PHONE 633. aq 5 Herald 7 ft. lock 4, 2000.00, Usual terms. 60 ft., Block 1. 1000.00, Usuar terms. 50 ft, Block 17, 1100.00. Usual terms. 50 ft. corner, Block 9, 1100.00. Usual terms, 50 ft corner, Block 2, 350.00. Usual terme: 50 ft. corner, Block 22, 2000.00. Usual. terms, * 50 ft. Block 18, 1250.00. Usual terms, 250 ft, Block 21, 575.00 per Jot. Usual terms. Highland Street 76 ft. Block 5, Cousins and Sis- sons, 1650.00. Terms. 100: ft, Block 4. Cousins and Sissons, 1250.00 pair. Usual terms, 50 ft. Block 2, Cousins and Sissons. 1400.00 Usual terms 50 ft,, Block 20, Herald, 1300.00, Usual termis. Central Park 50 ft. Block 25, Lawton 1250. Usual terms, 50 ft, Block 29, Chicago 1050. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 22, Chicago 1050. Usual terms, 50 ft, Block 31, Chicago st, . Usual terms, 50 ft, Block 7, Alberta St.. 1470.00. Usual terms, Cousins and Sissons 100 ft., Block 22, 1050.00 pair, Usual terms. ft, Block 13, 650.00, Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 19, 1300.00, Usual terms, 50 ft., Block 20, 1200.00. Usual terms. 50 ft. Block 1, 1200.00. Usual terms. 10 lots, Block 5, 650.00 pair, Usual terms. Hill Subdivision . 100 ft., Block 31, 650.00 pair. Usual-terms, 100 ft. Block 28, 850.00 pair, Ususl terms. 50 tt, Block 29, 850.00. pair. Usual terms, gt; All Blocks 13 and 14, 200.00 per lot. Ail Blocks 23 and 24, 200.00 ort i . ery easy terms of one-quarter Cash, balance over. one year and a half, St, Bt. St, Riverside 50 ft., Block 19; 850.00. Usual terms. : 50 ft, Block 4, 900.00. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 1, 1100. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 1, 1000 cash. 50 fl, Block. 7, 950. Usual terms, 450x800 River front lots, 2000.00 each, Se Riverdale Block 8, commanding splendid view of river and city, only 300 each, Hasy terms. North Yuill 50 ft, Block 17, Queen: Street, 1050.00; Terme. 50 ft, Block 17, Kim St, 1050. 4 00. Terms, 50 ft. Block 18, Yulll Street, 1050.00, 50 ft, Block 3, Park Ave., 900.00. 200 ft, Block 2, 6300. Usual . terms. . South Yuill 50 ft, Block 11,. 1575.00. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 17; 1600.00. . Usual-- terms. Ren 50 ft, Block 14, 1400. Usual terms, A We have several ener positions in Acreage cl the at Hivite tntaceetod parties to call and we submit our Hist. Business Property We have seme of the most ree uable Business sites and ness Property In the city our Iists. Cheap Houses New four roomed Cottage on Queen Street, , 1800.00. 300 :-handles, balance as rent. See this, 2 1 Two new four roonied Houses on-Ros Street, only 3000.00 tlie pair. Rented at 20.00 each per month, New modern five roomed Cot- tage facing Broadway, River- side Park, close in. 2100.00, 800.00 will handle. . Balance to be arranged. We also have some very special values in house and cottage property in various parts of the city, 1 Redcliff Wo. save over Swe ae in the above town for sale ranging fom 200.00 to 1000.00 per jo We Need Your List- ings. Kindly phone or all and same will receive our prompt atten- tion, Bell Sons. Situations Wanted, Help Waated, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete., ads, under these headings, 26 words; one day: 36 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, otx days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for leas than 2 cents, Cash Thiet aocompany the orde: Phone your ad to No. 18 ring and it will receive attention. BELY WANTED. WANTED A GIRL TO HELP WITH care of baby. Apply Tit amt an GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Wages 26.00 per inonth. Apply 516 Montreal St. 11-8 COOPER WANTED APPLY ALBER- ta Tinsecd Oil Mills. urs WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH Knowledge of men s furnishings and clothing, to work in store Saturday evenings. Good wages to clever sales man. Apply box 1427 News office, 1i6tt SINGLE GENTLEMAN HAS SITUA- tion for man and wife. Man to look after horses and wife as housekeeper. Apply box 1429, News office. 