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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ge 4 The Glasgow House CHILDREN S COATS REDUCED PRICES See We have a numberof heayy warm Coats left in our Misses and Children s this season's styles, Sh ecschane SPWOLAL CLEARING PRICE THIS WEEK. All Winter Coats To Go. The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers as SSS vo LINER. AGENT WE HAVE THE CLOSEST, BEST AND CHEAP. EST ACREAGE PROPOSITION ON THE MARKET. 1 7 acres of the south-west Quarter of 35, Township 5 Range 6, at 700.00 per acre. Easy terms. This is right next to Riverdale, which is selling at from 200.00 to 250.00. per lot. - See us if you want to make a big pile quickly. We want your Listings. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA STATEMENT TO THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT - - SHOWING CONDITION OF THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ON SEPTEMBER, 30th, 1912, - ImperialBank of Canada eetenteatea Capital Paid Up 6,460,000 Reserve Fund .. - 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. RG. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. 2 0 1 cS so) of s 2s e 3 ? S THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1964. 180 Branches In Canada: Capital Pald Up, 6,000,000, Total Agsets (Nov. 0th. 1911) over 51,000,000. A-general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Ace its, W..0. JOY, Mamager': s + Medicine Hat Branch *PHON 666 Piano Moving A Speciaity Tasker Transfer Co. apid LIGHT. and. HEAVY easonable DRAYING lable 804 Toronto to tun the city s affairs. fection as the ingenuity of expert operators name and address so that a ollecta Cc. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Rftective Sune Qui, 1912. Arrive. Leave, 1 26:20 2045 Imp. Lta, Montreal to Vanvouver 2 06 90 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. 3 11.15 12.85 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. 4 20.00 20.25 ') mto Exp; Vancouver to Tor, 1B 21.50 22.16 Bt, Paul-Seattle B-ppeta. 4 4,00 420 Seattle-St. Paul Ex 6 21.25 21.60. Prairie Exp., Winnipey io Calgary, Cy 6.25 5.60 Prairie Exp, Calgary to Winnipeg. 514-517 5.05 Express from. Kootenay Landing. 613-619 19.00 Loca) trom Cranbrook. 516 23.00 from Calgary. 618-511 10.30 for Cranbrook, 520-513 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing, 815 6.80 Local for nigary. u 230 440 Sov Ltd, St Paul-Port 12 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd, Port-St. Paul. : Nos, 1) and 12-do not come into Medicine Hint Passing time at Dunmore shown. Published by the Medicine Hat*News Cox Ltd, ery lawful evening at its vitice, Main Streeu. Wedicine Hat, Alta. DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1, deltvered.... 4.90 3 year by mail... . 3.00 00 i months, by mall... 1.50 3 months, delivered. . 100 8 months, by maD. ..760 1 month, delivered. ...36 Addresses shanged as otten as destred,. bur beta niw aud Old ad resser *t be given. WEESLY NEWS. Publishe avery Thursday tn txteen or more pages, and containg a eumma-y of the news of the week. Tocal and district. 6 months, tr advance Toe 3 months, in advance. .50e year fn advance... . 1.50 Saturday, October 26th, 1912, BASED ON REASON. THERE are reasons other than sentiment- al ones for Medicine Hat s owning its own street railway. system. The News has already pointed out on several oceasions that the company which is asking for a franchise believes that the system will pay whatever percentage the city may demand and at the same time return a profit to the shareholders which will justify them in put- ting their money in it rather than in any one of the scores of other commercial enter- prises in the west which promise large gains. The expectations of the men behind this company form fhe strongest argument as to why Medicine Hat ought to keep its railway rights. that street railways operated under exelt- sive franchises, especially in such growing eentres as Medicine Hat and other weste' points, return a higher rate of profit than any other form of investment. The rail- Ways may not do this themselves, but the cause of the unique adyantag s and the powers they possess in the cities. Let us examine some concrete examples. The Calgary system, we are assured; is making a profit. at the present time. Cal- garians will proudly tell you that their rail- way-paid its own way and gave a gain from the very day of its ineeption. . The Ed monton system, after some prelim- inary squaring away so that it might find its true stride, is also producing a revenue which is greater-than its expense. The obligations which it was necessary for the city to undertake in order to establish the system, are being gradually wiped