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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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PERRY'S VIEW Endeavor the market one most expensive, s for Medicine Hat mass of men who at gets the money) - RK ittle investment in wealth, The path eamships, Now. ARCHITECT. Has Opened an Office e Becker Block. ime, A.RIB.A., who re- ed in Medicine Hat, has es at Room 22, Becker . Bourne is a methber of stitute of British -Archi- fore leaving for Canada i for himself in the Oi thirteen years. Located of Darlington during the of his career, Mr. Bourne tect for numerous hand- etentious buildings, in- ries, schools, hotels, rail and many beautiful res . Bourne stopped for a e Calgary but was pre- to come to this city, ater amount of buildiag ve than In any other part News delivered in the mth. LKS sire to purchase cefleiehbetettinds AT NEWS DAILY EDITION W. A. P, AND GC, A. Py - TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA; CANADA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1912 PRICE, FIVE. CENTS Have Taken Outlying Forts and Set Fire to Part of Town, Despatches Say. -TWHKS RETREAT (Pac Battle of Kumanova Was Fiercely Fought Turk- ey s Losses Estimated at 5000. Killed and Wounded ( . A. P. Gable) Sofia, Belgrade, Oct. 26. A portion of the town of Adrianople has been fet on fire by the Bulgarians, ap- cording to private despatches recety- ed heye. The Bulgarian troops: have taken the outlying forts of Maras, Havaras and Sufiliar, lying to the northwest of the city, and aleo have lt;eapiured a railroad station on the extreme outskirts of the town, Bight- ANOTHER BIG DEAL Messrs? M. 0 Hara and George Andrews have. just closed a deal whereby they acquire the property . belonging to Mrs. Hodder, on the south west cor- ner of Fourth Are. and the Es- planade. It hing a frontage on the Avenue of 112 feet and on the Esplanade of 150 feet. The price. pald, it is understood, 1s im the neighborhood of 80,000, corner is undoubtedly one NO BOARD FOR C.P.R. EMPLOYEES Department of Labor - Will: for Freight) Workers. MEN WiLL APPLY: AGAIN Will Not Accept Ruling as. Final Note Sent to: the President. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Ottawa, Oct. 26 The Department: of Labor has refused to grant a board of conciliation between the C. P. R. Co, and the Brotherhood of Railway Eniployees, which ineludes ,000 men in the serviceof the rafl- way, A communication tothe effect has been sent President Mosher of, the Brotherhood by the Minister. This decision, the representatives of the men state, will not be accepted as final, and further representations will be made to the Departments. The company has so far refused to treat: the men as a union, A further conference with tho Min- Aster-of Labor-took- place this-morn-) img but he afterwards declined to - take any statements. 5 Deputy Minister F, A. Ackland stated however, that there had been to change in the situation. .The de partuient is still adhering to its de- termination not to appoint a board. 'The department declines to give its reasons for not appointing a board. It is understood, however, that 80 mans sitway service are included in the Brotherhood of Rail- way Employees that the Department claims that it would take more than a year for the board to. conduct an inquiry and plan its report. Soe ee APPOINTNENT 18 MADE (W. A. P. Despatch) Ottawa, Oct.-26. Hon: F- W. G, Haultain will: be.the new chief justice in the Su- preme Court of, Saskatch- ewan succeeding Chief Jus- tice Wetmore. It is under- stood that the order-in-coun cil was passed yesterday au- theorizing this appointment + + on Adrianople Ij the artillery, to which the Turkish Not Appoint Arbitrators three squadrons of Turkish cavalry. een hundred prisoners have fallen in- to- their-hande - The 860 prisoners who arrived here yesterday from Mustapha Pasha, were captured-in some of the small- er towns. taken by the Bulgarians. No Officers Among Prisoners. The eritire absenco of Turkish of- ficers among the prisoners captured at Kirk Kilisseh is much commented on as the first reports said the whole garrison had been taken, The Bulgarian army s reported to be advancing along the whole front and a despatch to th Government or- gan says the Turks ate retreating in panic while