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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ince. hs Bae started to o years before t Pellets are for Iver tits. RE CO. and whereby they 400 Piano. ES made at st number of piano. given Con- nown to the game should nber. cE. RIMMER SMITH Real Estate Agents. Phone 478. WE HAV SOME SPECIAL BUYS IN REDOLIFP, HAVING SOLD THIS PRO- PERTY 12 MONTHS AGO. SUNNYSIDE ALL SOLD IN 3 WEEKS EXCEPT 22 ACRES. If You Have Anything to Sell ae List With Us. THREE NIGHTS, COMMENCING . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 CORBIN The Human Dynamo, the Electrical Hypnotist, in his Wonderful Mystifying, Scientific Productions. Reserved Seats, 1.00. General Admission, 50c. : Plan at Pingle s Drug Store. Have Enquiries for the Following: 8 Blocks in Bending for an Eastern Client. Harrisville for Winnipeg client. 2 Blocks in Hughes for Chicago client. 5 Blocks in Grandview for English client. Give us your listings of Acreage and Blocks. T Te Wetene Hol Rel Ese Eetog Phone 813. 87-2 Room 8, Imperial Bank Bldg. OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, Oct. 23rd AUSPICES Pian open at Souch s, Drng- gist, Saturday, Oct. 19: New Scale-Williams Piano used. XAVER SCHARWETKA, Famous Composer-Planist. CANADIAN PACIFIC IRAILWAY SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CARS IN CONNECTION WITH TRANS-ATLANTIC SATLINGS. FROM MEDICINE HAT. Time. Destination, Steamer. Sailing. 20.25k. Quebec. Emprees of Ireland. Nov. 1. 20.25k. Montreal. *Victorian, - Nov. 6. Empress of Britain. Empress of Britain. Nov. 15. Tunisian. 4.20k,, Montreal. Virginian. 420k. St. Joun. Empress of Ireland. Corsican. For Sleeping Car and Steamship Reservations, and Tickets, call on or write Date. Cct. 28. Nov. 3. Train, No, 4. No. 4. Nov. 11 No.4, 20.25k, Quebec Nov. 17, No. 14. Nov. 25, No. 14. Nov. 21, Nov. 29. L. A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent, ha Medieine Hat, Alta. E.G, MeNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. ENov.20 Bostonians Will Will Ship 3,000 Head if the Government Improves Trail at Beaver River. Stewart, Oct. 21. Providing the oad department would assist in clearing out and widen the presert trail from a point mile up river to two months of the country lying between the south end of Maziadin lake and Fiat. river, a tributary ot White river. His associates have purchmaped twenty gections of Iand from the government, which will be mirveyed early in January, by the Victoria firm of Gray and Milligan. LAND ADAPTABLE. In my opinion. the land is well adapted for a sheep ranch. There are: a number of hay meadows, plenty of shelter and. water and throughout the timber stretehes there is any amount of teed for sheop,'*-said Mr: Biggest Sheep Ranch in, B. C. Farisworth to...The8u2, I have approached the superintendent of roads and trails off ting to put on. an equal crew withthe government men if the department will widen out the existing, trails this fall so as to permit using if for pack animals. If this is done we will ebd in machin- ery, sypplies and figrses so as to break the ground, build houses, stables and sheds pd have every- thing in preparation for shipping in next spring at leawt?9,000 head of sheep. 10. BRIDGE RIVER. The improvement of this trail imp creek, river. In view of the fact that White river and ite branches. this route, if improved fof pack horses, would also save property owners at Teast 50 per cent, in survey charges over existing rates. If the govern- to: handle the subject. . The question MRS. FRED W. DOWNER, miich land is to be surveyed around) + ts ride0, Chairman Canadian Board of Control Farm Womens Congress. ment will give us this am prepared to br at my own concluded. assistance 1 of housing the institution caused no Nelson river delay, for the splendid buildings of the commercial high school had sur- Mc. Farpsworth dg one of tho Plus room and it is there the first the White German municipal university is now at work. The municipal high school ts man- aged by a curatorium, on which sit the Burgermeister, representative to -0f the Central Government, and oth- the trail put work may start the ground. er members, ationg whom must, be three town councillors, The minl- mum perlod of study is two terms, Students are accepted who have com- Reclaiming of Swampy Land Sounds Mosquitoes Death Knell school, or other institution of univer- Insects May Be Extermin- ated by Draining Salt Marshes Where They Hatch. Mosquitoes may some day be quot- ed in Wall street. Or perhaps advertised in the finan- cial columns, something like this: Snap Fine tract of mosquito land; big chance for the man with money. Jim Snapper, Biteville, N. J. For this insect pest has indirectly entered the realms of finance and be- come a source of wealth for certain pioneers who are in: on the ground floor, meaning, of course, the matshy ground floor, AS outcroppings indicate the pres- ence of gold, so do mosquitoes point the way to opportunity in reclaiming swamp land. Even now it is pre- dicted that because of the mosquito fruitful farms will before many, years take the place of much of the marshy waste along the Atlantic seaboard. Sefence And capital are working to- gether with that end in view. Doctor s Discovery. The discovery was made by the late Dr. John B. Smith, state entomolo- lgist of New Jersey, and Dr. Alvah H. Doty, of New York, that, while the stripelegged mosquitoes, of Selltci- tans, as they are known sctentifical ly, did their breding