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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SRAPHIC SERVICE Seeeeeeseeees Soegeers 2 Glasgow House CHILDREN S COATS REDUCED PRICES We have a number of heavy warm Coats left 4 in our Misses and SPEOLAT, CLEARING PRICE ev en s this season s styles, All Winter Coats To Go. a BP. The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers LS C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. R tectl e Juue 2nd, 1912, a Arrive. Leave, 1 26.20 2045 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver 2 4.05 8.80 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Moutreal, a 1115 11,85 Vancouver. Exp. Toronto to. Van 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor. 1m 21.60 22.15 St Paul-Seattle Express, 4 4.00 420 Seattle-St, Paul Express. 61 21.26 21.69 Prairie Exp, Winnipeg to Calgary. 62 525 6.60 Prairie Exp. Calgary to Winnipeg. 514-517 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landing, 512-619 19.00 Local trom Cranbrook. 516 23.00 Local from Calgary. 618-611 10.30 Local for Cranbrook, 520-513 28.00 Express for Kootenay Landing, 515 6.30 Local for Calgary. a 280 240 Sov, Ltd, St. Paul-Port. aa 9.40 9.60 Soo, Ltd., Port.-St. Paul, Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat Passing time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Nat Dews Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawiul evening ai Its office, Main Streou. Wedicine Hat, Alta, 4. J. N. TERBILL, B ttor, PUONE: HONE: Editorial, ay Reportorhel, and lt;B gt; Ctreulation rf News Dept Job Depts. 7 RING s RIAG 1Q DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-as, delivered. .. 4.00 months, d-livered,.3200 months, by mal 8 months, delivered.. 100 3 months, by mall. ..16e 1 month, delivered....25 Addresses changed as ottea as desired, bat beta usw aid Old ad resser net b given, WEEKLY NEWS. Publishec every Thursday tn txteen or more pages, and 3 year by mail. 33.00 a, SSS ee HAVE THE CLOSEST, BEST AND CHEAP. EST ACREAGE PROPOSITION ON THE MARKET. -aeres of the south-west Quarter of 35, Township Range 6, at 700.00 per acre. Easy tetms. This ee is right next to Riverdale, whieh is selling at from 200.00 to 250.00 per lot. See us if you want to make a big pile quickly. We want your Listings. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA STATEMENT 16 THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT SHOWING CONDITION OF THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ON SEPTEMBER, 30th, 1912. Imperial Bank of Ganada Capital Paid Up .. . . 8,460,000 Reserve Fund z 8,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. R. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. Soeetedtedeate BLIGE AGENT unknown course, we would point out that contains a eummsy of the aews of the week. local aud district 6 months, tr advance 7s 3 months, in advance. .50e Year fm advituce.... 1.50 Friday, October 25th., 1912. WHY GIVE AWAY ANY? AT the present time there is no privately- owned street railway system in any city in Alberta. This is the clearest indi- ation of the force with which sentiment has swung in recent times toward the goal of publie ownership of all public utilities. If Medicine Hat decides to hand its streets over to a private corporation it will pro- ceed in a direction diametrically ' opposite to that advised by the combined sentiment of all Alberta cities. - If the plan of public ownership has so many advantages that ail our sister cities have installed their own systems of street railways, why should we aviod it? Has it no benefits for us? Should we not be glad that in deciding this por- tentous question we have such a large vol- ume of civic sentiment as is represented in the Albertan cities to guide us? According to the proposed agreement the city is to collect five per cent. of the company s gross receipts during the last fifteen years of the life-efthe franchise. Tf the company agrees to pay this percent- age it indicates that it anticipates a profit on its investment large enough to afford the city this slice and also to yield the shareholders sufficient returns on their stock to make the venture attractive. Now, if financial experts, after.thorough- ly investigating the present and shrewdly estimating the future of this city, have de- cided that a street railway will yield a higher return than the sum representing five per cent. of the gross receipts of the system, why should the citizens wish to content themselves with the five per cent? Would it not be more farsighted to arrange the system so that the city will collect both the five per cent. and the- dther profit which, under the proposed agreement, would go to the shareholders of the com- pany? Why should not the largest possible amount be gathered in so that'a greater sum might be devoted to providing other civie conyeniences in which every citizen might benefit directly? 