out in yearly portions. Perhaps the most outstanding proof of the practicability of municipal ownership as applied to the street railway is afforded by the City of Glasgow, Scotland. Civie proprietorship has proved such a success there that, gains from the railway are-used The remarkable result is that no citizen of Glasgow pays a cent of taxes on his real estate for the up- keep of the city. There are no municipal taxes as we understand them. There would be, however; were it not for the street rail- way. The Glasgow men pay certain taxes, it is true, but they go to the Government, not te the city. eg And the benefits of this splendid system are not confined to the obliteration of mun- icipal taxes. The Glasgow railway has fea- tures that cannot:be found in any privately- owned system. The service is as near per- and the generosity of a big city can make it. But the most remarkeble faet is the courtesy of the system towards its patrons, if a person boards a ear and discovers that he has not sufficient money with which to pay b e, the conductor does not immed- jiately ring the bell and put him off (no new sight to the writer, who lived for year cities burdened with privat tems), but carri s him to his The conductor merely takes the pa eall on iim late: citizen? If there Ration it has yet to dato believethat a stem-in-this city wily morning meal, kiss him. when he Financiers of broad experience admit) profits accrue to the companies solely be- wipe out the taxes after a few years opera- tion, Tt seems abundantly evident, how- ever, that a civie system will serve the people with a degree of completeness and satisfaction undreamed of by.private . cor- porations and will return. a profit..which may be put into the i g cofters and used for the benefit of the citizens /themselves. Besides it will open the way for many little improvements, ;such as have oken of as marking the Glasgow system, whieh would be studiously avoided by any private company. OO . THE mayor refers to the advertisement which-a, former Council carried in the News as a bonus and, from the way he speaks, evidently thinks it was of no value to the gity. Tf an advertisement is of no value to a municipality why then does His Medicine Mat News Wersv object to. the News accepting ad- vertising from Redcliff ? A. J. N, TERRILL, B ttor. CITIZENS of Medicine Hat, who have soe : amemm: come here from municipalities which rertiaing have street car services, are invited to tell ke e oar eae their experiences of the same to their 4 RING ning 2, 19 / friends in this city. If they intend to reside here for any length of time the imparting of knowledge on this point becomes a duty. Pashia adept ne ae IN urging that Medicine Hat should own its street railway system, the News does not expect to win the sympathy of the owners of autos, so much as the support of the man who will patronize the ears the man with the dinner-pail. Be ipso WE hope those Medicine Hat people after seeing our municipal railway in opera- tion will go home and decide that their city will have one just like it Lethbridge Her- ald. Be yy oa PUBLIC OPINION. Halifax Echo: Thirty-four brides who reached New York Jast week on the steam- ship Bermudian formed a Never-Nag So- ciety during the voyage. Among the things each bride agreed to do for her hus- band ar the following: Get his breakfast every morming, dressing neatly for the comes home from work, and account for every penny she handles, and give him a night off ? every week... That s certainly going some. Talk about the good old-days. Halifax Echo: A former piisheart man of New York regently sold a city lot for 1,000,000. It was push that made him wealthy, but pull can do it just as well in New York and quicker.- eee Gt THIS DATE IN HISTORY. z October 26. 1804 Robert Emmet, the Irish patriot ar- rived. in America. 1807 Russia declared war against Great Britain. 1825 Tidings of the completion of the Erie Canal conveyed from Buffalo to New York ity in 80 minutes by firing re- lays of cannon. 1859 Steamer Royal Charter wrecked on the Anglesea coast, with loss of 446 lives. 1908 Laurier administration upheld in the Canadian elections. 41911 The Government began a suit for the dissolution of the United State Steel Corporation. October 27. 1864 Confederate ram Albemarle blown up by Lieut. Cushing at Plymouth, N.C. 1870 Marshal Bazaine surrendered Metz to the Germans. a ES THIS IS MY 56th BIRAHDAY. Kenyon Cox. z Kenyon Cox, the noted painter, whose death was erroneously reported some months ago, was born in Warren, Ohio, Oct. 27, 1856. He attended art schools in Cin- cinnati and Philadelphia and then went to Paris, where he studied under Gerome and Carolus Duran. He returned to the United States in 1882 and soon acquired a high re- putation in his art. Mr. Cox is noted par- ticularly for his figure pieces and portraits, Some of the best examples of his art are to be seen in the Library of Congress in Wash- ington and in the State Capitols of Iowa and Minnesota. o CONGRATULATIONS TO: Sydney Rosenfeld, the dramatist, 57 years old today. Hon. Arthur L. Sifton, premier of Alber- ta, 54 years old today. 