only in the salt mafshes, they winged their stinging way many miles. Continued study proved that th eggs of all. Sellicitans are laid only in the salt marshes along the ocean, and hatched only when constantly in water, If they are allowed to dry in the sun a few hours the life germ is killed. So. it become evident that to exterminate salt marsh mosquitoes the salt marsh must be draitied, and by doing this the mosquitoes would pay dividends: at their deaths through the reclama- tion of the land. At Staten Island. AS an experimental attempt Dr. Doty and Dr. Smith began their work on a strip of Staten Island ten miles runways, that drained the many pools of the salt marshes. Where the ground was too spongy for the heavy. machinery to. op rate men with spades opened the sluices. - Every 100 feet one of these ditches was made, As the water flowed out the investigators, following the trail, saw millions of mosquito eggs, either left where the sun would bake them or carried down with the outgrowing tides into the open sea. No More Mosquitoes. The work of draining that patch of Staten Island required several years. When it was finished the district was. free from mosquitoes. Then agricul- tural experts were called into coun- sel. They reported that the first thing to be done was to raise salt water hay, which grows freely in the swamp country, and which produces about two tons to the acre. The cost of draining was 10 an acra The price of the hay was about 20, mak- ing. a profit of 100 per cent on the first year. pi iuss After-that, the experts sald, c lery, asparagus, onions and other garden produce could be grown with profit. 'Truck farms now- occupy much of that strip of land. Swamps Reclaimed. As soon as the Staten Island ex- Dr. Martells FemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard. Prescribed and recommended for women's ailments, scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS stores. and permanent. For sale at all drow e.o.d-10m0. ens and summer resort property. vicinity of New York are now dite beginning, for withii 200 miles o New York there are 260,000 ueres of reclaimable marsh land. mosquitoes in a few years at a cost of about 4,000,000. year s crop of salt hay would cover their entire expense. fitable use, SOCIAL GNIVERSITY 1S GERMANY S: Institution Opened at Col. ogne for Teac Munic. ipal- Administration. of the Incompetent Ad ministrator. community organizations be perfect- ed and state ald given when money is needed, this immiense acreage could .be made free of water and Those who have sttiised the sub- Ject say that the profit from the first; Ater that the land could be put to even more pro- LATEST SCHEME) Aim is to Remedy the Evil pleted the ustal-mine-class courso-of study at a secondary school, oy who have passed the final examination of commercial or agricultural high sity rank. Municipal officials who have attained responsible position are periments began to show results the allowed to enter as students without North Shore Improvement Assocla- any special matriculation. But mainly; tion on Long Island started work and the high-sehoolis intended for young Kundreds of acres of similiar mos- quito-breeding swamps were reclaim- ed. Green Harbor, in Plymouth cour- tend entering the administration. ty, Mass, followed and-turned 1,200 Modern in Methods and Curriculum acres of salt marsh into truck gard- and others who have finished) iversity studies gad who in- The Municipal High School is en- tirely modern, both in its methods of Several other communities in the teaching and in its curriculum. The method of teaching is to supplement ing swamps and getting relief from lctures by wetting the students. to mosquitoes and profit through the Perform practical tasks, and to: show land reclaimed. Still, this 1s only a them actual) municipal and social Work in progress, Tours of nspec- tlon form part of the teaching, and Shoula ere are also seminaries of the German Univeraity kind, which en- sure independent work by the stu- dents. : 3 The: lecture programme comprises everything directly und indirectly connected. with municipal and social work, Among the subjects are muni- cipal economy, state, social policy, la- t r municipal law, taxation and debt, social insurance of all kinds, both law and practice, building, charity, hygiene and nutrition, care of chil- dren and statistics. All these sub- Jects are taught on the principle that the students shall use their own brains and initiative under the super- vision of men of practice. RCL No Kicks, Argonaut.: The other day a dairy - company s complaint clerk was called to the telephone. A woman's yolce was beard. This is Mrs. Mixin, sald she, I want to know if your cows are contented? Wha-a-at? asked the amazed com- - plaint clerk. She repeated her question. I see. that your rivals advertise that their Germany is constantly being exalt- COWS ate contented, sald she, I will ed by British pessimists for achteve- begin to take their. milk unless I am ments Which England ean better; but . 