1 se NOT AN UNKNOWN PATH. IF any citizen fears that in attempting to operate its own street railway system Medicine Hat will be essaying to follow an publie ownership in this country long ago passed the experimental stage. Tf it were still only an experiment we woyld not see city after city beeoming converted. It is so little of an experiment that those gitics which follow the plan would not forsake it Established 1864, A goneral Banking Business Transacted. W. 0. JOY, Managee 2 tt i *PHON THE MERCHANTS BANK - THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. 180 Branches in Cannda. Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. 0th. 1911) over 91,000,000. Special attention to Savings Accounts, t Medicine Hat Branch Tasker 6 Transfer ,Co. apid LIGHT, HEAVY easonable MING liable 364 ito Street. under any inducement. They ean, and do, look with pity on other cities which are still battling with xetrogressive private cerporations. If Medi ine Hat applies the principle to its street railway it will have the clear noon-day light of many cities ex- perience to go bi eS ee ABSOLUTELY FALSE. MAYOR Hateh, of 1 I , of Lethbridge, was amazed on, Wed y to learn that one of Medicine Hat's aldermen had-made a. state- ment to the effect that Lethbpidge s atrect railway f and that an agent was now-in the king to dispose of the plant, Tiemnayor did not stop to pick and choosehis t tms in brand- ing the or as absoliti Hel stated: further that sh of the Will be glad to hear that Medicine Hat has this franchise th elves. Just whepe Ald. Brown got his informa- tion is not Khown, but it certainly was a most .wrepfehensible act to spread a state- ment of this nature and. it is to be hoped that he will lose no time in writing to Mayor Hateh and tendering his apology. Aside from the harm which such a state- ment might work our sister city, there is another very serious aspect to the ease, The ws would like to know if this-is the char- r of the campaign which is to be expect- ed from the private ownership partizans? If they have to fall back on arguments based on false suppositions, their cause is already a lost one, But why use such methods? The ratepayers want to be in- formed of the facts of the ease and to judge it on its merits, Any attempt to warp their judgment by a misstatemnet of fact will be resented by every intelligent voter: Sey ea LONG AND COSTLY STRUGGLES. THE Winnipeg Telegram makes the fol- lowing remarks anent Medicine Hat s street railway franchise: The ratepayers of Medicine Hat will next month vote on a proposition to permit a private company to construct a street trailway system under a long-term fran- chise, They are being urged to permit this valuable public asset to slip into the control of a private corporation. Certain induce- ments of immediate advantage are being held out, All other street railway systems in Al- berta are municipally owned. Medicine Hat now owns and controls its natural gas, electric lighting and power and water works plants. The city has a population of 10,000 and is growing rapidly. It is a community of public enterprise. So much more the wonder, therefore, that any. considerable numbers of its people should give ear to a proposal to surrender so valuable a fran- chise as that. of a street railway. Tf the people of the growing Alberta town are wise they will refuse the proffer. The history of privately owned street rail- ways. is usually the history of long strug- gles to secure for the public the rights sur- rendered with the granting of franchises for immediate advantage. Medicine Hat should not mortgage its future in any such manner. The Telegram is advised that an agree- ment is now being prepared between the city and corporation for submission to the voters-for their ratification. Friends of municipal public: ownership everywhere declined a proposition, a ceptance of which might give rise to life-long regret. eee gy es THE growth of Medicine Hat during the next few years will demand methods of plasticity in the creation of an adequate street railway system of the highest effi- ciency. The street railway may be made of incalculable force in accelerating the ex- pansion of the city. Why allow a private corporation, swayed by motives of gain, come between the people and their desires? VANCOUVER Proyince: The police cen- sus of Medicine Hat has not arrested. its growth, which shows an increase of 6000 within the past twelve months. Having natural gas to burn-the Hat believes in let- ting its light shine. Se hpeaRiee sh ya SE SOMEBODY has blundered and bhindered badly, as the result of which Medicine Hat has no display amongst the many and varied exhibits of the Dry Farming Con- gress. It is humiliating to sce the fine dis- plays made, by such places as Swift Cur- rent, Maple Creek, Winnifrid, Bow Island, Taber, etc:, and to realize the great oppor- tunity for advertising which Medicine Hat has passed up. ea a geet eae THIS has been the greatest fall for game that the west has known in years. The bags of chicken and duck which are being taken daily in this district are something amazing. 