the clvilian-population in fleeing towards Constantinople. The village of Kotchayl was captur- fed by the Bulgarians yesterday after Severe fighting at. the point of the bayonet. . Fought in Drlssling Rain. London, Oct. 26. The Turkish troops were the first to take the of- fensive in the battle which ended by the fall of the town of Kumanova in- to the hands of the Servian troops. and opened up the way for their fur- ther advance on the stronghold of Uskup. The Servian legation in London has received an official ac- count of the fighting, from which it appears that during a drizzling rain Turkish troops advanced to the Ser- vian position five miles from Kum- anova. Turkish Attack Turned. As soon as they came into touch with the Servian outposts heavy fight- ing began and lasted throughout the afternoon. Both armies suffered severely but the Servians succeeded jn staying the Turkish onslaught. The battle was resumed at one o'clock on Thursday morning. The Servians this time took the offensive and: attacked the Turkish troops, who. liad entrenched themselves, Infantry. Exposed to Fire. After an duel, a general at- jtack was ordered by. the Servian com- mander at six o'clock. under cover of field guns replied vigorously. The ground over which the Servian troops had to advance was open and the iufantrymen were exposed to.a sweep- ing fire. Nevertheless they stormed the Turkish trenches again and again until finallyat the point of the bay- net they drove out the Ottoman troops. x Three Squadrons Wiped Out, It took th Servians four hours to clear-the valley but itwas then found nec ssary, before . occupying Kumanova, to take the heights on the right bank of the river, to which the Turkish. troops had receded in aisorder. At one period during the fighting the Servian artillery annihilated /Th Purkish losses are sald to have numbered: 5,000 killed and wounded while twelve of thelr field guns were captured, The Servian casualities also were heavy. They lost many Officers, including two regimenta? commanders and several. datallion commanders, The Seryitin advance guard is now before Uskup, according to the re- ports. . Novi Bazar Taken, At the town of Novi Bazar, just to the north, there was also a brisk bat- tle. The town was taken. The Turks attempted to retake it but were epulsed and virtually annihilated. Parls, Oct. 26 The Matin says that news has been received in Paris from Constantinople through an In- direct but reliable source to the effect that on Friday morning the Bulgar- ans routed the Turkish forces mass- ed at Kavaly, between Sanbeli and Movakdire, and that according to the ost the Parks 1,300 men killed. wn Koplik Falls, London, Oct. 26 The Mentenegrin army under Gen, Martinovitch has occupied Koplik Sasarakes, from which position its artitery can be trained on the north of the Turkish town Of Scutari, to official Teports received by he M erint consul-general here. ee The other Montenegrin army com manded : by Gen. Vukotitch, has de feated 9, force of Turkish irreguiars who.were ontrenched at Rogdva, on deavoring to prevent the advance of the Moutenegrins to. Ipek. The Turkish forces were put to flight and abandoned two field guns and some ammunition and baggage. Gen. Vuk- Closing In on Adrianople. and will be signed by the Governor-General today. be oho be afe ole oho oke ole eke obs ole ofe ole fe of of ohh fete obo obey he oe ooh fe she oh he sete e * * * a + + * + + * Constantinople, Oct. 26 Strong columns: of Bulgarian troops have been observed in front of the north- erm and western defences of Adrian lt; lt;tting at 1050.00. H. C. Pettet Co.. 368 Toronto Street. Continued on page sevci and heavy fog on Wednesday, the , week in December. notice, however, will act as a. stay and t is:mot impossible that it may Jead on for several years before the fight of the convicted police officer ig decided. SUMMARY. REVERGE Gen. Diaz Will Probably be tial of Gen. Felix Diaz began at five o'clock yesterday evening and will end today with the execution of Lime and Migoni, two of his officers. It is probable also that Gen. Diaz will be shot at the same, time. The re- maining officers of. the Diaz revolt prisonment. ASK HIGHER DUTY Big Industries Tell Minis- of the various big steel Industries of Turkish headquarters staf, he Canada waited. evan the attatr