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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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z Glasgow House Sp cial Showing OF Beautiful Evening Wear The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers 384 MAIN ST bok 10, 50 ft, 1000. Terms. G, 105 ft, 3000. Terms. Block 27, 50 tt, 3950.. Terms. TOWNSITE. Block 82, 100 ft, 32900. Terms. Block 85;/50 ft., 1500. Terms. Block 87, 50 ft, 1600, Terms. CENTRAL PARK , 50 ft, 700. Terms, Block 13, 50 ft. 1200. Terms. Plock 17, tacing Park, 1575. Cash. ck 17, 19 lots, 200 each. Terms. Block 17, 50 YL, 900. Terms. We have a couple of fully modern houses on Braemar St. for Why not get one of - sale. This street-is fast becoming business. these beautifal houses where you have a good revenue producer un- UE It is needed for business. WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA STATEMENT 10. THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT SHOWING CONDITION OF THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ON SEPTEMBER, 30th, 1912... ASSETS, 89,091,307.51 Bis, 12;850,440.04 7920,127.74 * with Dominion Government for Se- of Note Circulation 578,000.00 67,079,654.08 100,177,009.21 5,652,198.56 172,908,66L.85 POPs egrtnereeateeetocteateaty rial Bank of Gan Capital Paid Up . Reserve Fund ... A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, R. WILKINSON, Manager Medicine Hat Branch. s fost LOAN eon toate PRR ERR Rhee eee it THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. 180 Branches in Canada. 86,000,000. Impe vada Srofeed s , S ef 5 fo soeheetont opodieetnodte Established 1864, Cspltal Paid. Up, Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 91,000,000. A general 7cnking Business Transacted. Savings Accounts, Special attention to W. 0. JOY. Manager + Medicine Hat Branch PHONE 66 Piano Moving A Speciaity Tasker Transfer Co. LIGHT-and HEAVY now easonable C. PR. PASSENGER SERVICE. Rftective Jane tnd, 1912, gt; Arrive. Leave. ly 20.20 20.45 time at Dunmore sho A. 4.N. TERRILL, Edtor, DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-us, delivered.... 4.90 1 year by mail... months, d-livered. . 3 months, delivered. . I 1 month, delivered. ...85 Addresses changed ag otten as destred, but bot nsw and Old ad reaser st ba given. WEEALY NEWS, Publishec avery Thuredey to txteen or more pages, and contains a eumma+y of the news af the week. local aud district, 6 mouths, Jn advance ise Year in advance....31.50 ' Tuesday, October 22nd, 1912, WATER ACROSS THE RIVER. RESIDENTS living on the north side of the river will he pleased to learn that every effort is being made to provide them with city water as soon as possible. It must be remembered that it is quite an unhder- taking to throw a pipe line across a river which is a quarter of a mile wi le, but ay solution of the problem is now presented by City Engineer Grimmer. The scheme not only provides for the pipe line, but will at the same time increase the acconimoda- tion for traffic on the Finlay bridge. It is prop sed to construct a seven foot passage- way far pedestrians on the east wer side of the bridge and to swing i Pipe on the brackets beneath it: I tion of the present bridge which is utilized by foot passengers is four feet six inches wide and although considered ample for the traffic at the time of construction is now uneomfortably crowded at times, hence the decision of the Council to increase the ac- eommodation. S*months, in advance. .50e j while the bridge is closed for tragie. ap ees MEDICINE HAT S PROBLEM. UNDER the above heading the Saskatoon Phoenix refers as follows to the ques- tion of Medicine Hat s street railway fran- tchise: i Medicine Hat, which successfully oper- ates its natural gas, electric and water works plant, is undecided whether to con- tinue the municipal ownership of public utilities or to break with the principle and hand over a street railway franchise to private enterprise. It is almost amazing that aay city shoul seriously entertain the granting of a monopoly in a public service to private concerns after testing the value of public ownership for itself, and in the face of the almost tnanimous adoption of the principle of municipal ownership and operation of public utilities by other cities. The advocatesof a privately owned street railway system are endeavoring: to seduce the citizens from the municipal idea by playing upon the arrangement which is in force in some cities, whereby a; certain proportion of the reccipts of privately own- ed street lines, acerue. to the city. The ob- yious answer to this argument is that if a private concern can afford to hand over to the city a certain percentage of its receipts and still make profits that make the enter- prise worth while, the fact should enly be an added inducement for the municipality to own and operate its own system and thus sectire all the advantages for the city as a whole. Private capital is not invested in any enterprise which does not promise lividends equal to current rates of-interest ind profit, and when in return for the evant of reet railway monopoly private neer to pay municipalities de- heir receipts it is per- uch percentages are based venue which will af- idends after the city, has st agr finite p Teentages of t clear that foetl, upon an esti ford adequate d received its Phe modern tende ration is toward the en private enterprise in matters op ublie ser- vice which intolve monopoly, a do not monopolies in their create private water supply and lighting, ahd it is strange tation in extend- that there should be Vesi i Yailways. The in civic adminis- tire. x lusion of Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanvourer 2 4.05 830 Imp, Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. 