116-3 WANTED GENERAL SERVANT, Apply 805 Esplanade. Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. 11att GIRLS WANTED ONE GIRL FOR brushing clothes, with some exper- fence at pressing. Apply New York Dye Works, 613 Toronto St. 112tf, BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Job Office. Canadian Stewart. Co, 4 6; Thureday, November 28th, 1012: ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED * YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE - WANT board and room with private. family. Box 1433, News. 117-6 LOST AND FOyND SRS ema wr ak LOST WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, small black pur e containing small sum of money, also several ke: Finder please return to News offi Mu eS LOST PLAN OF COTTAGH RE- ward. Appiy to box 1434, News of fice, ee LOST SILVER SHAMROCK, INITI- uls GOR. on one side, and Won by E. Company Footbal on the oth- er, Apply at News. office. 118-3 LOST POX TERRIER BITH PUP, All white with two tan brown spots over each eye. Good reward. J. F. B. P, O, box 836. 114-6 FOUND AN UMBRELLA WAS found in opera house some time ago. Owner will remit sum for ad when they receive umbrella. Apply, Newa oftice, att Seana gt; FOR SALE FOR SALE AT 83 TORONTO ST. 2 beds and mattresses; also two gas heaters and gas fixtures, 115-6 . FOR SALE, 25 REGISTERED BERK- shire hogs. Both sex, about seven weeks old. Also three registered Jersey bulls and cow. Apply Dem- onstration Farm, Medicine Hat, Al+ derta. i 200-13 FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on new breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.J. Me gt; Gee, Redvers, Sask, 81-.-80 ROOMS WANTED, SS Limited, . W5-tt WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp jon. site. Canadian Stewart Co, Ltd. B3-tf pete aaa WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Fates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 699 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 2esate SITUATIONS WANTED, (OLLANDER, RECENTLY RECOV- ered from fever, wants job as night- Watchman, domestique or- other work. Apply box 1436, News office. . 119-3 YOUNG MAN, AMERICAN, WOULD Uke situation with engineer or sur- veyor for the winter. Has: had small experience along surveying lines Can furnish best references, Apply box 1435 News office, 119-3 LADY, EXPERIENCED, WOULD like position in office Would work half day, if desired. Addreas M., Box 248, 118-3 SITUATION WANTED IN MEDICINE Hat by expert male stenographer and bookkeeper. Six years experi- ence. Prefers position with real ea tate or manufacturing firm. Best re- ference: J. G. Maynard, Barons, Al- berta. 118-6 SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST- class carpenter. Can handle any kind building. Call 512 Highland St. Phone 5. 118-6 fllae lesion katana Toy SITUATION WANTED AS HOUSE- keeper to gentleman by widow with Uttle. girl of 9. Experienced. 1402 10th Ave. E., Calgary. 119-3 WANTED T0 PURCHASE WANTED To BUY Bullding lote in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P. 0. Box 610. Owners only need apply. oe BB-tt. WANTED LS WANTED CLHAN- COTTON RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade. 62-tt ROOMS TO RENT. SS eer FURNISHED- ROOMS TO LET Close in. 619 Toronto St. 117-8 TO RENT LARGE FURNISHED, bedroom. Will aecomodate four men. Apply 116 Toronto. 