White, Minister of Finance, yester- day, and presented a lengthy factum setting forth in detail reasons why the tariff on iron and steel should be increased so as to afford more) adequate protection to Canadian com- panies, Their main contention was the United States. Steel Corporation, with the freedom it enjoys, its vast resources for manufacturing and oth- er advantages, is enabled to dump. Stee rails and rolling stock Canada at a lower price than the ac- tual cost of production, thereby sell- ing. under the companies of Canada, who cannot meet such competition. They further contend that protection given the tec industry of the Do- minfon, which amounts from 7 to 10 Per cent., is far below, the general otitch 18 now advancing upon Ipek. tarift schedule and contrary Spirit-and intention of national policy FOR NEW COLLEGE BUELDING (Beciai to the News) nefatone dp the New S lenoo Hall, whith is (8 house the physical, bio- logfeal and other Inboratories of the Rhode Island State College) was laid) today with . interesting eeremonies. Former: Governor Charles gt; D. Kim- ball presided and a number of other: ublid Officials and educators partic- tated, 3 : NEW SASKATOON COMPANY (W.;A. PL Dispateh) Ottawa, Oct The Dominion and Western. Agency, Ltd.,. of Saskatoon, has been incorporated with a capital- lation of ' 200,000, The provincial directors ate Robert M. Buchanan, FP. T. Fair, Jas. E. Vogan, FT. Hill and W H. Hil BECKER CASE MAY . DRAG FOR YEARS Counsel Will Immediately File Notice of Ap) Against Murder Verdict. SENTENCE ON WEDNESDAY Former New York Police Lieutenant is Resolute Though Convicted. (W. AP, Despatch) New York, Oct. 26 Former Police Lieut. Chas. Becker spent his hours of: confinement in the Tombs yester- day planning his fight to annul the verdict: of the jury which convicted) him of the murder of the gambler, Rosenthal. He has lost none of the fron nerve which bore him through the trying ordeal of hearing himself condemned as guilty. If bis appear- ance and every action count for any- thing Ke awoke refreshed from a sotind sleep and te a hearty break+ fast, and then conferred with his chiet attorney, John Fy McIntyre, The two talked for more than an hour and later McIntyre announced that imme- late notice of ppesl of a would be fled. Becker, Who ie due to be sentenced next Wednesday, would, if the usual proceedings were followed, take his seat in the electric chair the fi The tiling:of the ON REBEL LEADERS Shot With Two Officers Others to Prison. (QW. A. P, Dispatch) Vera Cruz, Oct. 26 The court mar- in Mexico will serve sentences of im- eet ar DN TRON MATERIAL ter of Finance that Unit- ed States Dumps Here: Ottawa, Oct. 26. Representatives upon Hon. W. T. into to the 50 feet near Ogilvie A SNAP. Lots across the street Ils 600.00. Oct. 26- The cor , TRAIN -WRECKED IN Express From Detroit was ific Express No. 634, from Detroit, Was wrecked in the terminal yards yesterday afternoon by running into an open switch. The passenger en- sine rammed a iight engine standing on 4 siding. The train was travel- hurt badly enough to need medical MANY HAPPY RETURNS ARTADR L. SIFTON, ALBERTA'S PREMIER, Fifty-four years old today. ALASKA VOLCANO IS. ACTIVE Cordova, Alas, Oct. 26. The Kat- mai volcano, which caused great last June, is said to be in vio eruption again, the Commander of ship Bora having reported by less that he fs off Whale Island and. is unable to proceed any further west ward on the voyage to Barbor be- cause of darkness caused by falling volcanic ashes. BIG FIRE IN CHICAGO, CW. A. P, Dispateh) Independent Packing Compafiy, which occupied a five-storey building, 150 South Halstead Street, Just outside the stockyards, was practically de- stroyed by fire early today. The loss 1s about 100,000, SUSPECT MAN OF DESIGNS ON TEDBY Oyster Bay and Tries to) CRANKS ARE STIRRED UP Colonel Will be Able to Speak in New York Wen- nesday. CW. A. P. Dispatep. gt; Oyster Bay, Oct. 26. On account of number of threatening letters re DEFIANCE 10 PRIVY CONGCIL city of oronie Will Pull Up Company s as They are Planted. BSN eae iallon. gt; Toronto, Oct.26. The city of To- ronto will defy a decibion of the Privy Council. Poles Planted by the Toronto: and Niagara Power Com: pany a-Sir William MacKenzie con- cern, :withiouticlvic consent, gre to be pulled up a6 (auickly as. they are dropped into-the post holes. The. Board of Controt so decided yesterday after a private. conference with Corporati 1 Geary, and Works. Com Harris. The Privy, Council's decision is that the poles can be placed without civic con- sent. The controllers: will take this action with thc intention. of carrying thelr case to the Borden Government In the hope of obtaining an amend- ment 0 the law so that the elty niay control its own streets. YARDS AT TORONTO Running Slowly Only Nine Required Doctors. CW. ALP. Dispatch) Toronto, Oct. 26. The Canadian Pi ing at alow speed or the loss of life would probably have been large: The list of injured, compiled by the G, P. R., shows nine passengers attention. Several others were slightly bruised or shaken up, but Teft before the official could learn their names. OUR PROSPEROUS FARMERS The winning of the first prize for Red Fife Wheat at the Dry Farming Congress by Jos. A. Johnston, in competition again- st the world, should attract no Ittle attention to the Medicine Hat district. Prospective in- vestors In our farm lands can obtain. - additional xatfsfactory evidence concerning the pros perity of. our agricalty) by enquiry of the implemen ufacturers, The News fly Informed that the payments . on implements sold in this por- tion of the Province are more promptly made. than ments mean prosperous farm: ers and the signifieance-is very apparent, this institution AN ENTHUSIASTIC BOOSTER The Calgary Albertam ways: Medicine Hat has an enthns- jastic booster in the Hon. C, R. Mitchell, Commissioner of Pub- Me Works for Alberta, and by Virtue of his office, acting pre- wier of the Province during the absence of. Premler Sifton, han gone to Europe. At Calgaty yesterday n lt; Spokane- where be and Mitchell will spend a brief Whe- ation, sa: (Medicine Hat Js the busiest town in the province, compara- tively ig. It now has a poptlation of 11,500 people, just double the number of ins habitants it. had when the Do- minion cendus was taken a year and one-half ago. Itrnow has one big flour mill in operation, one under construction, and two more will be erected short- ly. The Canadian Northern railroad has already. eomplet- ed its survey and the road ts guaranteed. The tributary country fs being rapidly deyel- oped, with. the completion of the C. N. BR Medicine Hat will have another line to. Ed- monton. It Is destined to be a Prosperous clty f mo mean size. Acting Premier Mitchell sta- ted that considerable road buflding . was in progress throughout the Province, es- pecially in the Peace River country, He added that set- tlers are rapidly pouring into Athabasca Landing, the princi- Dal gateway to the Peace River tract and that the country is belng rapidly settled up, - FIRST POLISH-AMERICAN COL- LEGE. Cambridge, Springs, Pai, Oct. 26 With President Taft as the guest of honor, the Polish National Alliance College, the first institution to be es- tablished wholly for the education of the Polish youth in America, was for- mally dedicated here today with in- teresting ceremonies. The dedication was made the occasion for a great, demonstration of the Polish National Alliance, which has established the e lyed by Col. Theodore Roosevelt and the presence life. of the ex-president. Col. Roosevelt speaking. amore Hill. door by the Colonel's insisted that he must see the Col- onel, but wag told no visitors were received, Finally the secretary per- suaded him that dt was useless and he went away. lt; gt; he stranger retired to the village Gol. Roosevelt. No, trace of him could be found in Oyster Bay last night. The attempt on the Colonel's in Oyster Bay of a) stranger who attempted yesterday to make his way into the Colonel's house, steps were taken-to guard the continued to im- Drove, according to his physicians, who said he would be able to speak at the Madison Square Gardens: on Wednesday, if no unforseen compli- cations arose. But th y said that he: would be unable. to do any further + Chicago, Oct. 26. The plant of the Gath: feet square, at West 4ist Street and DE eee aving of the After Judge Winchester and the for apetton of detectives, Walter: D was Mr. Atlas eat Ub cla of (e menting which was attended. by about two hundred people, nj rei passed . anan who* attempted fo: shoot welt artived in OyBter Bay the yesterday