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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SPECIAL . Good Quality Black Underskirts just to hand. ume at Dunmore shown, Published by the Medicine Hat . P. R. PASSENGER SERVIOE. Th 4 Bttective Sune 2nd, 1912, afloat at the present time. There a Ss yw He ry J we: are persistent: rumors during the past few gi se nm fae sau Ted, Mautkedd 05.8 days . that the British preference isto be a, a 20 20.45 Imp, Ltd, Mon 0 Vanvouver rharge i 2 4.05 8.80 Imp; Ltd., Vancouver to Moutreal, t2mpered with. Ido not harge poe bing 3 1115 11.85 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. against the government because 0 hese 4 30.00 2028 Toronto Exp. Vancouver to Tor. serious rumors, Which credit them with UNDERSKI I a pes wt o zr sesiile e planning to act on the mandate: of those a Ce ee rae Rabioee, ar i re than any others to 61 2125 22.50 Prairie Exp., Winnipeg to Calgary. i porbape gid ahd he are Against the 6 525 6.50 Pratrle Exp. Calgary ( Winnlpeg. )''t them in office and warn the aor Cc 614-517 5.05 Express trom Kootenay Landing, ) ' ference.. But I want to warn the goy- 2 512-619 19.00 Local from Cranbrook ernment, if sueh is the cease they will have 1 ed Local trom Calgary. a jolly fight before they put their project 518-611 210.80 Local for Cranbrook, through. ER AS A BIG teen PN Bonin handine. Sir Wilfrid then passed to a cansidera- . n 2.30 240 Soo, Ltd, St Paul-Port, tion of the economic problem. He des- 13 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd, Port-St, Paul. Nos. 11 and 12 do act come into Medicine Hat Passing Medicine Hat Dews T DAILY NEWS. He observed: There are singu- eribed the condition of the Wheat-growing provinces. and the necessity for: grappling with them not by temporary expediency, but by sound and sane policy. The Liberal policy for developing Canadian trade was to develop if along all three lines by inter- News Co, Ltd, every T PARALYSIS GOU- PLETELY CURED Frult-atives Performs Another Miracle Barsror, N. B., Jury asth. tort Thad a stroke of Paral, a March Reiners urate lawful St Its office, Main St eou Medicine Hat, Alta. P OVincial trade, by trade with the Mother- Braita-tives not only cured. the ee A.J. N. TERBILL, Ratan land and by trade with foreign countries. the meron patice but so toned, PUONE: : HON He sought an exphnsion of market both for ot s to completely overcome the D Friday and Saturday conreca A ade-inanads goods and grown-in-Canada Ray Frujt-a-tives is a wonderful ee News Dept i goods. medicine, ie aes Only 90c 4 RING BR RING lt;e5 OO danas ents Soe : DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Eee 1 y.a1, delivered.... 4.00 months, 4 ltvered. . 2.00 months, detivered. 90 1 1 moth, delivered....350 Glasgow House louse of Fashionable Dressers ss montha, i: advance 756 ts 384 MAIN ST Year tn advance.... 1.50 Thursday, October 10th, 1912. THE suggestion made by that the City Council lavatory constructed at: so: tion is a good one. There improvements sidered which SEMI-BUSINESS 0 FT. CORNER, BLOCK 51, TORONTO ST., AT ONLY 275 PER FOOT. This will be come one of the best business or- hers in the city and in a very short time will be worth double what we ask today. undivided support than if provide any the need will inerease Don t delay. This is your opportunity. Da IAHOnE Sereeteeiretesteatoeteetentoteedte. lt;eetes Pisshetsee :m ROYAL BANK? es Do not wait untit you have a Targe amount to deposit before start-. oe ONE DOLLAR. will open an account in our Savings Department ,d and your account will be welcome. 2c, H. ugh, Manager MEDICINE HAT BRANCH . : Moeteatoseetretraretoctoetoatoete ety Fourth Avenue : POH prontectetentecteeteety PO retertetodocterteeete Imperial Bank of Ganada Capital Paid Up . -- 6,460,000 Reserve Fund .... -. 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. the municipalities times, the planning during past fe been found that. for the been surprisingly great. The park corner Railway Streets is countered the whole beneath the surface, struct should be guarded by an rail. OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. . Established 1964, 180 Branches In Canada. i Capital Pald Up, 86,000,000. Total Assetx (Nov. S0th. 1911) over 31,000,000, A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to eae Savings Accounts, by Mr. Borden and the during to be No truck or trade + Mediciue Hat Branch Borden Government had SAMPLES ARRIVED GET AN UP. AND OVERCOAT. ES TO CHOOSE FROM. Pressin ATRED. not policy; CAMPBELL Wilfrid amid OPP. C. P. R. DEPOT to the neighboring Mr. Foster had thus thereby admitting the renewed appl: remedy we submitted problem remains and: mii The Liberal leader people to face and deal wi Politicians may Why do you bri H Tasker (666 - Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY of our young nation concer 3 year by mail... i 6 months, by mait:... 