3 11.15 11,36 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van, 4 20.00 2025 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Ter, 18 21.50 22.15 St, Paul-Seattle Express, 4 4.00 420 Seattle-St, Paul Express. 1, 21.25 21.50 Prairle Exp:, Winnipeg to Calgary. e 6.25 5.50 Prairie Exp, Calgary to Winnipeg. 514-517 5.05 Express from Kootegay Landing. 512-519 19.00 Local from Cranbrook 516 23.00 Local from Calgary. ee 518-511 10,30 Local for Cranbrook. 520-518 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 515 6.30, Local for Calgary. 3 u 230 240 Sov, Ltd, St Paul-Port ora 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd, Port-St. Paul. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing Medicine Hat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every lawiul eveuiug aj Its office, Main Stree, Bedieine Hat, Alta, PRONE: HONE: Editorial, a e Heparin ind cag coeeietiee News Dept Job Depts, 1 RING x RING. 1Q -T5,00 09 6 months, by maf.... 50 3 months, by ma: ..76 The work will be carried on during the winter in order that the ice may be used Industrial League. 1685 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. 1850 City Couneil of Chicago passed a re- 1851 President Fillmore 1883 Opening of the Metropolitan Opera 1884 Marquis of Lansd wne assumed of: of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of Ol Pa October 22,1855 He received his early edu ation in the publie-schools of Moline, Uk, and at Williston Seminary in Massa- chusetts. Tater he attended Yale Univer- sity, where he graduated with the degree of B. A. in'1880, The next two years he spent in the study of law. He was admitted to the bar in 1882 and for eight years was engaged in the Then, entering x C pal Church, he was ordained a deacon in 1891 and the same year was ordained a priest by Bishop MeLaren of Chicago. For five years he was connected with the Church of the Atonement in Chicago. filled rectorships in Freeport, Tll., and Du- buque, a last-named city 4 as missionary bishop of Olympia. - Empress Aligusta Victoria, wife of the G sermah Emperor, 54 years old today. 3 aa y shows that popu- lor opinion W overwhelmingly in favor. of the principle, and except. for adverse in- fluences of athore or less sinister kind, it-is dimost inconceivable that at this day the citizens of any. town would. voluntarily grant to private enterprise the right . to make profits outiof a public utility, Ex- perience, however, has shown that, these questions-are not generally given the at- tention that they deserve by citizens and given a body of men with interests at stake, rand determination to secure them, ways and means are discovered and employed that too often sugeeed in swinging the vote as they desire it. The citizens of Medicine Hat will be ill- advised if they prefer private to municipal ownership and operation of theix' street tailway. Tie profits which accrue from public utilities should be utilised in the public service and should not 0 either Wholly or in part into private coffers, and every citizen needs to remember that the profits of a municipally operated concern are profits to him which are ultimately. in- vested for his benefit. : peat, THE Council Rroposes to advertise th city by the erection of a great illumin- ated sign and the News had an opportunity yesterday of looking over a design which Seems esprecially suitable for the purpose. The sign is 25 by 60 feet in size and the motto Medicine Hat The Manufacturing Centre eS of Western Canada stands forth in letters of from two to six feet in height. The display is started by. two electric rockets which start simultane- ously. from the lower corners.of the sign and, describing a-parabola cross one another at the top, and burst into c lored: lights. Then the different lines of the advertisc- ment blaze forth one after the other, after Which all lights disappear for an instant only to Tash out again as a whole. The repetition of this performance constitutes the advertisement and it is safe to say that no train passenger will pass through Med- icine Hat without seeing it. - The cost will be in the neighborhood of 3,500 and the expense of maintenance is not at all heavy. It certainly would bea great advertisement for our cheap power, although not quite as good a one as if we could point to a muni- cipally