2 eh ae SEE yeni aa CONGRATULATIONS TO: Mrs. Annie Besant, the famous world leader of th Theosophists, 65 years old today. Earl of Mansfield, 48 years old today. Sir Albert J. Durston, for many years engineer-in-chief of the British navy, 66 ears old today. * Willian H. Moore, who has been called the originator of the modern plan of indus- trial combinations, 64 years old today. CURBS epics nie THIS DATE IN HISTORY. of gland, -with about 15- Henry V. of England, with abou pe 9,000 men, defeated about 60,000 French at Agincourt. 1810 George TI. of England completed the fifticth year of his reign. 1836 Luxor obelisk erected in Paris. 1854 Forty-seven persons killed in a col- lision on the Great Western Railway of Canada, between Chatham and Detroit. block. lhe Rec sucha course need f p80 firmly are the pit- izens con the Wisdom of operating 1900 Great Britain formally annexed the Transvaal. Oct 17th, 1912, It s a Good Joke on your friends to have them figuring out how you can be 20 Well dresed, but it's not hard to figure if you'll consider us in making your appearance pre- fentable, Gur cleaning and Pressing work adds dollars to your savings and days to the wear of your garments. Ian't it worth considering on those grounds, THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING 00. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave, TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC. COAL COAL Smokeless Domestic, Engine and Blacksmith s Coal. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade. 8. TAYLOR CO. Room. 17 Becker Block. P.O. Box 813. REAL ESTATE Oakes, Everard Co. 265 1-2 Main St. Phone 556, Real Estate Agents for Royal Insurance Life. Dept. NORTH XYUILL Lots 8, 9, bik. 11, 1,550, terms: POWELL Lots 20, 21, 25, 26, 55, bik. 3; lot 50, bik. 2, 1,500, half cash. HILL Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, bik. 28, 1850; 1-8, 6, 12. AND SO IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO- CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas Gity Vacuum Cleaning Co. Phone 707 O.1i-1m J, C, LARSON, Manager. E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist especie g of Physicians Pre- 8 specialty. 204 South Rv. St. Phone 75- Steam Laundry Modern and sanitary in every Tespect and the machinery is the best that money can buy, All white help employed. PHONE No. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will call for - and return the goods. GER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 81 North Railway Street. P.O, Box 184, a Phone 486. MEDICINE HAT GENERAL HOSPITAL TENDERS INVITED. Tenders are invited by the Medi: cine Hat General Hospital for the purchase of land for a Hospital site, amount required not less than off Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary by. noon of the 28th inst. R, M. NAPIER, Fall is Here FOR SMUT 50c... Quart 25c... Pint DON T PAY MORE . Pingle s Dpu Book Store a a Wear Made Ti Order Shirts MADE BY, F. SASTIMO Room 3, News Block, We guai antec satisfaction with ever Shirt. We carry all the now est and up-to-date styles an patterns. A trial order is a weask, Prices 1.25 6.50. ROOM 3, NEWS BLOCK 88-tt GOP Peer eeitet R. B. Taylor's Transfe1 Light and Heary Draying. Prompt. Attentio order Plano Moving vith Plane Ye a Speciality, - : Parcels Delirerea. ONE NA, 349, H. B. CURTIS CitySaleStabk Heavy Teams, Drivers, Sad Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYI Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIET Phone 569, Box 864 CROSSLEY BROS Builders. Contractors 729 Lockwood St. Houses for Sale. OFFICR PHONE STABLE PHO NO. 868, 2 73 THE J. S. FOLLI Contracting Co, 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gra Excavating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses for sale All Times, F. S. LYO CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Street, Phone No, : P. 0. Box Bi. House Move SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. 41J.J: LAI - 216 MONTREAL STREET *Phone 260. T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC, Latest samples In Wall Paper, 120 Eighth Ave. Phone 690,
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Image 757 (1912-10-25), from microfilm reel 757, (CU1772872). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.