88ured that your cows are all. hap- when she does something which real- DY- Ter ly deserves copying her, her imitative e generally goes unnoticed, saya wri- NOld the phone a moment, Then he ter in the London Graphic. Such an) went away and gnawed a corner off The complaint clerk begged her to bor questions, housing and land ques- tions, school law and school practice, which this autumn will open a similar seat of learning. The alm of the High School for Municipal and Social Administration is to remedy the great evil of the in- competent local administrator, from initiative isthe new High School for Dis desk. When he got his voice: un- muniofpal and. social administration, 4 F control he returned to the phone. whick was Iately opened at Cologue. I've dust been looking up the books, The: Cologne Social University, as it M. he suid. and T am happy to) ig called, proving a great success; 87 that we have not received 8 com: and it is being copied by Mun ch, Pi int from a singie one of our cows. SALVIA is a Preparation That Will Grow Hair Abundantly. This is an age of new aiscoverics. which Germany suffers as much as T0 grow hair after It has -fatten out we do. The German professional to-day 4s a reality. Burgermeister and other municipal SALVIA; the Great Hair Tonic and officials who so often win British Dressing, wil positively create a dithyrambs do not always deserv them; and such of them aa are real- ly competent have usually gaine e new growth of hair. If 4you want to, have a beautiful a head of hair, tree from dandruff, use, their competence by slow experience. SALVIA once a day and watch the Until Jately there was no other way, results, and graduates who chose the muni- SALVIA is guaranteed to stop fall- cipal service as a career started in ing hair and restore the hair to its entire ignorance of the theory and/natural color. The greatest Hair science of local self-government, and Vigor known. also without the actual experience of business which often helps the equal. iy untrained British local adminis- trator. A Manieipal Enterprise, Yet every year municipal and 30- cial activity is growing in import. ance, and: in Germany :this work is absorbing the activiti s of some: o SALVIA 8 compounded by expert - chemists. Watch your hair if it is falling out. If you don t, you will sooner or lat- er be bald. SALVIA prevents baldness by fas- - tening the hair to th roots. Ladies will find SALVIA just the if hairirdssing they are looking for. It the sblest German statesmen, The makes the hair soft and fluffy and is new high school will put municipal work on a scientific basis, The jhigh school is a municipal-enterprise; Hav: ing been created by the city. The 1 ic the fine commerelal school, The commercial high in 1907 enlarged its curriculum by providing lectures onimunicipal prat- tice, Seeing how these were attend ed, the municipality *of Cologne re- not sticky. A large bottle 50. Sold Drug Store, Medicine Hat, roster, all in good tamd solved to start a special high school Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Notices Tax Reminders Receipt Books Letter Paper Envelopes, ete., etc. Mail Orders get prompt attention. THE NEWS MEDICINE HAT, - ALBERTA LOOK AT THIS RIGHT RIEF ROTHERLY This is, the Young People s Boctety-nt-the Methodist church: Held every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. WILL YOU COME? Our Motto: Look up, Lift up. SALESMAN WANTED Gi LUBRICATING OLS GREASE, PAINT, AND SPECIALTIES. WELL ADVERTISED. EIBERAL COMMISSIONS. Ltd. pans Winnipeg, Manitoba. C.E.B.U. tect. Municipal Enginer. Indusctrial Spur Railways, Street Grading. Irrigation. Subdivisions. Layout of Parks. Steel Constructions. 2 Mottos First-class Responsible Service . for Reasonable Prices. OFFICE: REDOLIFF, ALTA, RN 86-6 NEW MANHOOD The Dr. Metzger Vitalizer Body Battery is the greatest self-cnre for weakness and debility the: world Inland Oil Works Co. Civil Engineer and Landseape Archi Sewage, Water and Gas Supplics. has ever known. CANADIAN PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL DAY FARMING CONGRESS THANKSGIVING DAY Return limit, Oct. 80, 193 For tickets, apply to Agent. bode at R. , MeNefilie, Dist. Passenger Agent, 0.25. Calgat Light and Heary Proupt Attention to all orders. Piano Moving with Plano Van ; a Speciality. x Parcels: Delirerea. House Mover SAND FOR SALE General Feed double outfits of sale or ' The Cot or removed prepared, i8: extract from: No drugs, no Any medicine, mo dfet- ing, no unusual demands of. any sore; juBt cease aii dissipation and this Invention will do the work. It sends a stream of vital life Into your nerves, organs and blood during the time you are asleep. It also cures rheumatism, weak back, nervous- ness, stomack, liver and kidney: dls- orders, varicocele, and stops losses. Dr. Metzger Dry Goll Storage Battery is high-grade battery, requires no charging with vinegar or acids, is 300 per cent easoier applied. gives 400 per cent greater service, and is sold at a low price without added cost A. booklet with full particulars mailed free; sealed. for fancy books. THE METZGER VITALIZER BATTERY CO, Rohl Block, Cor. 7th Ave. and 3rd St, Bast. TuThSa Calgary, Alta. E. Bartlett. Munieipal Engineer, dent in the city f rent yoar to July and sontinuo who s otherwise buf whos name Yoter, or who: in error, or who omitted: from lla ing to the City the following fo * Take notice that 1 apply to the Coumeil: to ba name added to the: yoters as the case may be), for recat according 43 th tact) rounds accor Signature of Appellant. A us Name of Appellant. Signature of Agent, Notices served upon the City Clerk under the above clause shall be serv- gE i i el zi Doniinfon and Alberta-Land Surveyor, 04.0, OF. before the 25th: day. of Ge- Industrial Spur; Ratlways, Water Supplies, : Plans, tees: Hat
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Image 737 (1912-10-22), from microfilm reel 737, (CU1772868). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.