114-6 BOARD AND ROOM. WANTED MAN TO SHARE ROOM with another, Board if desired. 822 avenue off Hill St, Columbia Ave- nue. 118-3. TO RENT BOARD AND ROOM FOR one gentleman. Apply 438 5th neat nue. ut. eee PRIVATE FAMILY, CLOSE IN, wants boarders and roomers. Home style cooking. Dinner specialty. Good clean rooms. Call at 522 So. Rall- way St. i 119-6 WANTED TO RENT WANTED. TO RENT A SMALL house, east ehd preferred. Apply to new Tent and Mattress Factory, 117-3 WANTED ON OR BEFORE 26th January, house to rent. No children. Write box 1428, News office. - 116tt ARC: WANTED TO RENT FOR 3 MONTHS tSpewriter. Write W. H. Sherwin, Redoltff. 118-8 es The Dally News delivered in the WANTED, BEDROOM FOR. GENTLE- man immediately. Phone Tat (118-3 WANTED FURNISHED ROOM BY young man in private house, with or without board, Apply to box 1431 News office. 317-8 ROOM DESIRED IN MODERN REs- idence with private family, perma- Rently, bv business gentleman. Good Pay. State cost, accommodations, and who compose family, No rooming or boarding house desired. Address F., Room 105, Assiniboia Hotel. 116-6 eae Sete ene ge TO RENT hide te EL 4. ROOMED COTTAGE: TO RENT Apply. 205 Dominfon st. 119-3 blocks from station Apply 304 Sec- ond Avenue, jor phone 593. 118-3 FURNISHED HOUSE ON EBSPLAN- ade, to rent for three months from 3rd December. Apply manager, the Royal Bank of Canada. 117-3 ae ge TO RENT SUITE OF OFFICES TO rent. Apply box: 1426 News office. oe 116-6 STRAYED Ae ee 25. REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, bj either H. F. monogram on leffshoulder, or ) on left thigh. This horse is / four years old and has trim- med tail. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat: Sept.g30, 1912. oott MISCELLANEOUS : WANTED TO HIRE, AT ONCE Gent's fancy dress for carnival. Any character, (tall). Box 23 Redoliff, Al- berta. 119-3 WANTED CAPITALIST WHO WILL Dut up a first class modern buliding Jor department store on good busi- hess corner. Apply box 1432, News of- fice, 117-6 ALL KINDS OF WORK CONTRACT- ed for. Painting, decoruting, paper- hanging a specialty. Windows clean- ed, carpets beaten, etc. Bstimates LOOK LOOK HERE THE RAW FUR SEASON I8 OPEN. Don't sell your furs or your raw hides till You call up 687 or write P.O box 102, Medicine Hat. Oar price is from 2.00. up to 6.00. Don't forget it, and call or write. WE PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR second hand furniture, tools, stoves, rifles, guns, raw hides and fars. Call at 312 4th Ave., opposite Dreamland theatre..Phone 29 . D. Davis, Pro- prietor. 119-1m MEDICINE HAT GARTAGE CO, ALL KINDS OF TEAM Worx, Household Moving a Specialty, PHONE 820. city 36 a month. J. M. Cooper 119-3 aie ae a MODERN HOUSE: .(0 RENT, TWO We have 75. Coats that out at a dis 20. These are a Bay make ar to buy then in the seaso snap price i; man who side can t af up. a eee Turpin The -Mau's Sto Get the Big D AUC THE MARK FRIDAY, NO At 130 el H. B. Browne cers, announde of Fruit, Ves hold Furniture Double Driving Horses, Harn Wagons, etc. SPEC Milch Cows. Poultry. Onfons. Balance of the Apples. ror Mics ticulars apply t H. B, BRO The Annual Pub ceive the reports mittees of the Ci held fm the Counc day, December 6th AN ratepayers are ent. (119-6 H.E NOTICE 18 HERE application will gt; of the Alberta Cen pany to the Boar missioners for Cat tion of one month this notice, or as the application ca recommendation tc Souneil for the s fromthe Alberta Company to the Railway Company, conditions: therein This notice is the provisions of Raitway Act.
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Image 1010 (1912-11-28), from microfilm reel 1010, (CU1773169). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.