and set out on fost for Sag-1 tq give him the He was met at . the) BY AN ANARCHIST nd wrote along rambling letter tol Russian Crown Prince s Hl- ness May be Due to As-' sault on Yacht. life was said by: Dr. Geo. W. Fuller, of Oyster Bay, one of the Colonel s physicians, to have stirred eranks , and to be responsible for the letters which: the Colonel had res ceived. In some of them threats have been made against Col. Rooes -velt.and it was decided that the dan- ger of another attempt to assassinate him was sufficient to make it neces- sary to guard him. A Thanksgiving seryiee will be held in the Presbyterian: ehurch Sunday evening. Subject: 4A Wavored Na- tion. Special Thanksgiving Service Mrs. Evans. A lecture will be given ight at 8 p. m. on California. by the choir, under the leadership of tn the Presbyterian church Monday up) cause he considered himself morally (C. ALP. CAbIE) gt; London, Oct. 26. The Daily Mail Paris correspondent says: he is in- formed *hat the illness of the Rus- sian Crown Prince is dugtd an an - archistic attempt while he was bn board the Imperial, yacht Standard, ; and that-Admiral Chagy, commander: of the yacht; committed suicide be responsible for the occurrence. Tuesday evening, Oct. 20th, at 6 o'clock, a car party will be given by the young Indies of St. Patrick's Chureh, in the mew school, corner of Balmoral St. afd East Adlowanes. All-who attend: will be +assured-a . very, pleasant evening. 90-4 spectors, college and undertaken ts mainten- ance. Large delegations represent- ing the local branches of the Alliance in Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsl Boston,St. Louis, Toledo, South Bend and numerous other cities attended the ceremonies. F Polish literature) gad. history. tor be a opliege tor ingmen from-Al States a init higher edu: it Fand which coat Of less than for . tuk board and r om. gens : The. main building of the new col- lege was formerly an immense sume mer hotel, which was purchased by the Polish Organization for 250,000. The inetttution-is to be conducted first clasa Ameri- v * ferition wih be given to the exception that ons of Work- the United Le furnished Jat al gecommeng Winnipeg. be sent on to the his. associates at Montreal cepfance, wal. Ald. is McClellan presented committee bad mn, accountsette Committee Going to Winnipeg. to Give Railway Agreement * The Finishing Touches Will Meet Peg s Solicitor, Mr. Hunt, and then Send it On to Montreal Meter Readers tobe Water In- Ald. Brown, Ald. Pratt and City So- superintendent to er bt a small shed Neltor Mahaffy. will go to Winalpeg 2d. drinking fountain fon Tuesday t6 mmect City Solicitor PFOPOse to have the hay market, on Hunt of Winnipeg, to go over the, Street railway agreement.. Mr. M - Noy. 11 for the final passing of the hafty 1s redrafting some of the claus- voters list for 1912, , as suggested by James Muir, K. ., and they will take the redrafted ing the Finlay bridge was discumsed. Sopy of the agreement with them to The Engineer stated that it would where they First Avenue The Court of Revision will sit on The matter of paving or replank- s00n Be necessary to do something. After Mr. Hunt and the committee As the plans are to carry the water get through with the agreement, and to the other alde of the river over changes which they suggest are the bridge, if possible. the matter was made, the agreement will Immediately referred over to the committee to Max Aitkin and deal with and report to the council, for ac- It will then come back to partment may. be relieved of thelr Mie city council for thelr final appro- duty of making out the gas bills and The meter readers of the Gas De- put in their spare time inspecting the re- the water connections of the houses: port of the Parks and Market Com- Treasurer Pointer made the recom- mittee, which recomm nded that the mendation to the. council Jast night. Would notup l matter of a public lavatory be left The Mayor thought it a geod idea as in gyer till next springs. Tho-report also did the other members of th counci , the payitie three band who. spoke, and the matter was. re. that the/ ferred to the Gay an4 Water, fi seittes
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Image 767 (1912-10-26), from microfilm reel 767, (CU1772869). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.