1.50 3 months, by mad, Addresses changed as ottea as destred, Old ad resier er ba givaa. WEERLY NEWS. Publishec every Thursday tn eixteen oF more pages, and coptaiis a eumme-y of the aews of the week. Tocal and district 3 months, in advance..500 A MUCH-NEEDED UTILITY. proposed and seriously con- are needed less than such a convenience. In undertaking the construe- tion of sueh a publie necessity th -Couneil would probably receive a greater degree of: other utility at an equal cost. It is distinctly needed by the city now and with the growth of It is not many years since public lavator- ies were unknown things in Canadian cities. It was not felt that any duty rested upon to provide them.--Thit attitude has changed with the gt; chan I swing of opinion being due ch ly to the quickening of interest in -town- te p city is not up-to-date unless it has its com- plement of. these conveniences. And it has jnecessary, the resultant satisfaction of Esplanade and North Mr. Williams. This would appear to be a good location. The site, however, is a mat- ter for decision after the special committee appointed by the Council has investigated the whole question. Mr. Williams advances the opinion that the structure might be , half above and half below the ground level. This would have to be determined by the nature of the site. If no obstacle were en- aecess being gained by means of a stairway, the top of which ornamental a a cee THE SAME OLD PLATFORM. IN a recent address, delivered at Chatham, Ontario, Sir Wilfrid Laurie: ing emphasis, recounted the Conservative Party the last election campaign. It was ees, yet today, as in January last, the Con- servative press: was annowtcing that the once more gone hand-in-hand to the United States asking the interstate commission for Special rates on Canadian wheat by southbound routes bess rene the Borden government took office the Hon. gone to Washington, problem and seeking a temporary solution for it. is expediency, declared Sir said before and I Say again that, while the sked the Canadian y, * the chief proceeded, ig this word to Ontario? It concerns the West, not Ontari 3 with that thought; what concerns any part THE people of Toronto wrangled for some time with their usual heat over the de- ..760 cision of the Ontario Government that it ought to sell the Normal Senool grounds for a great sum rather than donate it to the city for a park. The Government has had it up for sale for some time and no offer has been received. -Aha Another ease of bad eyesight. The thing is 4 jonah and not a melon at all. SOME one has estimated that 1,346,925 women will cast votes in the United States: at the forthcoming presidential election, Not if there is a bargain sale on. Sy ei eet THIS DATE IN HISTORY. 5 - - October 10. 1738 Benjamin West, the famous painter, born in Chester County, Pa: Died in London, March 11, 1820. 1765 British flag raised over Fort Char- tres, on the Mississippi River, near Kaskaskia, Tl. E 1835 First White child born in Milwuakee and christened Milwaukee Smith. 1854 Abraham Lincoln challenged Steph- en A. Douglas to debate. 1858 First . Overland mail arrived Francisco from St. Louis: 1868 Beginning of the ten years war for Cuban independence. 1911 California adopted woman suffrage. SE as ee THIS IS MY 47th BIRTHDAY. Cardinal Merry del Val. Cardinal Merry del Val, the Papal Secre- tary of State, was-born October 10, 1865, in London, where his father was secretary of the Spanish embassy. He was educated at pte famous Stoneyhurst College, the Jesuit institution near London. In his youth he became acquainted with Cardinal Rampolla When the latter was papal nuncio at Madrid and became his protege. In 1893 Del Val was appointed master of the robes to Pope Leo XTIL., and thereafter his advancement was very rapid. In-1896 he was sent+to Canada to settle the dispute over what was known as the Manitoba - school question. The next year he was sent to London as a special legate to represent the Holy See at the diamond jubil e of Queen Victoria. Since 1903 the Cardinal has heen secretary of state, a position demanding great tact and executive ability. In his official posi- tion he has nothing to do with spiritual matters. In fact, Merry del Val has never taken priestly orders, though he is renown- ed as an eloquent