owned street railway as a demon- stration. X i ed CALGARY S Industrial League is making application: to the Alberta Legislatur to-pass an act prohibiting the bonusing of industries by municipaliti The fact that Medicine Hat is in a position to give away natural gas has, in the vernacular, got Calgary s goat. - The Legislature will hardly act upon the suggestion until it is endorsed by an organization of somewhat wider influence and scope than the Calgary Se THIS DATE IN HISTORY. ' October 2. solution nullifymg the Fugitive Slave Law, and releasing the police from obedience to it. issued a pro- clamation forbidding military expe- ditions into. Mexico. House, New York City. fice as Governor-General of Canada. Te THIS IS MY 57th BIRTHDAY. Bishop Keator. Rt. Rey: Frederic, William Keator, bishop pia, - Wash., as born in Honesdale, ractide of law in Chicago. ie ministry of the Episco- Later he Iowa , resigning his pulpit in the a y in 1902 upon his election *t i a CONGRATULATIONS TO: Visedunt St. Aldwyn, 75 years old today. rinciple to stree unanimous :ydf -in favor of the ation of; wnershi; Dr. Karl Muck, director of the Boston ymphony Orchestra, 53 years old CENTRAL PARK tt corner, Block 23,3180. gt; Terms, 50:0 corner on Highland St, Bear school, 1650. HERALD Lots 21 and 22, Block 10, 1000, Terms, 10 lots In Block 21, 450 ench, Terma, 50 ft. In Block 14, 1200. Terms, 4 lots in Block 2, 850 per pair, Terms. Last ROSEDALE 100 Tt. in Block 3, 4000. Terms 100 ft tn Block 8, 3200. Terma, TOWNSITE 51 ft near station, 25,000. - T have: 160 acres of nice level Jand near Redolift at a bar Sain. Call and see me about this, 2 on your friends to have them figuring out how you cah be so well dressd, but it's not hard to figure if you'll consider usin making your appearance pre- sentable. Our cleaning and pressing work adds dollar to your savings and days to the wear of your garments. it worth consider grounds. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. ing on those Other property in all parts of the city. BRING ME YOUR LasriNes. Donald Cu rrie Room 1, Becker Block, Phone 776, TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC. COAL COAL Smokeless Domestic, Engine and Blacksmith s Coal. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage Esplanade. 8. TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block. P. 0. Box 813. FOR SMUT DON'T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and: Book Store REAL ESTATE Oakes, Everard Co. 865 1-2 Main St. Real Estate Agents for Royal Insurance Life, Dept. NORTH YUILL Lots 8, 9, bik. 11, 1,550, terms. POWELL Lots 20, 21, 25, 26, 55, blk. 3; bik. 2, 1,500, Phone 556. H. B: CURTIS lot 50, ik. 28, 1850; CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING: Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PROPRIETOR Fall is Here AND -30 -IS-HOUSE CLEANING HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO- CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas City Vacuum Cleaning Co. . Phone 707 O.11-1m J. C. LARSON, Manager, PHONE 85. vation of to attrac the last looked : factor in economic ing and rather a of wealt men witl beautiful conceptic ly well ever, the ttle sup ly aesth for supp new ides Phone 569. CROSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors. Box 804, POPEEPOPO SOLD TT OLOPEOM E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles dries, Proprietary Medi- ete. ig of Physicians Pre- a specialty. 204 South Rv. St. 729 Lockwood St. Houses for Sale. OFFICE PHONE NO, 868, STABLE PHONE 42 723 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO 8T. Heavy T aming. Sand, Coal Gravet Excavating a Specialty, and Heavy Horses for sale at AME Times, FS, LYON GRADING AND EXCAVATING . ravel and Sand for Sale. Phone No. 416 Phone 73: Germa: movemer haye be doubt, tomed on the Steam Laundry Modern and sanitary in every Tespect. and the machinery is the best that money can buy, All white help employed, PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited, And our drivers will cali tor and return the goods. MEDICINE HAT GENERAL HOSPITAL TENDERS NASER nts Tenders are invited by the MedI- eine Hat General Hospital for the Durchase of land for Hospital site, amount required not tess than one Tenders to be in the hands: of the Secretary by poon of the 28th Yuill. Street. a P. 0. Box 81. ee block, T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, Latest samples In Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave. etapa SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 881 North Rallway Street. P.O. Box 134. ETc. town pi true. th People the tow R. M. NAPIER, Secy--T: Phone 690. Oct 17th, 1912. 7 Ia Ee lation bh ly .rema ed out: taken t and. tn (Washington Herald.) How would you classify a tele- Phone girlt asked the old fogy. Is business or a profession? ither, replied the boob. is a calling. hers Phone 456,
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Image 732 (1912-10-22), from microfilm reel 732, (CU1772888). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.