5 Thomas-P. Fowler, until recently presi- dent of the New York, Ontario and Western Railroad, 61 years old today. Whitelaw Reid, the American ambassador i Britain, 75 years old today. Viola. Allen, the noted actress, 43 years old today. . Colonel Theodore Rooseyelt,. ex-Presi- ag of the United States, 54 years old to- Ys Hon. Walter Scott, premier of Saskatch- ewan, 45 y: old today. : to Ladies of Culture and Re- finement Use Salvia Hair Tonic. It Makes the Hair Beautiful. At Inst a remedy has been discov- eed that will positively destroy. the Pest Dandruff. That Dandruff is caused by germs FORMALINE FOR SMUT accepted by every sensible person. 50c..) Quart Dandruff is the root of all hair Q evils. 25c.... Pint SALVIA will kill the dandruff kerma and remove dandruff in ten days, or money back. Tho manufacturer guarantees it, It will grow halr; stop Itching scalp, falling hair, and makes the hair thick and abundant. It prevents hair from turning grey, and adds life and lus- tre. SALVIA is a hair drossing that has become the favorite with women of taste and culture, who know the Social value of beautiful hair. A large, generous bottle costs only 50c. at loading druggists everywhere. The word SALVIA is on every bottle, Sold at Pingle's Drug Store, Medicine Hat, Alta, DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store . 23 Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE BY F. SASTIMO Room 3, News Block. We guar- antee satisfaction Siti every Shirt, We carry all the new- est and up-to-date styles and patterns. A trial order is all we ask. Prices 1.25 6.50. ROOM 8, NEWS BLOCK 88-tt The farmer ig now informed that the safety of the country depends on his vote. Subscribe now for The Daily News. R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. Parcels Deliverea, IONE NN, 349. Hblninivininininininininfelninfofoiete) It s a Good Joke on your friends to have them figuring out how you can be so well dressd, but it's not hard to figure if you'll consider us in making your appearance pre- sentable, Our cleaning and pressing work adds dollars to your savings and days to the wear of your garments: Isn't it worth considering on those grounds. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING Co. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. H. B. CURTIS TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC. Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle COAL bP ccna 3 Hay for Sale. ee L FRED McCLAIN x le, Engine PHONE as pmruEee and Blacksmith's Coal. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade. 8, TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block. P. 0. Box 813. SS Phone 569, Box 304, CROSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. Fall is Here AND SO IS HOUSE CLEANING Houses for Sale. TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE 2 BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE HO. 968 402 728 OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS, Gas City Vacuum Cleaning Co. , Phone 707 O.l1-1m J. C, LARSON, Manager. THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO 87. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Exeavating a Speelaliy, Light and Heavy Horses for sale a) All Thwas, F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING E. M. CAWKER, ( Phm. B. Druggist stock of Toilet Articles a prog fundies Proprietary Medi- GRADING AND EXCAVATING Spitratiny: 6: Piyiciaae Pre. Gray l and Sand for Sale, et oS oe 204 South Ry. St. Phone 75- P.O, Bors ** SE House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT 16 MONTREAL STREET Phone 260. Steam ' Laundry Modern and sanitary in every respect and the machinery s the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage, solicited. And our drivers will cali for and return the goods. SINGER SEWING MACHINE acency 7: 4;,eoynold INTER, ETC. Machines for Sale and Rent. 81 North Rallway Street. P.O, Box 184. tt eae OS. Latest samples in Wall Paper, 120 Eighth Ave, Phone 690, Phone 486, CitySaleStables OE Reese so seston Geete toateateateeseatease re sostontestoate sie strdr ele ottodtodiont 3 Sa ctestests Soefo-ofeate-t 2 So f eatests
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Image 768 (1912-10-26), from microfilm reel 768, (CU1772884). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.