pulpit orator. Se era CONGRATULATIONS TO: Dr. Fridjof Hansen, the famous Ayctie explorer, 51 years old today. a Sir Rufus D. Isaacs, attorney-general of Great Britain, 52 years old today. eee a eet emcee ST A LITTLE FUN. 3,00; but beta usw and Jonah Williams hhave a public me central loca- have been many it attempted to San w years. Now a small expense has ure ought to be iron with tell- position taken with the Yank- He was a genius. . There was no doubt about it. His hair was long, and there was a dreamy, far-away look in his eyes, and he had a scheme that would make him rich rich beyond the dreams of avarice. What is your scheme? asked a friend of his, seeking the secret information. Come to.a quiet corner, and I will tell you, said the long-locked one. Tis thus. It has been estimated that the common female house-fly Jays 20,000 eggs in a sea- son. ? Well, answered his: friend, what-of But this is lause. T have ith the problem: Grand Concert OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY, OCT. 1 1 Under auspices of THESONS OF SCOTLAND By the following artists: WINNIFRED MEADOWS * Mezzo Soprano A. FLORENCE STEWART Dramatic Reader. ENRICO WAGNER Baritone. Popular Prices. Plan of hall and tickets at Pingle' s Drug Store. et 422 Main St. Wardrobe 422 Main St. Phone 261 -Ladies Silk Dresses, . Waists, Gloves, Feath- ers, Ete, Gents Suits, Dry Cleaned Particular attention paid to travellers work, suits pressed * up on short notice. Thu-tt. For Sale THE SOUTH WEST QUAR- TER OF SECTION 9, TOWN- SHIP 10, RANGE 2, W. 4th M. This. land lays in the Joseph- burg district, where other lands are selling for 25.00 per acre. This Quarter for quick sale at 10.00 per acre with only 300 cash and the balance m 9 equal annuals with 7 per cent. interest. THE NORTH EAST QUAR- TER OF SECTION 2 , TOWN. SHIP 10, RANGE 2, W. 4th M. Tis land is in a very thickly settled district to the south of Irvine and worth double the money asked, 10.00 per acre, with 300 cash and the balance in 9 equal annual payments with 7 per cent. interest, H. 8. NEWBY, The Farm Land Man for South Eastern Alberta, IRVINE, ALBERTA. Se 19-wt, MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 812 Fourth Are, (opposite Dreamland Theatre.) Beg to announce that they have com- pleted arrangements for carrying on the business of Livery Keepers and that? Away TI propose, continued the other, in a General Feed Stables, Single and double outfits of all descriptions for triumphant voice, to graft the house-fly it-all. on to the hen Can- Judge You are eharged with intoxica- tion. What is your name? sale or hire. The Company undertake all descrip- tfons of express delivery by horse or automobile. Enquiries solicited by day or night. Phone 763. Electric Restorer for Men DOORS, sas Yuill Street, easonable DRAYING ada cannot afford to allow ny section of liable 84 Toronto Street. Bi the community, West or to remain i reason of a just grievance. pecial ignificant sen- tence in the chief s great spe , alluding to the action of the Laurier government ity establishing and increasing the Britishpre C7 your liquor? The 'Judge Hm-m-m The culprit Roderick MeTayish Gregor. Me- restores every nerve in the bode Phosphonol tosiores ra? recypn the body Hem nad vitality, Prematare St ope, Eeeephomel wil rot Ka tioO B88 Box oc to for oe BE, 100; Ont When you duiid;. conatder QUALITY first, Don't be per- funded to buy GHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the Very best. We have it, and ey- erything the Bullder requires: A select stock. or LUMBER, HH, PIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATE SPLIT CEDAR Posrs, wiL- LOW Posts BEAVER BOARD DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : H. B. CURTIS CitySaleStables Heary Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING, Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR Phone 569. Box 804, CROSSLEY BROS, Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. Houses for Sale. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 868, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO 8T. Heary Teaming. Sand, Coal Graved Excavating 2 Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses fer sale at Times, All F.S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand fer Sale, Phone No. 415. P. 0. Box 81. ee ea T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC, Latest samples n Wall Paper, 120 Elghth Ave. . Phone 690,
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Image 649 (1912-10-10), from microfilm reel 649, (CU1772883). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.